/* Itay Marom Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "trex_stateless_rx_defs.h" #include #ifndef TREX_RPC_MOCK_SERVER // DPDK c++ issue #ifndef UINT8_MAX #define UINT8_MAX 255 #endif #ifndef UINT16_MAX #define UINT16_MAX 0xFFFF #endif // DPDK c++ issue #endif #include void port_id_to_cores(uint8_t port_id, std::vector> &cores_id_list); using namespace std; /*************************** * trex DP events handlers * **************************/ class AsyncStopEvent : public TrexDpPortEvent { protected: /** * when an async event occurs (all cores have reported in) * * @author imarom (29-Feb-16) */ virtual void on_event() { get_port()->change_state(TrexStatelessPort::PORT_STATE_STREAMS); get_port()->common_port_stop_actions(true); assert(get_port()->m_pending_async_stop_event != TrexDpPortEvents::INVALID_ID); get_port()->m_pending_async_stop_event = TrexDpPortEvents::INVALID_ID; } /** * when a DP core encountered an error * * @author imarom (20-Apr-16) */ virtual void on_error(int thread_id) { Json::Value data; data["port_id"] = get_port()->get_port_id(); data["thread_id"] = thread_id; get_stateless_obj()->get_publisher()->publish_event(TrexPublisher::EVENT_PORT_ERROR, data); } }; /************************************* * Streams Feeder * A class that holds a temporary * clone of streams that can be * manipulated * * this is a RAII object meant for * graceful cleanup ************************************/ class StreamsFeeder { public: StreamsFeeder(TrexStatelessPort *port) { /* start pesimistic */ m_success = false; m_port = port; } void feed() { /* fetch the original streams */ m_port->get_object_list(m_in_streams); for (const TrexStream *in_stream : m_in_streams) { TrexStream *out_stream = in_stream->clone(true); m_out_streams.push_back(out_stream); get_stateless_obj()->m_rx_flow_stat.start_stream(out_stream); } } void set_status(bool status) { m_success = status; } vector &get_streams() { return m_out_streams; } /** * RAII */ ~StreamsFeeder() { for (int i = 0; i < m_out_streams.size(); i++) { TrexStream *out_stream = m_out_streams[i]; TrexStream *in_stream = m_in_streams[i]; if (m_success) { /* success path */ get_stateless_obj()->m_rx_flow_stat.copy_state(out_stream, in_stream); } else { /* fail path */ get_stateless_obj()->m_rx_flow_stat.stop_stream(out_stream); } delete out_stream; } } private: vector m_in_streams; vector m_out_streams; bool m_success; TrexStatelessPort *m_port; }; /*************************** * trex stateless port * **************************/ TrexStatelessPort::TrexStatelessPort(uint8_t port_id, const TrexPlatformApi *api) : m_dp_events(this) { std::vector> core_pair_list; m_port_id = port_id; m_port_state = PORT_STATE_IDLE; m_platform_api = api; /* get the platform specific data */ api->get_interface_info(port_id, m_api_info); /* get RX caps */ api->get_interface_stat_info(port_id, m_rx_count_num, m_rx_caps); /* get the DP cores belonging to this port */ api->port_id_to_cores(m_port_id, core_pair_list); for (auto core_pair : core_pair_list) { /* send the core id */ m_cores_id_list.push_back(core_pair.first); } m_graph_obj = NULL; m_pending_async_stop_event = TrexDpPortEvents::INVALID_ID; } TrexStatelessPort::~TrexStatelessPort() { stop_traffic(); remove_and_delete_all_streams(); } /** * acquire the port * * @author imarom (09-Nov-15) * * @param user * @param force */ void TrexStatelessPort::acquire(const std::string &user, uint32_t session_id, bool force) { bool used_force = !get_owner().is_free() && force; if (get_owner().is_free() || force) { get_owner().own(user, session_id); } else { /* not same user or session id and not force - report error */ if (get_owner().get_name() == user) { throw TrexException("port is already owned by another session of '" + user + "'"); } else { throw TrexException("port is already taken by '" + get_owner().get_name() + "'"); } } Json::Value data; data["port_id"] = m_port_id; data["who"] = user; data["session_id"] = session_id; data["force"] = used_force; get_stateless_obj()->get_publisher()->publish_event(TrexPublisher::EVENT_PORT_ACQUIRED, data); } void TrexStatelessPort::release(void) { Json::Value data; data["port_id"] = m_port_id; data["who"] = get_owner().get_name(); data["session_id"] = get_owner().get_session_id(); get_owner().release(); get_stateless_obj()->get_publisher()->publish_event(TrexPublisher::EVENT_PORT_RELEASED, data); } /** * starts the traffic on the port * */ void TrexStatelessPort::start_traffic(const TrexPortMultiplier &mul, double duration, bool force, uint64_t core_mask) { /* command allowed only on state stream */ verify_state(PORT_STATE_STREAMS, "start"); /* just making sure no leftovers... */ delete_streams_graph(); /* on start - we can only provide absolute values */ assert(mul.m_op == TrexPortMultiplier::OP_ABS); /* check link state */ if ( !m_platform_api->getPortAttrObj(m_port_id)->is_link_up() && !force ) { throw TrexException("Link state is DOWN."); } /* caclulate the effective factor for DP */ double factor = calculate_effective_factor(mul, force); StreamsFeeder feeder(this); feeder.feed(); /* compiler it */ std::vector compiled_objs; std::string fail_msg; TrexStreamsCompiler compiler; TrexDPCoreMask mask(get_dp_core_count(), core_mask); bool rc = compiler.compile(m_port_id, feeder.get_streams(), compiled_objs, mask, factor, &fail_msg); if (!rc) { feeder.set_status(false); throw TrexException(fail_msg); } feeder.set_status(true); /* generate a message to all the relevant DP cores to stop transmitting */ assert(m_pending_async_stop_event == TrexDpPortEvents::INVALID_ID); m_pending_async_stop_event = m_dp_events.create_event(new AsyncStopEvent()); /* update object status */ m_factor = factor; m_last_all_streams_continues = compiled_objs[mask.get_active_cores()[0]]->get_all_streams_continues(); m_last_duration = duration; change_state(PORT_STATE_TX); /* update the DP - messages will be freed by the DP */ int index = 0; for (auto core_id : m_cores_id_list) { /* was the core assigned a compiled object ? */ if (compiled_objs[index]) { TrexStatelessCpToDpMsgBase *start_msg = new TrexStatelessDpStart(m_port_id, m_pending_async_stop_event, compiled_objs[index], duration); send_message_to_dp(core_id, start_msg); } else { /* mimic an end event */ m_dp_events.on_core_reporting_in(m_pending_async_stop_event, core_id); } index++; } /* for debug - this can be turn on */ //m_dp_events.barrier(); /* update subscribers */ Json::Value data; data["port_id"] = m_port_id; get_stateless_obj()->get_publisher()->publish_event(TrexPublisher::EVENT_PORT_STARTED, data); } bool TrexStatelessPort::is_active() const { return ( (m_port_state == PORT_STATE_TX) || (m_port_state == PORT_STATE_PAUSE) || (m_port_state == PORT_STATE_PCAP_TX) ); } /** * stop traffic on port * * @author imarom (09-Nov-15) * * @return TrexStatelessPort::rc_e */ void TrexStatelessPort::stop_traffic(void) { if (!is_active()) { return; } /* delete any