Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.

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you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

#include <common/BigEndianBitManipulation.h>

inline void  IPHeader::setVersion(uint8_t argVersion)
    setMaskBit8(myVer_HeaderLength, 0, 3, argVersion);

inline uint8_t IPHeader::getVersion()
    return  getMaskBit8(myVer_HeaderLength, 0, 3);

inline uint8_t IPHeader::getHeaderLength()
    return (getMaskBit8(myVer_HeaderLength, 4, 7) << 2);

inline void  IPHeader::setHeaderLength(uint8_t    argLength)
    setMaskBit8(myVer_HeaderLength, 4, 7, (argLength>>2));

inline uint8_t IPHeader::getNextProtocol()
	return myProtocol;


inline void  IPHeader::setTOS(uint8_t argTOS)
    myTos = argTOS;

inline uint8_t IPHeader::getTOS()
    return myTos;

// length of ip packet 
inline void IPHeader::setTotalLength(uint16_t argLength)
    myLength = PKT_NTOHS(argLength);

inline  uint16_t  IPHeader::getTotalLength()

inline  uint16_t  IPHeader::getId()

inline void IPHeader::setId(uint16_t argID)
    myId = PKT_NTOHS(argID);


uint16_t IPHeader::getFragmentOffset()
    uint16_t  theFrag = (PKT_NTOHS(myFrag));
    return ((theFrag & 0x1FFF) << 3);
    //return (getMaskBit16(theFrag, 3, 15) << 3);//The field is in 8 byte units

bool    IPHeader::isMoreFragments()
    uint16_t  theFrag = (PKT_NTOHS(myFrag));
    if(theFrag & 0x2000)
    //if(getMaskBit16(theFrag, 2, 2) == 1)
        return true;
        return false;

bool    IPHeader::isDontFragment()
    uint16_t  theFrag = (PKT_NTOHS(myFrag));
    if(theFrag & 0x4000)
    //if(getMaskBit16(theFrag, 1, 1) == 1)
        return true;
        return false;

inline void IPHeader::setFragment      (uint16_t    argOffset , 
                                        bool      argMoreFrag,
                                        bool      argDontFrag)
    uint16_t  theFragmentWord = 0;
    setMaskBit16(theFragmentWord, 3, 15, argOffset);
    setMaskBit16(theFragmentWord, 1, 1,  argDontFrag ? 1 : 0);
    setMaskBit16(theFragmentWord, 2, 2,  argMoreFrag ? 1 : 0);
    myFrag = (PKT_NTOHS(theFragmentWord));

inline bool IPHeader::isFirstFragment()
    return((getFragmentOffset() == 0) && (isMoreFragments() == true));

inline bool IPHeader::isMiddleFragment()
    return((getFragmentOffset() != 0) && (isMoreFragments() == true));

inline bool IPHeader::isFragmented()
    return((getFragmentOffset() != 0) || (isMoreFragments() == true));

inline bool IPHeader::isLastFragment()
    return((getFragmentOffset() != 0) && (isMoreFragments() == false));

//return true if this is fragment but not first 
inline bool IPHeader::isNotFirstFragment()
    return((isFragmented() == true)  && (isFirstFragment() == false));


inline uint8_t IPHeader::getTimeToLive()
inline void IPHeader::setTimeToLive(uint8_t argTTL)
    myTTL = argTTL;

inline uint8_t IPHeader::getProtocol()
    return (myProtocol);

inline void IPHeader::setProtocol(uint8_t argProtocol)
    myProtocol = argProtocol;

inline  uint32_t IPHeader::getSourceIp()
    return (PKT_NTOHL(mySource));

inline void IPHeader::setSourceIp(uint32_t argSourceAddress)
    mySource = PKT_NTOHL(argSourceAddress);

inline  uint32_t IPHeader::getDestIp()
    return (PKT_NTOHL(myDestination));

inline void IPHeader::setDestIp(uint32_t argDestAddress)
    myDestination = PKT_NTOHL(argDestAddress);

inline bool IPHeader::isMulticast()
    return((getDestIp() & 0xf0) == 0xe0);

inline bool IPHeader::isBroadcast()
    return(getDestIp() == 0xffffffff);

inline uint16_t IPHeader::getChecksum()
    return PKT_NTOHS(myChecksum);

inline bool IPHeader::isChecksumOK()
    uint16_t theChecksum = pkt_InetChecksum(getPointer(),(uint16_t)getSize() );
    return(theChecksum == 0);

inline void IPHeader::updateTos(uint8_t newTos)
    uint16_t oldWord = *((uint16_t *)(getPointer()));
    myTos = newTos;
    uint16_t newWord = *((uint16_t *)(getPointer()));
    myChecksum =   pkt_UpdateInetChecksum(myChecksum,oldWord,newWord);

inline  void    IPHeader::updateIpDst(uint32_t ipsrc){
    uint32_t old      = myDestination;
    uint32_t _new_src = PKT_NTOHL(ipsrc);

    myChecksum =   pkt_UpdateInetChecksum(myChecksum,(old&0xffff0000)>>16,((_new_src&0xffff0000)>>16));
    myChecksum =   pkt_UpdateInetChecksum(myChecksum,(old&0xffff),(_new_src&0xffff));

inline  void   IPHeader::updateIpSrc(uint32_t ipsrc){
    uint32_t old      = mySource;
    uint32_t _new_src = PKT_NTOHL(ipsrc);

    myChecksum =   pkt_UpdateInetChecksum(myChecksum,(old&0xffff0000)>>16,((_new_src&0xffff0000)>>16));
    myChecksum =   pkt_UpdateInetChecksum(myChecksum,(old&0xffff),(_new_src&0xffff));

inline void IPHeader::updateTotalLength(uint16_t newlen)
    uint16_t oldLen = myLength;
    myLength = PKT_NTOHS(newlen);
    myChecksum =   pkt_UpdateInetChecksum(myChecksum,oldLen,myLength);

inline void IPHeader::updateCheckSum()
    myChecksum = 0;
    myChecksum = pkt_InetChecksum(getPointer(), (uint16_t)getSize());

inline void IPHeader::updateCheckSum2(uint8_t* data1, uint16_t len1, uint8_t* data2 , uint16_t len2)
    myChecksum = 0;
    myChecksum = pkt_InetChecksum(data1, len1, data2, len2);

inline void IPHeader::swapSrcDest()
	uint32_t tmp = myDestination;
	myDestination = mySource;
	mySource = tmp;

inline uint32_t IPPseudoHeader::getSize()
	return sizeof(IPPseudoHeader);
inline uint16_t IPPseudoHeader::inetChecksum()
    return(pkt_InetChecksum(getPointer(), (uint16_t)getSize()));