/* Itay Marom Hanoch Haim Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include <trex_stream_vm.h> #include <sstream> #include <assert.h> #include <iostream> #include <trex_stateless.h> #include <common/Network/Packet/IPHeader.h> #include <common/basic_utils.h> #include <inttypes.h> /** * provides some tools for the fast rand function * that is used by the datapath * some features of this function is different * from a regular random * (such as average can be off by few percents) * * @author imarom (7/24/2016) */ class FastRandUtils { public: /** * searches the target in the cache * if not found iterativly calculate it * and add it to the cache * */ double calc_fastrand_avg(uint16_t target) { auto search = m_avg_cache.find(target); if (search != m_avg_cache.end()) { return search->second; } /* not found - calculate it */ double avg = iterate_calc(target); /* if there is enough space - to the cache */ if (m_avg_cache.size() <= G_MAX_CACHE_SIZE) { m_avg_cache[target] = avg; } return avg; } private: /** * hard calculate a value using iterations * */ double iterate_calc(uint16_t target) { const int num_samples = 10000; uint64_t tmp = 0; uint32_t seed = 1; for (int i = 0; i < num_samples; i++) { tmp += fastrand(seed) % (target + 1); } return (tmp / double(num_samples)); } std::unordered_map<uint16_t, double> m_avg_cache; static const uint16_t G_MAX_CACHE_SIZE = 9230; }; static FastRandUtils g_fastrand_util; void StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," fix_check_sum , %lu \n",(ulong)m_pkt_offset); } void StreamVmInstructionFixHwChecksum::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," fix_hw_cs %lu:%lu \n",(ulong)m_l2_len,(ulong)m_l3_len); } void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::sanity_check_valid_size(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){ uint8_t valid[]={1,2,4,8}; int i; for (i=0; i<sizeof(valid)/sizeof(valid[0]); i++) { if (valid[i]==m_size_bytes) { return; } } std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' has non valid length " << m_size_bytes ; lp->err(ss.str()); } void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::sanity_check_valid_opt(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){ uint8_t valid[]={FLOW_VAR_OP_INC, FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC, FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM}; int i; for (i=0; i<sizeof(valid)/sizeof(valid[0]); i++) { if (valid[i]==m_op) { return; } } std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' has non valid op " << (int)m_op ; lp->err(ss.str()); } void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::sanity_check_valid_range(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){ //TBD check that init,min,max in valid range } uint8_t StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::set_bss_init_value(uint8_t *p) { uint64_t prev = peek_prev(); switch (m_size_bytes) { case 1: *p=(uint8_t)prev; return 1; case 2: *((uint16_t*)p)=(uint16_t)prev; return 2; case 4: *((uint32_t*)p)=(uint32_t)prev; return 4; case 8: *((uint64_t*)p)=(uint64_t)prev; return 8; default: assert(0); return(0); } } void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::sanity_check(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){ sanity_check_valid_size(ins_id,lp); sanity_check_valid_opt(ins_id,lp); sanity_check_valid_range(ins_id,lp); } void StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," flow_var_rand_limit , %s ,%lu, ",m_var_name.c_str(),(ulong)m_size_bytes); fprintf(fd," (%lu:%lu:%lu) (min:%lu,max:%lu) \n",m_limit,(ulong)m_size_bytes,(ulong)m_seed,m_min_value,m_max_value); } void StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit::sanity_check(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){ sanity_check_valid_size(ins_id,lp); } uint8_t StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit::set_bss_init_value(uint8_t *p){ uint8_t res; typedef union ua_ { RandMemBss8 *lpv8; RandMemBss16 *lpv16; RandMemBss32 *lpv32; RandMemBss64 *lpv64; } ua_t ; ua_t u; switch (m_size_bytes) { case 1: u.lpv8=(RandMemBss8 *)p; u.lpv8->m_seed=m_seed; u.lpv8->m_cnt=0; u.lpv8->m_val=0; res=sizeof(RandMemBss8); break; case 2: u.lpv16=(RandMemBss16 *)p; u.lpv16->m_seed=m_seed; u.lpv16->m_cnt=0; u.lpv16->m_val=0; res=sizeof(RandMemBss16); break; case 4: u.lpv32=(RandMemBss32 *)p; u.lpv32->m_seed=m_seed; u.lpv32->m_cnt=0; u.lpv32->m_val=0; res=sizeof(RandMemBss32); break; case 8: u.lpv64=(RandMemBss64 *)p; u.lpv64->m_seed=m_seed; u.lpv64->m_cnt=0; u.lpv64->m_val=0; res=sizeof(RandMemBss64); break; default: assert(0); } return (res); } void StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit::sanity_check_valid_size(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp){ uint8_t valid[]={1,2,4,8}; int i; for (i=0; i<sizeof(valid)/sizeof(valid[0]); i++) { if (valid[i]==m_size_bytes) { uint64_t limit = (1ULL<<((i+1)*8))-1; /* check limit */ if ( m_limit == 0) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' limit " << m_limit << " can't be zero " ; lp->err(ss.str()); } if ( m_limit > limit) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' limit " << m_limit << " is bigger than size " << m_size_bytes ; lp->err(ss.str()); } return; } } std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' has non valid length " << m_size_bytes ; lp->err(ss.str()); } void StreamVmInstructionWriteMaskToPkt::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," flow_var:%s, offset:%lu, cast_size:%lu, mask:0x%lx, shift:%ld, add:%ld, is_big:%lu \n",m_flow_var_name.c_str(),(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_pkt_cast_size,(ulong)m_mask,(long)m_shift,(long)m_add_value,(ulong)(m_is_big_endian?1:0)); } void StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," flow_var , %s ,%lu, ",m_var_name.c_str(),(ulong)m_size_bytes); switch (m_op) { case FLOW_VAR_OP_INC : fprintf(fd," INC ,"); break; case FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC : fprintf(fd," DEC ,"); break; case FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM : fprintf(fd," RANDOM ,"); break; default: fprintf(fd," UNKNOWN,"); break; }; fprintf(fd," (%lu:%lu:%lu:%lu) \n",m_init_value,m_min_value,m_max_value,m_step); } void StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," write_pkt , %s ,%lu, add, %ld, big, %lu \n",m_flow_var_name.c_str(),(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(long)m_add_value,(ulong)(m_is_big_endian?1:0)); } void StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," pkt_size_change , %s \n",m_flow_var_name.c_str() ); } void StreamVmInstructionFlowClient::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," client_var ,%s , ",m_var_name.c_str()); //fprintf(fd," ip:(%x-%x) port:(%x-%x) flow_limit:%lu flags: %x\n",m_client_min,m_client_max, m_port_min,m_port_max,(ulong)m_limit_num_flows,m_flags); } uint8_t StreamVmInstructionFlowClient::set_bss_init_value(uint8_t *p) { uint32_t bss_ip; uint16_t bss_port; /* fetch the previous values by 1 */ peek_prev(bss_ip, bss_port, 1); /* ip */ *((uint32_t*)p) = bss_ip; p += 4; /* port */ *((uint16_t*)p) = bss_port; p += 2; /* reserve */ *((uint32_t*)p) = 0; p += 4; return (get_flow_var_size()); } /*************************** * StreamVmInstruction * **************************/ StreamVmInstruction::~StreamVmInstruction() { } /*************************** * StreamVm * **************************/ void StreamVm::add_instruction(StreamVmInstruction *inst) { if (inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_MAN) { StreamVmInstructionFlowMan * ins_man=(StreamVmInstructionFlowMan *)inst; if (ins_man->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM) { m_is_random_var = true; } } if (inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itPKT_SIZE_CHANGE) { m_is_change_pkt_size = true; } if (inst->need_split()) { m_is_split_needed = true; } m_inst_list.push_back(inst); } StreamDPVmInstructions * StreamVm::get_dp_instruction_buffer(){ return &m_instructions; } const std::vector<StreamVmInstruction *> & StreamVm::get_instruction_list() { return m_inst_list; } void StreamVm::var_clear_table(){ m_flow_var_offset.clear(); } bool StreamVm::var_add(const std::string &var_name,VmFlowVarRec & var){ m_flow_var_offset[var_name] = var; return (true); } uint16_t StreamVm::get_var_offset(const std::string &var_name){ VmFlowVarRec var; bool res=var_lookup(var_name,var); assert(res); return (var.m_offset); } bool StreamVm::var_lookup(const std::string &var_name,VmFlowVarRec & var){ auto search = m_flow_var_offset.find(var_name); if (search != m_flow_var_offset.end()) { var = search->second; return true; } else { return false; } } void StreamVm::err(const std::string &err){ throw TrexException("*** error: " + err); } void StreamVm::build_flow_var_table() { var_clear_table(); m_cur_var_offset=0; uint32_t ins_id=0; /* scan all flow var instruction and build */ /* if we found allocate BSS +4 bytes */ if ( m_is_random_var ){ VmFlowVarRec var; var.m_offset = m_cur_var_offset; var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv = NULL; var.m_size_bytes = sizeof(uint32_t); var_add("___random___",var); m_cur_var_offset += sizeof(uint32_t); } for (auto inst : m_inst_list) { if ( inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_MAN ){ StreamVmInstructionFlowMan * ins_man=(StreamVmInstructionFlowMan *)inst; /* check that instruction is valid */ ins_man->sanity_check(ins_id,this); VmFlowVarRec var; /* if this is the first time */ if ( var_lookup( ins_man->m_var_name,var) == true){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' flow variable name " << ins_man->m_var_name << " already exists"; err(ss.str()); }else{ var.m_offset=m_cur_var_offset; var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv = ins_man; var.m_size_bytes = ins_man->m_size_bytes; var_add(ins_man->m_var_name,var); m_cur_var_offset += ins_man->m_size_bytes; } } if ( inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_RAND_LIMIT ){ StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit * ins_man=(StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit *)inst; /* check that instruction is valid */ ins_man->sanity_check(ins_id,this); VmFlowVarRec var; /* if this is the first time */ if ( var_lookup( ins_man->m_var_name,var) == true){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' flow variable name " << ins_man->m_var_name << " already exists"; err(ss.str()); }else{ var.m_offset=m_cur_var_offset; var.m_ins.m_ins_flow_rand_limit = ins_man; var.m_size_bytes = ins_man->m_size_bytes; /* used for write*/ var_add(ins_man->m_var_name,var); m_cur_var_offset += ins_man->m_size_bytes*2 + sizeof(uint32_t) ; /* see RandMemBss8 types */ } } if ( inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_CLIENT ){ StreamVmInstructionFlowClient * ins_man=(StreamVmInstructionFlowClient *)inst; VmFlowVarRec var; /* if this is the first time */ if ( var_lookup( ins_man->m_var_name+".ip",var) == true){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' client variable name " << ins_man->m_var_name << " already exists"; err(ss.str()); } if ( var_lookup( ins_man->m_var_name+".port",var) == true){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' client variable name " << ins_man->m_var_name << " already exists"; err(ss.str()); } if ( var_lookup( ins_man->m_var_name+".flow_limit",var) == true){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' client variable name " << ins_man->m_var_name << " already exists"; err(ss.str()); } var.m_offset = m_cur_var_offset; var.m_ins.m_ins_flow_client = ins_man; var.m_size_bytes =4; VmFlowVarRec var_port; var_port.m_offset = m_cur_var_offset+4; var_port.m_ins.m_ins_flow_client = ins_man; var_port.m_size_bytes =2; VmFlowVarRec var_flow_limit; var_flow_limit.m_offset = m_cur_var_offset+6; var_flow_limit.m_ins.m_ins_flow_client = ins_man; var_flow_limit.m_size_bytes =4; var_add(ins_man->m_var_name+".ip",var); var_add(ins_man->m_var_name+".port",var_port); var_add(ins_man->m_var_name+".flow_limit",var_flow_limit); m_cur_var_offset += StreamVmInstructionFlowClient::get_flow_var_size(); assert(sizeof(StreamDPFlowClient)==StreamVmInstructionFlowClient::get_flow_var_size()); } /* limit the flow var size */ if (m_cur_var_offset > StreamVm::svMAX_FLOW_VAR ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "too many flow variables current size is :" << m_cur_var_offset << " maximum support is " << StreamVm::svMAX_FLOW_VAR; err(ss.str()); } ins_id++; } ins_id=0; /* second interation for sanity check and fixups*/ for (auto inst : m_inst_list) { if (inst->get_instruction_type() == StreamVmInstruction::itPKT_SIZE_CHANGE ) { StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize *lpPkt =(StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize *)inst; VmFlowVarRec var; if ( var_lookup(lpPkt->m_flow_var_name ,var) == false){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet size with no valid flow variable name '" << lpPkt->m_flow_var_name << "'" ; err(ss.str()); } if ( var.m_size_bytes != 2 ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet size change should point to a flow variable with size 2 "; err(ss.str()); } if ( var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->get_instruction_type() != StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_MAN ){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet size change should point to a simple flow variable type (Random/Client) types are not supported "; err(ss.str()); } if ( var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_max_value > m_pkt_size) { var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_max_value =m_pkt_size; } if (var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_min_value > m_pkt_size) { var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_min_value = m_pkt_size; } if ( var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_min_value >= var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_max_value ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' min packet size " << var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_min_value << " is bigger or eq to max packet size " << var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_max_value; err(ss.str()); } if ( var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_min_value < 60) { var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_min_value =60; } /* expected packet size calculation */ /* for random packet size - we need to find the average */ if (var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_op == StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM) { uint16_t range = var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_max_value - var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_min_value; m_expected_pkt_size = var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_min_value + g_fastrand_util.calc_fastrand_avg(range); } else { m_expected_pkt_size = (var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_min_value + var.m_ins.m_ins_flowv->m_max_value) / 2.0; } } } } void StreamVm::alloc_bss(){ free_bss(); m_bss=(uint8_t *)malloc(m_cur_var_offset); } void StreamVm::clean_max_field_cnt(){ m_max_field_update=0; } void StreamVm::add_field_cnt(uint16_t new_cnt){ if ( new_cnt > m_max_field_update) { m_max_field_update = new_cnt; } } void StreamVm::free_bss(){ if (m_bss) { free(m_bss); m_bss=0; } } void StreamVm::build_program(){ /* build the commands into a buffer */ m_instructions.clear(); int var_cnt=0; clean_max_field_cnt(); uint32_t ins_id=0; for (auto inst : m_inst_list) { StreamVmInstruction::instruction_type_t ins_type=inst->get_instruction_type(); if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itFIX_HW_CS) { StreamVmInstructionFixHwChecksum *lpFix =(StreamVmInstructionFixHwChecksum *)inst; if (lpFix->m_l2_len < 14 ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix hw offset l2 " << lpFix->m_l2_len << " is lower than 14 "; err(ss.str()); } if (lpFix->m_l3_len < 20 ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix hw offset l3 " << lpFix->m_l3_len << " is lower than 20 "; err(ss.str()); } uint16_t total_l4_offset = lpFix->m_l2_len + lpFix->m_l3_len; uint16_t l4_header_size =0; if ( m_pkt ) { /* not pre compile for estimation of average packet size */ bool packet_is_ipv4=true; IPHeader * ipv4= (IPHeader *)(m_pkt+lpFix->m_l2_len); if (ipv4->getVersion() ==4 ) { packet_is_ipv4=true; if (ipv4->getSize() != lpFix->m_l3_len ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix hw command IPv4 header size is not valid " << ipv4->getSize() ; err(ss.str()); } if ( !((ipv4->getNextProtocol() == IPHeader::Protocol::TCP) || (ipv4->getNextProtocol() == IPHeader::Protocol::UDP) ) ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix hw command L4 should be TCP or UDP " << ipv4->getSize() ; err(ss.str()); } }else{ if (ipv4->getVersion() ==6) { packet_is_ipv4=false; }else{ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix hw command should work on IPv4 or IPv6 " ; err(ss.str()); } } StreamDPOpHwCsFix ipv_fix; ipv_fix.m_l2_len = lpFix->m_l2_len; ipv_fix.m_l3_len = lpFix->m_l3_len; ipv_fix.