.. _subinterfacecommands: .. toctree:: Create Sub-Interfaces ===================== This command is used to add VLAN IDs to interfaces, also known as subinterfaces. The primary input to this command is the '*interface*' and '*subId*' (subinterface Id) parameters. If no additional VLAN ID is provide, the VLAN ID is assumed to be the '*subId*'. The VLAN ID and '*subId*' can be different, but this is not recommended. This command has several variations: - **create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId>** - Create a subinterface to process packets with a given 802.1q VLAN ID (same value as the '*subId*'). - **create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId> default** - Adding the '*default*' parameter indicates that packets with VLAN IDs that do not match any other subinterfaces should be sent to this subinterface. - **create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId> untagged** - Adding the '*untagged*' parameter indicates that packets no VLAN IDs should be sent to this subinterface. - **create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId>-<subId>** - Create a range of subinterfaces to handle a range of VLAN IDs. - **create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId> dot1q|dot1ad <vlanId>|any [exact-match]** - Use this command to specify the outer VLAN ID, to either be explicited or to make the VLAN ID different from the '*subId*'. - **create sub-interfaces <interface> <subId> dot1q|dot1ad <vlanId>|any inner-dot1q <vlanId>|any [exact-match]** - Use this command to specify the outer VLAN ID and the innner VLAN ID. When '*dot1q*' or '*dot1ad*' is explictly entered, subinterfaces can be configured as either exact-match or non-exact match. Non-exact match is the CLI default. If '*exact-match*' is specified, packets must have the same number of VLAN tags as the configuration. For non-exact-match, packets must at least that number of tags. L3 (routed) interfaces must be configured as exact-match. L2 interfaces are typically configured as non-exact-match. If '*dot1q*' or '*dot1ad*' is NOT entered, then the default behavior is exact-match. Use the '*show interface*' command to display all subinterfaces. Summary/Usage ------------- .. code-block:: shell create sub-interfaces <interface> {<subId> [default|untagged]} | {<subId>-<subId>} | {<subId> dot1q|dot1ad <vlanId>|any [inner-dot1q <vlanId>|any] [exact-match]}. Examples -------- Example of how to create a VLAN subinterface 11 to process packets on 802.1q VLAN ID 11: .. code-block:: console vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 The previous example is shorthand and is equivalent to: .. code-block:: console vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1q 11 exact-match Example of how to create a subinterface number that is different from the VLAN ID: .. code-block:: console vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1q 100 Examples of how to create q-in-q and q-in-any subinterfaces: .. code-block:: console vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1q 100 inner-dot1q 200 vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 12 dot1q 100 inner-dot1q any Examples of how to create dot1ad interfaces: .. code-block:: console vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 11 dot1ad 11 vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 12 dot1ad 100 inner-dot1q 200 Examples of '*exact-match*' versus non-exact match. A packet with outer VLAN 100 and inner VLAN 200 would match this interface, because the default is non-exact match: .. code-block:: console vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 5 dot1q 100 However, the same packet would NOT match this interface because '*exact-match*' is specified and only one VLAN is configured, but packet contains two VLANs: .. code-block:: console vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 5 dot1q 100 exact-match Example of how to created a subinterface to process untagged packets: .. code-block:: console vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 5 untagged Example of how to created a subinterface to process any packet with a VLAN ID that does not match any other subinterface: .. code-block:: console vpp# create sub-interfaces GigabitEthernet2/0/0 7 default When subinterfaces are created, they are in the down state. Example of how to enable a newly created subinterface: .. code-block:: console vpp# set interface GigabitEthernet2/0/0.7 up