/* Itay Marom Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #ifndef __TREX_STREAM_VM_API_H__ #define __TREX_STREAM_VM_API_H__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "pal_utl.h" #include "mbuf.h" class StreamVmInstructionFlowClient; /** * two functions ahead are used by both control plane and * dataplane to allow fast inc/dec and handle overflow * * a - low bound * b - high bound * c - current value * step - how many to advance / go back */ static inline uint64_t inc_mod(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t step) { /* check if we have enough left for simple inc */ uint64_t left = b - c; if (step <= left) { return (c + step); } else { return (a + (step - left - 1)); // restart consumes also 1 } } static inline uint64_t dec_mod(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t step) { /* check if we have enough left for simple dec */ uint64_t left = c - a; if (step <= left) { return (c - step); } else { return (b - (step - left - 1)); // restart consumes also 1 } } /** * a slower set of functions that indicate an overflow * */ static inline uint64_t inc_mod_of(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t step, bool &of) { /* check if we have enough left for simple inc */ uint64_t left = b - c; if (step <= left) { of = false; return (c + step); } else { of = true; return (a + (step - left - 1)); // restart consumes also 1 } } static inline uint64_t dec_mod_of(uint64_t a, uint64_t b, uint64_t c, uint64_t step, bool &of) { /* check if we have enough left for simple dec */ uint64_t left = c - a; if (step <= left) { of = false; return (c - step); } else { of = true; return (b - (step - left - 1)); // restart consumes also 1 } } //https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/fast-random-number-generator-on-the-intel-pentiumr-4-processor/ //Used to seed the generator. inline void fast_srand(uint32_t &g_seed, int seed ){ g_seed = seed; } //fastrand routine returns one integer, similar output value range as C lib. inline int fastrand(uint32_t &g_seed) { g_seed = (214013*g_seed+2531011); return (g_seed>>16)&0x7FFF; } static inline void vm_srand(uint32_t * per_thread_seed,uint64_t seedval) { fast_srand( *per_thread_seed,seedval ); } static inline uint32_t vm_rand16(uint32_t * per_thread_seed) { return ( fastrand(*per_thread_seed)); } static inline uint32_t vm_rand32(uint32_t * per_thread_seed) { return ( (vm_rand16(per_thread_seed)<<16)+vm_rand16(per_thread_seed)); } static inline uint64_t vm_rand64(uint32_t * per_thread_seed) { uint64_t res; res=((uint64_t)vm_rand32(per_thread_seed)<<32)+vm_rand32(per_thread_seed); return (res); } class StreamVm; /* memory struct of rand_limit instruction */ /*******************************************************/ struct RandMemBss8 { uint8_t m_val; uint8_t m_cnt; uint32_t m_seed; } __attribute__((packed)); struct RandMemBss16 { uint16_t m_val; uint16_t m_cnt; uint32_t m_seed; } __attribute__((packed)); struct RandMemBss32 { uint32_t m_val; uint32_t m_cnt; uint32_t m_seed; } __attribute__((packed)); struct RandMemBss64 { uint64_t m_val; uint64_t m_cnt; uint32_t m_seed; } __attribute__((packed)); struct StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit8 { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; uint8_t m_limit; uint8_t m_min_val; uint8_t m_max_val; uint32_t m_seed; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run(uint8_t * flow_var) { RandMemBss8 *p = (RandMemBss8 *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); if (p->m_cnt == m_limit){ p->m_seed = m_seed; p->m_cnt=0; } uint32_t val = m_min_val + (vm_rand16(&p->m_seed) % (int)(m_max_val - m_min_val + 1)); p->m_val= (uint8_t)(val); p->m_cnt++; } }; struct StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit16 { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; uint16_t m_limit; uint16_t m_min_val; uint16_t m_max_val; uint32_t m_seed; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run(uint8_t * flow_var) { RandMemBss16 *p = (RandMemBss16 *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); if (p->m_cnt == m_limit){ p->m_seed = m_seed; p->m_cnt=0; } uint32_t val = m_min_val + (vm_rand16(&p->m_seed) % (int)(m_max_val - m_min_val + 1)); p->m_val= (uint16_t)(val); p->m_cnt++; } }; struct StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit32 { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; uint32_t m_limit; uint32_t m_min_val; uint32_t m_max_val; uint32_t m_seed; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run(uint8_t * flow_var) { RandMemBss32 *p = (RandMemBss32 *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); if (p->m_cnt == m_limit){ p->m_seed = m_seed; p->m_cnt=0; } uint32_t val = m_min_val + (vm_rand32(&p->m_seed) % ((uint64_t)m_max_val - m_min_val + 