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditFIX_HW_CS; if (packet_is_ipv4) { if ( ipv4->getNextProtocol() == IPHeader::Protocol::TCP ){ /* Ipv4 TCP */ ipv_fix.m_ol_flags = (PKT_TX_IPV4 | PKT_TX_IP_CKSUM | PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM); l4_header_size = TCP_HEADER_LEN; }else{ assert( ipv4->getNextProtocol() == IPHeader::Protocol::UDP ); /* Ipv4 UDP */ ipv_fix.m_ol_flags = (PKT_TX_IPV4 | PKT_TX_IP_CKSUM | PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM); l4_header_size = UDP_HEADER_LEN; } }else{ /* Ipv6*/ /* in this case we need to scan the Ipv6 headers */ /* TBD replace with parser of IPv6 function */ if ( lpFix->m_l4_type==StreamVmInstructionFixHwChecksum::L4_TYPE_TCP ){ ipv_fix.m_ol_flags = (PKT_TX_IPV6 | PKT_TX_TCP_CKSUM); l4_header_size = TCP_HEADER_LEN; }else{ if ( lpFix->m_l4_type==StreamVmInstructionFixHwChecksum::L4_TYPE_UDP ){ ipv_fix.m_ol_flags = (PKT_TX_IPV6 | PKT_TX_UDP_CKSUM); l4_header_size = UDP_HEADER_LEN; }else{ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix hw command offsets should be TCP or UDP "; err(ss.str()); } } } if ( (total_l4_offset + l4_header_size) > m_pkt_size ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix hw command offsets " << (total_l4_offset + l4_header_size) << " is too high relative to packet size "<< m_pkt_size; err(ss.str()); } /* add the instruction*/ m_instructions.add_command(&ipv_fix,sizeof(ipv_fix)); /* mark R/W of the packet */ add_field_cnt(total_l4_offset + l4_header_size); } } /* itFIX_IPV4_CS */ if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itFIX_IPV4_CS) { StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4 *lpFix =(StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4 *)inst; if ( (lpFix->m_pkt_offset + IPV4_HDR_LEN) > m_pkt_size ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix ipv4 command offset " << lpFix->m_pkt_offset << " is too high relative to packet size "<< m_pkt_size; err(ss.str()); } uint16_t offset_next_layer = IPV4_HDR_LEN; if ( m_pkt ){ IPHeader * ipv4= (IPHeader *)(m_pkt+lpFix->m_pkt_offset); offset_next_layer = ipv4->getSize(); } if (offset_next_layer<IPV4_HDR_LEN) { offset_next_layer=IPV4_HDR_LEN; } if ( (lpFix->m_pkt_offset + offset_next_layer) > m_pkt_size ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' fix ipv4 command offset " << lpFix->m_pkt_offset << "plus "<<offset_next_layer<< " is too high relative to packet size "<< m_pkt_size; err(ss.str()); } /* calculate this offset from the packet */ add_field_cnt(lpFix->m_pkt_offset + offset_next_layer); StreamDPOpIpv4Fix ipv_fix; ipv_fix.m_offset = lpFix->m_pkt_offset; ipv_fix.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditFIX_IPV4_CS; m_instructions.add_command(&ipv_fix,sizeof(ipv_fix)); } if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_RAND_LIMIT) { StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit *lpMan =(StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit *)inst; var_cnt++; if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 1 ){ StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit8 fv8; fv8.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRAND_LIMIT8 ; fv8.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name); fv8.m_limit = (uint8_t)lpMan->m_limit; fv8.m_seed = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_seed; fv8.m_min_val = (uint8_t)lpMan->m_min_value; fv8.m_max_val = (uint8_t)lpMan->m_max_value; m_instructions.add_command(&fv8,sizeof(fv8)); } if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 2 ){ StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit16 fv16; fv16.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRAND_LIMIT16 ; fv16.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name); fv16.m_limit = (uint16_t)lpMan->m_limit; fv16.m_seed = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_seed; fv16.m_min_val = (uint16_t)lpMan->m_min_value; fv16.m_max_val = (uint16_t)lpMan->m_max_value; m_instructions.add_command(&fv16,sizeof(fv16)); } if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 4 ){ StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit32 fv32; fv32.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRAND_LIMIT32 ; fv32.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name); fv32.m_limit = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_limit; fv32.m_seed = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_seed; fv32.m_min_val = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_min_value; fv32.m_max_val = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_max_value; m_instructions.add_command(&fv32,sizeof(fv32)); } if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 8 ){ StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit64 fv64; fv64.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRAND_LIMIT64 ; fv64.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name); fv64.m_limit = lpMan->m_limit; fv64.m_seed = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_seed; fv64.m_min_val = lpMan->m_min_value; fv64.m_max_val = lpMan->m_max_value; m_instructions.add_command(&fv64,sizeof(fv64)); } } /* flow man */ if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_MAN) { StreamVmInstructionFlowMan *lpMan =(StreamVmInstructionFlowMan *)inst; var_cnt++; /* flow var size 1 */ if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 1 ) { uint8_t op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC8_STEP; switch (lpMan->m_op) { case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC8_STEP; break; case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC8_STEP; break; case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM8; break; default: assert(0); } StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step fv8; fv8.m_op = op; fv8.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name); fv8.m_min_val = (uint8_t)lpMan->m_min_value; fv8.m_max_val = (uint8_t)lpMan->m_max_value; fv8.m_step = (uint8_t)lpMan->m_step; m_instructions.add_command(&fv8,sizeof(fv8)); } /* flow var size 2 */ if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 2) { uint8_t op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC16_STEP; switch (lpMan->m_op) { case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC16_STEP; break; case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC16_STEP; break; case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM16; break; default: assert(0); } StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step fv16; fv16.m_op = op; fv16.