/* Itay Marom Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "trex_rpc_cmds.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef RTE_DPDK #include <../linux_dpdk/version.h> #endif using namespace std; /** * ping command */ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdPing::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { result["result"] = "ACK"; return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /** * query command */ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdGetCmds::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { vector cmds; TrexRpcCommandsTable::get_instance().query(cmds); Json::Value test = Json::arrayValue; for (auto cmd : cmds) { test.append(cmd); } result["result"] = test; return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /** * get version * */ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdGetVersion::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { Json::Value §ion = result["result"]; #ifdef RTE_DPDK section["version"] = VERSION_BUILD_NUM; section["build_date"] = get_build_date(); section["build_time"] = get_build_time(); section["built_by"] = VERSION_USER; #else section["version"] = "v1.75"; section["build_date"] = __DATE__; section["build_time"] = __TIME__; section["built_by"] = "MOCK"; #endif return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /** * get the CPU model * */ std::string TrexRpcCmdGetSysInfo::get_cpu_model() { static const string cpu_prefix = "model name"; std::ifstream cpuinfo("/proc/cpuinfo"); if (cpuinfo.is_open()) { while (cpuinfo.good()) { std::string line; getline(cpuinfo, line); int pos = line.find(cpu_prefix); if (pos == string::npos) { continue; } /* trim it */ int index = cpu_prefix.size() + 1; while ( (line[index] == ' ') || (line[index] == ':') ) { index++; } return line.substr(index); } } return "unknown"; } void TrexRpcCmdGetSysInfo::get_hostname(string &hostname) { char buffer[256]; buffer[0] = 0; gethostname(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); /* write hostname */ hostname = buffer; } /** * get system info * */ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdGetSysInfo::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { string hostname; TrexStateless * main = get_stateless_obj(); Json::Value §ion = result["result"]; get_hostname(hostname); section["hostname"] = hostname; section["uptime"] = TrexRpcServer::get_server_uptime(); /* FIXME: core count */ section["dp_core_count"] = main->get_dp_core_count(); section["core_type"] = get_cpu_model(); /* ports */ section["port_count"] = main->get_port_count(); section["ports"] = Json::arrayValue; for (int i = 0; i < main->get_port_count(); i++) { string driver; TrexPlatformApi::driver_speed_e speed; TrexStatelessPort *port = main->get_port_by_id(i); port->get_properties(driver, speed); section["ports"][i]["index"] = i; section["ports"][i]["driver"] = driver; switch (speed) { case TrexPlatformApi::SPEED_1G: section["ports"][i]["speed"] = 1; break; case TrexPlatformApi::SPEED_10G: section["ports"][i]["speed"] = 10; break; case TrexPlatformApi::SPEED_40G: section["ports"][i]["speed"] = 40; break; default: /* unknown value */ section["ports"][i]["speed"] = 0; break; } section["ports"][i]["owner"] = port->get_owner(); section["ports"][i]["status"] = port->get_state_as_string(); } return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /** * returns the current owner of the device * * @author imarom (08-Sep-15) * * @param params * @param result * * @return trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e */ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdGetOwner::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { Json::Value §ion = result["result"]; uint8_t port_id = parse_port(params, result); TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); section["owner"] = port->get_owner(); return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /** * acquire device * */ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdAcquire::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { uint8_t port_id = parse_port(params, result); const string &new_owner = parse_string(params, "user", result); bool force = parse_bool(params, "force", result); /* if not free and not you and not force - fail */ TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); try { port->acquire(new_owner, force); } catch (const TrexRpcException &ex) { generate_execute_err(result, ex.what()); } result["result"] = port->get_owner_handler(); return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /** * release device * */ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdRelease::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { uint8_t port_id = parse_port(params, result); TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); try { port->release(); } catch (const TrexRpcException &ex) { generate_execute_err(result, ex.what()); } result["result"] = "ACK"; return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /** * get port stats * */ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdGetPortStats::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { uint8_t port_id = parse_port(params, result); TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); result["result"]["status"] = port->get_state_as_string(); try { port->encode_stats(result["result"]); } catch (const TrexRpcException &ex) { generate_execute_err(result, ex.what()); } return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /** * request the server a sync about a specific user * */ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdSyncUser::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { const string &user = parse_string(params, "user", result); bool sync_streams = parse_bool(params, "sync_streams", result); result["result"] = Json::arrayValue; for (auto port : get_stateless_obj()->get_port_list()) { if (port->get_owner() == user) { Json::Value owned_port; owned_port["port_id"] = port->get_port_id(); owned_port["handler"] = port->get_owner_handler(); owned_port["state"] = port->get_state_as_string(); /* if sync streams was asked - sync all the streams */ if (sync_streams) { owned_port["streams"] = Json::arrayValue; std::vector streams; port->get_object_list(streams); for (auto stream : streams) { owned_port["streams"].append(stream->get_stream_json()); } } result["result"].append(owned_port); } } return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); }