Release notes for VPP 19.08.1

Exceptionally, this release has an API-changing fix introduced via - documented in VPP-1767. Given
the exceptional nature of the change, also including the text here:


Variable length strings were committed to VPP in 413f4a5b. The VPP
server side of the API does not use a wire encoder/decoder. It maps a C
struct directly onto on-the-wire API messages. The client side C
language binding is the same, while other language bindings have their
own encoder/decoders.

Multiple strings alone or combined with other variable length types
turned out to be error prone to manually implement on the VPP side, and
not supported by VPP API (VAPI) very well at all.

To avoid having to rewrite VAPI significantly, and to mitigate the risk
and error prone server side support of multiple variable length fields,
this patch extends strings to have a fixed size (on the wire) and a
variable flavour, as well as adding detection in the API compiler to
detect multiple variable length fields in a message (or type).

Given that this change breaks the commitment to binary API
compatibility, normally present in point builds, ALL 19.08 build
artifacts are being deferred.

This means the artifacts for the VPP 19.08.1 will be installed in the
release repository (, then ALL 19.08 build
artifacts will be moved into the deferred repository
( The 19.08 artifacts will always be
available for archive purposes in the deferred repository.

During the further testing by Networking-VPP team, they discovered
another issue documented in VPP-1769 - which requires a CRC-affecting
fix in - so the 19.08.1 will
contain the fixes for both issues.

These two changes have resulted in the following 20 messages changing
their signatures:

=============================== ==================
Message Name                    Result
=============================== ==================
cli_inband                      definition changed
cli_inband_reply                definition changed
connect_sock                    definition changed
http_static_enable              definition changed
log_details                     definition changed
map_add_domain                  definition changed
map_domain_details              definition changed
nat44_add_del_identity_mapping  definition changed
nat44_add_del_lb_static_mapping definition changed
nat44_add_del_static_mapping    definition changed
nat44_identity_mapping_details  definition changed
nat44_lb_static_mapping_details definition changed
nat44_static_mapping_details    definition changed
nat_worker_details              definition changed
punt_reason_details             definition changed
punt_reason_dump                definition changed
show_version_reply              definition changed
sw_interface_details            definition changed
sw_interface_dump               definition changed
sw_interface_tag_add_del        definition changed
=============================== ==================

Please accept our apologies for the inconvenience this caused.

For the full list of fixed issues please refer to:

- `JIRA <>`__
- git `commit log <>`__