Release notes for VPP 20.09

More than 458 commits since the previous release, including 266 fixes.

Release Highlights

The VPP 20.09 release added a number of notable new features. In
plugins, the I/O layer added support for the Linux AF_XDP interface with
the AF_XDP plugin. New plugins where added supporting both the Wireguard
security protocol and CNAT destination based address translation, and
the existing IKEv2 plugin added support for NAT-T. In the cryptography
layer, support was added for synchronous software crypto engines,
enabling users to allocate dedicated crypto worker threads. The flow
layer added support for steering IPSEC ESP/AH flows to worker threads.
GRO support was added to the packet coalescing library.

This release introduces the new VPP API change policy to ensure
backwards-compatibility. The policy will ensure seamless upgrades to new
versions of VPP in future, provided no “in-progress” or deprecated
APIs are in use. Enabling the community to enjoy the benefits of
new releases, while minimizing the work involved in staying current.

If you dive into the implementation, you will note that policy in
action. A number of modified API messages have had their original
versions maintained to ensure compatibility.

Reflecting the new policy we added two new sections to the release notes
describing: - Newly deprecated API messages: please note that if you are
using a deprecated message, they will soon be removed in a subsequent
release. Collaborate with the feature maintainer on the best approach to
mitigate. - In-progress API messages: They are work-in-progress, and are
*not* subject to the policy, and may change or even be removed at any
time. Please collaborate with the feature maintainer on plans to
productize the message before using in any product. In-progress APIs
must eventually become stable or be removed.



   -  Crypto Infra

      -  Add chacha20-poly1305 algo (61f49aa38)
      -  Asynchronous crypto engines (2284817ea)
      -  Add asynchronous crypto APIs (0c936b147)
      -  Added support for optimized cryptodev API (ef80ad6bf)

   -  FLOW

      -  Added ability to steer IPSec ESP/AH flows to worker threads
      -  Added the vnet/flow API (d0236f725)

   -  GENEVE

      -  Support geneve interface acting as a bvi (7fc88cf3a)

   -  GSO

      -  Added software GRO support (f382b06fe)

   -  IPSec

      -  Dedicated IPSec interface type (dd4ccf262)
      -  Deprecate old interface API (e6df80de4)

   -  Interface Common

      -  Support configuring RSS steering queues (c4665093c)

   -  Native Virtio Drivers

      -  Add vhost sw_if_index filter for sw_interface_vhost_user_dump
      -  Add modern device support (379aac395)
      -  Add virtio 1.1 api flags (518251bc8)

   -  TAP Drivers

      -  Add gro support (9e2a78564)
      -  Add virtio 1.1 API flag (50bd16559)

   -  TCP

      -  Track reorder with selective acknowledgments (cc4d6d022)

-  Plugins

   -  AF_XDP driver

      -  New plugin for Linux AF_XDP input (4a76d6f6d)

   -  CNat

      -  New plugin for destination based NAT (29f3c7d2e)

   -  Wireguard

      -  New plugin, initial implementation of wireguard protocol

   -  Crypto - OpenSSL

      -  Add chacha20-poly1305 support to crypto-openssl (1b6ed022e)

   -  DPDK

      -  Device_id sorted order for cryptodev (5a849e3b3)
      -  Call the meson-based build instead of Makefiles (73903d7e8)

   -  Internet Key Exchange (IKEv2) Protocol

      -  Add support for NAT traversal (NAT-T) (4362baa33)
      -  Add profile dump API (6a9bd8188)
      -  Add support for AES-GCM cipher in IKE (a7b963df2)
      -  Add SA dump API (a340fe1ac)

   -  Network Delay Simulator

      -  Basic reorder support (e6c3e8f0e)

-  VPP Comms Library

   -  Nest vcl_mq_epfd to support epoll_wait without high CPU usage
   -  Support connected udp listens (1e96617d9)
   -  Support inter worker rpc (40c07ce7a)
   -  Support multi-threads with session migration (a3a489691)

-  Vector Library

   -  Add recursive macro expander to debug cli (961e3c842)

-  Binary API Libraries

   -  Add new stream message convention (f5db3711b)
   -  Make VPP api handlers endian independent (e796a1873)

-  Infrastructure Library

   -  Multiarch support for OCTEONTX2 SoC (e2f5236dc)

Known issues

For the full list of issues please refer to
`JIRA <>`__.