1)); p->m_val= val; p->m_cnt++; } }; struct StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit64 { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; uint64_t m_limit; uint64_t m_min_val; uint64_t m_max_val; uint32_t m_seed; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run(uint8_t * flow_var) { RandMemBss64 *p = (RandMemBss64 *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); if (p->m_cnt == m_limit){ p->m_seed = m_seed; p->m_cnt=0; } uint64_t val; if ((m_max_val - m_min_val) == UINT64_MAX) { val = vm_rand64(&p->m_seed); } else { val = m_min_val + ( vm_rand64(&p->m_seed) % ( (uint64_t)m_max_val - m_min_val + 1) ); } p->m_val= val; p->m_cnt++; } }; /*******************************************************/ /* in memory program */ struct StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; uint8_t m_min_val; uint8_t m_max_val; uint8_t m_step; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run_inc(uint8_t * flow_var) { uint8_t *p = (flow_var + m_flow_offset); *p = inc_mod(m_min_val, m_max_val, *p, m_step); } inline void run_dec(uint8_t * flow_var) { uint8_t *p = (flow_var + m_flow_offset); *p = dec_mod(m_min_val, m_max_val, *p, m_step); } inline void run_rand(uint8_t * flow_var,uint32_t *per_thread_random) { uint8_t *p=(flow_var+m_flow_offset); *p = m_min_val + (vm_rand16(per_thread_random) % (int)(m_max_val - m_min_val + 1)); } } __attribute__((packed)) ; struct StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; uint16_t m_min_val; uint16_t m_max_val; uint16_t m_step; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run_inc(uint8_t * flow_var) { uint16_t *p = (uint16_t *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); *p = inc_mod(m_min_val, m_max_val, *p, m_step); } inline void run_dec(uint8_t * flow_var) { uint16_t *p = (uint16_t *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); *p = dec_mod(m_min_val, m_max_val, *p, m_step); } inline void run_rand(uint8_t * flow_var,uint32_t *per_thread_random) { uint16_t *p = (uint16_t *)(flow_var+m_flow_offset); *p = m_min_val + (vm_rand16(per_thread_random) % (int)(m_max_val - m_min_val + 1)); } } __attribute__((packed)) ; struct StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; uint32_t m_min_val; uint32_t m_max_val; uint32_t m_step; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run_inc(uint8_t * flow_var) { uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); *p = inc_mod(m_min_val, m_max_val, *p, m_step); } inline void run_dec(uint8_t * flow_var) { uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); *p = dec_mod(m_min_val, m_max_val, *p, m_step); } inline void run_rand(uint8_t * flow_var,uint32_t *per_thread_random) { uint32_t *p = (uint32_t *)(flow_var+m_flow_offset); *p = m_min_val + (vm_rand32(per_thread_random) % ((uint64_t)(m_max_val) - m_min_val + 1)); } } __attribute__((packed)) ; struct StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; uint64_t m_min_val; uint64_t m_max_val; uint64_t m_step; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run_inc(uint8_t * flow_var) { uint64_t *p = (uint64_t *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); *p = inc_mod(m_min_val, m_max_val, *p, m_step); } inline void run_dec(uint8_t * flow_var) { uint64_t *p = (uint64_t *)(flow_var + m_flow_offset); *p = dec_mod(m_min_val, m_max_val, *p, m_step); } inline void run_rand(uint8_t * flow_var,uint32_t *per_thread_random) { uint64_t * p=(uint64_t *)(flow_var+m_flow_offset); if ((m_max_val - m_min_val) == UINT64_MAX) { *p = vm_rand64(per_thread_random); } else { *p = m_min_val + ( vm_rand64(per_thread_random) % ( (uint64_t)m_max_val - m_min_val + 1) ); } } } __attribute__((packed)) ; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// struct StreamDPOpPktWrBase { enum { PKT_WR_IS_BIG = 1 }; /* for flags */ uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flags; uint8_t m_offset; public: bool is_big(){ return ( (m_flags &StreamDPOpPktWrBase::PKT_WR_IS_BIG) == StreamDPOpPktWrBase::PKT_WR_IS_BIG ?true:false); } } __attribute__((packed)) ; struct StreamDPOpPktWr8 : public StreamDPOpPktWrBase { int8_t m_val_offset; uint16_t m_pkt_offset; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void wr(uint8_t * flow_var_base,uint8_t * pkt_base) { uint8_t * p_pkt = (pkt_base+m_pkt_offset); uint8_t * p_flow_var = (flow_var_base+m_offset); *p_pkt=(*p_flow_var+m_val_offset); } } __attribute__((packed)) ; struct StreamDPOpPktWr16 : public StreamDPOpPktWrBase { uint16_t m_pkt_offset; int16_t m_val_offset; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void wr(uint8_t * flow_var_base,uint8_t * pkt_base) { uint16_t * p_pkt = (uint16_t*)(pkt_base+m_pkt_offset); uint16_t * p_flow_var = (uint16_t*)(flow_var_base+m_offset); if ( likely(is_big())){ *p_pkt=PKT_HTONS((*p_flow_var+m_val_offset)); }else{ *p_pkt=(*p_flow_var+m_val_offset); } } } __attribute__((packed)); struct StreamDPOpPktWr32 : public StreamDPOpPktWrBase { uint16_t m_pkt_offset; int32_t m_val_offset; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void wr(uint8_t * flow_var_base,uint8_t * pkt_base) { uint32_t * p_pkt = (uint32_t*)(pkt_base+m_pkt_offset); uint32_t * p_flow_var = (uint32_t*)(flow_var_base+m_offset); if ( likely(is_big())){ *p_pkt=PKT_HTONL((*p_flow_var+m_val_offset)); }else{ *p_pkt=(*p_flow_var+m_val_offset); } } } __attribute__((packed)); struct StreamDPOpPktWr64 : public StreamDPOpPktWrBase { uint16_t m_pkt_offset; int64_t m_val_offset; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void wr(uint8_t * flow_var_base,uint8_t * pkt_base) { uint64_t * p_pkt = (uint64_t*)(pkt_base+m_pkt_offset); uint64_t * p_flow_var = (uint64_t*)(flow_var_base+m_offset); if ( likely(is_big())){ *p_pkt=pal_ntohl64((*p_flow_var+m_val_offset)); }else{ *p_pkt=(*p_flow_var+m_val_offset); } } } __attribute__((packed)); struct StreamDPOpPktWrMask { enum { MASK_PKT_WR_IS_BIG = 1 }; /* for flags */ uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flags; uint8_t m_var_offset; int8_t m_shift; uint8_t m_pkt_cast_size; uint8_t m_flowv_cast_size; /* 1,2,4 */ uint16_t m_pkt_offset; uint32_t m_mask; int32_t m_add_value; bool is_big(){ return ( (m_flags &StreamDPOpPktWrMask::MASK_PKT_WR_IS_BIG) == StreamDPOpPktWrMask::MASK_PKT_WR_IS_BIG ?true:false); } public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); void wr(uint8_t * flow_var_base, uint8_t * pkt_base) ; } __attribute__((packed)); static inline uint16_t fast_csum(const void *iph, unsigned int ihl) { const uint16_t *ipv4 = (const uint16_t *)iph; int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < (ihl >> 1); i++) { sum += ipv4[i]; } sum = (sum & 0xffff) + (sum >> 16); return (uint16_t)(~sum); } struct StreamDPOpIpv4Fix { uint8_t m_op; uint16_t m_offset; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run(uint8_t * pkt_base) { uint8_t *ipv4 = pkt_base + m_offset; IPHeader *ipv4h = (IPHeader *)(pkt_base + m_offset); ipv4h->myChecksum = 0; if (ipv4h->myVer_HeaderLength == 0x45) { ipv4h->myChecksum = fast_csum(ipv4, 20); } else { ipv4h->myChecksum = fast_csum(ipv4, ipv4h->getHeaderLength()); } } } __attribute__((packed)); /* flow varible of Client command */ struct StreamDPFlowClient { uint32_t cur_ip; uint16_t cur_port; uint32_t cur_flow_id; } __attribute__((packed)); struct StreamDPOpClientsLimit { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; /* offset into the flow var bytes */ uint8_t m_flags; uint8_t m_pad; uint16_t m_min_port; uint16_t m_max_port; uint16_t m_step_port; uint16_t m_init_port; uint32_t m_min_ip; uint32_t m_max_ip; uint32_t m_step_ip; uint32_t m_init_ip; uint32_t m_limit_flows; /* limit the number of flows */ public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run(uint8_t * flow_var_base) { bool of; StreamDPFlowClient *lp = (StreamDPFlowClient *)(flow_var_base + m_flow_offset); /* first advance the outer var (IP) */ lp->cur_ip = inc_mod_of(m_min_ip, m_max_ip, lp->cur_ip, m_step_ip, of); /* if we had an overflow - advance the port */ if (of) { lp->cur_port = inc_mod(m_min_port, m_max_port, lp->cur_port, m_step_port); } if (m_limit_flows) { lp->cur_flow_id++; if ( lp->cur_flow_id > m_limit_flows ){ /* reset to the first flow */ lp->cur_flow_id = 1; lp->cur_ip = m_init_ip; lp->cur_port = m_init_port; } } } } __attribute__((packed)); struct StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit { enum __MIN_PORT { CLIENT_UNLIMITED_MIN_PORT = 1025 }; uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; /* offset into the flow var bytes */ uint8_t m_flags; uint8_t m_pad; uint32_t m_min_ip; uint32_t m_max_ip; public: void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); inline void run(uint8_t * flow_var_base) { StreamDPFlowClient * lp= (StreamDPFlowClient *)(flow_var_base+m_flow_offset); lp->cur_ip++; if (lp->cur_ip > m_max_ip ) { lp->cur_ip= m_min_ip; lp->cur_port++; if (lp->cur_port == 0) { lp->cur_port = StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit::CLIENT_UNLIMITED_MIN_PORT; } } } } __attribute__((packed)); struct StreamDPOpPktSizeChange { uint8_t m_op; uint8_t m_flow_offset; /* offset to the flow var */ inline void run(uint8_t * flow_var_base,uint16_t & new_size) { uint16_t * p_flow_var = (uint16_t*)(flow_var_base+m_flow_offset); new_size = (*p_flow_var); } void dump(FILE *fd,std::string opt); } __attribute__((packed)); ; /* datapath instructions */ class StreamDPVmInstructions { public: enum INS_TYPE { ditINC8 =7 , ditINC16 , ditINC32 , ditINC64 , ditDEC8 , ditDEC16 , ditDEC32 , ditDEC64 , ditRANDOM8 , ditRANDOM16 , ditRANDOM32 , ditRANDOM64 , ditFIX_IPV4_CS , itPKT_WR8 , itPKT_WR16 , itPKT_WR32 , itPKT_WR64 , itCLIENT_VAR , itCLIENT_VAR_UNLIMIT , itPKT_SIZE_CHANGE , /* inc/dec with step*/ ditINC8_STEP , ditINC16_STEP , ditINC32_STEP , ditINC64_STEP , ditDEC8_STEP , ditDEC16_STEP , ditDEC32_STEP , ditDEC64_STEP , itPKT_WR_MASK , ditRAND_LIMIT8 , ditRAND_LIMIT16 , ditRAND_LIMIT32 , ditRAND_LIMIT64 , }; public: void clear(); void add_command(void *buffer,uint16_t size); uint8_t * get_program(); uint32_t get_program_size(); void Dump(FILE *fd); private: std::vector m_inst_list; }; class StreamDPVmInstructionsRunner { public: StreamDPVmInstructionsRunner(){ m_new_pkt_size=0;; } void slow_commands(uint8_t op_code, uint8_t * flow_var, /* flow var */ uint8_t * pkt, uint8_t * & p); inline void run(uint32_t * per_thread_random, uint32_t program_size, uint8_t * program, /* program */ uint8_t * flow_var, /* flow var */ uint8_t * pkt); /* pkt */ inline uint16_t get_new_pkt_size(){ return (m_new_pkt_size); } private: uint16_t m_new_pkt_size; }; typedef union ua_ { StreamDPOpIpv4Fix *lpIpv4Fix; StreamDPOpPktWr8 *lpw8; StreamDPOpPktWr16 *lpw16; StreamDPOpPktWr32 *lpw32; StreamDPOpPktWr64 *lpw64; StreamDPOpPktSizeChange *lpw_pkt_size; StreamDPOpClientsLimit *lpcl; StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit *lpclu; StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step *lpv8s; StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step *lpv16s; StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step *lpv32s; StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step *lpv64s; StreamDPOpPktWrMask *lpwr_mask; StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit8 *lpv_rl8; StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit16 *lpv_rl16; StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit32 *lpv_rl32; StreamDPOpFlowRandLimit64 *lpv_rl64; } ua_t ; inline void StreamDPVmInstructionsRunner::run(uint32_t * per_thread_random, uint32_t program_size, uint8_t * program, /* program */ uint8_t * flow_var, /* flow var */ uint8_t * pkt ){ uint8_t * p=program; uint8_t * p_end=p+program_size; ua_t ua; while ( p < p_end) { uint8_t op_code=*p; switch (op_code) { case StreamDPVmInstructions::itCLIENT_VAR : ua.lpcl =(StreamDPOpClientsLimit *)p; ua.lpcl->run(flow_var); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpClientsLimit); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::itCLIENT_VAR_UNLIMIT : ua.lpclu =(StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit *)p; ua.lpclu->run(flow_var); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpClientsUnLimit); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC8_STEP: ua.lpv8s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step *)p; ua.lpv8s->run_inc(flow_var); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC16_STEP: ua.lpv16s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step *)p; ua.lpv16s->run_inc(flow_var); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC32_STEP: ua.lpv32s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step *)p; ua.lpv32s->run_inc(flow_var); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditINC64_STEP: ua.lpv64s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step *)p; ua.lpv64s->run_inc(flow_var); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC8_STEP: ua.lpv8s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step *)p; ua.lpv8s->run_dec(flow_var); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC16_STEP: ua.lpv16s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step *)p; ua.lpv16s->run_dec(flow_var); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC32_STEP: ua.lpv32s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step *)p; ua.lpv32s->run_dec(flow_var); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditDEC64_STEP: ua.lpv64s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step *)p; ua.lpv64s->run_dec(flow_var); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM8 : ua.lpv8s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step *)p; ua.lpv8s->run_rand(flow_var, per_thread_random); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar8Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM16: ua.lpv16s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step *)p; ua.lpv16s->run_rand(flow_var, per_thread_random); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar16Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM32: ua.lpv32s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step *)p; ua.lpv32s->run_rand(flow_var, per_thread_random); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar32Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditRANDOM64: ua.lpv64s =(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step *)p; ua.lpv64s->run_rand(flow_var, per_thread_random); p += sizeof(StreamDPOpFlowVar64Step); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::ditFIX_IPV4_CS : ua.lpIpv4Fix =(StreamDPOpIpv4Fix *)p; ua.lpIpv4Fix->run(pkt); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpIpv4Fix); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR8 : ua.lpw8 =(StreamDPOpPktWr8 *)p; ua.lpw8->wr(flow_var,pkt); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr8); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR16 : ua.lpw16 =(StreamDPOpPktWr16 *)p; ua.lpw16->wr(flow_var,pkt); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr16); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR32 : ua.lpw32 =(StreamDPOpPktWr32 *)p; ua.lpw32->wr(flow_var,pkt); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr32); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_WR64 : ua.lpw64 =(StreamDPOpPktWr64 *)p; ua.lpw64->wr(flow_var,pkt); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktWr64); break; case StreamDPVmInstructions::itPKT_SIZE_CHANGE : ua.lpw_pkt_size =(StreamDPOpPktSizeChange *)p; ua.lpw_pkt_size->run(flow_var,m_new_pkt_size); p+=sizeof(StreamDPOpPktSizeChange); break; default: slow_commands(op_code,flow_var,pkt,p); break; } }; }; /** * interface for stream VM instruction * */ class StreamVmInstruction { public: enum INS_TYPE { itNONE = 0, itFIX_IPV4_CS = 4, itFLOW_MAN = 5, itPKT_WR = 6, itFLOW_CLIENT = 7 , itPKT_SIZE_CHANGE = 8, itPKT_WR_MASK = 9, itFLOW_RAND_LIMIT = 10 /* random with limit & seed */ }; typedef uint8_t instruction_type_t ; virtual instruction_type_t get_instruction_type() const = 0; virtual ~StreamVmInstruction(); virtual void Dump(FILE *fd)=0; virtual StreamVmInstruction * clone() = 0; /* by default a regular instruction is not splitable for multicore */ virtual bool need_split() const { return false; } bool is_var_instruction() const { instruction_type_t type = get_instruction_type(); return ( (type == itFLOW_MAN) || (type == itFLOW_CLIENT) || (type == itFLOW_RAND_LIMIT) ); } /* nothing to init */ virtual uint8_t set_bss_init_value(uint8_t *p) { return (0); } private: static const std::string m_name; }; /** * abstract class that defines a flow var * * @author imarom (23-Dec-15) */ class StreamVmInstructionVar : public StreamVmInstruction { public: StreamVmInstructionVar(const std::string &var_name) : m_var_name(var_name) { } const std::string & get_var_name() const { return m_var_name; } /** * allows a var instruction to be updated * for multicore (split) * */ virtual void update(uint64_t phase, uint64_t step_mul) = 0; public: /* flow var name */ const std::string m_var_name; }; /** * fix checksum for ipv4 * */ class StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4 : public StreamVmInstruction { public: StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4(uint16_t offset) : m_pkt_offset(offset) { } virtual instruction_type_t get_instruction_type() const { return ( StreamVmInstruction::itFIX_IPV4_CS); } virtual void Dump(FILE *fd); virtual StreamVmInstruction * clone() { return new StreamVmInstructionFixChecksumIpv4(m_pkt_offset); } public: uint16_t m_pkt_offset; /* the offset of IPv4 header from the start of the packet */ }; /** * flow manipulation instruction * * @author imarom (07-Sep-15) */ class StreamVmInstructionFlowMan : public StreamVmInstructionVar { friend class StreamVmInstructionFlowClient; public: virtual instruction_type_t get_instruction_type() const { return ( StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_MAN); } virtual bool need_split() const { /* random does not need split */ return (m_op != FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM); } virtual uint64_t get_range() const { return (m_max_value - m_min_value + 1); } virtual uint8_t set_bss_init_value(uint8_t *p); /** * different types of operations on the object */ enum flow_var_op_e { FLOW_VAR_OP_INC, FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC, FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM }; StreamVmInstructionFlowMan(const std::string &var_name, uint8_t size, flow_var_op_e op, uint64_t init_value, uint64_t min_value, uint64_t max_value, uint64_t step=1) : StreamVmInstructionVar(var_name) { m_op = op; m_size_bytes = size; m_init_value = init_value; m_min_value = min_value; m_max_value = max_value; m_step = step % get_range(); // support step overflow by modulu assert(m_init_value >= m_min_value); assert(m_init_value <= m_max_value); } virtual void update(uint64_t phase, uint64_t step_mul) { /* update the init value to be with a phase */ m_init_value = peek_next(phase); /* multiply the step */ m_step = (m_step * step_mul) % get_range(); assert(m_init_value >= m_min_value); assert(m_init_value <= m_max_value); } uint64_t peek_next(uint64_t skip = 1) const { bool dummy; return