Release notes for VPP 19.01

More than 649 commits since the 18.10 release.



-  NUMA-aware, growable physical memory allocator (pmalloc)
-  FIB: sticky load-balance
-  C11 safe string handling: provide and use “safe” C string handling
-  vlib: allocate buffers on local numa, not on numa 1
-  vppinfra: autodetect default hugepage size
-  Move RPC traffic off the shared-memory API queue
-  IPv6: Make link-local configurable per-interface
-  IGMP: improve CLI debug output
-  IPSec: split ipsec nodes into ip4/ip6 nodes
-  IPSec: infra for selecting backends
-  vhost-user: cleanup and performance optimizations
-  ethernet-input, memif improvements and optimizations
-  DPDK: bump to DPDK 18.11
-  reassembly: harden reassembly code
-  stats: Deprecate old (event-based) stats framework
-  vlib: support Hyper-V/Azure VMBus
-  binary api clients: wait for vpp to start
-  graph dispatch trace: capture packet data and buffer metadata, output
   in pcap format
-  improve feature arc order constraint specification

VNET & Plugins

-  pktgen: correctly replay a mix of single and multi-buffer packets
-  add wireshark dissector to extras
-  avf: optimizations
-  acl-plugin: use L2 feature arc instead of L2 classifier
-  acl-plugin: performance enhancement
-  dpdk: allow interface name to be specified from startup.conf
-  dpdk: blacklist PCI devices by type
-  dpdk: switch to in-memory mode, deprecate use of socket-mem
-  vnet: store hw interface speed in kbps instead of using flags
-  vmxnet3: enable promiscuous mode & cli enhancements
-  gbp: Add support for flow hash profile & l3-out subnets
-  map: Add API support for setting parameters.
-  map: Convert from DPO to input feature
-  nat: improve expired sessions reuse in NAT44
-  nat: syslog - sessions logging
-  nsim: add packet loss simulation, docs
-  perfmon: x86_64 perf counter plugin
-  vnet: L2 feature arc infrastructure

Host stack

-  TCP congestion control improvements
-  TCP Cubic congestion control algorithm
-  TCP fast path optimizations
-  Transport tx connection pacer. TCP uses it by default
-  Basic support for session flushing and TCP PSH segments
-  TCP/session api support for configuring custom local src ip/port
-  VCL/LDP basic support for multi-process applications
-  Overall code hardening, cleanup and bugfixing for tcp, session, vcl
   and ldp

PAPI & Test framework

-  add specific API types for IP addresses, MAC address, interface index
-  add timeout support for socket transport
-  add support for format/unformat functions
-  generic API types format/unformat support for VAT and custom dump
-  python3 test adjustments
-  make test: create virtualenv under /test/
-  make test: print TEST= values for failed tests
-  add human-friendly annotations to log messages


-  Add support for redirect contracts in gbp
-  deprecate TAP add ip-punt redirect dump
-  vxlan-gbp support

Known issues

For the full list of issues please refer to
`JIRA <>`__.

Issues fixed

For the full list of fixed issues please refer to:

- `JIRA <>`__
- git `commit log <>`__

API changes

Description of results:

-  *Definition changed*: indicates that the API file was modified
   between releases.
-  *Only in image*: indicates the API is new for this release.
-  *Only in file*: indicates the API has been removed in this release.