Fixed issues

For the full list of fixed issues please refer to:

- `JIRA <>`__
- git `commit log <>`__

API changes

Description of results:

-  *Definition changed*: indicates that the API file was modified
   between releases.
-  *Only in image*: indicates the API is new for this release.
-  *Only in file*: indicates the API has been removed in this release.

========================================== ==================
Message Name                               Result
========================================== ==================
adl_allowlist_enable_disable               only in image
adl_allowlist_enable_disable_reply         only in image
adl_interface_enable_disable               only in image
adl_interface_enable_disable_reply         only in image
bond_add_member                            only in image
bond_add_member_reply                      only in image
bond_create2                               only in image
bond_create2_reply                         only in image
bond_detach_member                         only in image
bond_detach_member_reply                   only in image
cnat_add_del_snat_prefix                   only in image
cnat_add_del_snat_prefix_reply             only in image
cnat_session_details                       only in image
cnat_session_dump                          only in image
cnat_session_purge                         only in image
cnat_session_purge_reply                   only in image
cnat_set_snat_addresses                    only in image
cnat_set_snat_addresses_reply              only in image
cnat_translation_del                       only in image
cnat_translation_del_reply                 only in image
cnat_translation_details                   only in image
cnat_translation_dump                      only in image
cnat_translation_update                    only in image
cnat_translation_update_reply              only in image
crypto_set_async_dispatch                  only in image
crypto_set_async_dispatch_reply            only in image
crypto_set_handler                         only in image
crypto_set_handler_reply                   only in image
crypto_sw_scheduler_set_worker             only in image
crypto_sw_scheduler_set_worker_reply       only in image
det44_add_del_map                          only in image
det44_add_del_map_reply                    only in image
det44_close_session_in                     only in image
det44_close_session_in_reply               only in image
det44_close_session_out                    only in image
det44_close_session_out_reply              only in image
det44_forward                              only in image
det44_forward_reply                        only in image
det44_get_timeouts                         only in image
det44_get_timeouts_reply                   only in image
det44_interface_add_del_feature            only in image
det44_interface_add_del_feature_reply      only in image
det44_interface_details                    only in image
det44_interface_dump                       only in image
det44_map_details                          only in image
det44_map_dump                             only in image
det44_plugin_enable_disable                only in image
det44_plugin_enable_disable_reply          only in image
det44_reverse                              only in image
det44_reverse_reply                        only in image
det44_session_details                      only in image
det44_session_dump                         only in image
det44_set_timeouts                         only in image
det44_set_timeouts_reply                   only in image
flow_add                                   only in image
flow_add_reply                             only in image
flow_del                                   only in image
flow_del_reply                             only in image
flow_disable                               only in image
flow_disable_reply                         only in image
flow_enable                                only in image
flow_enable_reply                          only in image
geneve_add_del_tunnel2                     only in image
geneve_add_del_tunnel2_reply               only in image
gtpu_add_del_tunnel                        definition changed
gtpu_tunnel_details                        definition changed
gtpu_tunnel_update_tteid                   only in image
gtpu_tunnel_update_tteid_reply             only in image
ikev2_child_sa_details                     only in image
ikev2_child_sa_dump                        only in image
ikev2_nonce_get                            only in image
ikev2_nonce_get_reply                      only in image
ikev2_profile_details                      only in image
ikev2_profile_dump                         only in image
ikev2_profile_set_ts                       definition changed
ikev2_sa_details                           only in image
ikev2_sa_dump                              only in image
ikev2_set_esp_transforms                   definition changed
ikev2_set_ike_transforms                   definition changed
ikev2_set_responder                        definition changed
ikev2_traffic_selector_details             only in image
ikev2_traffic_selector_dump                only in image
ipsec_itf_create                           only in image
ipsec_itf_create_reply                     only in image
ipsec_itf_delete                           only in image
ipsec_itf_delete_reply                     only in image
ipsec_itf_details                          only in image
ipsec_itf_dump                             only in image
ipsec_set_async_mode                       only in image
ipsec_set_async_mode_reply                 only in image
map_domains_get                            only in image
map_domains_get_reply                      only in image
nat44_add_del_static_mapping_v2            only in image
nat44_add_del_static_mapping_v2_reply      only in image
nat_show_config_2                          only in image
nat_show_config_2_reply                    only in image
nsim_configure2                            only in image
nsim_configure2_reply                      only in image
pg_interface_enable_disable_coalesce       only in image
pg_interface_enable_disable_coalesce_reply only in image
sr_policies_with_sl_index_details          only in image
sr_policies_with_sl_index_dump             only in image
sw_bond_interface_details                  only in image
sw_bond_interface_dump                     only in image
sw_member_interface_details                only in image
sw_member_interface_dump                   only in image
trace_details                              only in image
trace_dump                                 only in image
trace_dump_reply                           only in image
virtio_pci_create_v2                       only in image
virtio_pci_create_v2_reply                 only in image
wireguard_interface_create                 only in image
wireguard_interface_create_reply           only in image
wireguard_interface_delete                 only in image
wireguard_interface_delete_reply           only in image
wireguard_interface_details                only in image
wireguard_interface_dump                   only in image
wireguard_peer_add                         only in image
wireguard_peer_add_reply                   only in image
wireguard_peer_remove                      only in image
wireguard_peer_remove_reply                only in image
wireguard_peers_details                    only in image
wireguard_peers_dump                       only in image
========================================== ==================

