#include #include "bp_sim.h" #include "flow_stat_parser.h" #include "latency.h" #include "pal/linux/sanb_atomic.h" #include "trex_stateless_messaging.h" #include "trex_stateless_rx_core.h" void CCPortLatencyStl::reset() { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FLOW_STATS; i++) { m_rx_pg_stat[i].clear(); m_rx_pg_stat_payload[i].clear(); } } void CRxCoreStateless::create(const CRxSlCfg &cfg) { m_max_ports = cfg.m_max_ports; CMessagingManager * cp_rx = CMsgIns::Ins()->getCpRx(); m_ring_from_cp = cp_rx->getRingCpToDp(0); m_ring_to_cp = cp_rx->getRingDpToCp(0); m_state = STATE_IDLE; for (int i = 0; i < m_max_ports; i++) { CLatencyManagerPerPortStl * lp = &m_ports[i]; lp->m_io = cfg.m_ports[i]; lp->m_port.reset(); } m_cpu_cp_u.Create(&m_cpu_dp_u); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_FLOW_STATS_PAYLOAD; i++) { m_per_flow_seq[i] = 0; m_per_flow_hist[i].Reset(); m_per_flow_jitter[i].reset(); m_per_flow_seq_error[i] = 0; m_per_flow_out_of_order[i] = 0; m_per_flow_dup[i] = 0; } } void CRxCoreStateless::handle_cp_msg(TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *msg) { msg->handle(this); delete msg; } bool CRxCoreStateless::periodic_check_for_cp_messages() { /* fast path */ if ( likely ( m_ring_from_cp->isEmpty() ) ) { return false; } while ( true ) { CGenNode * node = NULL; if (m_ring_from_cp->Dequeue(node) != 0) { break; } assert(node); TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase * msg = (TrexStatelessCpToRxMsgBase *)node; handle_cp_msg(msg); } return true; } void CRxCoreStateless::idle_state_loop() { const int SHORT_DELAY_MS = 2; const int LONG_DELAY_MS = 50; const int DEEP_SLEEP_LIMIT = 2000; int counter = 0; while (m_state == STATE_IDLE) { bool had_msg = periodic_check_for_cp_messages(); if (had_msg) { counter = 0; continue; } else { flush_rx(); } /* enter deep sleep only if enough time had passed */ if (counter < DEEP_SLEEP_LIMIT) { delay(SHORT_DELAY_MS); counter++; } else { delay(LONG_DELAY_MS); } } } void CRxCoreStateless::start() { int count = 0; int i = 0; bool do_try_rx_queue =CGlobalInfo::m_options.preview.get_vm_one_queue_enable() ? true : false; while (true) { if (m_state == STATE_WORKING) { i++; if (i == 100) { i = 0; // if no packets in 100 cycles, sleep for a while to spare the cpu if (count == 0) { delay(1); } count = 0; periodic_check_for_cp_messages(); // m_state might change in here } } else { if (m_state == STATE_QUIT) break; count = 0; i = 0; set_working_msg_ack(false); idle_state_loop(); set_working_msg_ack(true); } if (do_try_rx_queue) { try_rx_queues(); } count += try_rx(); } } void CRxCoreStateless::handle_rx_pkt(CLatencyManagerPerPortStl *lp, rte_mbuf_t *m) { CFlowStatParser parser; if (parser.parse(rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, uint8_t *), m->pkt_len) == 0) { uint16_t ip_id; if (parser.get_ip_id(ip_id) == 0) { if (is_flow_stat_id(ip_id)) { uint16_t hw_id; if (is_flow_stat_payload_id(ip_id)) { uint32_t