/* Itay Marom, Dan Klein Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "trex_rpc_cmds.h" #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; /** * simple parser of string to number * only difference is that it enforces whole number * and not partial * */ static uint64_t str2num(const string &str) { size_t index; uint64_t num = std::stoull(str, &index, 0); if (index != str.size()) { throw invalid_argument("could not parse string to number"); } return (num); } /*************************** * add new stream * **************************/ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdAddStream::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { uint8_t port_id = parse_int(params, "port_id", result); uint32_t stream_id = parse_int(params, "stream_id", result); const Json::Value §ion = parse_object(params, "stream", result); /* get the type of the stream */ const Json::Value &mode = parse_object(section, "mode", result); string type = parse_string(mode, "type", result); /* allocate a new stream based on the type */ TrexStream *stream = allocate_new_stream(section, port_id, stream_id, result); /* save this for future queries */ stream->store_stream_json(section); /* some fields */ stream->m_enabled = parse_bool(section, "enabled", result); stream->m_self_start = parse_bool(section, "self_start", result); /* inter stream gap */ stream->m_isg_usec = parse_double(section, "isg", result); stream->m_next_stream_id = parse_int(section, "next_stream_id", result); const Json::Value &pkt = parse_object(section, "packet", result); const Json::Value &pkt_binary = parse_array(pkt, "binary", result); /* fetch the packet from the message */ stream->m_pkt.len = pkt_binary.size(); stream->m_pkt.binary = new uint8_t[pkt_binary.size()]; if (!stream->m_pkt.binary) { generate_internal_err(result, "unable to allocate memory"); } /* parse the packet */ for (int i = 0; i < pkt_binary.size(); i++) { stream->m_pkt.binary[i] = parse_byte(pkt_binary, i, result); } /* meta data */ stream->m_pkt.meta = parse_string(pkt, "meta", result); /* parse VM */ const Json::Value &vm = parse_array(section ,"vm", result); parse_vm(vm, stream, result); /* parse RX info */ const Json::Value &rx = parse_object(section, "rx_stats", result); stream->m_rx_check.m_enable = parse_bool(rx, "enabled", result); /* if it is enabled - we need more fields */ if (stream->m_rx_check.m_enable) { stream->m_rx_check.m_stream_id = parse_int(rx, "stream_id", result); stream->m_rx_check.m_seq_enabled = parse_bool(rx, "seq_enabled", result); stream->m_rx_check.m_latency = parse_bool(rx, "latency_enabled", result); } /* make sure this is a valid stream to add */ validate_stream(stream, result); TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(stream->m_port_id); port->get_stream_table()->add_stream(stream); result["result"] = "ACK"; return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } TrexStream * TrexRpcCmdAddStream::allocate_new_stream(const Json::Value §ion, uint8_t port_id, uint32_t stream_id, Json::Value &result) { TrexStream *stream; const Json::Value &mode = parse_object(section, "mode", result); std::string type = parse_string(mode, "type", result); if (type == "continuous") { double pps = parse_double(mode, "pps", result); stream = new TrexStreamContinuous(port_id, stream_id, pps); } else if (type == "single_burst") { uint32_t total_pkts = parse_int(mode, "total_pkts", result); double pps = parse_double(mode, "pps", result); stream = new TrexStreamBurst(port_id, stream_id, total_pkts, pps); } else if (type == "multi_burst") { double pps = parse_double(mode, "pps", result); double ibg_usec = parse_double(mode, "ibg", result); uint32_t num_bursts = parse_int(mode, "number_of_bursts", result); uint32_t pkts_per_burst = parse_int(mode, "pkts_per_burst", result); stream = new TrexStreamMultiBurst(port_id, stream_id, pkts_per_burst, pps, num_bursts, ibg_usec); } else { generate_parse_err(result, "bad stream type provided: '" + type + "'"); } /* make sure we were able to allocate the memory */ if (!stream) { generate_internal_err(result, "unable to allocate memory"); } return (stream); } void TrexRpcCmdAddStream::parse_vm_instr_checksum(const Json::Value &inst, TrexStream *stream, Json::Value &result) { uint16_t pkt_offset = parse_uint16(inst, "pkt_offset", result); stream->m_vm.add_instruction(new StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4(pkt_offset)); } void TrexRpcCmdAddStream::parse_vm_instr_flow_var(const Json::Value &inst, TrexStream *stream, Json::Value &result) { std::string flow_var_name = parse_string(inst, "name", result); auto sizes = {1, 2, 4, 8}; uint8_t flow_var_size = parse_choice(inst, "size", sizes, result); auto ops = {"inc", "dec", "random"}; std::string op_type_str = parse_choice(inst, "op", ops, result); StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::flow_var_op_e op_type; if (op_type_str == "inc") { op_type = StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC; } else if (op_type_str == "dec") { op_type = StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC; } else if (op_type_str == "random") { op_type = StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM; } else { throw TrexRpcException("internal error"); } std::string init_value_str = parse_string(inst, "init_value", result); std::string min_value_str = parse_string(inst, "min_value", result); std::string max_value_str = parse_string(inst, "max_value", result); uint64_t init_value; uint64_t min_value; uint64_t max_value; try { init_value = str2num(init_value_str); } catch (invalid_argument) { generate_parse_err(result, "failed to parse 'init_value' as a number"); } try { min_value = str2num(min_value_str); } catch (invalid_argument) { generate_parse_err(result, "failed to parse 'min_value' as a number"); } try { max_value = str2num(max_value_str); } catch (invalid_argument) { generate_parse_err(result, "failed to parse 'max_value' as a number"); } stream->m_vm.add_instruction(new StreamVmInstructionFlowMan(flow_var_name, flow_var_size, op_type, init_value, min_value, max_value )); } void TrexRpcCmdAddStream::parse_vm_instr_write_flow_var(const Json::Value &inst, TrexStream *stream, Json::Value &result) { std::string flow_var_name = parse_string(inst, "name", result); uint16_t pkt_offset = parse_uint16(inst, "pkt_offset", result); int add_value = parse_int(inst, "add_value", result); bool is_big_endian = parse_bool(inst, "is_big_endian", result); stream->m_vm.add_instruction(new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt(flow_var_name, pkt_offset, add_value, is_big_endian)); } void TrexRpcCmdAddStream::parse_vm(const Json::Value &vm, TrexStream *stream, Json::Value &result) { /* array of VM instructions on vm */ for (int i = 0; i < vm.size(); i++) { const Json::Value & inst = vm[i]; auto vm_types = {"fix_checksum_ipv4", "flow_var", "write_flow_var"}; std::string vm_type = parse_choice(inst, "type", vm_types, result); // checksum instruction if (vm_type == "fix_checksum_ipv4") { parse_vm_instr_checksum(inst, stream, result); } else if (vm_type == "flow_var") { parse_vm_instr_flow_var(inst, stream, result); } else if (vm_type == "write_flow_var") { parse_vm_instr_write_flow_var(inst, stream, result); } else { /* internal error */ throw TrexRpcException("internal error"); } } } void TrexRpcCmdAddStream::validate_stream(const TrexStream *stream, Json::Value &result) { /* check packet size */ if ( (stream->m_pkt.len < TrexStream::MIN_PKT_SIZE_BYTES) || (stream->m_pkt.len > TrexStream::MAX_PKT_SIZE_BYTES) ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "bad packet size provided: should be between " << TrexStream::MIN_PKT_SIZE_BYTES << " and " << TrexStream::MAX_PKT_SIZE_BYTES; delete stream; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } /* port id should be between 0 and count - 1 */ if (stream->m_port_id >= get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "invalid port id - should be between 0 and " << (int)get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count() - 1; delete stream; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } /* add the stream to the port's stream table */ TrexStatelessPort * port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(stream->m_port_id); /* does such a stream exists ? */ if (port->get_stream_table()->get_stream_by_id(stream->m_stream_id)) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "stream " << stream->m_stream_id << " already exists"; delete stream; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } } /*************************** * remove stream * **************************/ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdRemoveStream::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { uint8_t port_id = parse_byte(params, "port_id", result); uint32_t stream_id = parse_int(params, "stream_id", result); if (port_id >= get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "invalid port id - should be between 0 and " << (int)get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count() - 1; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); TrexStream *stream = port->get_stream_table()->get_stream_by_id(stream_id); if (!stream) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "stream " << stream_id << " does not exists"; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } port->get_stream_table()->remove_stream(stream); delete stream; result["result"] = "ACK"; return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /*************************** * remove all streams * for a port * **************************/ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdRemoveAllStreams::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { uint8_t port_id = parse_byte(params, "port_id", result); if (port_id >= get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "invalid port id - should be between 0 and " << (int)get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count() - 1; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); port->get_stream_table()->remove_and_delete_all_streams(); result["result"] = "ACK"; return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /*************************** * get all streams configured * on a specific port * **************************/ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdGetStreamList::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { std::vector stream_list; uint8_t port_id = parse_byte(params, "port_id", result); if (port_id >= get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "invalid port id - should be between 0 and " << (int)get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count() - 1; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); port->get_stream_table()->get_id_list(stream_list); Json::Value json_list = Json::arrayValue; for (auto stream_id : stream_list) { json_list.append(stream_id); } result["result"] = json_list; return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /*************************** * get stream by id * on a specific port * **************************/ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdGetStream::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { uint8_t port_id = parse_byte(params, "port_id", result); uint32_t stream_id = parse_int(params, "stream_id", result); if (port_id >= get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "invalid port id - should be between 0 and " << (int)get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count() - 1; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); TrexStream *stream = port->get_stream_table()->get_stream_by_id(stream_id); if (!stream) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "stream id " << stream_id << " on port " << (int)port_id << " does not exists"; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } /* return the stored stream json (instead of decoding it all over again) */ result["result"]["stream"] = stream->get_stream_json(); return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /*************************** * start traffic on port * **************************/ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdStartTraffic::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { uint8_t port_id = parse_byte(params, "port_id", result); if (port_id >= get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "invalid port id - should be between 0 and " << (int)get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count() - 1; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); TrexStatelessPort::rc_e rc = port->start_traffic(); if (rc == TrexStatelessPort::RC_OK) { result["result"] = "ACK"; } else { std::stringstream ss; switch (rc) { case TrexStatelessPort::RC_ERR_BAD_STATE_FOR_OP: ss << "bad state for operations: port is either transmitting traffic or down"; break; case TrexStatelessPort::RC_ERR_NO_STREAMS: ss << "no active streams on that port"; break; default: ss << "failed to start traffic"; break; } generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); } /*************************** * start traffic on port * **************************/ trex_rpc_cmd_rc_e TrexRpcCmdStopTraffic::_run(const Json::Value ¶ms, Json::Value &result) { uint8_t port_id = parse_byte(params, "port_id", result); if (port_id >= get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count()) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "invalid port id - should be between 0 and " << (int)get_stateless_obj()->get_port_count() - 1; generate_execute_err(result, ss.str()); } TrexStatelessPort *port = get_stateless_obj()->get_port_by_id(port_id); port->stop_traffic(); result["result"] = "ACK"; return (TREX_RPC_CMD_OK); }