Found 123 api message signature differences

Newly deprecated API messages

These messages are still there in the API, but can and probably will
disappear in the next release.

-  bond_create
-  bond_detach_slave
-  bond_detach_slave_reply
-  bond_enslave
-  cop_interface_enable_disable
-  cop_interface_enable_disable_reply
-  cop_whitelist_enable_disable
-  cop_whitelist_enable_disable_reply
-  geneve_add_del_tunnel
-  ipsec_tunnel_if_add_del
-  ipsec_tunnel_if_set_sa
-  ipsec_tunnel_if_set_sa_reply
-  map_domain_dump
-  nat_det_add_del_map
-  nat_det_add_del_map_reply
-  nat_det_close_session_in
-  nat_det_close_session_in_reply
-  nat_det_close_session_out
-  nat_det_close_session_out_reply
-  nat_det_forward
-  nat_det_forward_reply
-  nat_det_map_details
-  nat_det_map_dump
-  nat_det_reverse
-  nat_det_reverse_reply
-  nat_det_session_details
-  nat_det_session_dump
-  nat_show_config
-  nsim_configure
-  nsim_configure_reply
-  sw_interface_bond_dump
-  sw_interface_slave_dump
-  virtio_pci_create
-  virtio_pci_create_reply

In-progress API messages

These messages are provided for testing and experimentation only. They
are *not* subject to any compatibility process, and therefore can
arbitrarily change or disappear at *any* moment. Also they may have less
than satisfactory testing, making them unsuitable for other use than the
technology preview. If you are intending to use these messages in
production projects, please collaborate with the feature maintainer on
their productization.

