#ifndef GLOBAL_IO_MODE_H #define GLOBAL_IO_MODE_H /* Hanoh Haim Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <stdio.h> class CTrexGlobalIoMode { public: CTrexGlobalIoMode(){ m_g_disable_first=false; } void Reset(){ m_g_mode=gNORMAL; m_pp_mode=ppTABLE; m_ap_mode=apENABLE; m_l_mode=lENABLE; m_rc_mode=rcENABLE; } /* 0 - disable -> normal h - help -> normal 1 - -> normal 2 - pp 3 - ap 4 - ll 5 - rx */ enum Chars{ ccHELP='h', ccGDISABLE='d', ccGNORAML='0', ccGPP='p', ccGAP='a', ccGL='l', ccGRC='r', ccMem='m', ccNat='n' }; enum CliDumpMode { cdDISABLE=0, // no print at all cdNORMAL=1, // normal cdSHORT =2 // short only all ports info }; enum Global { gDISABLE=0, // no print at all gHELP=1, // help gNORMAL=2, // normal gMem=3, gNAT }; typedef uint8_t Global_t; enum PerPortCountersMode { ppDISABLE=0, ppTABLE =1, ppSTANDARD=2, ppLAST =3 }; typedef uint8_t PerPortCountersMode_t; enum AllPortCountersMode { apDISABLE=0, apENABLE =1, apLAST =2 }; typedef uint8_t AllPortCountersMode_t; enum LatecnyMode { lDISABLE =0, lENABLE =1, lENABLE_Extended=2, lLAST =3 }; typedef uint8_t LatecnyMode_t; enum RxCheckMode { rcDISABLE =0, rcENABLE =1, rcENABLE_Extended=2, rcLAST =3 }; typedef uint8_t RxCheckMode_t; enum NatMode { natDISABLE = 0, natENABLE = 1, natLAST = 2 }; typedef uint8_t NatMode_t; Global_t m_g_mode; bool m_g_disable_first; PerPortCountersMode_t m_pp_mode; AllPortCountersMode_t m_ap_mode; LatecnyMode_t m_l_mode; RxCheckMode_t m_rc_mode; NatMode_t m_nat_mode; public: void set_mode(CliDumpMode mode); /* return true if we need to terminate */ bool handle_io_modes(); void Dump(FILE *fd); void DumpHelp(FILE *fd); }; #endif