previous graphs */ delete_streams_graph(); /* to avoid race, first destroy any previous stop/pause events */ if (m_pending_async_stop_event != TrexDpPortEvents::INVALID_ID) { m_dp_events.destroy_event(m_pending_async_stop_event); m_pending_async_stop_event = TrexDpPortEvents::INVALID_ID; } /* generate a message to all the relevant DP cores to start transmitting */ TrexStatelessCpToDpMsgBase *stop_msg = new TrexStatelessDpStop(m_port_id); send_message_to_all_dp(stop_msg); /* a barrier - make sure all the DP cores stopped */ m_dp_events.barrier(); change_state(PORT_STATE_STREAMS); common_port_stop_actions(false); } /** * remove all RX filters from port * * @author imarom (28-Mar-16) */ void TrexStatelessPort::remove_rx_filters(void) { /* only valid when IDLE or with streams and not TXing */ verify_state(PORT_STATE_STREAMS, "remove_rx_filters"); for (auto entry : m_stream_table) { get_stateless_obj()->m_rx_flow_stat.stop_stream(entry.second); } } /** * when a port stops, perform various actions * */ void TrexStatelessPort::common_port_stop_actions(bool async) { Json::Value data; data["port_id"] = m_port_id; if (async) { get_stateless_obj()->get_publisher()->publish_event(TrexPublisher::EVENT_PORT_FINISHED_TX, data); } else { get_stateless_obj()->get_publisher()->publish_event(TrexPublisher::EVENT_PORT_STOPPED, data); } } /** * core is considered active if it has a pending for async stop * */ bool TrexStatelessPort::is_core_active(int core_id) { return ( (m_pending_async_stop_event != TrexDpPortEvents::INVALID_ID) && (m_dp_events.is_core_pending_on_event(m_pending_async_stop_event, core_id)) ); } void TrexStatelessPort::pause_traffic(void) { verify_state(PORT_STATE_TX, "pause"); if (m_last_all_streams_continues == false) { throw TrexException(" pause is supported when all streams are in continues mode "); } if ( m_last_duration>0.0 ) { throw TrexException(" pause is supported when duration is not enable is start command "); } /* send a pause message */ TrexStatelessCpToDpMsgBase *pause_msg = new TrexStatelessDpPause(m_port_id); /* send message to all cores */ send_message_to_all_dp(pause_msg, true); /* make sure all DP cores paused */ m_dp_events.barrier(); /* change state */ change_state(PORT_STATE_PAUSE); Json::Value data; data["port_id"] = m_port_id; get_stateless_obj()->get_publisher()->publish_event(TrexPublisher::EVENT_PORT_PAUSED, data); } void TrexStatelessPort::resume_traffic(void) { verify_state(PORT_STATE_PAUSE, "resume"); /* generate a message to all the relevant DP cores to start transmitting */ TrexStatelessCpToDpMsgBase *resume_msg = new TrexStatelessDpResume(m_port_id); send_message_to_all_dp(resume_msg, true); change_state(PORT_STATE_TX); Json::Value data; data["port_id"] = m_port_id; get_stateless_obj()->get_publisher()->publish_event(TrexPublisher::EVENT_PORT_RESUMED, data); } void TrexStatelessPort::update_traffic(const TrexPortMultiplier &mul, bool force) { double factor; verify_state(PORT_STATE_TX | PORT_STATE_PAUSE, "update"); /* generate a message to all the relevant DP cores to start transmitting */ double new_factor = calculate_effective_factor(mul, force); switch (mul.m_op) { case TrexPortMultiplier::OP_ABS: factor = new_factor / m_factor; break; case TrexPortMultiplier::OP_ADD: factor = (m_factor + new_factor) / m_factor; break; case TrexPortMultiplier::OP_SUB: factor = (m_factor - new_factor) / m_factor; if (factor <= 0) { throw TrexException("Update request will lower traffic