#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2016 Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at:
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# Looks for preprocessor macros with struct initializers and siphons them
# off into another file for later parsing; ostensibly to generate
# documentation from struct initializer data.

import os, sys, re, argparse, json

DEFAULT_OUTPUT = "build-root/docs/siphons"
DEFAULT_PREFIX = os.getcwd()

ap = argparse.ArgumentParser()
ap.add_argument("--output", '-o', metavar="directory", default=DEFAULT_OUTPUT,
        help="Output directory for .siphon files [%s]" % DEFAULT_OUTPUT)
ap.add_argument("--input-prefix", metavar="path", default=DEFAULT_PREFIX,
        help="Prefix to strip from input pathnames [%s]" % DEFAULT_PREFIX)
ap.add_argument("input", nargs='+', metavar="input_file",
        help="Input C source files")
args = ap.parse_args()

"""Patterns that match the start of code blocks we want to siphon"""
siphon_patterns = [
    ( re.compile("(?P<m>VLIB_CLI_COMMAND)\s*[(](?P<name>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)(,[^)]*)?[)]"), "clicmd" ),

"""Matches a siphon comment block start"""
siphon_block_start = re.compile("^\s*/\*\?\s*(.*)$")

"""Matches a siphon comment block stop"""
siphon_block_stop = re.compile("^(.*)\s*\?\*/\s*$")

"""Siphon block directive delimiter"""
siphon_block_delimiter = "%%"

"""Matches a siphon block directive such as '%clicmd:group_label Debug CLI%'"""
siphon_block_directive = re.compile("(%s)\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_:]+)\s+(.*)\s*(%s)" % \
        (siphon_block_delimiter, siphon_block_delimiter))

"""Matches the start of an initializer block"""
siphon_initializer = re.compile("\s*=")

count open and close braces in str
return (0, index) when braces were found and count becomes 0.
index indicates the position at which the last closing brace was
return (-1, -1) if a closing brace is found before any opening one.
return (count, -1) if not all opening braces are closed, count is the
current depth
def count_braces(str, count=0, found=False):
    for index in range(0, len(str)):
        if str[index] == '{':
            count += 1;
            found = True
        elif str[index] == '}':
            if count == 0:
                # means we never found an open brace
                return (-1, -1)
            count -= 1;

        if count == 0 and found:
            return (count, index)

    return (count, -1)

# Collated output for each siphon
output = {}

# Build a list of known siphons
known_siphons = []
for item in siphon_patterns:
	siphon = item[1]
	if siphon not in known_siphons:

# Setup information for siphons we know about
for siphon in known_siphons:
	output[siphon] = {
            "file": "%s/%s.siphon" % (args.output, siphon),
            "global": {},
            "items": [],

# Pre-process file names in case they indicate a file with
# a list of files
files = []
for filename in args.input:
    if filename.startswith('@'):
        with open(filename[1:], 'r') as fp:
            lines = fp.readlines()
            for line in lines:
            lines = None

# Iterate all the input files we've been given
for filename in files:
    # Strip the current directory off the start of the
    # filename for brevity
    if filename[0:len(args.input_prefix)] == args.input_prefix:
        filename = filename[len(args.input_prefix):]
        if filename[0] == "/":
            filename = filename[1:]

    # Work out the abbreviated directory name
    directory = os.path.dirname(filename)
    if directory[0:2] == "./":
        directory = directory[2:]
    elif directory[0:len(args.input_prefix)] == args.input_prefix:
        directory = directory[len(args.input_prefix):]
    if directory[0] == "/":
    	directory = directory[1:]

    # Open the file and explore its contents...
    sys.stderr.write("Siphoning from %s...\n" % filename)
    directives = {}
    with open(filename) as fd:
        siphon = None
        close_siphon = None
        siphon_block = ""
        in_block = False
        line_num = 0
        siphon_line = 0

        for line in fd:
            line_num += 1
            str = line[:-1] # filter \n

