#!/usr/bin/python import os, sys, getpass from time import time, sleep import subprocess, shlex, multiprocessing from argparse import ArgumentParser from distutils.dir_util import mkpath def fail(msg): print(msg) sys.exit(-1) if getpass.getuser() != 'root': fail('Please run this program as root/with sudo') sys.path.append(os.path.join('automation', 'trex_control_plane', 'server')) if 'start-live' not in sys.argv: import CCustomLogger CCustomLogger.setup_daemon_logger('TRexServer', '/var/log/trex/trex_daemon_server.log') import trex_server try: from termstyle import termstyle except ImportError: import termstyle def run_command(command, timeout = 10): commmand = 'timeout %s %s' % (timeout, command) proc = subprocess.Popen(shlex.split(command), stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd = os.getcwd()) stdout, stderr = proc.communicate() return (proc.returncode, stdout.decode(errors = 'replace'), stderr.decode(errors = 'replace')) def get_daemon_pid(): return_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('netstat -tlnp') if return_code: fail('Failed to determine which program holds port %s, netstat error: %s' % (args.daemon_port, stderr)) for line in stdout.splitlines(): if '' % args.daemon_port in line: line_arr = line.split() if '/' not in line_arr[-1]: fail('Expecting pid/program name in netstat line of using port %s, got: %s' % (args.daemon_port, line_arr[-1])) pid, program = line_arr[-1].split('/') if 'python' not in program and 'trex_server' not in program and 'trex_daemon_server' not in program: fail('Some other program holds port %s, not our daemon: %s. Please verify.' % (args.daemon_port, program)) return int(pid) return None def show_daemon_status(): if get_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.red('TRex server daemon is running')) else: print(termstyle.red('TRex server daemon is NOT running')) def start_daemon(): if get_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.red('TRex server daemon is already running')) return # Usual daemon will die with current process, detach it with double fork # https://www.safaribooksonline.com/library/view/python-cookbook/0596001673/ch06s08.html pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: for i in range(50): if get_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.green('TRex server daemon is started')) os._exit(0) sleep(0.1) fail(termstyle.red('TRex server daemon failed to run')) os.setsid() pid = os.fork() if pid > 0: os._exit(0) trex_server.do_main_program() def start_live(): if get_daemon_pid(): fail(termstyle.red('TRex server daemon is already running')) trex_server.do_main_program() def restart_daemon(): if get_daemon_pid(): kill_daemon() start_daemon() def kill_daemon(): pid = get_daemon_pid() if not pid: print(termstyle.red('TRex server daemon is NOT running')) return True return_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('kill %s' % pid) # usual kill if return_code: fail('Failed to kill trex_daemon, error: %s' % stderr) for i in range(50): if not get_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.green('TRex server daemon is killed')) return True sleep(0.1) return_code, stdout, stderr = run_command('kill -9 %s' % pid) # unconditional kill if return_code: fail('Failed to kill trex_daemon, error: %s' % stderr) for i in range(50): if not get_daemon_pid(): print(termstyle.green('TRex server daemon is killed')) return True sleep(0.1) fail('Failed to kill trex_daemon, even with -9. Please review manually.') # should not happen ### Main ### actions_help = '''Specify action command to be applied on server. (*) start : start the application in as a daemon process. (*) show : prompt an updated status of daemon process (running/ not running). (*) stop : exit the daemon process. (*) restart : stop, then start again the application as daemon process (*) start-live : start the application in live mode (no daemon process). ''' action_funcs = {'start': start_daemon, 'show': show_daemon_status, 'stop': kill_daemon, 'restart': restart_daemon, 'start-live': start_live, } trex_server.trex_parser.add_argument('action', choices=action_funcs.keys(), action='store', help=actions_help) trex_server.trex_parser.usage = None args = trex_server.trex_parser.parse_args() mkpath('/var/log/trex') mkpath('/var/run/trex') action_funcs[args.action]()