/*- * BSD LICENSE * * Copyright(c) 2010-2015 Intel Corporation. All rights reserved. * All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in * the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * distribution. * * Neither the name of Intel Corporation nor the names of its * contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived * from this software without specific prior written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR * A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT * OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, * DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY * THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE * OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ #ifndef _IXGBE_ETHDEV_H_ #define _IXGBE_ETHDEV_H_ #include "base/ixgbe_dcb.h" #include "base/ixgbe_dcb_82599.h" #include "base/ixgbe_dcb_82598.h" #include "ixgbe_bypass.h" #include <rte_time.h> /* need update link, bit flag */ #define IXGBE_FLAG_NEED_LINK_UPDATE (uint32_t)(1 << 0) #define IXGBE_FLAG_MAILBOX (uint32_t)(1 << 1) #define IXGBE_FLAG_PHY_INTERRUPT (uint32_t)(1 << 2) /* * Defines that were not part of ixgbe_type.h as they are not used by the * FreeBSD driver. */ #define IXGBE_ADVTXD_MAC_1588 0x00080000 /* IEEE1588 Timestamp packet */ #define IXGBE_RXD_STAT_TMST 0x10000 /* Timestamped Packet indication */ #define IXGBE_ADVTXD_TUCMD_L4T_RSV 0x00001800 /* L4 Packet TYPE, resvd */ #define IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_CKSUM_BIT 30 #define IXGBE_RXDADV_ERR_CKSUM_MSK 3 #define IXGBE_ADVTXD_MACLEN_SHIFT 9 /* Bit shift for l2_len */ #define IXGBE_NB_STAT_MAPPING_REGS 32 #define IXGBE_EXTENDED_VLAN (uint32_t)(1 << 26) /* EXTENDED VLAN ENABLE */ #define IXGBE_VFTA_SIZE 128 #define IXGBE_VLAN_TAG_SIZE 4 #define IXGBE_MAX_RX_QUEUE_NUM 128 #define IXGBE_MAX_INTR_QUEUE_NUM 15 #define IXGBE_VMDQ_DCB_NB_QUEUES IXGBE_MAX_RX_QUEUE_NUM #define IXGBE_DCB_NB_QUEUES IXGBE_MAX_RX_QUEUE_NUM #define IXGBE_NONE_MODE_TX_NB_QUEUES 64 #ifndef NBBY #define NBBY 8 /* number of bits in a byte */ #endif #define IXGBE_HWSTRIP_BITMAP_SIZE (IXGBE_MAX_RX_QUEUE_NUM / (sizeof(uint32_t) * NBBY)) /* EITR Inteval is in 2048ns uinits for 1G and 10G link */ #define IXGBE_EITR_INTERVAL_UNIT_NS 2048 #define IXGBE_EITR_ITR_INT_SHIFT 3 #define IXGBE_EITR_INTERVAL_US(us) \ (((us) * 1000 / IXGBE_EITR_INTERVAL_UNIT_NS << IXGBE_EITR_ITR_INT_SHIFT) & \ IXGBE_EITR_ITR_INT_MASK) /* Loopback operation modes */ /* 82599 specific loopback operation types */ #define IXGBE_LPBK_82599_NONE 0x0 /* Default value. Loopback is disabled. */ #define IXGBE_LPBK_82599_TX_RX 0x1 /* Tx->Rx loopback operation is enabled. */ #define IXGBE_MAX_JUMBO_FRAME_SIZE 0x2600 /* Maximum Jumbo frame size. */ #define IXGBE_RTTBCNRC_RF_INT_MASK_BASE 0x000003FF #define IXGBE_RTTBCNRC_RF_INT_MASK_M \ (IXGBE_RTTBCNRC_RF_INT_MASK_BASE << IXGBE_RTTBCNRC_RF_INT_SHIFT) #define IXGBE_MAX_QUEUE_NUM_PER_VF 8 #define IXGBE_SYN_FILTER_ENABLE 0x00000001 /* syn filter enable field */ #define IXGBE_SYN_FILTER_QUEUE 0x000000FE /* syn filter queue field */ #define IXGBE_SYN_FILTER_QUEUE_SHIFT 1 /* syn filter queue field shift */ #define IXGBE_SYN_FILTER_SYNQFP 0x80000000 /* syn filter SYNQFP */ #define IXGBE_ETQF_UP 0x00070000 /* ethertype filter priority field */ #define IXGBE_ETQF_SHIFT 16 #define IXGBE_ETQF_UP_EN 0x00080000 #define IXGBE_ETQF_ETHERTYPE 0x0000FFFF /* ethertype filter ethertype field */ #define IXGBE_ETQF_MAX_PRI 7 #define IXGBE_SDPQF_DSTPORT 0xFFFF0000 /* dst port field */ #define IXGBE_SDPQF_DSTPORT_SHIFT 