            """See if there is a block directive and if so extract it"""
            def process_block_directive(str, directives):
                m = siphon_block_directive.search(str)
                if m is not None:
                    k = m.group(2)
                    v = m.group(3).strip()
                    directives[k] = v
                    # Return only the parts we did not match
                    return str[0:m.start(1)] + str[m.end(4):]

                return str

            def process_block_prefix(str):
                if str.startswith(" * "):
                    str = str[3:]
                elif str == " *":
                    str = ""
                return str
            if not in_block:
                # See if the line contains the start of a siphon doc block
                m = siphon_block_start.search(str)
                if m is not None:
                    in_block = True
                    t = m.group(1)

                    # Now check if the block closes on the same line
                    m = siphon_block_stop.search(t)
                    if m is not None:
                        t = m.group(1)
                        in_block = False

                    # Check for directives
                    t = process_block_directive(t, directives)

                    # Filter for normal comment prefixes
                    t = process_block_prefix(t)

                    # Add what is left
                    siphon_block += t

                    # Skip to next line

                # Check to see if we have an end block marker
                m = siphon_block_stop.search(str)
                if m is not None:
                    in_block = False
                    t = m.group(1)
                    t = str

                # Check for directives
                t = process_block_directive(t, directives)

                # Filter for normal comment prefixes
                t = process_block_prefix(t)

                # Add what is left
                siphon_block += t + "\n"

                # Skip to next line

            if siphon is None:
                # Look for blocks we need to siphon
                for p in siphon_patterns:
                    if p[0].match(str):
                        siphon = [ p[1], str + "\n", 0 ]
                        siphon_line = line_num

                        # see if we have an initializer
                        m = siphon_initializer.search(str)
                        if m is not None:
                            # count the braces on this line
                            (count, index) = count_braces(str[m.start():])
                            siphon[2] = count
                            # TODO - it's possible we have the initializer all on the first line
                            # we should check for it, but also account for the possibility that
                            # the open brace is on the next line
                            #if count == 0:
                            #    # braces balanced
                            #    close_siphon = siphon
                            #    siphon = None
                            # no initializer: close the siphon right now
                            close_siphon = siphon
                            siphon = None
                # See if we should end the siphon here - do we have balanced
                # braces?
                (count, index) = count_braces(str, count=siphon[2], found=True)
                if count == 0:
                    # braces balanced - add the substring and close the siphon
                    siphon[1] += str[:index+1] + ";\n"
                    close_siphon = siphon
                    siphon = None
                    # add the whole string, move on
                    siphon[2] = count
                    siphon[1] += str + "\n"

            if close_siphon is not None:
                # Write the siphoned contents to the right place
                siphon_name = close_siphon[0]

                # Copy directives for the file
                details = {}
                for key in directives:
                    if ":" in key:
                        (sn, label) = key.split(":")
                        if sn == siphon_name:
                            details[label] = directives[key]
                        details[key] = directives[key]

                # Copy details for this block
                details['file'] = filename
                details['line_start'] = siphon_line
                details['line_end'] = line_num
                details['siphon_block'] = siphon_block.strip()

                # Some defaults
                if "group" not in details:
                    if "group_label" in details:
                        # use the filename since group labels are mostly of file scope
                        details['group'] = details['file']
			details['group'] = directory

                if "group_label" not in details:
                    details['group_label'] = details['group']

                details["block"] = close_siphon[1]

                # Store the item

                # All done
                close_siphon = None
                siphon_block = ""

        # Update globals
        for key in directives.keys():
            if ':' not in key:

            if filename.endswith("/dir.dox"):
                # very special! use the parent directory name
                l = directory
                l = filename

            (sn, label) = key.split(":")

            if sn not in output:
                output[sn] = {}
            if 'global' not in output[sn]:
                output[sn]['global'] = {}
            if l not in output[sn]['global']:
                output[sn]['global'][l] = {}
            if 'file' not in output[sn]:
                output[sn]['file'] = "%s/%s.siphon" % (args.output, sn)
            if 'items' not in output[sn]:
                output[sn]['items'] = []

            output[sn]['global'][l][label] = directives[key]

# Write out the data
for siphon in output.keys():
    sys.stderr.write("Saving siphon %s...\n" % siphon)
    s = output[siphon]
    with open(s['file'], "a") as fp:
        json.dump(s, fp, separators=(',', ': '), indent=4, sort_keys=True)

# All done