-  abf_itf_attach_add_del
-  abf_itf_attach_add_del_reply
-  abf_itf_attach_details
-  abf_itf_attach_dump
-  abf_plugin_get_version
-  abf_plugin_get_version_reply
-  abf_policy_add_del
-  abf_policy_add_del_reply
-  abf_policy_details
-  abf_policy_dump
-  adl_allowlist_enable_disable
-  adl_allowlist_enable_disable_reply
-  adl_interface_enable_disable
-  adl_interface_enable_disable_reply
-  af_xdp_create
-  af_xdp_create_reply
-  af_xdp_delete
-  af_xdp_delete_reply
-  cnat_add_del_snat_prefix
-  cnat_add_del_snat_prefix_reply
-  cnat_session_details
-  cnat_session_dump
-  cnat_session_purge
-  cnat_session_purge_reply
-  cnat_set_snat_addresses
-  cnat_set_snat_addresses_reply
-  cnat_translation_del
-  cnat_translation_del_reply
-  cnat_translation_details
-  cnat_translation_dump
-  cnat_translation_update
-  cnat_translation_update_reply
-  crypto_sw_scheduler_set_worker
-  crypto_sw_scheduler_set_worker_reply
-  det44_get_timeouts_reply
-  det44_interface_add_del_feature
-  det44_interface_add_del_feature_reply
-  det44_interface_details
-  det44_interface_dump
-  det44_plugin_enable_disable
-  det44_plugin_enable_disable_reply
-  det44_set_timeouts
-  det44_set_timeouts_reply
-  flow_add
-  flow_add_reply
-  flow_del
-  flow_del_reply
-  flow_disable
-  flow_disable_reply
-  flow_enable
-  flow_enable_reply
-  gbp_bridge_domain_add
-  gbp_bridge_domain_add_reply
-  gbp_bridge_domain_del
-  gbp_bridge_domain_del_reply
-  gbp_bridge_domain_details
-  gbp_bridge_domain_dump
-  gbp_bridge_domain_dump_reply
-  gbp_contract_add_del
-  gbp_contract_add_del_reply
-  gbp_contract_details
-  gbp_contract_dump
-  gbp_endpoint_add
-  gbp_endpoint_add_reply
-  gbp_endpoint_del
-  gbp_endpoint_del_reply
-  gbp_endpoint_details
-  gbp_endpoint_dump
-  gbp_endpoint_group_add
-  gbp_endpoint_group_add_reply
-  gbp_endpoint_group_del
-  gbp_endpoint_group_del_reply
-  gbp_endpoint_group_details
-  gbp_endpoint_group_dump
-  gbp_ext_itf_add_del
-  gbp_ext_itf_add_del_reply
-  gbp_ext_itf_details
-  gbp_ext_itf_dump
-  gbp_recirc_add_del
-  gbp_recirc_add_del_reply
-  gbp_recirc_details
-  gbp_recirc_dump
-  gbp_route_domain_add
-  gbp_route_domain_add_reply
-  gbp_route_domain_del
-  gbp_route_domain_del_reply
-  gbp_route_domain_details
-  gbp_route_domain_dump
-  gbp_route_domain_dump_reply
-  gbp_subnet_add_del
-  gbp_subnet_add_del_reply
-  gbp_subnet_details
-  gbp_subnet_dump
-  gbp_vxlan_tunnel_add
-  gbp_vxlan_tunnel_add_reply
-  gbp_vxlan_tunnel_del
-  gbp_vxlan_tunnel_del_reply
-  gbp_vxlan_tunnel_details
-  gbp_vxlan_tunnel_dump
-  ikev2_child_sa_details
-  ikev2_child_sa_dump
-  ikev2_initiate_del_child_sa
-  ikev2_initiate_del_child_sa_reply
-  ikev2_initiate_del_ike_sa
-  ikev2_initiate_del_ike_sa_reply
-  ikev2_initiate_rekey_child_sa
-  ikev2_initiate_rekey_child_sa_reply
-  ikev2_initiate_sa_init
-  ikev2_initiate_sa_init_reply
-  ikev2_nonce_get
-  ikev2_nonce_get_reply
-  ikev2_profile_add_del
-  ikev2_profile_add_del_reply
-  ikev2_profile_details
-  ikev2_profile_dump
-  ikev2_profile_set_auth
-  ikev2_profile_set_auth_reply
-  ikev2_profile_set_id
-  ikev2_profile_set_id_reply
-  ikev2_profile_set_ipsec_udp_port
-  ikev2_profile_set_ipsec_udp_port_reply
-  ikev2_profile_set_liveness
-  ikev2_profile_set_liveness_reply
-  ikev2_profile_set_ts
-  ikev2_profile_set_ts_reply
-  ikev2_profile_set_udp_encap
-  ikev2_profile_set_udp_encap_reply
-  ikev2_sa_details
-  ikev2_sa_dump
-  ikev2_set_esp_transforms
-  ikev2_set_esp_transforms_reply
-  ikev2_set_ike_transforms
-  ikev2_set_ike_transforms_reply
-  ikev2_set_local_key
-  ikev2_set_local_key_reply
-  ikev2_set_responder
-  ikev2_set_responder_reply
-  ikev2_set_sa_lifetime
-  ikev2_set_sa_lifetime_reply
-  ikev2_set_tunnel_interface
-  ikev2_set_tunnel_interface_reply
-  ikev2_traffic_selector_details
-  ikev2_traffic_selector_dump
-  l2_emulation
-  l2_emulation_reply
-  mdata_enable_disable
-  mdata_enable_disable_reply
-  nat44_add_del_static_mapping_v2
-  nat44_add_del_static_mapping_v2_reply
-  oddbuf_enable_disable
-  oddbuf_enable_disable_reply
-  pg_interface_enable_disable_coalesce
-  pg_interface_enable_disable_coalesce_reply
-  sample_macswap_enable_disable
-  sample_macswap_enable_disable_reply
-  sr_policies_with_sl_index_details
-  sr_policies_with_sl_index_dump
-  sw_interface_set_vxlan_gbp_bypass
-  sw_interface_set_vxlan_gbp_bypass_reply
-  trace_details
-  trace_dump
-  trace_dump_reply
-  vxlan_gbp_tunnel_add_del
-  vxlan_gbp_tunnel_add_del_reply
-  vxlan_gbp_tunnel_details
-  vxlan_gbp_tunnel_dump
-  wireguard_interface_create
-  wireguard_interface_create_reply
-  wireguard_interface_delete
-  wireguard_interface_delete_reply
-  wireguard_interface_details
-  wireguard_interface_dump
-  wireguard_peer_add
-  wireguard_peer_add_reply
-  wireguard_peer_remove
-  wireguard_peer_remove_reply
-  wireguard_peers_details
-  wireguard_peers_dump