peek(skip, true, dummy); } uint64_t peek_prev(uint64_t skip = 1) const { bool dummy; return peek(skip, false, dummy); } virtual void Dump(FILE *fd); void sanity_check(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp); virtual StreamVmInstruction * clone() { return new StreamVmInstructionFlowMan(m_var_name, m_size_bytes, m_op, m_init_value, m_min_value, m_max_value, m_step); } protected: /* fetch the next value in the variable (used for core phase and etc.) */ uint64_t peek(int skip, bool forward, bool &of) const { if (m_op == FLOW_VAR_OP_RANDOM) { return m_init_value; } assert( (m_op == FLOW_VAR_OP_INC) || (m_op == FLOW_VAR_OP_DEC) ); bool add = ( (m_op == FLOW_VAR_OP_INC) ? forward : !forward ); uint64_t next_step = (m_step * skip) % get_range(); if (add) { return inc_mod_of(m_min_value, m_max_value, m_init_value, next_step, of); } else { return dec_mod_of(m_min_value, m_max_value, m_init_value, next_step, of); } } private: void sanity_check_valid_size(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp); void sanity_check_valid_opt(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp); void sanity_check_valid_range(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp); public: /* flow var size */ uint8_t m_size_bytes; /* type of op */ flow_var_op_e m_op; /* range */ uint64_t m_init_value; uint64_t m_min_value; uint64_t m_max_value; uint64_t m_step; }; /** * flow var random with limit * * @author hhaim 9/2016 */ class StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit : public StreamVmInstructionVar { public: virtual instruction_type_t get_instruction_type() const { return ( StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_RAND_LIMIT); } virtual bool need_split() const { return true; } StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit(const std::string &var_name, uint8_t size, uint64_t limit, uint64_t min_value, uint64_t max_value, uint64_t seed ) : StreamVmInstructionVar(var_name) { m_size_bytes = size; m_seed = seed; m_limit = limit; m_min_value = min_value; m_max_value = max_value; } virtual void Dump(FILE *fd); void sanity_check(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp); virtual uint8_t set_bss_init_value(uint8_t *p); virtual StreamVmInstruction * clone() { return new StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit(m_var_name, m_size_bytes, m_limit, m_min_value, m_max_value, m_seed); } virtual void update(uint64_t phase, uint64_t step_mul) { /* phase */ m_seed = m_seed * ( ( (phase + 1) * 514229 ) & 0xFFFFFFFF ); /* limit */ uint64_t per_core_limit = (m_limit / step_mul); if (phase == 0) { per_core_limit += (m_limit % step_mul); } m_limit = per_core_limit; } private: void sanity_check_valid_size(uint32_t ins_id,StreamVm *lp); public: uint64_t m_limit; uint64_t m_min_value; uint64_t m_max_value; uint64_t m_seed; uint8_t m_size_bytes; }; /** * write flow-write-mask to packet, hhaim * * uint32_t var_tmp=(uint32_t )(flow_var_t size )flow_var; * if (shift){ * var_tmp=var_tmp<>shift * } * * pkt_data=read_pkt_size() * pkt_data = (pkt_data & ~mask) |(var_tmp & mask) * write_pkt(pkt_data) * */ class StreamVmInstructionWriteMaskToPkt : public StreamVmInstruction { public: StreamVmInstructionWriteMaskToPkt(const std::string &flow_var_name, uint16_t pkt_offset, uint8_t pkt_cast_size, /* valid 1,2,4 */ uint32_t mask, int shift, /* positive is shift left, negetive shift right */ int32_t add_value = 0, bool is_big_endian = true) : m_flow_var_name(flow_var_name), m_pkt_offset(pkt_offset), m_pkt_cast_size(pkt_cast_size), m_mask(mask), m_shift(shift), m_add_value(add_value), m_is_big_endian(is_big_endian) {} virtual instruction_type_t get_instruction_type() const { return ( StreamVmInstruction::itPKT_WR_MASK); } virtual void Dump(FILE *fd); virtual StreamVmInstruction * clone() { return new StreamVmInstructionWriteMaskToPkt(m_flow_var_name, m_pkt_offset, m_pkt_cast_size, m_mask, m_shift, m_add_value, m_is_big_endian); } public: /* flow var name to write */ std::string m_flow_var_name; /* where to write */ uint16_t m_pkt_offset; uint8_t m_pkt_cast_size; /* valid 1,2,4 */ uint32_t m_mask; int m_shift; int m_add_value; bool m_is_big_endian; }; /** * flow client instruction - save state for client range and port range * * @author hhaim */ class StreamVmInstructionFlowClient : public StreamVmInstructionVar { public: enum client_flags_e { CLIENT_F_UNLIMITED_FLOWS=1, /* unlimited number of flow, don't care about ports */ }; virtual instruction_type_t get_instruction_type() const { return ( StreamVmInstruction::itFLOW_CLIENT); } virtual bool need_split() const { return true; } StreamVmInstructionFlowClient(const std::string &var_name, uint32_t client_min_value, uint32_t client_max_value, uint16_t port_min, uint16_t port_max, uint32_t