to less than zero"); } break; default: assert(0); break; } TrexStatelessCpToDpMsgBase *update_msg = new TrexStatelessDpUpdate(m_port_id, factor); send_message_to_all_dp(update_msg, true); m_factor *= factor; } void TrexStatelessPort::push_remote(const std::string &pcap_filename, double ipg_usec, double min_ipg_sec, double speedup, uint32_t count, double duration, bool is_dual) { /* command allowed only on state stream */ verify_state(PORT_STATE_IDLE | PORT_STATE_STREAMS, "push_remote"); /* check that file exists */ std::stringstream ss; CCapReaderBase *reader = CCapReaderFactory::CreateReader((char *)pcap_filename.c_str(), 0, ss); if (!reader) { throw TrexException(ss.str()); } if ( (is_dual) && (reader->get_type() != ERF) ) { throw TrexException("dual mode is only supported on ERF format"); } delete reader; /* only one core gets to play */ int tx_core = m_cores_id_list[0]; /* create async event */ assert(m_pending_async_stop_event == TrexDpPortEvents::INVALID_ID); m_pending_async_stop_event = m_dp_events.create_event(new AsyncStopEvent()); /* mark all other cores as done */ for (int index = 1; index < m_cores_id_list.size(); index++) { /* mimic an end event */ m_dp_events.on_core_reporting_in(m_pending_async_stop_event, m_cores_id_list[index]); } /* send a message to core */ change_state(PORT_STATE_PCAP_TX); TrexStatelessCpToDpMsgBase *push_msg = new TrexStatelessDpPushPCAP(m_port_id, m_pending_async_stop_event, pcap_filename, ipg_usec, min_ipg_sec, speedup, count, duration, is_dual); send_message_to_dp(tx_core, push_msg); /* update subscribers */ Json::Value data; data["port_id"] = m_port_id; get_stateless_obj()->get_publisher()->publish_event(TrexPublisher::EVENT_PORT_STARTED, data); } std::string TrexStatelessPort::get_state_as_string() const { switch (get_state()) { case PORT_STATE_DOWN: return "DOWN"; case PORT_STATE_IDLE: return "IDLE"; case PORT_STATE_STREAMS: return "STREAMS"; case PORT_STATE_TX: return "TX"; case PORT_STATE_PAUSE: return "PAUSE"; case PORT_STATE_PCAP_TX: return "PCAP_TX"; } return "UNKNOWN"; } int TrexStatelessPort::get_max_stream_id() const { return m_stream_table.get_max_stream_id(); } void TrexStatelessPort::get_properties(std::string &driver) { driver = m_api_info.driver_name; } bool TrexStatelessPort::verify_state(int state, const char *cmd_name, bool should_throw) const { if ( (state & m_port_state) == 0 ) { if (should_throw) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "command '" << cmd_name << "' cannot be executed on current state: '" << get_state_as_string() << "'"; throw TrexException(ss.str()); } else { return false; } } return true; } void TrexStatelessPort::change_state(port_state_e new_state) { m_port_state = new_state; } void TrexStatelessPort::encode_stats(Json::Value &port) { TrexPlatformInterfaceStats stats; m_platform_api->get_interface_stats(m_port_id, stats); port["tx_bps"] = stats.m_stats.m_tx_bps; port["rx_bps"] = stats.m_stats.m_rx_bps; port["tx_pps"] = stats.m_stats.m_tx_pps; port["rx_pps"] = stats.m_stats.m_rx_pps; port["total_tx_pkts"] = Json::Value::UInt64(stats.m_stats.m_total_tx_pkts); port["total_rx_pkts"] = Json::Value::UInt64(stats.m_stats.m_total_rx_pkts); port["total_tx_bytes"] = Json::Value::UInt64(stats.m_stats.m_total_tx_bytes); port["total_rx_bytes"] = Json::Value::UInt64(stats.m_stats.m_total_rx_bytes); port["tx_rx_errors"] = Json::Value::UInt64(stats.m_stats.m_tx_rx_errors); } void TrexStatelessPort::send_message_to_all_dp(TrexStatelessCpToDpMsgBase *msg, bool send_to_active_only) { for (auto core_id : m_cores_id_list) { /* skip non active cores if requested */ if ( (send_to_active_only) && (!is_core_active(core_id)) ) { continue; } send_message_to_dp(core_id, msg->clone()); } /* original was not sent - delete it */ delete msg; } void TrexStatelessPort::send_message_to_dp(uint8_t core_id, TrexStatelessCpToDpMsgBase *msg) { /* send the message to the core */ CNodeRing *ring = CMsgIns::Ins()->getCpDp()->getRingCpToDp(core_id); ring->Enqueue((CGenNode *)msg); } void TrexStatelessPort::send_message_to_rx(TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *msg) { /* send the message to the core */ CNodeRing *ring = CMsgIns::Ins()->getCpRx()->getRingCpToDp(0); ring->Enqueue((CGenNode *)msg); } uint64_t TrexStatelessPort::get_port_speed_bps() const { return (uint64_t) m_platform_api->getPortAttrObj(m_port_id)->get_link_speed() * 1000 * 1000; } static inline double bps_to_gbps(double bps) { return (bps / (1000.0 * 1000 * 1000)); } double TrexStatelessPort::calculate_effective_factor(const TrexPortMultiplier &mul, bool force) { double factor = calculate_effective_factor_internal(mul); /* did we exceeded the max L1 line rate ? */ double expected_l1_rate = m_graph_obj->get_max_bps_l1(factor); /* if not force and exceeded - throw exception */ if ( (!force) && (expected_l1_rate > get_port_speed_bps()) ) { stringstream ss; ss << "Expected L1 B/W: '" << bps_to_gbps(expected_l1_rate) << " Gbps' exceeds port line rate: '" << bps_to_gbps(get_port_speed_bps()) << " Gbps'"; throw TrexException(ss.str()); } /* L1 BW must be positive */ if (expected_l1_rate <= 0){ stringstream ss; ss << "Effective bandwidth must be positive, got: " << expected_l1_rate; throw TrexException(ss.str()); } /* factor must be positive */ if (factor <= 0) { stringstream ss; ss << "Factor must be positive, got: " << factor; throw TrexException(ss.str()); } return factor; } double TrexStatelessPort::calculate_effective_factor_internal(const TrexPortMultiplier &mul) { /* we now need the graph - generate it if we don't have it (happens once) */ if (!m_graph_obj) { generate_streams_graph(); } switch (mul.m_type) { case TrexPortMultiplier::MUL_FACTOR: return (mul.m_value); case TrexPortMultiplier::MUL_BPS: return m_graph_obj->get_factor_bps_l2(mul.m_value); case TrexPortMultiplier::MUL_BPSL1: return m_graph_obj->get_factor_bps_l1(mul.m_value); case TrexPortMultiplier::MUL_PPS: return m_graph_obj->get_factor_pps(mul.m_value); case TrexPortMultiplier::MUL_PERCENTAGE: /* if abs percentage is from the line speed - otherwise its from the current speed */ if (mul.m_op == TrexPortMultiplier::OP_ABS) { double required = (mul.m_value / 100.0) * get_port_speed_bps(); return m_graph_obj->get_factor_bps_l1(required); } else { return (m_factor * (mul.m_value / 100.0)); } default: assert(0); } } void TrexStatelessPort::generate_streams_graph() { /* dispose of the old one */ if (m_graph_obj) { delete_streams_graph(); } /* fetch all the streams from the table */ vector streams; get_object_list(streams); TrexStreamsGraph graph; m_graph_obj = graph.generate(streams); } void TrexStatelessPort::delete_streams_graph() { if (m_graph_obj) { delete m_graph_obj; m_graph_obj = NULL; } } /*************************** * port multiplier * **************************/ const std::initializer_list TrexPortMultiplier::g_types = {"raw", "bps", "bpsl1", "pps", "percentage"}; const std::initializer_list