/* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #ifndef _TCP_HEADER_H_ #define _TCP_HEADER_H_ #include "PacketHeaderBase.h" #define TCP_HEADER_LEN 20 class TCPHeader { public: enum TCPHeader_enum_t { TCP_INVALID_PORT = 0 }; TCPHeader(){} TCPHeader(uint16_t argSourcePort, uint16_t argDestinationPort, uint8_t argFlags, uint32_t argSeqNum, uint32_t argAckNum); struct Flag { enum Type { FIN = 0x01, SYN = 0x02, RST = 0x04, PSH = 0x08, ACK = 0x10, URG = 0x20 }; }; void setSourcePort (uint16_t); uint16_t getSourcePort (); void setDestPort (uint16_t); uint16_t getDestPort (); void setSeqNumber (uint32_t); uint32_t getSeqNumber (); void setAckNumber (uint32_t); uint32_t getAckNumber (); //this is factor 4 void setHeaderLength (uint8_t); uint8_t getHeaderLength (); void setFlag (uint8_t); uint8_t getFlags (); void setFinFlag (bool); bool getFinFlag (); void setSynFlag (bool); bool getSynFlag (); void setResetFlag (bool); bool getResetFlag (); void setPushFlag (bool); bool getPushFlag (); void setAckFlag (bool); bool getAckFlag (); void setUrgentFlag (bool); bool getUrgentFlag (); void setWindowSize (uint16_t); uint16_t getWindowSize (); void setChecksum (uint16_t); uint16_t getChecksum (); void setUrgentOffset (uint16_t); uint16_t getUrgentOffset (); uint32_t* getOptionPtr (); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Common Header Interface //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public: uint8_t* getPointer (){return (uint8_t*)this;} uint32_t getSize (){return getHeaderLength();} uint16_t getNextProtocol (); void setNextProtocol (uint16_t); void dump (FILE* fd); private: uint16_t mySourcePort; uint16_t myDestinationPort; uint32_t mySeqNum; uint32_t myAckNum; uint8_t myHeaderLength; uint8_t myFlags; uint16_t myWindowSize; uint16_t myChecksum; uint16_t myUrgentPtr; uint32_t myOption[1]; }; #include "TcpHeader.inl" #endif //_TCP_HEADER_H_