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name); fv16.m_min_val = (uint16_t)lpMan->m_min_value; fv16.m_max_val = (uint16_t)lpMan->m_max_value; fv16.m_step = (uint16_t)lpMan->m_step; m_instructions.add_command(&fv16,sizeof(fv16)); } /* flow var size 4 */ if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 4) { uint8_t op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC32_STEP; switch (lpMan->m_op) { case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC32_STEP; break; case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC32_STEP; break; case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM32; break; default: assert(0); } StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step fv32; fv32.m_op = op; fv32.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name); fv32.m_min_val = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_min_value; fv32.m_max_val = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_max_value; fv32.m_step = (uint32_t)lpMan->m_step; m_instructions.add_command(&fv32,sizeof(fv32)); } /* flow var size 8 */ if (lpMan->m_size_bytes == 8) { uint8_t op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC64_STEP; switch (lpMan->m_op) { case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC64_STEP; break; case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC64_STEP; break; case StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM: op = StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM64; break; default: assert(0); } StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step fv64; fv64.m_op = op; fv64.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name); fv64.m_min_val = (uint64_t)lpMan->m_min_value; fv64.m_max_val = (uint64_t)lpMan->m_max_value; fv64.m_step = (uint64_t)lpMan->m_step; m_instructions.add_command(&fv64,sizeof(fv64)); } } if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itPKT_WR) { StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt *lpPkt =(StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt *)inst; VmFlowVarRec var; if ( var_lookup(lpPkt->m_flow_var_name ,var) == false){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet write with no valid flow variable name '" << lpPkt->m_flow_var_name << "'" ; err(ss.str()); } if (lpPkt->m_pkt_offset + var.m_size_bytes > m_pkt_size ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet write with packet_offset " << lpPkt->m_pkt_offset + var.m_size_bytes << " bigger than packet size "<< m_pkt_size; err(ss.str()); } add_field_cnt(lpPkt->m_pkt_offset + var.m_size_bytes); uint8_t op_size=var.m_size_bytes; bool is_big = lpPkt->m_is_big_endian; uint8_t flags = (is_big?StreamDPOpPktWrBase::PKT_WR_IS_BIG:0); uint8_t flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpPkt->m_flow_var_name); if (op_size == 1) { StreamDPOpPktWr8 pw8; pw8.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR8; pw8.m_flags =flags; pw8.m_offset =flow_offset; pw8.m_pkt_offset = lpPkt->m_pkt_offset; pw8.m_val_offset = (int8_t)lpPkt->m_add_value; m_instructions.add_command(&pw8,sizeof(pw8)); } if (op_size == 2) { StreamDPOpPktWr16 pw16; pw16.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR16; pw16.m_flags =flags; pw16.m_offset =flow_offset; pw16.m_pkt_offset = lpPkt->m_pkt_offset; pw16.m_val_offset = (int16_t)lpPkt->m_add_value; m_instructions.add_command(&pw16,sizeof(pw16)); } if (op_size == 4) { StreamDPOpPktWr32 pw32; pw32.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR32; pw32.m_flags =flags; pw32.m_offset =flow_offset; pw32.m_pkt_offset = lpPkt->m_pkt_offset; pw32.m_val_offset = (int32_t)lpPkt->m_add_value; m_instructions.add_command(&pw32,sizeof(pw32)); } if (op_size == 8) { StreamDPOpPktWr64 pw64; pw64.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR64; pw64.m_flags =flags; pw64.m_offset =flow_offset; pw64.m_pkt_offset = lpPkt->m_pkt_offset; pw64.m_val_offset = (int64_t)lpPkt->m_add_value; m_instructions.add_command(&pw64,sizeof(pw64)); } } if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itPKT_WR_MASK) { StreamVmInstructionWriteMaskToPkt *lpPkt =(StreamVmInstructionWriteMaskToPkt *)inst; VmFlowVarRec var; uint8_t cast_size = lpPkt->m_pkt_cast_size; if (!((cast_size==4)||(cast_size==2)||(cast_size==1))){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << " cast size should be 1,2,4 it is "<<lpPkt->m_pkt_cast_size; err(ss.str()); } if ( var_lookup(lpPkt->m_flow_var_name ,var) == false){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet write with no valid flow variable name '" << lpPkt->m_flow_var_name << "'" ; err(ss.str()); } if (lpPkt->m_pkt_offset + lpPkt->m_pkt_cast_size > m_pkt_size ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet write with packet_offset " << (lpPkt->m_pkt_offset + lpPkt->m_pkt_cast_size) << " bigger than packet size "<< m_pkt_size; err(ss.str()); } add_field_cnt(lpPkt->m_pkt_offset + lpPkt->m_pkt_cast_size); uint8_t op_size = var.m_size_bytes; bool is_big = lpPkt->m_is_big_endian; uint8_t flags = (is_big?StreamDPOpPktWrMask::MASK_PKT_WR_IS_BIG:0); uint8_t flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpPkt->m_flow_var_name); /* read LSB in case of 64bit variable */ if (op_size == 8) { op_size = 4; if ( is_big ) { flow_offset +=4; } } StreamDPOpPktWrMask pmask; pmask.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR_MASK; pmask.m_flags = flags; pmask.m_var_offset = flow_offset; pmask.m_shift = lpPkt->m_shift; pmask.m_add_value = lpPkt->m_add_value; pmask.m_pkt_cast_size = cast_size; pmask.m_flowv_cast_size = op_size; pmask.m_pkt_offset = lpPkt->m_pkt_offset; pmask.m_mask = lpPkt->m_mask; m_instructions.add_command(&pmask,sizeof(pmask)); } if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_CLIENT) { var_cnt++; StreamVmInstructionFlowClient *lpMan =(StreamVmInstructionFlowClient *)inst; if ( lpMan->is_unlimited_flows() ){ StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit client_cmd; client_cmd.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itCLIENT_VAR_UNLIMIT; client_cmd.