TrexPortMultiplier::g_ops = {"abs", "add", "sub"}; TrexPortMultiplier:: TrexPortMultiplier(const std::string &type_str, const std::string &op_str, double value) { mul_type_e type; mul_op_e op; if (type_str == "raw") { type = MUL_FACTOR; } else if (type_str == "bps") { type = MUL_BPS; } else if (type_str == "bpsl1") { type = MUL_BPSL1; } else if (type_str == "pps") { type = MUL_PPS; } else if (type_str == "percentage") { type = MUL_PERCENTAGE; } else { throw TrexException("bad type str: " + type_str); } if (op_str == "abs") { op = OP_ABS; } else if (op_str == "add") { op = OP_ADD; } else if (op_str == "sub") { op = OP_SUB; } else { throw TrexException("bad op str: " + op_str); } m_type = type; m_op = op; m_value = value; } const TrexStreamsGraphObj * TrexStatelessPort::validate(void) { /* first compile the graph */ vector streams; get_object_list(streams); if (streams.size() == 0) { throw TrexException("no streams attached to port"); } TrexStreamsCompiler compiler; /* TODO: think of this mask...*/ TrexDPCoreMask core_mask(get_dp_core_count(), TrexDPCoreMask::MASK_ALL); std::vector compiled_objs; std::string fail_msg; bool rc = compiler.compile(m_port_id, streams, compiled_objs, core_mask, 1.0, &fail_msg); if (!rc) { throw TrexException(fail_msg); } for (auto obj : compiled_objs) { delete obj; } /* now create a stream graph */ if (!m_graph_obj) { generate_streams_graph(); } return m_graph_obj; } void TrexStatelessPort::get_port_effective_rate(double &pps, double &bps_L1, double &bps_L2, double &percentage) { if (get_stream_count() == 0) { return; } if (!m_graph_obj) { generate_streams_graph(); } pps = m_graph_obj->get_max_pps(m_factor); bps_L1 = m_graph_obj->get_max_bps_l1(m_factor); bps_L2 = m_graph_obj->get_max_bps_l2(m_factor); percentage = (bps_L1 / get_port_speed_bps()) * 100.0; } void TrexStatelessPort::get_pci_info(std::string &pci_addr, int &numa_node) { pci_addr = m_api_info.pci_addr; numa_node = m_api_info.numa_node; } void TrexStatelessPort::add_stream(TrexStream *stream) { verify_state(PORT_STATE_IDLE | PORT_STATE_STREAMS, "add_stream"); if (m_stream_table.size() >= MAX_STREAMS) { throw TrexException("Reached limit of " + std::to_string(MAX_STREAMS) + " streams at the port."); } get_stateless_obj()->m_rx_flow_stat.add_stream(stream); m_stream_table.add_stream(stream); delete_streams_graph(); change_state(PORT_STATE_STREAMS); } void TrexStatelessPort::remove_stream(TrexStream *stream) { verify_state(PORT_STATE_STREAMS, "remove_stream"); get_stateless_obj()->m_rx_flow_stat.del_stream(stream); m_stream_table.remove_stream(stream); delete_streams_graph(); if (m_stream_table.size() == 0) { change_state(PORT_STATE_IDLE); } } void TrexStatelessPort::remove_and_delete_all_streams() { verify_state(PORT_STATE_IDLE | PORT_STATE_STREAMS, "remove_and_delete_all_streams"); vector streams; get_object_list(streams); for (auto stream : streams) { remove_stream(stream); delete stream; } } void TrexStatelessPort::start_rx_capture(const std::string &pcap_filename, uint64_t limit) { static MsgReply reply; reply.reset(); TrexStatelessRxStartCapture *msg = new TrexStatelessRxStartCapture(m_port_id, pcap_filename, limit, reply); send_message_to_rx((TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *)msg); /* as below, must wait for ACK from RX core before returning ACK */ reply.wait_for_reply(); } void TrexStatelessPort::stop_rx_capture() { TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *msg = new