seq; //??? handle seq wrap around uint8_t *p = rte_pktmbuf_mtod(m, uint8_t*); struct flow_stat_payload_header *fsp_head = (struct flow_stat_payload_header *) (p + m->pkt_len - sizeof(struct flow_stat_payload_header)); if (fsp_head->magic == FLOW_STAT_PAYLOAD_MAGIC) { hw_id = fsp_head->hw_id; seq = fsp_head->seq; if (unlikely(seq != m_per_flow_seq[hw_id])) { if (seq < m_per_flow_seq[hw_id]) { if (seq == (m_per_flow_seq[hw_id] - 1)) { m_per_flow_dup[hw_id] += 1; printf("dup packets seq:%d %ld\n", seq, m_per_flow_seq[hw_id]); } else { m_per_flow_out_of_order[hw_id] += 1; // We thought it was lost, but it was just out of order m_per_flow_seq_error[hw_id] -= 1; printf("ooo packets seq:%d %ld\n", seq, m_per_flow_seq[hw_id]); } } else { // seq > m_per_flow_seq[hw_id] printf("lost packets seq:%d %ld\n", seq, m_per_flow_seq[hw_id]); m_per_flow_seq_error[hw_id] += seq - m_per_flow_seq[hw_id]; m_per_flow_seq[hw_id] = seq + 1; } } else { m_per_flow_seq[hw_id] = seq + 1; } lp->m_port.m_rx_pg_stat_payload[hw_id].add_pkts(1); lp->m_port.m_rx_pg_stat_payload[hw_id].add_bytes(m->pkt_len); uint64_t d = (os_get_hr_tick_64() - fsp_head->time_stamp ); dsec_t ctime = ptime_convert_hr_dsec(d); m_per_flow_hist[hw_id].Add(ctime); m_per_flow_jitter[hw_id].calc(ctime); } } else { hw_id = get_hw_id(ip_id); lp->m_port.m_rx_pg_stat[hw_id].add_pkts(1); lp->m_port.m_rx_pg_stat[hw_id].add_bytes(m->pkt_len); } } } } rte_pktmbuf_free(m); } // In VM setup, handle packets coming as messages from DP cores. void CRxCoreStateless::handle_rx_queue_msgs(uint8_t thread_id, CNodeRing * r) { while ( true ) { CGenNode * node; if ( r->Dequeue(node) != 0 ) { break; } assert(node); CGenNodeMsgBase * msg = (CGenNodeMsgBase *)node; CGenNodeLatencyPktInfo * l_msg; uint8_t msg_type = msg->m_msg_type; uint8_t rx_port_index; CLatencyManagerPerPortStl * lp; switch (msg_type) { case CGenNodeMsgBase::LATENCY_PKT: l_msg = (CGenNodeLatencyPktInfo *)msg; assert(l_msg->m_latency_offset == 0xdead); rx_port_index = (thread_id << 1) + (l_msg->m_dir & 1); assert( rx_port_index < m_max_ports ); lp = &m_ports[rx_port_index]; handle_rx_pkt(lp, (rte_mbuf_t *)l_msg->m_pkt); break; default: printf("ERROR latency-thread message type is not valid %d \n", msg_type); assert(0); } CGlobalInfo::free_node(node); } } // VM mode function. Handle messages from DP void CRxCoreStateless::try_rx_queues() { CMessagingManager * rx_dp = CMsgIns::Ins()->getRxDp(); uint8_t threads=CMsgIns::Ins()->get_num_threads(); int ti; for (ti = 0; ti < (int)threads; ti++) { CNodeRing * r = rx_dp->getRingDpToCp(ti); if ( ! r->isEmpty() ) { handle_rx_queue_msgs((uint8_t)ti, r); } } } // exactly the same as try_rx, without the handle_rx_pkt // purpose is to flush rx queues when core is in idle state void CRxCoreStateless::flush_rx() { rte_mbuf_t * rx_pkts[64]; int i, total_pkts = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_max_ports; i++) { CLatencyManagerPerPortStl * lp = &m_ports[i]; rte_mbuf_t * m; /* try to read 64 packets clean up the queue */ uint16_t cnt_p = lp->m_io->rx_burst(rx_pkts, 64); total_pkts += cnt_p; if (cnt_p) { m_cpu_dp_u.start_work1(); int j; for (j = 0; j < cnt_p; j++) { m = rx_pkts[j]; rte_pktmbuf_free(m); } /* commit only if there was work to do ! */ m_cpu_dp_u.commit1(); }/* if work */ }// all ports } int CRxCoreStateless::try_rx() { rte_mbuf_t * rx_pkts[64]; int i, total_pkts = 0; for (i = 0; i < m_max_ports; i++) { CLatencyManagerPerPortStl * lp = &m_ports[i]; rte_mbuf_t * m; /* try to read 64 packets clean up the queue */ uint16_t cnt_p = lp->m_io->rx_burst(rx_pkts, 64); total_pkts += cnt_p; if (cnt_p) { m_cpu_dp_u.start_work1(); int j; for (j = 0; j < cnt_p; j++) { m = rx_pkts[j]; handle_rx_pkt(lp, m); rte_pktmbuf_free(m); } /* commit only if there was work to do ! */ m_cpu_dp_u.commit1(); }/* if work */ }// all ports return total_pkts; } bool CRxCoreStateless::is_flow_stat_id(uint16_t id) { if ((id & 0xff00) == IP_ID_RESERVE_BASE) return true; return false; } bool CRxCoreStateless::is_flow_stat_payload_id(uint16_t id) { if (id == FLOW_STAT_PAYLOAD_IP_ID) return true; return false; } uint16_t CRxCoreStateless::get_hw_id(uint16_t id) { return (0x00ff & id); } void CRxCoreStateless::reset_rx_stats(uint8_t port_id) { for (int hw_id = 0; hw_id < MAX_FLOW_STATS; hw_id++) { m_ports[port_id].m_port.m_rx_pg_stat[hw_id].clear(); } } int CRxCoreStateless::get_rx_stats(uint8_t port_id, rx_per_flow_t *rx_stats, int min, int max , bool reset, TrexPlatformApi::driver_stat_cap_e type) { for (int hw_id = min; hw_id <= max; hw_id++) { if (type == TrexPlatformApi::IF_STAT_PAYLOAD) { rx_stats[hw_id - min] = m_ports[port_id].m_port.m_rx_pg_stat_payload[hw_id]; } else { rx_stats[hw_id - min] = m_ports[port_id].m_port.m_rx_pg_stat[hw_id]; } if (reset) { if (type == TrexPlatformApi::IF_STAT_PAYLOAD) { m_ports[port_id].m_port.m_rx_pg_stat_payload[hw_id].clear(); } else { m_ports[port_id].m_port.m_rx_pg_stat[hw_id].clear(); } } } return 0; } int CRxCoreStateless::get_rfc2544_info(rfc2544_info_t *rfc2544_info, int min, int max, bool reset) { std::string json; for (int hw_id = min; hw_id <= max; hw_id++) { rfc2544_info[hw_id - min].set_err_cntrs(m_per_flow_seq_error[hw_id], m_per_flow_out_of_order[hw_id]); rfc2544_info[hw_id - min].set_jitter(m_per_flow_jitter[hw_id].get_jitter()); m_per_flow_hist[hw_id].update(); m_per_flow_hist[hw_id].dump_json("", json); rfc2544_info[hw_id - min].set_latency_json(json); if (reset) { m_per_flow_seq_error[hw_id] = 0; m_per_flow_out_of_order[hw_id] = 0; m_per_flow_hist[hw_id].Reset(); m_per_flow_jitter[hw_id].reset(); } } return 0; } void CRxCoreStateless::set_working_msg_ack(bool val) { sanb_smp_memory_barrier(); m_ack_start_work_msg = val; sanb_smp_memory_barrier(); } void CRxCoreStateless::update_cpu_util(){ m_cpu_cp_u.Update(); } double CRxCoreStateless::get_cpu_util() { return m_cpu_cp_u.GetVal(); }