/* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _IP_HEADER_H_ #define _IP_HEADER_H_ #include "PacketHeaderBase.h" #ifndef likely #define likely(x) __builtin_expect((x),1) #endif /* likely */ #define IPV4_HDR_LEN 20 class IPHeader { public: IPHeader() { myVer_HeaderLength = 0; //must initialize it cause when doing setLenght or setVersion we mask it (found in purify) setDestIp(0xDEADBEEF); setSourceIp(0xBEEFDEAD); setProtocol(0xDD); }; IPHeader (uint32_t argSource, uint32_t argDestinaction, uint8_t argProtocol) { myVer_HeaderLength = 0; //must initialize it cause when doing setLenght or setVersion we mask it setDestIp(argDestinaction); setSourceIp(argSource); setProtocol(argProtocol); }; struct Protocol { enum Type { IP = 0x04 , TCP = 0x06 , UDP = 0x11 , ICMP = 0x01 , IGMP = 0x02, ESP = 0x32, AH = 0x33, GRE = 0x2F, IPV6_ICMP = 0x3A, IPV6_NONXT = 0x3B, }; //get the IP-Protocol name by protocol number static char * interpretIpProtocolName(uint8_t argType); }; enum { DefaultSize = 20 }; public: inline uint8_t getVersion (); inline void setVersion (uint8_t); /** * Return the header length in bytes * * @return */ inline uint8_t getHeaderLength (); /** * Receives the header length in bytes and sets it * appropriately in the packet */ inline void setHeaderLength (uint8_t); inline uint8_t getTOS (); inline void setTOS (uint8_t); inline uint16_t getTotalLength (); inline void setTotalLength (uint16_t); inline uint16_t getId (); inline void setId (uint16_t); inline uint16_t getFragmentOffset ();// return the result in bytes inline bool isFirstFragment (); inline bool isMiddleFragment (); inline bool isFragmented (); inline bool isMoreFragments (); inline bool isDontFragment (); inline bool isLastFragment (); inline bool isNotFirstFragment (); inline void setFragment (uint16_t argOffset, bool argMoreFrag, bool argDontFrag); inline uint8_t getTimeToLive (void); inline void setTimeToLive (uint8_t); inline uint8_t getProtocol (void); inline void setProtocol (uint8_t); inline uint32_t getSourceIp (); inline void setSourceIp (uint32_t); inline uint32_t getDestIp (); inline void setDestIp (uint32_t); bool isMulticast (); bool isBroadcast (); inline uint16_t getChecksum (); bool isChecksumOK (); public: inline void updateTos (uint8_t newTos); inline void updateTotalLength (uint16_t newlen); inline void updateIpSrc(uint32_t ipsrc); inline void updateIpDst(uint32_t ipsrc); inline void updateCheckSum(uint16_t old_val, uint16_t new_val); inline void updateCheckSum (); inline void updateCheckSum2(uint8_t* data1, uint16_t len1, uint8_t* data2 , uint16_t len2); inline void ClearCheckSum(){ myChecksum=0; } inline void SetCheckSumRaw(uint16_t Checksum){ myChecksum = Checksum; } inline void swapSrcDest (); inline void updateCheckSumFast() { myChecksum = 0; if (likely(myVer_HeaderLength == 0x45)) { myChecksum = calc_cksum_fixed(); } else { myChecksum = calc_cksum_nonfixed(); } } protected: /* fast inline checksum calculation */ inline uint16_t calc_cksum_fixed() { const uint16_t *ipv4 = (const uint16_t *)this; int sum = 0; /* calcualte 20 bytes unrolled loop */ sum += ipv4[0]; sum += ipv4[1]; sum += ipv4[2]; sum += ipv4[3]; sum += ipv4[4]; sum += ipv4[5]; sum += ipv4[6]; sum += ipv4[7]; sum += ipv4[8]; sum += ipv4[9]; sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16); return (uint16_t)(~sum); } /* a slow non-frequent call - never inline */ uint16_t calc_cksum_nonfixed() __attribute__ ((noinline)) { const uint16_t *ipv4 = (const uint16_t *)this; int sum = 0; int hlen = getHeaderLength(); for (int i = 0; i < (hlen / 2); i++) { sum += ipv4[i]; } sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16); return (uint16_t)(~sum); } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common Header Interface //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public: inline uint8_t* getPointer (){return (uint8_t*)this;} inline uint32_t getSize (){return getHeaderLength();} inline uint8_t getNextProtocol (); void dump (FILE* fd); inline uint8_t* getOption (){ return ((uint8_t*)&myOption[0]); } inline uint8_t getOptionLen() { return ( getHeaderLength() - DefaultSize ); } public: uint8_t myVer_HeaderLength; uint8_t myTos; uint16_t myLength; uint16_t myId; uint16_t myFrag; uint8_t myTTL; uint8_t myProtocol; uint16_t myChecksum; uint32_t mySource; uint32_t myDestination; uint32_t myOption[1]; }; class IPPseudoHeader { public: uint32_t m_source_ip; uint32_t m_dest_ip; uint8_t m_zero; uint8_t m_protocol; uint16_t m_length; public: inline uint8_t* getPointer(){return (uint8_t*)this;} inline uint32_t getSize(); inline uint16_t inetChecksum(); }; #include "IPHeader.inl" #endif