/* Hanoh Haim Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "platform_cfg.h" #include #include #include #include void CPlatformMemoryYamlInfo::reset(){ int i; i=0; for (i=0; iDump(fd); } } void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CPlatformDualIfYamlInfo & plat_info) { node["socket"] >> plat_info.m_socket; const YAML::Node& threads = node["threads"]; /* fill the vector*/ for(unsigned i=0;i> fi; plat_info.m_threads.push_back(fi); } } void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CPlatformCoresYamlInfo & plat_info) { node["master_thread_id"] >> plat_info.m_master_thread; node["latency_thread_id"] >> plat_info.m_latency_thread; const YAML::Node& dual_info = node["dual_if"]; for(unsigned i=0;i> fi; plat_info.m_dual_if.push_back(fi); } } void CPlatformMemoryYamlInfo::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," memory per 2x10G ports \n"); const std::string * names =get_mbuf_names(); int i=0; for (i=0; i> (const YAML::Node& node, CMacYamlInfo & mac_info) { const YAML::Node& dmac = node["dest_mac"]; for(unsigned i=0;i> fi; mac_info.m_dest_base.push_back(fi); } const YAML::Node& smac = node["src_mac"]; for(unsigned i=0;i> fi; mac_info.m_src_base.push_back(fi); } } void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CPlatformMemoryYamlInfo & plat_info) { if ( node.FindValue("mbuf_64") ){ node["mbuf_64"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[MBUF_64]; } if ( node.FindValue("mbuf_128") ){ node["mbuf_128"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[MBUF_128]; } if ( node.FindValue("mbuf_256") ){ node["mbuf_256"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[MBUF_256]; } if ( node.FindValue("mbuf_512") ){ node["mbuf_512"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[MBUF_512]; } if ( node.FindValue("mbuf_1024") ){ node["mbuf_1024"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[MBUF_1024]; } if ( node.FindValue("mbuf_2048") ){ node["mbuf_2048"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[MBUF_2048]; } if ( node.FindValue("traffic_mbuf_64") ){ node["traffic_mbuf_64"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[TRAFFIC_MBUF_64]; } if ( node.FindValue("traffic_mbuf_128") ){ node["traffic_mbuf_128"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[TRAFFIC_MBUF_128]; } if ( node.FindValue("traffic_mbuf_256") ){ node["traffic_mbuf_256"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[TRAFFIC_MBUF_256]; } if ( node.FindValue("traffic_mbuf_512") ){ node["traffic_mbuf_512"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[TRAFFIC_MBUF_512]; } if ( node.FindValue("traffic_mbuf_1024") ){ node["traffic_mbuf_1024"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[TRAFFIC_MBUF_1024]; } if ( node.FindValue("traffic_mbuf_2048") ){ node["traffic_mbuf_2048"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[TRAFFIC_MBUF_2048]; } if ( node.FindValue("dp_flows") ){ node["dp_flows"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[MBUF_DP_FLOWS]; } if ( node.FindValue("global_flows") ){ node["global_flows"] >> plat_info.m_mbuf[MBUF_GLOBAL_FLOWS]; } } void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CPlatformYamlInfo & plat_info) { if (node.FindValue("interface_mask")) { printf("WARNING interface_mask in not used any more !\n"); } /* must have interfaces */ const YAML::Node& interfaces = node["interfaces"]; for(unsigned i=0;i> fi; plat_info.m_if_list.push_back(fi); } if ( node.FindValue("port_limit") ){ node["port_limit"] >> plat_info.m_port_limit; plat_info.m_port_limit_exist=true; } plat_info.m_enable_zmq_pub_exist = true; if ( node.FindValue("enable_zmq_pub") ){ node["enable_zmq_pub"] >> plat_info.m_enable_zmq_pub; plat_info.m_enable_zmq_pub_exist = true; } if ( node.FindValue("zmq_pub_port") ){ node["zmq_pub_port"] >> plat_info.m_zmq_pub_port; plat_info.m_enable_zmq_pub_exist = true; } if ( node.FindValue("prefix") ){ node["prefix"] >> plat_info.m_prefix; } if ( node.FindValue("limit_memory") ){ node["limit_memory"] >> plat_info.m_limit_memory; } if ( node.FindValue("c") ){ node["c"] >> plat_info.m_thread_per_dual_if; } if ( node.FindValue("telnet_port") ){ node["telnet_port"] >> plat_info.m_telnet_port; plat_info.m_telnet_exist=true; } if ( node.FindValue("port_bandwidth_gb") ){ node["port_bandwidth_gb"] >> plat_info.m_port_bandwidth_gb; } if ( node.FindValue("memory") ){ node["memory"] >> plat_info.m_memory; } if ( node.FindValue("platform") ){ node["platform"] >> plat_info.m_platform; plat_info.m_platform.m_is_exists=true; } if ( node.FindValue("port_info") ) { const YAML::Node& mac_info = node["port_info"]; for(unsigned i=0;i> fi; plat_info.m_mac_info.push_back(fi); } plat_info.m_mac_info_exist = true; } } int CPlatformYamlInfo::load_from_yaml_file(std::string file_name){ reset(); m_info_exist =true; if ( !utl_is_file_exists(file_name) ){ printf(" ERROR file %s does not exists \n",file_name.c_str()); exit(-1); } try { std::ifstream fin((char *)file_name.c_str()); YAML::Parser parser(fin); YAML::Node doc; parser.GetNextDocument(doc); for(unsigned i=0;i> *this; break; } } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { std::cout << e.what() << "\n"; exit(-1); } return (0); } std::string CPlatformYamlInfo::get_use_if_comma_seperated(){ std::string s=""; int i; for (i=0; i<(int)m_if_list.size()-1; i++) { s+=m_if_list[i]+","; } s+=m_if_list[i]; return (s); } void CPlatformYamlInfo::Dump(FILE *fd){ if ( m_info_exist ==false ){ fprintf(fd," file info does not exist \n"); return; } if (m_port_limit_exist && (m_port_limit != 0xffffffff)) { fprintf(fd," port limit : %d \n",m_port_limit); }else{ fprintf(fd," port limit : not configured \n"); } fprintf(fd," port_bandwidth_gb : %lu \n",m_port_bandwidth_gb); if ( m_if_mask_exist && m_if_mask.size() ) { fprintf(fd," if_mask : "); int i; for (i=0; i<(int)m_if_mask.size(); i++) { fprintf(fd," %s,",m_if_mask[i].c_str()); } fprintf(fd,"\n",m_if_mask[i].c_str()); }else{ fprintf(fd," if_mask : None \n"); } if ( m_prefix.length() ){ fprintf(fd," prefix : %s \n",m_prefix.c_str()); } if ( m_limit_memory.length() ){ fprintf(fd," limit_memory : %s \n",m_limit_memory.c_str()); } fprintf(fd," thread_per_dual_if : %d \n",(int)m_thread_per_dual_if); fprintf(fd," if : "); int i; for (i=0; i<(int)m_if_list.size(); i++) { fprintf(fd," %s,",m_if_list[i].c_str()); } fprintf(fd,"\n"); if ( m_enable_zmq_pub_exist ){ fprintf(fd," enable_zmq_pub : %d \n",m_enable_zmq_pub?1:0); fprintf(fd," zmq_pub_port : %d \n",m_zmq_pub_port); } if ( m_telnet_exist ){ fprintf(fd," telnet_port : %d \n",m_telnet_port); } if ( m_mac_info_exist ){ int i; for (i=0; i<(int)m_mac_info.size(); i++) { m_mac_info[i].Dump(fd); } } m_memory.Dump(fd); m_platform.Dump(fd); }