/* Hanoh Haim Ido Barnea Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "latency.h" #include "bp_sim.h" #include "utl_json.h" #include const uint8_t sctp_pkt[]={ 0x00,0x04,0x96,0x08,0xe0,0x40, 0x00,0x0e,0x2e,0x24,0x37,0x5f, 0x08,0x00, 0x45,0x02,0x00,0x30, 0x00,0x00,0x40,0x00, 0xff,0x84,0xbd,0x04, 0x9b,0xe6,0x18,0x9b, //sIP 0xcb,0xff,0xfc,0xc2, //DIP 0x80,0x44,//SPORT 0x00,0x50,//DPORT 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, //checksum 0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44, // magic 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, //64 bit counter 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x01,0xa0,0x00, //seq 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, }; const uint8_t icmp_pkt[]={ 0x00,0x04,0x96,0x08,0xe0,0x40, 0x00,0x0e,0x2e,0x24,0x37,0x5f, 0x08,0x00, 0x45,0x02,0x00,0x30, 0x00,0x00,0x40,0x00, 0xff,0x01,0xbd,0x04, 0x9b,0xe6,0x18,0x9b, //SIP 0xcb,0xff,0xfc,0xc2, //DIP 0x08, 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, //checksum 0xaa, 0xbb, // id 0x00, 0x00, // Sequence number 0x11,0x22,0x33,0x44, // magic 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, //64 bit counter 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, 0x00,0x01,0xa0,0x00, //seq 0x00,0x00,0x00,0x00, }; void CLatencyPktInfo::Create(class CLatencyPktMode *m_l_pkt_info){ uint8_t pkt_size = m_l_pkt_info->getPacketLen(); m_packet = new CCapPktRaw( pkt_size); m_packet->pkt_cnt=0; m_packet->time_sec=0; m_packet->time_nsec=0; memcpy(m_packet->raw, m_l_pkt_info->getPacketData(), pkt_size); m_packet->pkt_len=pkt_size; m_pkt_indication.m_packet =m_packet; m_pkt_indication.m_ether = (EthernetHeader *)m_packet->raw; m_pkt_indication.l3.m_ipv4=(IPHeader *)(m_packet->raw+14); m_pkt_indication.m_is_ipv6 = false; m_pkt_indication.l4.m_icmp=(ICMPHeader *)m_packet->raw+14+20; m_pkt_indication.m_payload=(uint8_t *)m_packet->raw+14+20+16; m_pkt_indication.m_payload_len=0; m_pkt_indication.m_packet_padding=4; m_pkt_indication.m_ether_offset =0; m_pkt_indication.m_ip_offset =14; m_pkt_indication.m_udp_tcp_offset = 34; m_pkt_indication.m_payload_offset = 34+8; CPacketDescriptor * lpd=&m_pkt_indication.m_desc; lpd->Clear(); lpd->SetInitSide(true); lpd->SetSwapTuple(false); lpd->SetIsValidPkt(true); lpd->SetIsIcmp(true); lpd->SetIsLastPkt(true); m_pkt_info.Create(&m_pkt_indication); memset(&m_dummy_node,0,sizeof(m_dummy_node)); m_dummy_node.set_socket_id( CGlobalInfo::m_socket.port_to_socket(0) ); m_dummy_node.m_time =0.1; m_dummy_node.m_pkt_info = &m_pkt_info; m_dummy_node.m_dest_ip = 0; m_dummy_node.m_src_ip = 0; m_dummy_node.m_src_port = 0x11; m_dummy_node.m_flow_id =0; m_dummy_node.m_flags =CGenNode::NODE_FLAGS_LATENCY; } rte_mbuf_t * CLatencyPktInfo::generate_pkt(int port_id,uint32_t extern_ip){ bool is_client_to_server=(port_id%2==0)?true:false; int dual_port_index=(port_id>>1); uint32_t c=m_client_ip.v4; uint32_t s=m_server_ip.v4; if ( extern_ip ){ c=extern_ip; } if (!is_client_to_server) { /*swap */ uint32_t