/* Hanoh Haim Ido Barnea Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include <stdint.h> #include <string.h> #include "utl_json.h" #include "pal/linux/sanb_atomic.h" #include "time_histogram.h" void CTimeHistogram::Reset() { m_period_data[0].reset(); m_period_data[1].reset(); m_period = 0; m_total_cnt = 0; m_total_cnt_high = 0; m_max_dt = 0; m_average = 0; memset(&m_max_ar[0],0,sizeof(m_max_ar)); m_win_cnt = 0; int i; int j; for (i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++) { for (j = 0; j < HISTOGRAM_SIZE_LOG; j++) { m_hcnt[j][i] = 0; } } } bool CTimeHistogram::Create() { Reset(); m_min_delta =10.0/1000000.0; return (true); } void CTimeHistogram::Delete() { } bool CTimeHistogram::Add(dsec_t dt) { CTimeHistogramPerPeriodData &period_elem = m_period_data[m_period]; period_elem.inc_cnt(); period_elem.update_sum(dt); period_elem.update_max(dt); // values smaller then certain threshold do not get into the histogram if (dt < m_min_delta) { return false; } period_elem.inc_high_cnt(); uint32_t d_10usec = (uint32_t)(dt*100000.0); // 1 10-19 usec //,2 -20-29 usec //,3, int j; for (j = 0; j < HISTOGRAM_SIZE_LOG; j++) { uint32_t low = d_10usec % 10; uint32_t high = d_10usec / 10; if (high == 0) { if (low > 0) { low = low - 1; } m_hcnt[j][low]++; break; } else { d_10usec = high; } } return true; } void CTimeHistogram::update() { // switch period, and get values for pervious period CTimeHistogramPerPeriodData &period_elem = m_period_data[m_period]; uint8_t new_period; if (m_period == 0) { new_period = 1; } else { new_period = 0; } m_period_data[new_period].reset(); sanb_smp_memory_barrier(); m_period = new_period; sanb_smp_memory_barrier(); m_max_ar[m_win_cnt] = period_elem.get_max(); m_win_cnt++; if (m_win_cnt == HISTOGRAM_QUEUE_SIZE) { m_win_cnt = 0; } update_average(period_elem); m_total_cnt += period_elem.get_cnt(); m_total_cnt_high += period_elem.get_high_cnt(); if ( m_max_dt < period_elem.get_max()) { m_max_dt = period_elem.get_max(); } } void CTimeHistogram::update_average(CTimeHistogramPerPeriodData &period_elem) { double c_average; if (period_elem.get_cnt() != 0) c_average = period_elem.get_sum() / period_elem.get_cnt(); else c_average = 0; // low pass filter m_average = 0.5 * m_average + 0.5 * c_average; } dsec_t CTimeHistogram::get_average_latency() { return (m_average); } uint32_t CTimeHistogram::get_usec(dsec_t d) { return (uint32_t)(d*1000000.0); } void CTimeHistogram::DumpWinMax(FILE *fd) { int i; uint32_t ci=m_win_cnt; for (i=0; i<HISTOGRAM_QUEUE_SIZE-1; i++) { dsec_t d=get_usec(m_max_ar[ci]); ci++; if (ci>HISTOGRAM_QUEUE_SIZE-1) { ci=0; } fprintf(fd," %.0f ",d); } } void CTimeHistogram::Dump(FILE *fd) { CTimeHistogramPerPeriodData &period_elem = m_period_data[get_read_period_index()]; fprintf (fd," min_delta : %lu usec \n", (ulong)get_usec(m_min_delta)); fprintf (fd," cnt : %lu \n", period_elem.get_cnt()); fprintf (fd," high_cnt : %lu \n", period_elem.get_high_cnt()); fprintf (fd," max_d_time : %lu usec\n", (ulong)get_usec(m_max_dt)); fprintf (fd," sliding_average : %.0f usec\n", get_average_latency()); fprintf (fd," precent : %.1f %%\n",(100.0*(double)period_elem.get_high_cnt()/(double)period_elem.get_cnt())); fprintf (fd," histogram \n"); fprintf (fd," -----------\n"); int i; int j; int base=10; for (j = 0; j < HISTOGRAM_SIZE_LOG; j++) { for (i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++) { if (m_hcnt[j][i] > 0) { fprintf (fd," h[%u] : %llu \n",(base*(i+1)),(unsigned long long)m_hcnt[j][i]); } } base=base*10; } } // Used in statefull void CTimeHistogram::dump_json(std::string name,std::string & json ) { char buff[200]; if (name != "") sprintf(buff,"\"%s\":{",name.c_str()); else sprintf(buff,"{"); json+=std::string(buff); json += add_json("min_usec", get_usec(m_min_delta)); json += add_json("max_usec", get_usec(m_max_dt)); json += add_json("high_cnt", m_total_cnt_high); json += add_json("cnt", m_total_cnt); json+=add_json("s_avg", get_average_latency()); int i; int j; uint32_t base=10; json+=" \"histogram\": ["; bool first=true; for (j = 0; j < HISTOGRAM_SIZE_LOG; j++) { for (i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++) { if (m_hcnt[j][i] > 0) { if ( first ) { first = false; }else{ json += ","; } json += "{"; json += add_json("key",(base*(i+1))); json += add_json("val",m_hcnt[j][i],true); json += "}"; } } base = base * 10; } json+=" ] } ,"; } // Used in stateless void CTimeHistogram::dump_json(Json::Value & json, bool add_histogram) { int i, j; uint32_t base=10; CTimeHistogramPerPeriodData &period_elem = m_period_data[get_read_period_index()]; json["total_max"] = get_usec(m_max_dt); json["last_max"] = get_usec(period_elem.get_max()); json["average"] = get_average_latency(); if (add_histogram) { for (j = 0; j < HISTOGRAM_SIZE_LOG; j++) { for (i = 0; i < HISTOGRAM_SIZE; i++) { if (m_hcnt[j][i] > 0) { std::string key = static_cast<std::ostringstream*>( &(std::ostringstream() << int(base * (i + 1)) ) )->str(); json["histogram"][key] = Json::Value::UInt64(m_hcnt[j][i]); } } base = base * 10; } if (m_total_cnt != m_total_cnt_high) { json["histogram"]["0"] = Json::Value::UInt64(m_total_cnt - m_total_cnt_high); } } }