16 /* dst port field shift */ #define IXGBE_SDPQF_SRCPORT 0x0000FFFF /* src port field */ #define IXGBE_L34T_IMIR_SIZE_BP 0x00001000 #define IXGBE_L34T_IMIR_RESERVE 0x00080000 /* bit 13 to 19 must be set to 1000000b. */ #define IXGBE_L34T_IMIR_LLI 0x00100000 #define IXGBE_L34T_IMIR_QUEUE 0x0FE00000 #define IXGBE_L34T_IMIR_QUEUE_SHIFT 21 #define IXGBE_5TUPLE_MAX_PRI 7 #define IXGBE_5TUPLE_MIN_PRI 1 #define IXGBE_RSS_OFFLOAD_ALL ( \ ETH_RSS_IPV4 | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV4_TCP | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV4_UDP | \ ETH_RSS_IPV6 | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV6_TCP | \ ETH_RSS_NONFRAG_IPV6_UDP | \ ETH_RSS_IPV6_EX | \ ETH_RSS_IPV6_TCP_EX | \ ETH_RSS_IPV6_UDP_EX) #define IXGBE_VF_IRQ_ENABLE_MASK 3 /* vf irq enable mask */ #define IXGBE_VF_MAXMSIVECTOR 1 #define IXGBE_MISC_VEC_ID RTE_INTR_VEC_ZERO_OFFSET #define IXGBE_RX_VEC_START RTE_INTR_VEC_RXTX_OFFSET /* * Information about the fdir mode. */ struct ixgbe_hw_fdir_mask { uint16_t vlan_tci_mask; uint32_t src_ipv4_mask; uint32_t dst_ipv4_mask; uint16_t src_ipv6_mask; uint16_t dst_ipv6_mask; uint16_t src_port_mask; uint16_t dst_port_mask; uint16_t flex_bytes_mask; uint8_t mac_addr_byte_mask; uint32_t tunnel_id_mask; uint8_t tunnel_type_mask; }; struct ixgbe_hw_fdir_info { struct ixgbe_hw_fdir_mask mask; uint8_t flex_bytes_offset; uint16_t collision; uint16_t free; uint16_t maxhash; uint8_t maxlen; uint64_t add; uint64_t remove; uint64_t f_add; uint64_t f_remove; }; /* structure for interrupt relative data */ struct ixgbe_interrupt { uint32_t flags; uint32_t mask; }; struct ixgbe_stat_mapping_registers { uint32_t tqsm[IXGBE_NB_STAT_MAPPING_REGS]; uint32_t rqsmr[IXGBE_NB_STAT_MAPPING_REGS]; }; struct ixgbe_vfta { uint32_t vfta[IXGBE_VFTA_SIZE]; }; struct ixgbe_hwstrip { uint32_t bitmap[IXGBE_HWSTRIP_BITMAP_SIZE]; }; /* * VF data which used by PF host only */ #define IXGBE_MAX_VF_MC_ENTRIES 30 #define IXGBE_MAX_MR_RULE_ENTRIES 4 /* number of mirroring rules supported */ #define IXGBE_MAX_UTA 128 struct ixgbe_uta_info { uint8_t uc_filter_type; uint16_t uta_in_use; uint32_t uta_shadow[IXGBE_MAX_UTA]; }; #define IXGBE_MAX_MIRROR_RULES 4 /* Maximum nb. of mirror rules. */ struct ixgbe_mirror_info { struct rte_eth_mirror_conf mr_conf[IXGBE_MAX_MIRROR_RULES]; /**< store PF mirror rules configuration*/ }; struct ixgbe_vf_info { uint8_t vf_mac_addresses[ETHER_ADDR_LEN]; uint16_t vf_mc_hashes[IXGBE_MAX_VF_MC_ENTRIES]; uint16_t num_vf_mc_hashes; uint16_t default_vf_vlan_id; uint16_t vlans_enabled; bool clear_to_send; uint16_t tx_rate[IXGBE_MAX_QUEUE_NUM_PER_VF]; uint16_t vlan_count; uint8_t spoofchk_enabled; uint8_t api_version; }; /* * Possible l4type of 5tuple filters. */ enum ixgbe_5tuple_protocol { IXGBE_FILTER_PROTOCOL_TCP = 0, IXGBE_FILTER_PROTOCOL_UDP, IXGBE_FILTER_PROTOCOL_SCTP, IXGBE_FILTER_PROTOCOL_NONE, }; TAILQ_HEAD(ixgbe_5tuple_filter_list, ixgbe_5tuple_filter); struct ixgbe_5tuple_filter_info { uint32_t dst_ip; uint32_t src_ip; uint16_t dst_port; uint16_t src_port; enum ixgbe_5tuple_protocol proto; /* l4 protocol. */ uint8_t priority; /* seven levels (001b-111b), 111b is highest, used when more than one filter matches. */ uint8_t dst_ip_mask:1, /* if mask is 1b, do not compare dst ip. */ src_ip_mask:1, /* if mask is 1b, do not compare src ip. */ dst_port_mask:1, /* if mask is 1b, do not compare dst port. */ src_port_mask:1, /* if mask is 1b, do not compare src port. */ proto_mask:1; /* if mask is 1b, do not compare protocol. */ }; /* 5tuple filter structure */ struct ixgbe_5tuple_filter { TAILQ_ENTRY(ixgbe_5tuple_filter) entries; uint16_t index; /* the index of 5tuple filter */ struct ixgbe_5tuple_filter_info filter_info; uint16_t queue; /* rx queue assigned to */ }; #define IXGBE_5TUPLE_ARRAY_SIZE \ (RTE_ALIGN(IXGBE_MAX_FTQF_FILTERS, (sizeof(uint32_t) * NBBY)) / \ (sizeof(uint32_t) * NBBY)) /* * Structure to store filters' info. */ struct ixgbe_filter_info { uint8_t ethertype_mask; /* Bit mask for every used ethertype filter */ /* store used ethertype filters*/ uint16_t ethertype_filters[IXGBE_MAX_ETQF_FILTERS]; /* Bit mask for every used 5tuple filter */ uint32_t fivetuple_mask[IXGBE_5TUPLE_ARRAY_SIZE]; struct ixgbe_5tuple_filter_list fivetuple_list; }; /* * Structure to store private data for each driver instance (for each port). */ struct ixgbe_adapter { struct ixgbe_hw hw; struct ixgbe_hw_stats stats; struct ixgbe_hw_fdir_info fdir; struct ixgbe_interrupt intr; struct ixgbe_stat_mapping_registers stat_mappings; struct ixgbe_vfta shadow_vfta; struct ixgbe_hwstrip hwstrip; struct ixgbe_dcb_config dcb_config; struct ixgbe_mirror_info mr_data; struct ixgbe_vf_info *vfdata; struct ixgbe_uta_info uta_info; #ifdef RTE_NIC_BYPASS struct ixgbe_bypass_info bps; #endif /* RTE_NIC_BYPASS */ struct ixgbe_filter_info filter; bool rx_bulk_alloc_allowed; bool rx_vec_allowed; struct rte_timecounter systime_tc; struct rte_timecounter rx_tstamp_tc; struct rte_timecounter tx_tstamp_tc; }; #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HW(adapter)\ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->hw) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_STATS(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->stats) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_INTR(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->intr) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_FDIR_INFO(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->fdir) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_STAT_MAPPINGS(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->stat_mappings) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_VFTA(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->shadow_vfta) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_HWSTRIP_BITMAP(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->hwstrip) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_DCB_CFG(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->dcb_config) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_P_VFDATA(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->vfdata) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_PFDATA(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->mr_data) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_UTA(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->uta_info) #define IXGBE_DEV_PRIVATE_TO_FILTER_INFO(adapter) \ (&((struct ixgbe_adapter *)adapter)->filter) /* * RX/TX function prototypes */ void ixgbe_dev_clear_queues(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbe_dev_free_queues(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbe_dev_rx_queue_release(void *rxq); void ixgbe_dev_tx_queue_release(void *txq); int ixgbe_dev_rx_queue_setup(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t rx_queue_id, uint16_t nb_rx_desc, unsigned int socket_id, const struct rte_eth_rxconf *rx_conf, struct rte_mempool *mb_pool); int ixgbe_dev_tx_queue_setup(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t tx_queue_id, uint16_t nb_tx_desc, unsigned int socket_id, const