Patches that changed API definitions


* `d0236f725 <;a=commit;h=d0236f725>`_ flow: add vnet/flow formal API


* `4035daffd <;a=commit;h=4035daffd>`_ crypto: Crypto set handler API to support set all as CLI
* `0c936b147 <;a=commit;h=0c936b147>`_ crypto: Add async crypto APIs


* `00f21fb2f <;a=commit;h=00f21fb2f>`_ api: clean up use of deprecated flag
* `ac0326fc5 <;a=commit;h=ac0326fc5>`_ adl: move allow/deny list function to plugin


* `4ab5190eb <;a=commit;h=4ab5190eb>`_ lisp: API cleanup


* `f72b1aff7 <;a=commit;h=f72b1aff7>`_ vxlan-gbp: Mark APIs as in-progress


* `34bfa50b6 <;a=commit;h=34bfa50b6>`_ flow: code refactor
* `d0236f725 <;a=commit;h=d0236f725>`_ flow: add vnet/flow formal API


* `d0236f725 <;a=commit;h=d0236f725>`_ flow: add vnet/flow formal API


* `30fa97dc6 <;a=commit;h=30fa97dc6>`_ sr: new messages created to return sl index for segment lists in a sr policy


* `f382b06fe <;a=commit;h=f382b06fe>`_ gso: packet coalesce library
* `0cf528233 <;a=commit;h=0cf528233>`_ gso: fix the udp checksum in test


* `00f21fb2f <;a=commit;h=00f21fb2f>`_ api: clean up use of deprecated flag
* `7fc88cf3a <;a=commit;h=7fc88cf3a>`_ geneve: support geneve interface acting as a bvi


* `4ab5190eb <;a=commit;h=4ab5190eb>`_ lisp: API cleanup


* `4ab5190eb <;a=commit;h=4ab5190eb>`_ lisp: API cleanup


* `50bd16559 <;a=commit;h=50bd16559>`_ tap: add virtio 1.1 API flag


* `a0e8d9669 <;a=commit;h=a0e8d9669>`_ virtio: add vhost sw_if_index filter for sw_interface_vhost_user_dump


* `00f21fb2f <;a=commit;h=00f21fb2f>`_ api: clean up use of deprecated flag
* `518251bc8 <;a=commit;h=518251bc8>`_ virtio: add virtio 1.1 api flags


* `00f21fb2f <;a=commit;h=00f21fb2f>`_ api: clean up use of deprecated flag
* `2e84d6655 <;a=commit;h=2e84d6655>`_ ipsec: add ipsec set async mode api
* `e6df80de4 <;a=commit;h=e6df80de4>`_ ipsec: Deprecate old interface API
* `dd4ccf262 <;a=commit;h=dd4ccf262>`_ ipsec: Dedicated IPSec interface type


