/* Wenxian Li Hanoh Haim Cisco Systems, Inc. */ /* Copyright (c) 2015-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ #include "tuple_gen.h" #include #include "utl_yaml.h" void CServerPool::Create(IP_DIST_t dist_value, uint32_t min_ip, uint32_t max_ip, double l_flow, double t_cps) { gen = new CIpPool(); gen->set_dist(dist_value); uint32_t total_ip = max_ip - min_ip +1; gen->m_ip_info.resize(total_ip); if (total_ip > ((l_flow*t_cps/MAX_PORT))) { for(int idx=0;idxm_ip_info[idx] = new CServerInfoL(); gen->m_ip_info[idx]->set_ip(min_ip+idx); } } else { for(int idx=0;idxm_ip_info[idx] = new CServerInfo(); gen->m_ip_info[idx]->set_ip(min_ip+idx); } } gen->CreateBase(); } void CClientPool::Create(IP_DIST_t dist_value, uint32_t min_ip, uint32_t max_ip, double l_flow, double t_cps, CFlowGenList* fl_list, bool has_mac_map, uint16_t tcp_aging, uint16_t udp_aging) { assert(max_ip>=min_ip); set_dist(dist_value); uint32_t total_ip = max_ip - min_ip +1; uint32_t avail_ip = total_ip; if (has_mac_map && (fl_list!=NULL)) { for(int idx=0;idx ((l_flow*t_cps/MAX_PORT))) { if (has_mac_map) { for(int idx=0;idxset_ip(min_ip+idx); m_ip_info[idx]->set_mac(mac_adr); } } } else { for(int idx=0;idxset_ip(min_ip+idx); } } } else { if (has_mac_map) { for(int idx=0;idxset_ip(min_ip+idx); m_ip_info[idx]->set_mac(mac_adr); } } } else { for(int idx=0;idxset_ip(min_ip+idx); } } } m_tcp_aging = tcp_aging; m_udp_aging = udp_aging; CreateBase(); } void delay(int msec); bool CTupleGeneratorSmart::add_client_pool(IP_DIST_t client_dist, uint32_t min_client, uint32_t max_client, double l_flow, double t_cps, CFlowGenList* fl_list, uint16_t tcp_aging, uint16_t udp_aging){ assert(max_client>=min_client); CClientPool* pool = new CClientPool(); pool->Create(client_dist, min_client, max_client, l_flow, t_cps, fl_list, has_mac_mapping, tcp_aging, udp_aging); m_client_pool.push_back(pool); return(true); } bool CTupleGeneratorSmart::add_server_pool(IP_DIST_t server_dist, uint32_t min_server, uint32_t max_server, double l_flow, double t_cps, bool is_bundling){ assert(max_server>=min_server); CServerPoolBase* pool; if (is_bundling) pool = new CServerPool(); else pool = new CServerPoolSimple(); // we currently only supports mac mapping file for client pool->Create(server_dist, min_server, max_server, l_flow, t_cps); m_server_pool.push_back(pool); return(true); } bool CTupleGeneratorSmart::Create(uint32_t _id, uint32_t thread_id, bool has_mac) { m_thread_id = thread_id; m_id = _id; m_was_init=true; has_mac_mapping = has_mac; return(true); } void CTupleGeneratorSmart::Delete(){ m_was_init=false; has_mac_mapping = false; for (int idx=0;idxDelete(); delete m_client_pool[idx]; } m_client_pool.clear(); for (int idx=0;idxDelete(); delete m_server_pool[idx]; } m_server_pool.clear(); } void CTupleGenPoolYaml::Dump(FILE *fd){ fprintf(fd," dist : %d \n",m_dist); fprintf(fd," IPs : %08x -%08x \n",m_ip_start,m_ip_end); fprintf(fd," clients per gb : %d \n",m_number_of_clients_per_gb); fprintf(fd," min clients : %d \n",m_min_clients); fprintf(fd," tcp aging : %d sec \n",m_tcp_aging_sec); fprintf(fd," udp aging : %d sec \n",m_udp_aging_sec); } bool CTupleGenPoolYaml::is_valid(uint32_t num_threads,bool is_plugins){ if ( m_ip_start > m_ip_end ){ printf(" ERROR The ip_start must be bigger than ip_end \n"); return(false); } uint32_t ips= (m_ip_end - m_ip_start +1); if ( ips < num_threads ) { printf(" ERROR The number of ips should be at least number of threads %d \n",num_threads); return (false); } if (ips > 1000000) { printf(" The number of clients requested is %d maximum supported : %d \n",ips,1000000); return (false); } return (true); } void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CTupleGenPoolYaml & fi) { std::string tmp; node["name"] >> fi.m_name; node["distribution"] >> tmp ; if (tmp == "random") { fi.m_dist=cdRANDOM_DIST; }else if (tmp == "normal") { fi.m_dist=cdNORMAL_DIST; } else { printf("\ndist,seq\n"); fi.m_dist=cdSEQ_DIST; } utl_yaml_read_ip_addr(node,"ip_start",fi.m_ip_start); utl_yaml_read_ip_addr(node,"ip_end",fi.m_ip_end); try { utl_yaml_read_uint32(node,"clients_per_gb",fi.m_number_of_clients_per_gb); } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { fi.m_number_of_clients_per_gb = 0; } try { utl_yaml_read_uint32(node,"min_clients",fi.m_min_clients); } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { fi.m_min_clients = 0; } try { utl_yaml_read_ip_addr(node,"dual_port_mask",fi.m_dual_interface_mask); } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { fi.m_dual_interface_mask = 0; } try { utl_yaml_read_uint16(node,"tcp_aging",fi.m_tcp_aging_sec); } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { fi.m_tcp_aging_sec = 0; } try { utl_yaml_read_uint16(node,"udp_aging",fi.m_udp_aging_sec); } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { fi.m_udp_aging_sec = 0; } try { node["track_ports"] >> fi.m_is_bundling; } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { fi.m_is_bundling = false; } } void copy_global_pool_para(CTupleGenPoolYaml & src, CTupleGenPoolYaml & dst) { if (src.m_number_of_clients_per_gb == 0) src.m_number_of_clients_per_gb = dst.m_number_of_clients_per_gb; if (src.m_min_clients == 0) src.m_min_clients = dst.m_min_clients; if (src.m_dual_interface_mask == 0) src.m_dual_interface_mask = dst.m_dual_interface_mask; if (src.m_tcp_aging_sec == 0) src.m_tcp_aging_sec = dst.m_tcp_aging_sec; if (src.m_udp_aging_sec == 0) src.m_udp_aging_sec = dst.m_udp_aging_sec; } void operator >> (const YAML::Node& node, CTupleGenYamlInfo & fi) { std::string tmp; try { CTupleGenPoolYaml c_pool; CTupleGenPoolYaml s_pool; node["distribution"] >> tmp ; if (tmp == "random") { c_pool.m_dist=cdRANDOM_DIST; }else if (tmp == "normal") { c_pool.m_dist=cdNORMAL_DIST; } else { c_pool.m_dist=cdSEQ_DIST; } s_pool.m_dist = c_pool.m_dist; utl_yaml_read_ip_addr(node,"clients_start",c_pool.m_ip_start); utl_yaml_read_ip_addr(node,"clients_end",c_pool.m_ip_end); utl_yaml_read_ip_addr(node,"servers_start",s_pool.m_ip_start); utl_yaml_read_ip_addr(node,"servers_end",s_pool.m_ip_end); utl_yaml_read_uint32(node,"clients_per_gb",c_pool.m_number_of_clients_per_gb); utl_yaml_read_uint32(node,"min_clients",c_pool.m_min_clients); utl_yaml_read_ip_addr(node,"dual_port_mask",c_pool.m_dual_interface_mask); utl_yaml_read_uint16(node,"tcp_aging",c_pool.m_tcp_aging_sec); utl_yaml_read_uint16(node,"udp_aging",c_pool.m_udp_aging_sec); s_pool.m_dual_interface_mask = c_pool.m_dual_interface_mask; s_pool.m_is_bundling = false; fi.m_client_pool.push_back(c_pool); fi.m_server_pool.push_back(s_pool); }catch ( const std::exception& e ) { printf("No default generator defined.\n"); } try{ const YAML::Node& c_pool_info = node["generator_clients"]; for (uint16_t idx=0;idx> pool; } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { printf("client pool in YAML is wrong\n"); } if (fi.m_client_pool.size()>0) { copy_global_pool_para(pool, fi.m_client_pool[0]); } fi.m_client_pool.push_back(pool); } }catch ( const std::exception& e ) { printf("no client generator pool configured, using default pool\n"); } try { const YAML::Node& s_pool_info = node["generator_servers"]; for (uint16_t idx=0;idx> pool; } catch ( const std::exception& e ) { printf("server pool in YAML is wrong\n"); } if (fi.m_server_pool.size()>0) { copy_global_pool_para(pool, fi.m_server_pool[0]); } fi.m_server_pool.push_back(pool); } }catch ( const std::exception& e ) { printf("no server generator pool configured, using default pool\n"); } } bool CTupleGenYamlInfo::is_valid(uint32_t num_threads,bool is_plugins){ for (int i=0;i0); uint32_t dual_if_mask=(dual_port_id*poolinfo.getDualMask()); portion.m_ip_start = poolinfo.get_ip_start() + thread_id*chunks + dual_if_mask; portion.m_ip_end = portion.m_ip_start + chunks -1 ; }