t=c; c=s; s=t; } uint32_t mask=dual_port_index*m_dual_port_mask; if ( extern_ip==0 ){ c+=mask; } s+=mask; m_dummy_node.m_src_ip = c; m_dummy_node.m_dest_ip = s; rte_mbuf_t * m=m_pkt_info.generate_new_mbuf(&m_dummy_node); return (m); } void CLatencyPktInfo::set_ip(uint32_t src, uint32_t dst, uint32_t dual_port_mask){ m_client_ip.v4=src; m_server_ip.v4=dst; m_dual_port_mask=dual_port_mask; } void CLatencyPktInfo::Delete(){ m_pkt_info.Delete(); delete m_packet; } void CCPortLatency::reset(){ m_rx_seq =m_tx_seq; m_pad = 0; m_tx_pkt_err=0; m_tx_pkt_ok =0; m_pkt_ok=0; m_rx_check=0; m_no_magic=0; m_unsup_prot=0; m_no_id=0; m_seq_error=0; m_length_error=0; m_no_ipv4_option=0; m_hist.Reset(); } static uint8_t nat_is_port_can_send(uint8_t port_id){ uint8_t client_index = (port_id %2); return (client_index ==0 ?1:0); } bool CCPortLatency::Create(CLatencyManager * parent, uint8_t id, uint16_t payload_offset, uint16_t l4_offset, uint16_t pkt_size, CCPortLatency * rx_port){ m_parent = parent; m_id = id; m_tx_seq =0x12345678; m_icmp_tx_seq = 1; m_icmp_rx_seq = 0; m_l4_offset = l4_offset; m_payload_offset = payload_offset; m_pkt_size = pkt_size; m_rx_port = rx_port; m_nat_can_send = nat_is_port_can_send(m_id); m_nat_learn = m_nat_can_send; m_nat_external_ip=0; m_hist.Create(); reset(); return (true); } void CCPortLatency::Delete(){ m_hist.Delete(); } void CCPortLatency::update_packet(rte_mbuf_t * m, int port_id){ uint8_t *p=rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, uint8_t*); bool is_client_to_server=(port_id%2==0)?true:false; /* update mac addr dest/src 12 bytes */ memcpy(p,CGlobalInfo::m_options.get_dst_src_mac_addr(m_id),12); latency_header * h=(latency_header *)(p+m_payload_offset); h->magic = LATENCY_MAGIC | m_id ; h->time_stamp = os_get_hr_tick_64(); h->seq = m_tx_seq; m_tx_seq++; CLatencyPktMode *c_l_pkt_mode = m_parent->c_l_pkt_mode; c_l_pkt_mode->update_pkt(p + m_l4_offset, is_client_to_server, m_pkt_size - m_l4_offset, &m_icmp_tx_seq); } void CCPortLatency::DumpShortHeader(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," if| tx_ok , rx_ok , rx ,error, average , max , Jitter , max window \n"); fprintf(fd," | , , check, , latency(usec),latency (usec) ,(usec) , \n"); fprintf(fd," ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n"); } std::string CCPortLatency::get_field(std::string name,float f){ char buff[200]; sprintf(buff,"\"%s-%d\":%.1f,",name.c_str(),m_id,f); return (std::string(buff)); } void CCPortLatency::dump_json_v2(std::string & json ){ char buff[200]; sprintf(buff,"\"port-%d\": {",m_id); json+=std::string(buff); m_hist.dump_json("hist",json); dump_counters_json(json); json+="},"; } void CCPortLatency::dump_json(std::string & json ){ json += get_field("avg",m_hist.get_average_latency() ); json += get_field("max",m_hist.get_max_latency() ); json += get_field("c-max",m_hist.get_max_latency_last_update() ); json += get_field("error",(float)(m_unsup_prot+m_no_magic+m_no_id+m_seq_error+m_length_error) ); json += get_field("jitter",(float)get_jitter_usec() ); } void CCPortLatency::DumpShort(FILE *fd){ m_hist.update(); fprintf(fd,"%8lu,%8lu,%10lu,%4lu,", m_tx_pkt_ok, m_pkt_ok, m_rx_check, m_unsup_prot+m_no_magic+m_no_id+m_seq_error+m_length_error+m_no_ipv4_option+m_tx_pkt_err ); fprintf(fd," %8.0f ,%8.0f,%8d ", m_hist.get_average_latency(), m_hist.get_max_latency(), get_jitter_usec() ); fprintf(fd," | "); m_hist.DumpWinMax(fd); } #define DPL_J(f) json+=add_json(#f,f); #define DPL_J_LAST(f) json+=add_json(#f,f,true); void CCPortLatency::dump_counters_json(std::string & json ){ json+="\"stats\" : {"; DPL_J(m_tx_pkt_ok); DPL_J(m_tx_pkt_err); DPL_J(m_pkt_ok); DPL_J(m_unsup_prot); DPL_J(m_no_magic); DPL_J(m_no_id); DPL_J(m_seq_error); DPL_J(m_length_error); DPL_J(m_no_ipv4_option); json+=add_json("m_jitter",get_jitter_usec()); /* must be last */ DPL_J_LAST(m_rx_check); json+="}"; } void CCPortLatency::DumpCounters(FILE *fd){ #define DP_A1(f) if (f) fprintf(fd," %-40s : %llu \n",#f, (unsigned long long)f) fprintf(fd," counter \n"); fprintf(fd," -----------\n"); DP_A1(m_tx_pkt_err); DP_A1(m_tx_pkt_ok); DP_A1(m_pkt_ok); DP_A1(m_unsup_prot); DP_A1(m_no_magic); DP_A1(m_no_id); DP_A1(m_seq_error); DP_A1(m_length_error); DP_A1(m_rx_check); DP_A1(m_no_ipv4_option); fprintf(fd," -----------\n"); m_hist.Dump(fd); fprintf(fd," %-40s : %lu \n","jitter", (ulong)get_jitter_usec()); } bool CCPortLatency::dump_packet(rte_mbuf_t * m){ fprintf(stdout," %f.03 dump packet ..\n",now_sec()); uint8_t *p=rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, uint8_t*); uint16_t pkt_size=rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(m); utl_DumpBuffer(stdout,p,pkt_size,0); return (0); if (pkt_size < ( sizeof(CRx_check_header)+14+20) ) { assert(0); } CRx_check_header * lp=(CRx_check_header *)(p+pkt_size-sizeof(CRx_check_header)); lp->dump(stdout); uint16_t vlan_offset=0; if ( unlikely( CGlobalInfo::m_options.preview.get_vlan_mode_enable() ) ){ vlan_offset=4; } (void)vlan_offset; // utl_DumpBuffer(stdout,p,pkt_size,0); return (0); } bool CCPortLatency::check_rx_check(rte_mbuf_t * m) { m_rx_check++; return (true); } bool CCPortLatency::do_learn(uint32_t external_ip) { m_nat_learn=true; m_nat_can_send=true; m_nat_external_ip=external_ip; return (true); } bool CCPortLatency::check_packet(rte_mbuf_t * m,CRx_check_header * & rx_p) { CSimplePacketParser parser(m); if ( !parser.Parse() ) { m_unsup_prot++; // Unsupported protocol return (false); } CLatencyPktMode *c_l_pkt_mode = m_parent->c_l_pkt_mode; uint16_t pkt_size=rte_pktmbuf_pkt_len(m); /* check if CRC was extracted */ if ( parser.getPktSize() == pkt_size-4) { // CRC was not extracted by driver (VM E1000 driver issue) extract it pkt_size=pkt_size-4; } uint16_t vlan_offset=parser.m_vlan_offset; uint8_t *p=rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, uint8_t*); rx_p = (CRx_check_header *)0; bool is_lateancy_pkt = c_l_pkt_mode->IsLatencyPkt(parser.m_ipv4) & parser.IsLatencyPkt(parser.m_l4 + c_l_pkt_mode->l4_header_len()); if ( ! is_lateancy_pkt) { #ifdef