* `ea7178631 <;a=commit;h=ea7178631>`_ bonding: add bond_create2 API to include gso option
* `4c4223edf <;a=commit;h=4c4223edf>`_ bonding lacp: replace slave string with member


* `d0236f725 <;a=commit;h=d0236f725>`_ flow: add vnet/flow formal API


* `edca1325c <;a=commit;h=edca1325c>`_ wireguard: initial implementation of wireguard protocol


* `00f21fb2f <;a=commit;h=00f21fb2f>`_ api: clean up use of deprecated flag
* `ac0326fc5 <;a=commit;h=ac0326fc5>`_ adl: move allow/deny list function to plugin
* `f5db3711b <;a=commit;h=f5db3711b>`_ api: add new stream message convention


* `4c4223edf <;a=commit;h=4c4223edf>`_ bonding lacp: replace slave string with member


* `f733e7ade <;a=commit;h=f733e7ade>`_ l2e: mark API as in-progress


* `a340fe1ac <;a=commit;h=a340fe1ac>`_ ikev2: add SA dump API
* `459d17bb7 <;a=commit;h=459d17bb7>`_ ikev2: refactor and test profile dump API
* `ac46e3b1d <;a=commit;h=ac46e3b1d>`_ ikev2: API downgrade due to lack of ikev2 tests
* `6a9bd8188 <;a=commit;h=6a9bd8188>`_ ikev2: add profile dump API


* `a340fe1ac <;a=commit;h=a340fe1ac>`_ ikev2: add SA dump API
* `459d17bb7 <;a=commit;h=459d17bb7>`_ ikev2: refactor and test profile dump API
* `6a9bd8188 <;a=commit;h=6a9bd8188>`_ ikev2: add profile dump API


* `65b65a469 <;a=commit;h=65b65a469>`_ misc: add tracedump API plugin


* `9ebbb5c41 <;a=commit;h=9ebbb5c41>`_ gtpu: support separate rx-decap and encap-tx teid values


* `d2f8fb9c7 <;a=commit;h=d2f8fb9c7>`_ gbp: mark APIs as in-progress


* `24ee40a5c <;a=commit;h=24ee40a5c>`_ acl: correct acl vat help message


* `603e75465 <;a=commit;h=603e75465>`_ nat: move deterministic nat to det44 sub feature


* `00f21fb2f <;a=commit;h=00f21fb2f>`_ api: clean up use of deprecated flag
* `603e75465 <;a=commit;h=603e75465>`_ nat: move deterministic nat to det44 sub feature


* `96068d6b9 <;a=commit;h=96068d6b9>`_ nat: nat66 to plugin


* `6484f4b9c <;a=commit;h=6484f4b9c>`_ nat: twice-nat static mapping pool address
* `edc816355 <;a=commit;h=edc816355>`_ nat: fix type in api message
* `603e75465 <;a=commit;h=603e75465>`_ nat: move deterministic nat to det44 sub feature
* `96068d6b9 <;a=commit;h=96068d6b9>`_ nat: nat66 to plugin


* `96068d6b9 <;a=commit;h=96068d6b9>`_ nat: nat66 to plugin


* `29f3c7d2e <;a=commit;h=29f3c7d2e>`_ cnat: Destination based NAT


* `df494dafa <;a=commit;h=df494dafa>`_ abf: mark API as in-progress


* `ac0326fc5 <;a=commit;h=ac0326fc5>`_ adl: move allow/deny list function to plugin


* `00f21fb2f <;a=commit;h=00f21fb2f>`_ api: clean up use of deprecated flag
* `e6c3e8f0e <;a=commit;h=e6c3e8f0e>`_ nsim: basic reorder support


* `0c936b147 <;a=commit;h=0c936b147>`_ crypto: Add async crypto APIs


* `bad679291 <;a=commit;h=bad679291>`_ api: register endian handlers for reply messages


* `4a76d6f6d <;a=commit;h=4a76d6f6d>`_ af_xdp: AF_XDP input plugin