struct rte_eth_txconf *tx_conf); uint32_t ixgbe_dev_rx_queue_count(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t rx_queue_id); int ixgbe_dev_rx_descriptor_done(void *rx_queue, uint16_t offset); int ixgbevf_dev_rx_descriptor_done(void *rx_queue, uint16_t offset); int ixgbe_dev_rx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbe_dev_tx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); int ixgbe_dev_rxtx_start(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); int ixgbe_dev_rx_queue_start(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t rx_queue_id); int ixgbe_dev_rx_queue_stop(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t rx_queue_id); int ixgbe_dev_tx_queue_start(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t tx_queue_id); int ixgbe_dev_tx_queue_stop(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t tx_queue_id); void ixgbe_rxq_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id, struct rte_eth_rxq_info *qinfo); void ixgbe_txq_info_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, uint16_t queue_id, struct rte_eth_txq_info *qinfo); int ixgbevf_dev_rx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbevf_dev_tx_init(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbevf_dev_rxtx_start(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); uint16_t ixgbe_recv_pkts(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts); uint16_t ixgbe_recv_pkts_bulk_alloc(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts); uint16_t ixgbe_recv_pkts_lro_single_alloc(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts); uint16_t ixgbe_recv_pkts_lro_bulk_alloc(void *rx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **rx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts); uint16_t ixgbe_xmit_pkts(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts); uint16_t ixgbe_xmit_pkts_simple(void *tx_queue, struct rte_mbuf **tx_pkts, uint16_t nb_pkts); int ixgbe_dev_rss_hash_update(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct rte_eth_rss_conf *rss_conf); int ixgbe_dev_rss_hash_conf_get(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, struct rte_eth_rss_conf *rss_conf); uint16_t ixgbe_reta_size_get(enum ixgbe_mac_type mac_type); uint32_t ixgbe_reta_reg_get(enum ixgbe_mac_type mac_type, uint16_t reta_idx); uint32_t ixgbe_mrqc_reg_get(enum ixgbe_mac_type mac_type); uint32_t ixgbe_rssrk_reg_get(enum ixgbe_mac_type mac_type, uint8_t i); bool ixgbe_rss_update_sp(enum ixgbe_mac_type mac_type); /* * Flow director function prototypes */ int ixgbe_fdir_configure(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbe_configure_dcb(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); /* * misc function prototypes */ void ixgbe_vlan_hw_filter_enable(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbe_vlan_hw_filter_disable(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbe_vlan_hw_strip_enable_all(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbe_vlan_hw_strip_disable_all(struct rte_eth_dev *dev); void ixgbe_pf_host_init(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev); void ixgbe_pf_host_uninit(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev); void ixgbe_pf_mbx_process(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev); int ixgbe_pf_host_configure(struct rte_eth_dev *eth_dev); uint32_t ixgbe_convert_vm_rx_mask_to_val(uint16_t rx_mask, uint32_t orig_val); int ixgbe_fdir_ctrl_func(struct rte_eth_dev *dev, enum rte_filter_op filter_op, void *arg); #endif /* _IXGBE_ETHDEV_H_ */