TrexStatelessRxStopCapture(m_port_id); send_message_to_rx(msg); } void TrexStatelessPort::start_rx_queue(uint64_t size) { static MsgReply reply; reply.reset(); TrexStatelessRxStartQueue *msg = new TrexStatelessRxStartQueue(m_port_id, size, reply); send_message_to_rx( (TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *)msg ); /* we cannot return ACK to the user until the RX core has approved this might cause the user to lose some packets from the queue */ reply.wait_for_reply(); } void TrexStatelessPort::stop_rx_queue() { TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *msg = new TrexStatelessRxStopQueue(m_port_id); send_message_to_rx(msg); } const RXPacketBuffer * TrexStatelessPort::get_rx_queue_pkts() { static MsgReply reply; reply.reset(); TrexStatelessRxQueueGetPkts *msg = new TrexStatelessRxQueueGetPkts(m_port_id, reply); send_message_to_rx( (TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *)msg ); return reply.wait_for_reply(); } /** * configures port in L2 mode * */ void TrexStatelessPort::set_l2_mode(const uint8_t *dest_mac) { /* not valid under traffic */ verify_state(PORT_STATE_IDLE | PORT_STATE_STREAMS, "set_l2_mode"); /* no IPv4 src */ getPortAttrObj()->set_src_ipv4(0); /* set destination as MAC */ getPortAttrObj()->get_dest().set_dest(dest_mac); TrexStatelessRxSetL2Mode *msg = new TrexStatelessRxSetL2Mode(m_port_id); send_message_to_rx( (TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *)msg ); } /** * configures port in L3 mode - unresolved */ void TrexStatelessPort::set_l3_mode(uint32_t src_ipv4, uint32_t dest_ipv4) { /* not valid under traffic */ verify_state(PORT_STATE_IDLE | PORT_STATE_STREAMS, "set_l3_mode"); /* set src IPv4 */ getPortAttrObj()->set_src_ipv4(src_ipv4); /* set dest IPv4 */ getPortAttrObj()->get_dest().set_dest(dest_ipv4); /* send RX core the relevant info */ CManyIPInfo ip_info; ip_info.insert(COneIPv4Info(src_ipv4, 0, getPortAttrObj()->get_src_mac())); TrexStatelessRxSetL3Mode *msg = new TrexStatelessRxSetL3Mode(m_port_id, ip_info, false); send_message_to_rx( (TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *)msg ); } /** * configures port in L3 mode - resolved * */ void TrexStatelessPort::set_l3_mode(uint32_t src_ipv4, uint32_t dest_ipv4, const uint8_t *resolved_mac) { verify_state(PORT_STATE_IDLE | PORT_STATE_STREAMS, "set_l3_mode"); /* set src IPv4 */ getPortAttrObj()->set_src_ipv4(src_ipv4); /* set dest IPv4 + resolved MAC */ getPortAttrObj()->get_dest().set_dest(dest_ipv4, resolved_mac); /* send RX core the relevant info */ CManyIPInfo ip_info; ip_info.insert(COneIPv4Info(src_ipv4, 0, getPortAttrObj()->get_src_mac())); bool is_grat_arp_needed = !getPortAttrObj()->is_loopback(); TrexStatelessRxSetL3Mode *msg = new TrexStatelessRxSetL3Mode(m_port_id, ip_info, is_grat_arp_needed); send_message_to_rx( (TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *)msg ); } Json::Value TrexStatelessPort::rx_features_to_json() { static MsgReply reply; reply.reset(); TrexStatelessRxFeaturesToJson *msg = new TrexStatelessRxFeaturesToJson(m_port_id, reply); send_message_to_rx( (TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *)msg ); return reply.wait_for_reply(); } /************* Trex Port Owner **************/ TrexPortOwner::TrexPortOwner() { m_is_free = true; m_session_id = 0; /* for handlers random generation */ m_seed = time(NULL); } const std::string TrexPortOwner::g_unowned_name = ""; const std::string TrexPortOwner::g_unowned_handler = "";