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name+".ip"); /* start offset */ client_cmd.m_flags = 0; /* not used */ client_cmd.m_pad = 0; client_cmd.m_min_ip = lpMan->m_ip.m_min_value; client_cmd.m_max_ip = lpMan->m_ip.m_max_value; m_instructions.add_command(&client_cmd,sizeof(client_cmd)); }else{ StreamDPOpClientsLimit client_cmd; client_cmd.m_op = StreamDPVmInstructions::itCLIENT_VAR; client_cmd.m_flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpMan->m_var_name+".ip"); /* start offset */ client_cmd.m_flags = 0; /* not used */ client_cmd.m_pad = 0; client_cmd.m_min_port = lpMan->m_port.m_min_value; client_cmd.m_max_port = lpMan->m_port.m_max_value; client_cmd.m_step_port = lpMan->m_port.m_step; client_cmd.m_min_ip = lpMan->m_ip.m_min_value; client_cmd.m_max_ip = lpMan->m_ip.m_max_value; client_cmd.m_step_ip = lpMan->m_ip.m_step; client_cmd.m_init_ip = lpMan->m_ip.m_init_value; client_cmd.m_init_port = lpMan->m_port.m_init_value; client_cmd.m_limit_flows = lpMan->m_limit_num_flows; m_instructions.add_command(&client_cmd,sizeof(client_cmd)); } } if (ins_type == StreamVmInstruction::itPKT_SIZE_CHANGE ) { StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize *lpPkt =(StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize *)inst; VmFlowVarRec var; if ( var_lookup(lpPkt->m_flow_var_name ,var) == false){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet size with no valid flow variable name '" << lpPkt->m_flow_var_name << "'" ; err(ss.str()); } if ( var.m_size_bytes != 2 ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << "instruction id '" << ins_id << "' packet size change should point to a flow variable with size 2 "; err(ss.str()); } uint8_t flow_offset = get_var_offset(lpPkt->m_flow_var_name); StreamDPOpPktSizeChange pkt_size_ch; pkt_size_ch.m_op =StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_SIZE_CHANGE; pkt_size_ch.m_flow_offset = flow_offset; m_instructions.add_command(&pkt_size_ch,sizeof(pkt_size_ch)); } ins_id++; } if ( var_cnt ==0 ){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "It is not valid to have a VM program without a variable or tuple generator "; err(ss.str()); } } void StreamVm::build_bss() { alloc_bss(); uint8_t * p=(uint8_t *)m_bss; if ( m_is_random_var ){ *((uint32_t*)p)=rand(); p+=sizeof(uint32_t); } for (auto inst : m_inst_list) { p+=inst->set_bss_init_value(p); } } /** * clone VM from this VM to 'other' * * @author imarom (22-Dec-15) * * @param other */ void StreamVm::clone(StreamVm &other) const { /* clear previous if any exists */ for (auto instr : other.m_inst_list) { delete instr; } other.m_is_random_var = false; other.m_is_change_pkt_size = false; other.m_is_split_needed = false; other.m_is_compiled = false; other.m_inst_list.clear(); for (auto instr : m_inst_list) { StreamVmInstruction *new_instr = instr->clone(); other.add_instruction(new_instr); } } /** * actual work - compile the VM * */ void StreamVm::compile(uint16_t pkt_len) { if (is_vm_empty()) { return; } m_pkt_size = pkt_len; /* build flow var offset table */ build_flow_var_table() ; /* build init flow var memory */ build_bss(); build_program(); if ( get_max_packet_update_offset() >svMAX_PACKET_OFFSET_CHANGE ){ std::stringstream ss; ss << "maximum offset is" << get_max_packet_update_offset() << " bigger than maximum " <<svMAX_PACKET_OFFSET_CHANGE; err(ss.str()); } /* calculate the mbuf size that we should allocate */ m_prefix_size = calc_writable_mbuf_size(get_max_packet_update_offset(), m_pkt_size); m_is_compiled = true; } StreamVm::~StreamVm() { for (auto inst : m_inst_list) { delete inst; } free_bss(); } /** * calculate expected packet size of stream's VM * */ double StreamVm::calc_expected_pkt_size(uint16_t regular_pkt_size) const { /* if no packet size change - simply return the regular packet size */ if (!m_is_change_pkt_size) { return regular_pkt_size; } /* if we have an instruction that changes the packet size so find the expected size we must compile the VM temporarly to get this value */ StreamVm dummy; this->clone(dummy); dummy.compile(regular_pkt_size); assert(dummy.m_expected_pkt_size != 0); return (dummy.m_expected_pkt_size); } /** * return a pointer to a flow var / client var * by name if exists, otherwise NULL * */ StreamVmInstructionVar * StreamVm::lookup_var_by_name(const std::string &var_name) { for (StreamVmInstruction *inst : m_inst_list) { /* try to cast up to a variable */ StreamVmInstructionVar *var = dynamic_cast<StreamVmInstructionVar *>(inst); if (!var) { continue; } if (var->get_var_name() == var_name) { return var; } } return NULL; } void StreamVm::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," instructions \n"); uint32_t cnt=0; for (auto inst : m_inst_list) { fprintf(fd," [%04lu] : ",(ulong)cnt); inst->Dump(fd); cnt++; } if ( get_bss_size() ) { fprintf(fd," BSS size %lu\n",(ulong)get_bss_size()); utl_DumpBuffer(fd,get_bss_ptr(),get_bss_size(),0); } if ( m_instructions.get_program_size() > 0 ){ fprintf(fd," RAW instructions \n"); m_instructions.Dump(fd); } } void StreamDPVmInstructions::clear(){ m_inst_list.clear(); } void StreamDPVmInstructions::add_command(void *buffer,uint16_t size){ int i; uint8_t *p= (uint8_t *)buffer; /* push byte by byte */ for (i=0; i<size; i++) { m_inst_list.push_back(*p); p++; } } uint8_t * StreamDPVmInstructions::get_program(){ return (&m_inst_list[0]); } uint32_t StreamDPVmInstructions::get_program_size(){ return (m_inst_list.size()); } void StreamDPVmInstructions::Dump(FILE *fd){ uint8_t * p=get_program(); uint32_t program_size = get_program_size(); uint8_t * p_end=p+program_size; StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step *lpv8s; StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step *lpv16s; StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step *lpv32s; StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step *lpv64s; StreamDPOpHwCsFix *lpHwFix; StreamDPOpIpv4Fix *lpIpv4Fix; StreamDPOpPktWr8 *lpw8; StreamDPOpPktWr16 *lpw16; StreamDPOpPktWr32 *lpw32; StreamDPOpPktWr64 *lpw64; StreamDPOpPktWrMask *lpwrmask; StreamDPOpClientsLimit *lp_client; StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit *lp_client_unlimited; StreamDPOpPktSizeChange *lp_pkt_size_change; StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit8 * lpv_rl8; StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit16 * lpv_rl16; StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit32 * lpv_rl32; StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit64 * lpv_rl64; while ( p < p_end) { uint8_t op_code=*p; switch (op_code) { case ditRANDOM8 : lpv8s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step *)p; lpv8s->dump(fd,"RAND8"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step); break; case ditRANDOM16 : lpv16s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step *)p; lpv16s->dump(fd,"RAND16"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step); break; case ditRANDOM32 : lpv32s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step *)p; lpv32s->dump(fd,"RAND32"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step); break; case ditRANDOM64 : lpv64s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step *)p; lpv64s->dump(fd,"RAND64"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step); break; case ditFIX_HW_CS : lpHwFix =(StreamDPOpHwCsFix *)p; lpHwFix->dump(fd,"HwFixCs"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpHwCsFix); break; case ditFIX_IPV4_CS : lpIpv4Fix =(StreamDPOpIpv4Fix *)p; lpIpv4Fix->dump(fd,"Ipv4Fix"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpIpv4Fix); break; case itPKT_WR8 : lpw8 =(StreamDPOpPktWr8 *)p; lpw8->dump(fd,"Wr8"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr8); break; case itPKT_WR16 : lpw16 =(StreamDPOpPktWr16 *)p; lpw16->dump(fd,"Wr16"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr16); break; case itPKT_WR32 : lpw32 =(StreamDPOpPktWr32 *)p; lpw32->dump(fd,"Wr32"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr32); break; case itPKT_WR64 : lpw64 =(StreamDPOpPktWr64 *)p; lpw64->dump(fd,"Wr64"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr64); break; case itCLIENT_VAR : lp_client =(StreamDPOpClientsLimit *)p; lp_client->dump(fd,"Client"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpClientsLimit); break; case itCLIENT_VAR_UNLIMIT : lp_client_unlimited =(StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit *)p; lp_client_unlimited->dump(fd,"ClientUnlimted"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit); break; case itPKT_SIZE_CHANGE : lp_pkt_size_change =(StreamDPOpPktSizeChange *)p; lp_pkt_size_change->dump(fd,"pkt_size_c"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktSizeChange); break; case ditINC8_STEP : lpv8s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step *)p; lpv8s->dump(fd,"INC8_STEP"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step); break; case ditINC16_STEP : lpv16s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step *)p; lpv16s->dump(fd,"INC16_STEP"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step); break; case ditINC32_STEP : lpv32s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step *)p; lpv32s->dump(fd,"INC32_STEP"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step); break; case ditINC64_STEP : lpv64s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step *)p; lpv64s->dump(fd,"INC64_STEP"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step); break; case ditDEC8_STEP : lpv8s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step *)p; lpv8s->dump(fd,"DEC8_DEC"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step); break; case ditDEC16_STEP : lpv16s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step *)p; lpv16s->dump(fd,"DEC16_STEP"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step); break; case ditDEC32_STEP : lpv32s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step *)p; lpv32s->dump(fd,"DEC32_STEP"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step); break; case ditDEC64_STEP : lpv64s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step *)p; lpv64s->dump(fd,"DEC64_STEP"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step); break; case itPKT_WR_MASK : lpwrmask =(StreamDPOpPktWrMask *)p; lpwrmask->dump(fd,"WR_MASK"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWrMask); break; case ditRAND_LIMIT8 : lpv_rl8 =(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit8 *)p; lpv_rl8->dump(fd,"RAND_LIMIT8"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit8); break; case ditRAND_LIMIT16 : lpv_rl16 =(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit16 *)p; lpv_rl16->dump(fd,"RAND_LIMIT16"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit16); break; case ditRAND_LIMIT32 : lpv_rl32 =(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit32 *)p; lpv_rl32->dump(fd,"RAND_LIMIT32"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit32); break; case ditRAND_LIMIT64 : lpv_rl64 =(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit64 *)p; lpv_rl64->dump(fd,"RAND_LIMIT64"); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit64); break; default: assert(0); } }; } void StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, of:%lu, (%lu-%lu-%lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_min_val,(ulong)m_max_val,(ulong)m_step); } void StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, of:%lu, (%lu-%lu-%lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_min_val,(ulong)m_max_val,(ulong)m_step); } void StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, of:%lu, (%lu-%lu-%lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_min_val,(ulong)m_max_val,(ulong)m_step); } void StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, of:%lu, (%lu-%lu-%lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_min_val,(ulong)m_max_val,(ulong)m_step); } void StreamDPOpPktWr8::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flags:%lu, pkt_of:%lu, f_of:%lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flags,(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_offset); } void