limit_num_flows, /* zero means don't limit */ uint16_t flags ) : StreamVmInstructionVar(var_name), m_ip("ip", 4, StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC, client_min_value, client_min_value, client_max_value, 1), m_port("port", 2, StreamVmInstructionFlowMan::FLOW_VAR_OP_INC, port_min, port_min, port_max, 1) { m_limit_num_flows = limit_num_flows; m_flags = flags; } StreamVmInstructionFlowClient(const StreamVmInstructionFlowClient &other) :StreamVmInstructionVar(other.m_var_name), m_ip(other.m_ip), m_port(other.m_port) { m_limit_num_flows = other.m_limit_num_flows; m_flags = other.m_flags; } virtual void Dump(FILE *fd); static uint8_t get_flow_var_size(){ return (4+2+4); } uint32_t get_ip_range() const { return m_ip.get_range(); } uint16_t get_port_range() const { return m_port.get_range(); } virtual uint64_t get_range() const { return get_ip_range(); } virtual uint8_t set_bss_init_value(uint8_t *p); bool is_unlimited_flows(){ return ( (m_flags & StreamVmInstructionFlowClient::CLIENT_F_UNLIMITED_FLOWS ) == StreamVmInstructionFlowClient::CLIENT_F_UNLIMITED_FLOWS ); } virtual StreamVmInstruction * clone() { return new StreamVmInstructionFlowClient(*this); } virtual void update(uint64_t phase, uint64_t step_mul) { /* update outer var */ m_ip.update(phase, step_mul); /* inner var should advance as the whole wrap arounds */ uint16_t port_phase = phase / m_ip.get_range(); uint16_t port_step_mul = 1 + (step_mul / m_ip.get_range()); m_port.update(port_phase, port_step_mul); /* update the limit per core */ if (m_limit_num_flows) { uint64_t per_core_limit = m_limit_num_flows / step_mul; if (phase == 0) { per_core_limit += m_limit_num_flows % step_mul; } m_limit_num_flows = per_core_limit; assert(per_core_limit > 0); } } protected: void peek_prev(uint32_t &next_ip, uint16_t &next_port, int skip = 1) { peek(next_ip, next_port, skip, false); } void peek_next(uint32_t &next_ip, uint16_t &next_port, int skip = 1) { peek(next_ip, next_port, skip, true); } /** * defines a froward/backward method * */ void peek(uint32_t &next_ip, uint16_t &next_port, int skip = 1, bool forward = true) const { bool of = false; next_ip = m_ip.peek(skip, forward, of); int port_skip = skip / m_ip.get_range(); if (of) { port_skip++; } next_port = m_port.peek(port_skip, forward, of); } public: StreamVmInstructionFlowMan m_ip; StreamVmInstructionFlowMan m_port; uint32_t m_limit_num_flows; // number of flows uint16_t m_flags; }; class VmFlowVarRec { public: uint32_t m_offset; union { StreamVmInstructionFlowMan * m_ins_flowv; StreamVmInstructionFlowClient * m_ins_flow_client; StreamVmInstructionFlowRandLimit * m_ins_flow_rand_limit; } m_ins; uint8_t m_size_bytes; }; /** * write flow var to packet, hhaim * */ class StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt : public StreamVmInstruction { public: StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt(const std::string &flow_var_name, uint16_t pkt_offset, int32_t add_value = 0, bool is_big_endian = true) : m_flow_var_name(flow_var_name), m_pkt_offset(pkt_offset), m_add_value(add_value), m_is_big_endian(is_big_endian) {} virtual instruction_type_t get_instruction_type() const { return ( StreamVmInstruction::itPKT_WR); } virtual void Dump(FILE *fd); virtual StreamVmInstruction * clone() { return new StreamVmInstructionWriteToPkt(m_flow_var_name, m_pkt_offset, m_add_value, m_is_big_endian); } public: /* flow var name to write */ std::string m_flow_var_name; /* where to write */ uint16_t m_pkt_offset; /* add/dec value from field when writing */ int32_t m_add_value; /* writing endian */ bool m_is_big_endian; }; /** * change packet size, * */ class StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize : public StreamVmInstruction { public: StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize(const std::string &flow_var_name) : m_flow_var_name(flow_var_name) {} virtual instruction_type_t get_instruction_type() const { return ( StreamVmInstruction::itPKT_SIZE_CHANGE ); } virtual void Dump(FILE *fd); virtual StreamVmInstruction * clone() { return new StreamVmInstructionChangePktSize(m_flow_var_name); } public: /* flow var name to write */ std::string m_flow_var_name; }; /** * describes a VM program for DP * */ class StreamVmDp { public: StreamVmDp(){ m_bss_ptr=NULL; m_program_ptr =NULL ; m_bss_size=0; m_program_size=0; m_max_pkt_offset_change=0; m_prefix_size = 0; m_is_pkt_size_var=false; } StreamVmDp( uint8_t * bss, uint16_t bss_size, uint8_t * prog, uint16_t prog_size, uint16_t max_pkt_offset, uint16_t prefix_size, bool a_is_pkt_size_var, bool a_is_random_seed ){ if (bss) { assert(bss_size); m_bss_ptr=(uint8_t*)malloc(bss_size); assert(m_bss_ptr); memcpy(m_bss_ptr,bss,bss_size); m_bss_size=bss_size; }else{ m_bss_ptr=NULL; m_bss_size=0; } if (prog) { assert(prog_size); m_program_ptr=(uint8_t*)malloc(prog_size); memcpy(m_program_ptr,prog,prog_size); m_program_size = prog_size; }else{ m_program_ptr = NULL; m_program_size=0; } m_max_pkt_offset_change = max_pkt_offset; m_prefix_size = prefix_size; m_is_pkt_size_var=a_is_pkt_size_var; m_is_random_seed=a_is_random_seed; } ~StreamVmDp(){ if (m_bss_ptr) { free(m_bss_ptr); m_bss_ptr=0; m_bss_size=0; } if (m_program_ptr) { free(m_program_ptr); m_program_size=0; m_program_ptr=0; } } StreamVmDp * clone() const { StreamVmDp * lp = new StreamVmDp(m_bss_ptr, m_bss_size, m_program_ptr, m_program_size, m_max_pkt_offset_change, m_prefix_size, m_is_pkt_size_var, m_is_random_seed ); assert(lp); return (lp); } uint8_t* clone_bss(){ assert(m_bss_size>0); uint8_t *p=(uint8_t *)malloc(m_bss_size); assert(p); memcpy(p,m_bss_ptr,m_bss_size); return (p); } uint16_t get_bss_size(){ return(m_bss_size); } uint8_t* get_bss(){ return (m_bss_ptr); } uint8_t* get_program(){ return (m_program_ptr); } uint16_t get_program_size(){ return (m_program_size); } uint16_t get_max_packet_update_offset(){ return (m_max_pkt_offset_change); } uint16_t get_prefix_size() { return m_prefix_size; } void set_prefix_size(uint16_t prefix_size) { m_prefix_size = prefix_size; } void set_pkt_size_is_var(bool pkt_size_var){ m_is_pkt_size_var=pkt_size_var; } bool is_pkt_size_var(){ return (m_is_pkt_size_var); } bool is_random_seed(){ return (m_is_random_seed); } private: uint8_t * m_bss_ptr; /* pointer to the data section */ uint8_t * m_program_ptr; /* pointer to the program */ uint16_t m_bss_size; uint16_t m_program_size; /* program size*/ uint16_t m_max_pkt_offset_change; uint16_t m_prefix_size; bool m_is_pkt_size_var; bool m_is_random_seed; }; /** * describes a VM program * */ class StreamVm { public: enum STREAM_VM { svMAX_FLOW_VAR = 64, /* maximum flow varible */ svMAX_PACKET_OFFSET_CHANGE = 512 }; StreamVm(){ m_prefix_size=0; m_bss=0; m_pkt_size=0; m_expected_pkt_size=0.0; m_cur_var_offset=0; m_is_random_var = false; m_is_change_pkt_size = false; m_is_split_needed = false; m_is_compiled = false; m_pkt=0; } /** * calculate the expected packet size * might be different from regular_pkt_size * if the VM changes the packet length (random) * */ double calc_expected_pkt_size(uint16_t regular_pkt_size) const; StreamVmDp * generate_dp_object(){ if (!m_is_compiled) { return NULL; } StreamVmDp * lp= new StreamVmDp(get_bss_ptr(), get_bss_size(), get_dp_instruction_buffer()->get_program(), get_dp_instruction_buffer()->get_program_size(), get_max_packet_update_offset(), get_prefix_size(), is_var_pkt_size(), m_is_random_var ); assert(lp); return (lp); } /** * clone VM instructions * */ void clone(StreamVm &other) const; bool is_vm_empty() const { return (m_inst_list.size() == 0); } /** * return true if the VM is splitable * for multicore */ bool need_split() const { return m_is_split_needed; } /** * add new instruction to the VM * */ void add_instruction(StreamVmInstruction *inst); /** * get const access to the instruction list * */ const std::vector & get_instruction_list(); StreamDPVmInstructions * get_dp_instruction_buffer(); uint16_t get_bss_size(){ return (m_cur_var_offset ); } uint8_t * get_bss_ptr(){ return (m_bss ); } uint16_t get_max_packet_update_offset(){ return ( m_max_field_update ); } uint16_t get_prefix_size() { return m_prefix_size; } bool is_var_pkt_size(){ return (m_is_change_pkt_size); } bool is_compiled() const { return m_is_compiled; } /** * compile the VM * return true of success, o.w false * */ void compile(uint16_t pkt_len); ~StreamVm(); void Dump(FILE *fd); /* raise exception */ void err(const std::string &err); void set_pkt(uint8_t *pkt){ m_pkt=pkt; } /** * return a pointer to a flow var / client var * by name if exists, otherwise NULL * */ StreamVmInstructionVar * lookup_var_by_name(const std::string &var_name); private: /* lookup for varible offset, */ bool var_lookup(const std::string &var_name,VmFlowVarRec & var); void var_clear_table(); bool var_add(const std::string &var_name,VmFlowVarRec & var); uint16_t get_var_offset(const std::string &var_name); void build_flow_var_table() ; void build_bss(); void build_program(); void alloc_bss(); void free_bss(); private: void clean_max_field_cnt(); void add_field_cnt(uint16_t new_cnt); private: bool m_is_random_var; bool m_is_change_pkt_size; bool m_is_split_needed; bool m_is_compiled; uint16_t m_prefix_size; uint16_t m_pkt_size; double m_expected_pkt_size; uint16_t m_cur_var_offset; uint16_t m_max_field_update; /* the location of the last byte that is going to be changed in the packet */ std::vector m_inst_list; std::unordered_map m_flow_var_offset; uint8_t * m_bss; StreamDPVmInstructions m_instructions; uint8_t *m_pkt; }; #endif /* __TREX_STREAM_VM_API_H__ */