NAT_TRACE_ printf(" %.3f RX : got packet !!! \n",now_sec() ); #endif /* ipv6+rx-check */ if ( parser.m_ipv6 ) { /* if we have ipv6 packet */ if (parser.m_protocol == RX_CHECK_V6_OPT_TYPE) { if ( get_is_rx_check_mode() ){ m_rx_check++; rx_p=(CRx_check_header *)((uint8_t*)parser.m_ipv6 +IPv6Header::DefaultSize); return (true); } } m_seq_error++; return (false); } uint8_t opt_len = parser.m_ipv4->getOptionLen(); uint8_t *opt_ptr = parser.m_ipv4->getOption(); /* Process IP option header(s) */ while ( opt_len != 0 ) { switch (*opt_ptr) { case RX_CHECK_V4_OPT_TYPE: /* rx-check option header */ if ( ( !get_is_rx_check_mode() ) || (opt_len < RX_CHECK_LEN) ) { m_seq_error++; return (false); } m_rx_check++; rx_p=(CRx_check_header *)opt_ptr; opt_len -= RX_CHECK_LEN; opt_ptr += RX_CHECK_LEN; break; case CNatOption::noIPV4_OPTION: /* NAT learn option header */ CNatOption *lp; if ( ( !CGlobalInfo::is_learn_mode() ) || (opt_len < CNatOption::noOPTION_LEN) ) { m_seq_error++; return (false); } lp = (CNatOption *)opt_ptr; if ( !lp->is_valid_ipv4_magic() ) { m_no_ipv4_option++; return (false); } m_parent->get_nat_manager()->handle_packet_ipv4(lp,parser.m_ipv4); opt_len -= CNatOption::noOPTION_LEN; opt_ptr += CNatOption::noOPTION_LEN; break; default: m_seq_error++; return (false); } // End of switch } // End of while return (true); } // End of check for non-latency packet if ( CGlobalInfo::is_learn_mode() && (m_nat_learn ==false) ) { do_learn(parser.m_ipv4->getSourceIp()); } if ( (pkt_size-vlan_offset) != m_pkt_size ) { m_length_error++; return (false); } c_l_pkt_mode->update_recv(p + m_l4_offset + vlan_offset, &m_icmp_rx_seq, &m_icmp_tx_seq); #ifdef LATENCY_DEBUG c_l_pkt_mode->rcv_debug_print(p + m_l4_offset + vlan_offset); #endif latency_header * h=(latency_header *)(p+m_payload_offset + vlan_offset); if ( h->seq != m_rx_seq ){ m_seq_error++; m_rx_seq =h->seq +1; return (false); }else{ m_rx_seq++; } m_pkt_ok++; uint64_t d = (os_get_hr_tick_64() - h->time_stamp ); dsec_t ctime=ptime_convert_hr_dsec(d); m_hist.Add(ctime); m_jitter.calc(ctime); return (true); } void CLatencyManager::Delete(){ m_pkt_gen.Delete(); if ( get_is_rx_check_mode() ) { m_rx_check_manager.Delete(); } if ( CGlobalInfo::is_learn_mode() ){ m_nat_check_manager.Delete(); } m_cpu_cp_u.Delete(); } /* 0->1 1->0 2->3 3->2 */ static uint8_t swap_port(uint8_t port_id){ uint8_t offset= ((port_id>>1)<<1); uint8_t client_index = (port_id %2); return (offset + (client_index ^ 1)); } bool CLatencyManager::Create(CLatencyManagerCfg * cfg){ switch (CGlobalInfo::m_options.get_l_pkt_mode()) { default: case 0: c_l_pkt_mode = (CLatencyPktModeSCTP *) new CLatencyPktModeSCTP(CGlobalInfo::m_options.get_l_pkt_mode()); break; case 1: case 2: case 3: c_l_pkt_mode = (CLatencyPktModeICMP *) new CLatencyPktModeICMP(CGlobalInfo::m_options.get_l_pkt_mode()); break; } m_max_ports=cfg->m_max_ports; assert (m_max_ports<=MAX_LATENCY_PORTS); assert ((m_max_ports%2)==0); m_port_mask =0xffffffff; m_do_stop =false; m_is_active =false; m_pkt_gen.Create(c_l_pkt_mode); int i; for (i=0; im_io=cfg->m_ports[i]; lp->m_port.Create(this, i, m_pkt_gen.get_payload_offset(), m_pkt_gen.get_l4_offset(), m_pkt_gen.get_pkt_size(),lpo ); } m_cps= cfg->m_cps; m_d_time =ptime_convert_dsec_hr((1.0/m_cps)); m_delta_sec =(1.0/m_cps); if ( get_is_rx_check_mode() ) { assert(m_rx_check_manager.Create()); m_rx_check_manager.m_cur_time= now_sec(); } m_pkt_gen.set_ip(cfg->m_client_ip.v4,cfg->m_server_ip.v4,cfg->m_dual_port_mask); m_cpu_cp_u.Create(&m_cpu_dp_u); if ( CGlobalInfo::is_learn_mode() ){ m_nat_check_manager.Create(); } return (true); } void CLatencyManager::send_pkt_all_ports(){ m_start_time = os_get_hr_tick_64(); int i; for (i=0; im_port.can_send_packet(i%2) ){ rte_mbuf_t * m=m_pkt_gen.generate_pkt(i,lp->m_port.external_nat_ip()); lp->m_port.update_packet(m, i); #ifdef LATENCY_DEBUG uint8_t *p = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, uint8_t*); c_l_pkt_mode->send_debug_print(p + 34); #endif if ( lp->m_io->tx(m) == 0 ){ lp->m_port.m_tx_pkt_ok++; }else{ lp->m_port.m_tx_pkt_err++; } } } } } void CLatencyManager::wait_for_rx_dump(){ rte_mbuf_t * rx_pkts[64]; int i; while ( true ) { rte_pause(); rte_pause(); rte_pause(); for (i=0; im_io->rx_burst(rx_pkts, 64); if (cnt_p) { int j; for (j=0; jm_port.dump_packet( m); rte_pktmbuf_free(m); } } /*cnt_p*/ }/* for*/ } } void CLatencyManager::handle_rx_pkt(CLatencyManagerPerPort * lp, rte_mbuf_t * m){ CRx_check_header *rxc=NULL; lp->m_port.check_packet(m,rxc); if ( unlikely(rxc!=NULL) ){ m_rx_check_manager.handle_packet(rxc); } rte_pktmbuf_free(m); } void CLatencyManager::handle_latency_pkt_msg(uint8_t thread_id, CGenNodeLatencyPktInfo * msg){ assert(msg->m_latency_offset==0xdead); uint8_t rx_port_index=(thread_id<<1)+(msg->m_dir&1); assert( rx_port_index m_pkt); } void CLatencyManager::run_rx_queue_msgs(uint8_t thread_id, CNodeRing * r){ while ( true ) { CGenNode * node; if ( r->Dequeue(node)!=0 ){ break; } assert(node); CGenNodeMsgBase * msg=(CGenNodeMsgBase *)node; uint8_t msg_type = msg->m_msg_type; switch (msg_type ) { case CGenNodeMsgBase::LATENCY_PKT: handle_latency_pkt_msg(thread_id,(CGenNodeLatencyPktInfo *) msg); break; default: printf("ERROR latency-thread message type is not valid %d \n",msg_type); assert(0); } CGlobalInfo::free_node(node); } } void CLatencyManager::try_rx_queues(){ CMessagingManager * rx_dp = CMsgIns::Ins()->getRxDp(); uint8_t threads=CMsgIns::Ins()->get_num_threads(); int ti; for (ti=0; ti<(int)threads; ti++) { CNodeRing * r = rx_dp->getRingDpToCp(ti); if ( !r->isEmpty() ){ run_rx_queue_msgs((uint8_t)ti,r); } } } void CLatencyManager::try_rx(){ rte_mbuf_t * rx_pkts[64]; int i; for (i=0; im_io->rx_burst(rx_pkts, 64); if (cnt_p) { int j; for (j=0; jm_port.reset(); } } void CLatencyManager::start(int iter){ m_do_stop =false; m_is_active =false; int cnt=0; double n_time; CGenNode * node = new CGenNode(); node->m_type = CGenNode::FLOW_SYNC; /* general stuff */ node->m_time = now_sec()+0.007; m_p_queue.push(node); node = new CGenNode(); node->m_type = CGenNode::FLOW_PKT; /* latency */ node->m_time = now_sec(); /* 1/cps rate */ m_p_queue.push(node); bool do_try_rx_queue =CGlobalInfo::m_options.preview.get_vm_one_queue_enable()?true:false; while ( !m_p_queue.empty() ) { node = m_p_queue.top(); n_time = node->m_time; /* wait for event */ while ( true ) { double dt = now_sec() - n_time ; if (dt> (0.0)) { break; } if (do_try_rx_queue){ try_rx_queues(); } try_rx(); rte_pause(); } switch (node->m_type) { case CGenNode::FLOW_SYNC: if ( CGlobalInfo::is_learn_mode() ) { m_nat_check_manager.handle_aging(); } m_p_queue.pop(); node->m_time += SYNC_TIME_OUT; m_p_queue.push(node); break; case CGenNode::FLOW_PKT: m_cpu_dp_u.start_work(); send_pkt_all_ports(); m_p_queue.pop(); node->m_time += m_delta_sec; m_p_queue.push(node); m_cpu_dp_u.commit(); break; } /* this will be called every sync which is 1msec */ if ( m_do_stop ) { break; } if ( iter>0 ){ if ( ( cnt>iter) ){ printf("stop due iter %d\n",iter); break; } } cnt++; } /* free all nodes in the queue */ while (!m_p_queue.empty()) { node = m_p_queue.top(); m_p_queue.pop(); delete node; } printf(" latency daemon has stopped\n"); if ( get_is_rx_check_mode() ) { m_rx_check_manager.tw_drain(); } } void CLatencyManager::stop(){ m_do_stop =true; } bool CLatencyManager::is_active(){ return (m_is_active); } double CLatencyManager::get_max_latency(){ double l=0.0; int i; for (i=0; im_port.m_hist.get_max_latency() ){ l=lp->m_port.m_hist.get_max_latency(); } } return (l); } double CLatencyManager::get_avr_latency(){ double l=0.0; int i; for (i=0; im_port.m_hist.get_average_latency() ){ l=lp->m_port.m_hist.get_average_latency(); } } return (l); } uint64_t CLatencyManager::get_total_pkt(){ int i; uint64_t t=0; for (i=0; im_port.m_tx_pkt_ok ; } return t; } uint64_t CLatencyManager::get_total_bytes(){ int i; uint64_t t=0; for (i=0; im_port.m_tx_pkt_ok* (m_pkt_gen.get_pkt_size()+4); } return t; } bool CLatencyManager::is_any_error(){ int i; for (i=0; im_port.is_any_err() ){ return (true); } } return (false); } void CLatencyManager::dump_json(std::string & json ){ json="{\"name\":\"trex-latecny\",\"type\":0,\"data\":{"; int i; for (i=0; im_port.dump_json(json); } json+="\"unknown\":0}}" ; } void CLatencyManager::dump_json_v2(std::string & json ){ json="{\"name\":\"trex-latecny-v2\",\"type\":0,\"data\":{"; json+=add_json("cpu_util",m_cpu_cp_u.GetVal()); int i; for (i=0; im_port.dump_json_v2(json); } json+="\"unknown\":0}}" ; } void CLatencyManager::DumpRxCheck(FILE *fd){ if ( get_is_rx_check_mode() ) { fprintf(fd," rx checker : \n"); m_rx_check_manager.DumpShort(fd); m_rx_check_manager.Dump(fd); } } void CLatencyManager::DumpShortRxCheck(FILE *fd){ if ( get_is_rx_check_mode() ) { m_rx_check_manager.DumpShort(fd); } } void CLatencyManager::rx_check_dump_json(std::string & json){ if ( get_is_rx_check_mode() ) { m_rx_check_manager.dump_json(json ); } } void CLatencyManager::update(){ m_cpu_cp_u.Update() ; } void CLatencyManager::DumpShort(FILE *fd){ int