=============================================== ==================
Message Name                                    Results
=============================================== ==================
acl_plugin_get_conn_table_max_entries           only in image
acl_plugin_get_conn_table_max_entries_reply     only in image
app_worker_add_del                              definition changed
app_worker_add_del_reply                        definition changed
application_attach_reply                        definition changed
bd_ip_mac_add_del                               definition changed
bd_ip_mac_details                               definition changed
bd_ip_mac_flush                                 only in image
bd_ip_mac_flush_reply                           only in image
bond_create                                     definition changed
cli_inband                                      definition changed
cli_inband_reply                                definition changed
gbp_bridge_domain_add                           only in image
gbp_bridge_domain_add_reply                     only in image
gbp_bridge_domain_del                           only in image
gbp_bridge_domain_del_reply                     only in image
gbp_bridge_domain_details                       only in image
gbp_bridge_domain_dump                          only in image
gbp_bridge_domain_dump_reply                    only in image
gbp_endpoint_details                            definition changed
gbp_endpoint_group_add                          only in image
gbp_endpoint_group_add_del                      only in file
gbp_endpoint_group_add_del_reply                only in file
gbp_endpoint_group_add_reply                    only in image
gbp_endpoint_group_del                          only in image
gbp_endpoint_group_del_reply                    only in image
gbp_endpoint_learn_set_inactive_threshold       only in image
gbp_endpoint_learn_set_inactive_threshold_reply only in image
gbp_ext_itf_add_del                             only in image
gbp_ext_itf_add_del_reply                       only in image
gbp_ext_itf_details                             only in image
gbp_ext_itf_dump                                only in image
gbp_route_domain_add                            only in image
gbp_route_domain_add_reply                      only in image
gbp_route_domain_del                            only in image
gbp_route_domain_del_reply                      only in image
gbp_route_domain_details                        only in image
gbp_route_domain_dump                           only in image
gbp_route_domain_dump_reply                     only in image
gbp_vxlan_tunnel_add                            only in image
gbp_vxlan_tunnel_add_reply                      only in image
gbp_vxlan_tunnel_del                            only in image
gbp_vxlan_tunnel_del_reply                      only in image
gbp_vxlan_tunnel_details                        only in image
gbp_vxlan_tunnel_dump                           only in image
igmp_proxy_device_add_del                       only in image
igmp_proxy_device_add_del_interface             only in image
igmp_proxy_device_add_del_interface_reply       only in image
igmp_proxy_device_add_del_reply                 only in image
ip6_mfib_details                                definition changed
ip_container_proxy_details                      only in image
ip_container_proxy_dump                         only in image
ip_mfib_details                                 definition changed
ip_punt_redirect                                definition changed
ip_punt_redirect_details                        only in image
ip_punt_redirect_dump                           only in image
ip_source_check_interface_add_del               only in image
ip_source_check_interface_add_del_reply         only in image
ipip_6rd_add_tunnel_reply                       definition changed
ipip_6rd_del_tunnel                             definition changed
ipip_add_tunnel_reply                           definition changed
ipip_del_tunnel                                 definition changed
ipip_tunnel_details                             definition changed
ipip_tunnel_dump                                definition changed
ipsec_backend_details                           only in image
ipsec_backend_dump                              only in image
ipsec_sa_details                                definition changed
ipsec_select_backend                            only in image
ipsec_select_backend_reply                      only in image
ipsec_tunnel_if_add_del                         definition changed
map_add_del_rule                                definition changed
map_add_domain                                  definition changed
map_another_segment                             definition changed
map_domain_details                              definition changed
map_if_enable_disable                           only in image
map_if_enable_disable_reply                     only in image
map_param_add_del_pre_resolve                   only in image
map_param_add_del_pre_resolve_reply             only in image
map_param_get                                   only in image
map_param_get_reply                             only in image
map_param_set_fragmentation                     only in image
map_param_set_fragmentation_reply               only in image
map_param_set_icmp6                             only in image
map_param_set_icmp6_reply                       only in image
map_param_set_icmp                              only in image
map_param_set_icmp_reply                        only in image
map_param_set_reassembly                        only in image
map_param_set_reassembly_reply                  only in image
map_param_set_security_check                    only in image
map_param_set_security_check_reply              only in image
map_param_set_tcp                               only in image
map_param_set_tcp_reply                         only in image
map_param_set_traffic_class                     only in image
map_param_set_traffic_class_reply               only in image
map_rule_details                                definition changed
memclnt_delete                                  definition changed
nat44_add_del_lb_static_mapping                 definition changed
nat44_lb_static_mapping_add_del_local           only in image
nat44_lb_static_mapping_add_del_local_reply     only in image
nat44_lb_static_mapping_details                 definition changed
nsim_configure                                  definition changed
punt                                            only in file
punt_details                                    only in image
punt_dump                                       only in image
punt_reply                                      only in file
punt_socket_deregister                          definition changed
punt_socket_details                             only in image
punt_socket_dump                                only in image
punt_socket_register                            definition changed
set_ip_flow_hash                                definition changed
set_punt                                        only in image
set_punt_reply                                  only in image
show_version_reply                              definition changed
stats_get_poller_delay                          only in file
stats_get_poller_delay_reply                    only in file
sw_interface_bond_details                       definition changed
sw_interface_details                            definition changed
sw_interface_ip6_set_link_local_address         only in file
sw_interface_ip6_set_link_local_address_reply   only in file
sw_interface_tap_v2_details                     definition changed
syslog_get_filter                               only in image
syslog_get_filter_reply                         only in image
syslog_get_sender                               only in image
syslog_get_sender_reply                         only in image
syslog_set_filter                               only in image
syslog_set_filter_reply                         only in image
syslog_set_sender                               only in image
syslog_set_sender_reply                         only in image
tap_create_v2                                   definition changed
unmap_segment                                   definition changed
vnet_bier_neighbor_counters                     only in file
vnet_get_summary_stats                          only in file
vnet_get_summary_stats_reply                    only in file
vnet_interface_combined_counters                only in file
vnet_interface_simple_counters                  only in file
vnet_ip4_fib_counters                           only in file
vnet_ip4_mfib_counters                          only in file
vnet_ip4_nbr_counters                           only in file
vnet_ip6_fib_counters                           only in file
vnet_ip6_mfib_counters                          only in file
vnet_ip6_nbr_counters                           only in file
vnet_per_interface_combined_counters            only in file
vnet_per_interface_simple_counters              only in file
vnet_udp_encap_counters                         only in file
want_bier_neighbor_stats                        only in file
want_bier_neighbor_stats_reply                  only in file
want_interface_combined_stats                   only in file
want_interface_combined_stats_reply             only in file
want_interface_simple_stats                     only in file
want_interface_simple_stats_reply               only in file
want_ip4_fib_stats                              only in file
want_ip4_fib_stats_reply                        only in file
want_ip4_mfib_stats                             only in file
want_ip4_mfib_stats_reply                       only in file
want_ip4_nbr_stats                              only in file
want_ip4_nbr_stats_reply                        only in file
want_ip6_fib_stats                              only in file
want_ip6_fib_stats_reply                        only in file
want_ip6_mfib_stats                             only in file
want_ip6_mfib_stats_reply                       only in file
want_ip6_nbr_stats                              only in file
want_ip6_nbr_stats_reply                        only in file
want_per_interface_combined_stats               only in file
want_per_interface_combined_stats_reply         only in file
want_per_interface_simple_stats                 only in file
want_per_interface_simple_stats_reply           only in file
want_stats                                      only in file
want_stats_reply                                only in file
want_udp_encap_stats                            only in file
want_udp_encap_stats_reply                      only in file
=============================================== ==================

