/* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "captureFile.h" #include "pcap.h" #include "erf.h" #include "basic_utils.h" #include <stdlib.h> #include <errno.h> #include <string.h> #include <math.h> void CPktNsecTimeStamp::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd,"%.6f [%x:%x]",getNsec(),m_time_sec,m_time_nsec ); } void * CAlignMalloc::malloc(uint16_t size,uint8_t align){ assert(m_p==0); m_p=(char *)::malloc(size+align); uintptr_t v =(uintptr_t)m_p; char *p=(char *)my_utl_align_up( v,align); return (void *)p; } void CAlignMalloc::free(){ ::free(m_p); m_p=0; } #define PKT_ALIGN 128 CCapPktRaw::CCapPktRaw(CCapPktRaw *obj){ flags =0; pkt_cnt=obj->pkt_cnt; pkt_len=obj->pkt_len; time_sec=obj->time_sec; time_nsec=obj->time_nsec; assert ((pkt_len>0) && (pkt_len<MAX_PKT_SIZE) ); raw = (char *)m_handle.malloc(pkt_len,PKT_ALIGN); // copy the packet memcpy(raw,obj->raw,pkt_len); } CCapPktRaw::CCapPktRaw(int size){ pkt_cnt=0; flags =0; pkt_len=size; time_sec=0; time_nsec=0; if (size==0) { raw =0; }else{ raw = (char *)m_handle.malloc(size,PKT_ALIGN); memset(raw,0xee,size); } } CCapPktRaw::CCapPktRaw(){ flags =0; pkt_cnt=0; pkt_len=0; time_sec=0; time_nsec=0; raw = (char *)m_handle.malloc((uint16_t)MAX_PKT_SIZE,PKT_ALIGN); memset(raw,0xee,MAX_PKT_SIZE); } CCapPktRaw::~CCapPktRaw(){ if (raw && (getDoNotFree()==false) ) { m_handle.free(); } } char * CCapPktRaw::append(uint16_t len){ CAlignMalloc h; char * p; char * new_raw = (char *)h.malloc(pkt_len+len,PKT_ALIGN); memcpy(new_raw,raw,pkt_len); m_handle.free(); raw=new_raw; p= raw+pkt_len; pkt_len+=len; m_handle.m_p =h.m_p; /* new pointer */ return(p); } void CCapPktRaw::CloneShalow(CCapPktRaw *obj){ pkt_len=obj->pkt_len; raw = obj->raw; setDoNotFree(true); } void CCapPktRaw::Dump(FILE *fd,int verbose){ fprintf(fd," =>pkt (%p) %llu , len %d, time [%x:%x] \n",raw, (unsigned long long)pkt_cnt,pkt_len,time_sec,time_nsec); if (verbose) { utl_DumpBuffer(fd,raw,pkt_len,0); } } bool CCapPktRaw::Compare(CCapPktRaw * obj,int dump,double dsec){ if (pkt_len != obj->pkt_len) { if ( dump ){ printf(" ERROR len is not eq \n"); } return (false); } if ( getInterface() != obj->getInterface() ){ printf(" ERROR original packet from if=%d and cur packet from if=%d \n",getInterface(),obj->getInterface()); return (false); } CPktNsecTimeStamp t1(time_sec,time_nsec); CPktNsecTimeStamp t2(obj->time_sec,obj->time_nsec); if ( t1.diff(t2) > dsec ){ if ( dump ){ printf(" ERROR diff of 1 msec in time \n"); } return (false); } if ( memcmp(raw,obj->raw,pkt_len) == 0 ){ return (true); }else{ if ( dump ){ fprintf(stdout," ERROR buffer not the same \n"); fprintf(stdout," B1 \n"); fprintf(stdout," ---------------\n"); utl_DumpBuffer(stdout,raw,pkt_len,0); fprintf(stdout," B2 \n"); fprintf(stdout," ---------------\n"); utl_DumpBuffer(stdout,obj->raw,obj->pkt_len,0); } return (false); } } bool CErfCmp::compare(std::string f1, std::string f2 ){ if ( dump ){ printf(" compare %s %s \n",f1.c_str(),f2.c_str()); } bool res=true; CCapReaderBase * lp1=CCapReaderFactory::CreateReader((char *)f1.c_str(),0); if (lp1 == 0) { if ( dump ){ printf(" ERROR file %s does not exits or not supported \n",(char *)f1.c_str()); } return (false); } CCapReaderBase * lp2=CCapReaderFactory::CreateReader((char *)f2.c_str(),0); if (lp2 == 0) { delete lp1; if ( dump ){ printf(" ERROR file %s does not exits or not supported \n",(char *)f2.c_str()); } return (false); } CCapPktRaw raw_packet1; bool has_pkt1; CCapPktRaw raw_packet2; bool has_pkt2; int pkt_cnt=1; while ( true ) { /* read packet */ has_pkt1 = lp1->ReadPacket(&raw_packet1) ; has_pkt2 = lp2->ReadPacket(&raw_packet2) ; /* one has finished */ if ( !has_pkt1 || !has_pkt2 ) { if (has_pkt1 != has_pkt2 ) { if ( dump ){ printf(" ERROR not the same number of packets \n"); } res=false; } break; } if (!raw_packet1.Compare(&raw_packet2,true,d_sec) ){ res=false; printf(" ERROR in pkt %d \n",pkt_cnt); break; } pkt_cnt++; } delete lp1; delete lp2; return (res); } /** * try to create type by type * @param name * * @return CCapReaderBase* */ CCapReaderBase * CCapReaderFactory::CreateReader(char * name, int loops) { if (name == NULL) { printf("Got null file name\n"); return NULL; } /* make sure we have a file */ FILE * f = CAP_FOPEN_64(name, "rb"); if (f == NULL) { if (errno == ENOENT) { printf("\nERROR: Cap file not found %s\n\n",name); } else { printf("\nERROR: Failed to open cap file '%s' with errno %d\n\n", name, errno); } return NULL; } // close the file fclose(f); for (capture_type_e i = LIBPCAP ; i<LAST_TYPE ; i = (capture_type_e(i+1)) ) { CCapReaderBase * next = CCapReaderFactory::CreateReaderInstace(i); if (next == NULL || next->Create(name,loops)) { return next; } delete next; } printf("\nERROR: file %s format not supported",name); printf("\nERROR: formats supported are LIBPCAP and ERF. other formats are deprecated\n\n"); return NULL; } CCapReaderBase * CCapReaderFactory::CreateReaderInstace(capture_type_e type) { switch(type) { case ERF: return new CErfFileReader(); case LIBPCAP: return new LibPCapReader(); default: printf("Got unsupported file type\n"); return NULL; } } /** * The factory function will create the matching reader instance * according to the type. * * @param type - the foramt * @param name - new file name * * @return CCapWriter* - return pointer to the writer instance * or NULL if failed from some reason. Instance user * should relase memory when instance not needed * anymore. */ CFileWriterBase * CCapWriterFactory::CreateWriter(capture_type_e type ,char * name) { if (name == NULL) { return NULL; } CFileWriterBase * toRet = CCapWriterFactory::createWriterInsance(type); if (toRet) { if (!toRet->Create(name)) { delete toRet; toRet = NULL; } } return toRet; } /** * Create instance for writer if type is supported. * @param type * * @return CFileWriterBase* */ CFileWriterBase * CCapWriterFactory::createWriterInsance(capture_type_e type ) { switch(type) { case LIBPCAP: return new LibPCapWriter(); case ERF: return new CErfFileWriter(); // other is not supported yet. default: return NULL; } }