i; fprintf(fd," Cpu Utilization : %2.1f %% \n",m_cpu_cp_u.GetVal()); CCPortLatency::DumpShortHeader(fd); for (i=0; im_port.DumpShort(fd); fprintf(fd,"\n"); } } void CLatencyManager::Dump(FILE *fd){ int i; fprintf(fd," cpu : %2.1f %% \n",m_cpu_cp_u.GetVal()); for (i=0; im_port.DumpCounters(fd); } } void CLatencyManager::DumpRxCheckVerification(FILE *fd, uint64_t total_tx_rx_check){ if ( !get_is_rx_check_mode() ) { fprintf(fd," rx_checker is disabled \n"); return; } fprintf(fd," rx_check Tx : %llu \n", (unsigned long long)total_tx_rx_check); fprintf(fd," rx_check Rx : %llu \n", (unsigned long long)m_rx_check_manager.getTotalRx() ); fprintf(fd," rx_check verification :" ); if (m_rx_check_manager.getTotalRx() == total_tx_rx_check) { fprintf(fd," OK \n" ); }else{ fprintf(fd," FAIL \n" ); } } uint8_t CLatencyPktModeICMP::getPacketLen() {return sizeof(icmp_pkt);} const uint8_t *CLatencyPktModeICMP::getPacketData() {return icmp_pkt;} void CLatencyPktModeICMP::rcv_debug_print(uint8_t *pkt) { ICMPHeader *m_icmp = (ICMPHeader *)pkt; printf ("received latency ICMP packet code:%d seq:%x\n" , m_icmp->getType(), m_icmp->getSeqNum()); }; void CLatencyPktModeICMP::send_debug_print(uint8_t *pkt) { ICMPHeader *m_icmp = (ICMPHeader *)pkt; printf ("Sending latency ICMP packet code:%d seq:%d\n", m_icmp->getType(), m_icmp->getSeqNum()); } void CLatencyPktModeICMP::update_pkt(uint8_t *pkt, bool is_client_to_server, uint16_t l4_len, uint16_t *tx_seq) { ICMPHeader * m_icmp =(ICMPHeader *)(pkt); if (m_submode == L_PKT_SUBMODE_0_SEQ) { m_icmp->setSeqNum(0); } else { m_icmp->setSeqNum(*tx_seq); (*tx_seq)++; } if ((!is_client_to_server) && (m_submode == L_PKT_SUBMODE_REPLY)) { m_icmp->setType(0); // echo reply } else { m_icmp->setType(8); // echo request } // ICMP checksum is calculated on payload + ICMP header m_icmp->updateCheckSum(l4_len); } bool CLatencyPktModeICMP::IsLatencyPkt(IPHeader *ip) { if (!ip) return false; if (ip->getProtocol() != 0x1) return false; return true; }; void CLatencyPktModeICMP::update_recv(uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t *r_seq, uint16_t *t_seq) { ICMPHeader *m_icmp = (ICMPHeader *)(pkt); *r_seq = m_icmp->getSeqNum(); // handle wrap around, so can_send_packet will allow us to send if (*r_seq == 0) *t_seq = 0; } uint8_t CLatencyPktModeSCTP::getPacketLen() {return sizeof(sctp_pkt);} const uint8_t *CLatencyPktModeSCTP::getPacketData() {return sctp_pkt;} void CLatencyPktModeSCTP::rcv_debug_print(uint8_t *pkt) {printf("Received latency SCTP packet\n");} void CLatencyPktModeSCTP::send_debug_print(uint8_t *pkt) {printf("Sending latency SCTP packet\n"); // utl_DumpBuffer(stdout,pkt-20,28,0); } void CLatencyPktModeSCTP::update_pkt(uint8_t *pkt, bool is_client_to_server, uint16_t l4_len, uint16_t *tx_seq) {} bool CLatencyPktModeSCTP::IsLatencyPkt(IPHeader *ip) { if (!ip) { return false; } if (ip->getProtocol() != 0x84) { return false; } return true; }; void CLatencyPktModeSCTP::update_recv(uint8_t *pkt, uint16_t *r_seq, uint16_t *t_seq) {}