Found 170 api message signature differences

Patches that changed API definitions


* `53fffa1 <;a=commit;h=53fffa1>`_ API: Add support for type aliases


* `f49ba0e <;a=commit;h=f49ba0e>`_ stats: Deprecate old stats framework
* `53fffa1 <;a=commit;h=53fffa1>`_ API: Add support for type aliases
* `5100aa9 <;a=commit;h=5100aa9>`_ vnet: store hw interface speed in kbps instead of using flags


* `b4515b4 <;a=commit;h=b4515b4>`_ Add RFC5424 syslog protocol support (VPP-1139)


* `775f73c <;a=commit;h=775f73c>`_ FIB: encode the label stack in the FIB path during table dump


* `7c03ed4 <;a=commit;h=7c03ed4>`_ VOM: mroutes
* `3460b01 <;a=commit;h=3460b01>`_ api: ip_source_check_interface_add_del api is added.
* `609e121 <;a=commit;h=609e121>`_ VPP-1507: Added binary api to dump configured ip_punt_redirect
* `2af0e3a <;a=commit;h=2af0e3a>`_ flow-hash: Add symmetric flag for flow hashing
* `47527b2 <;a=commit;h=47527b2>`_ IP-punt: add documentation to the API and fix IP address init
* `5bb1eca <;a=commit;h=5bb1eca>`_ IPv6: Make link-local configurable per-interface (VPP-1446)
* `75b9f45 <;a=commit;h=75b9f45>`_ ip: add container proxy dump API (VPP-1364)