StreamDPOpPktWr16::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flags:%lu, pkt_of:%lu , f_of:%lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flags,(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_offset); } void StreamDPOpPktWr32::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flags:%lu, pkt_of:%lu , f_of:%lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flags,(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_offset); } void StreamDPOpPktWr64::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flags:%lu, pkt_of:%lu , f_of:%lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flags,(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_offset); } void StreamDPOpPktWrMask::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flags:%lu, var_of:%lu , (%ld-%lu-%lu-%lu-%lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flags,(ulong)m_var_offset,(long)m_shift,(ulong)m_pkt_offset,(ulong)m_mask,(ulong)m_pkt_cast_size,(ulong)m_flowv_cast_size); } void StreamDPOpHwCsFix::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, lens: %lu,%lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_l2_len,(ulong)m_l3_len); } void StreamDPOpIpv4Fix::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, offset: %lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_offset); } void StreamDPOpClientsLimit::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flow_offset: %lu (%x-%x) (%x-%x) flow_limit :%lu flags:%x \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,m_min_ip,m_max_ip,m_min_port,m_max_port,(ulong)m_limit_flows,m_flags); } void StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flow_offset: %lu (%x-%x) flags:%x \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset,m_min_ip,m_max_ip,m_flags); } void StreamDPOpPktSizeChange::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s op:%lu, flow_offset: %lu \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_op,(ulong)m_flow_offset); } void StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit8::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s, flow_offset: %lu limit :%lu seed:%x (%x-%x) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_limit,m_seed,m_min_val,m_max_val); } void StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit16::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s, flow_offset: %lu limit :%lu seed:%x (%x-%x) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_limit,m_seed,m_min_val,m_max_val); } void StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit32::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s, flow_offset: %lu limit :%lu seed:%x (%x-%x) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_limit,m_seed,m_min_val,m_max_val); } void StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit64::dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt){ fprintf(fd," %10s, flow_offset: %lu limit :%lu seed:%x (%lu-%lu) \n", opt.c_str(),(ulong)m_flow_offset,(ulong)m_limit,m_seed,m_min_val,m_max_val); } void StreamDPOpPktWrMask::wr(uint8_t * flow_var_base, uint8_t * pkt_base) { uint32_t val=0; uint8_t * pv=(flow_var_base+m_var_offset); /* read flow var with the right size */ switch (m_flowv_cast_size) { case 1: val= (uint32_t)(*((uint8_t*)pv)); break; case 2: val=(uint32_t)(*((uint16_t*)pv)); break; case 4: val=(*((uint32_t*)pv)); break; default: assert(0); } val+=m_add_value; /* shift the flow var val */ if (m_shift>0) { val=val<<m_shift; }else{ if (m_shift<0) { val=val>>(-m_shift); } } uint8_t * p_pkt = pkt_base+m_pkt_offset; uint32_t pkt_val=0; /* RMW */ if ( likely( is_big() ) ) { switch (m_pkt_cast_size) { case 1: pkt_val= (uint32_t)(*((uint8_t*)p_pkt)); pkt_val = ((pkt_val & ~m_mask) | (val & m_mask)) & 0xff; *p_pkt=pkt_val; break; case 2: pkt_val= (uint32_t)PKT_NTOHS((*((uint16_t*)p_pkt))); pkt_val = ((pkt_val & ~m_mask) | (val & m_mask)) & 0xffff; *((uint16_t*)p_pkt)=PKT_NTOHS(pkt_val); break; case 4: pkt_val= (uint32_t)PKT_NTOHL((*((uint32_t*)p_pkt))); pkt_val = ((pkt_val & ~m_mask) | (val & m_mask)) ; *((uint32_t*)p_pkt)=PKT_NTOHL(pkt_val); break; default: assert(0); } }else{ switch (m_flowv_cast_size) { case 1: pkt_val= (uint32_t)(*((uint8_t*)p_pkt)); pkt_val = ((pkt_val & ~m_mask) | (val & m_mask)) & 0xff; *p_pkt=pkt_val; break; case 2: pkt_val= (uint32_t)(*((uint16_t*)p_pkt)); pkt_val = ((pkt_val & ~m_mask) | (val & m_mask)) & 0xffff; *((uint16_t*)p_pkt)=pkt_val; break; case 4: pkt_val= (uint32_t)(*((uint32_t*)p_pkt)); pkt_val = ((pkt_val & ~m_mask) | (val & m_mask)) ; *((uint32_t*)p_pkt)=pkt_val; break; default: assert(0); } } } void StreamDPVmInstructionsRunner::slow_commands(uint8_t op_code, uint8_t * flow_var, /* flow var */ uint8_t * pkt, uint8_t * & p){ ua_t ua; switch (op_code) { case StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR_MASK: ua.lpwr_mask =(StreamDPOpPktWrMask *)p; ua.lpwr_mask->wr(flow_var,pkt); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWrMask); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRAND_LIMIT8: ua.lpv_rl8 =(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit8 *)p; ua.lpv_rl8->run(flow_var); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit8); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRAND_LIMIT16: ua.lpv_rl16 =(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit16 *)p; ua.lpv_rl16->run(flow_var); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit16); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRAND_LIMIT32: ua.lpv_rl32 =(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit32 *)p; ua.lpv_rl32->run(flow_var); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit32); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRAND_LIMIT64: ua.lpv_rl64 =(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit64 *)p; ua.lpv_rl64->run(flow_var); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit64); break; default: assert(0); } }