* `8c8acc0 <;a=commit;h=8c8acc0>`_ API: Change ip4_address and ip6_address to use type alias.
* `ffba3c3 <;a=commit;h=ffba3c3>`_ MAP: Use explicit address/prefix types in API


* `e88865d <;a=commit;h=e88865d>`_ VPP-1506: dump local punts and registered punt sockets


* `4c422f9 <;a=commit;h=4c422f9>`_ Add IPSec interface FIB index for TX packet
* `b4a7a7d <;a=commit;h=b4a7a7d>`_ Add UDP encap flag
* `b4d3053 <;a=commit;h=b4d3053>`_ ipsec: infra for selecting backends
* `871bca9 <;a=commit;h=871bca9>`_ VPP-1450: binary api call for dumping SPD to interface registration


* `e26c81f <;a=commit;h=e26c81f>`_ L2 BD API to flush all IP-MAC entries in the specified BD
* `8006c6a <;a=commit;h=8006c6a>`_ PAPI: Add MACAddress object wrapper for vl_api_mac_address_t
* `93cc3ee <;a=commit;h=93cc3ee>`_ GBP Endpoint Learning
* `4d5b917 <;a=commit;h=4d5b917>`_ BD ARP entry use common API types


* `93cc3ee <;a=commit;h=93cc3ee>`_ GBP Endpoint Learning


* `53fffa1 <;a=commit;h=53fffa1>`_ API: Add support for type aliases


* `d85de68 <;a=commit;h=d85de68>`_ vcl: wait for segments with segment handle
* `fa76a76 <;a=commit;h=fa76a76>`_ session: segment handle in accept/connect notifications
* `c1f5a43 <;a=commit;h=c1f5a43>`_ session: cleanup use of api_client_index
* `c0d532d <;a=commit;h=c0d532d>`_ session: mark apis for deprecation


* `8006c6a <;a=commit;h=8006c6a>`_ PAPI: Add MACAddress object wrapper for vl_api_mac_address_t


* `ad9d528 <;a=commit;h=ad9d528>`_ bonding: support custom interface IDs


* `754f24b <;a=commit;h=754f24b>`_ tapv2: add "tap_flags" field to the TAPv2 interface API


* `eaec2a6 <;a=commit;h=eaec2a6>`_ bapi: add options to have vpp cleanup client registration


* `f49ba0e <;a=commit;h=f49ba0e>`_ stats: Deprecate old stats framework
* `413f4a5 <;a=commit;h=413f4a5>`_ API: Use string type instead of u8.


* `bb5d22d <;a=commit;h=bb5d22d>`_ New api in order to get max entries of connection table is added.


* `10c5ff1 <;a=commit;h=10c5ff1>`_ nsim: add packet loss simulation, docs


* `1c17e2e <;a=commit;h=1c17e2e>`_ GBP: add allowed ethertypes to contracts
* `b6a4795 <;a=commit;h=b6a4795>`_ GBP: l3-out subnets
* `33b81da <;a=commit;h=33b81da>`_ vom: Add support for redirect contracts in gbp
* `13a08cc <;a=commit;h=13a08cc>`_ GBP: redirect contracts
* `c29c0af <;a=commit;h=c29c0af>`_ GBP: Endpoints with VLAN tags and birdges that don't learn
* `93cc3ee <;a=commit;h=93cc3ee>`_ GBP Endpoint Learning


* `b686508 <;a=commit;h=b686508>`_ NAT44: nat44_add_del_lb_static_mapping enhancements (VPP-1514)


* `fc7344f <;a=commit;h=fc7344f>`_ MAP: Convert from DPO to input feature.
* `f34597f <;a=commit;h=f34597f>`_ MAP: Add API support for MAP input feature.
* `5a2e278 <;a=commit;h=5a2e278>`_ MAP: Add API support for setting parameters.
* `a173a7a <;a=commit;h=a173a7a>`_ MAP: Use bool type in map.api instead of u8.
* `ffba3c3 <;a=commit;h=ffba3c3>`_ MAP: Use explicit address/prefix types in API


* `97748ca <;a=commit;h=97748ca>`_ IGMP: proxy device