export HS_ROOT=$(CURDIR) # sets WS_ROOT if called from extras/hs-test ifeq ($(WS_ROOT),) export WS_ROOT=$(HS_ROOT)/../.. endif ifeq ($(VERBOSE),) VERBOSE=false endif ifeq ($(PERSIST),) PERSIST=false endif ifeq ($(UNCONFIGURE),) UNCONFIGURE=false endif ifeq ($(TEST),) TEST=all endif ifeq ($(TEST-HS),) TEST-HS=all endif ifeq ($(DEBUG),) DEBUG=false endif ifeq ($(CPUS),) CPUS=1 endif ifeq ($(PARALLEL),) PARALLEL=1 endif ifeq ($(REPEAT),) REPEAT=0 endif ifeq ($(CPU0),) CPU0=false endif ifeq ($(VPPSRC),) VPPSRC=$(shell pwd)/../.. endif ifeq ($(UBUNTU_CODENAME),) UBUNTU_CODENAME=$(shell grep '^UBUNTU_CODENAME=' /etc/os-release | cut -f2- -d=) endif ifeq ($(ARCH),) ARCH=$(shell dpkg --print-architecture) endif .PHONY: help help: @echo "Make targets:" @echo " test - run tests" @echo " test-debug - run tests (vpp debug image)" @echo " build - build test infra" @echo " build-cov - coverage build of VPP and Docker images" @echo " build-debug - build test infra (vpp debug image)" @echo " build-go - just build golang files" @echo " checkstyle-go - check style of .go source files" @echo " fixstyle-go - format .go source files" @echo " cleanup-hst - stops and removes all docker contaiers and namespaces" @echo " list-tests - list all tests" @echo @echo "'make build' arguments:" @echo " UBUNTU_VERSION - ubuntu version for docker image" @echo " HST_EXTENDED_TESTS - build extended tests" @echo @echo "'make test' arguments:" @echo " PERSIST=[true|false] - whether clean up topology and dockers after test" @echo " VERBOSE=[true|false] - verbose output" @echo " UNCONFIGURE=[true|false] - unconfigure selected test" @echo " DEBUG=[true|false] - attach VPP to GDB" @echo " TEST=[test-name] - specific test to run" @echo " CPUS=[n-cpus] - number of cpus to allocate to VPP and containers" @echo " VPPSRC=[path-to-vpp-src] - path to vpp source files (for gdb)" @echo " PARALLEL=[n-cpus] - number of test processes to spawn to run in parallel" @echo " REPEAT=[n] - repeat tests up to N times or until a failure occurs" @echo " CPU0=[true|false] - use cpu0" @echo @echo "List of all tests:" @$(MAKE) list-tests .PHONY: list-tests list-tests: @go run github.com/onsi/ginkgo/v2/ginkgo --dry-run -v --no-color --seed=2 | head -n -1 | grep 'Test' | \ sed 's/^/* /; s/\(Suite\) /\1\//g' .PHONY: build-vpp-release build-vpp-release: @$(MAKE) -C ../.. build-release .PHONY: build-vpp-debug build-vpp-debug: @$(MAKE) -C ../.. build .PHONY: build-vpp-gcov build-vpp-gcov: @$(MAKE) -C ../.. build-vpp-gcov .build.ok: build @touch .build.ok .build.cov.ok: build-vpp-gcov @touch .build.cov.ok .build_debug.ok: build-debug @touch .build.ok .PHONY: test test: .deps.ok .build.ok @# '-' ignores the exit status, it is set in compress.sh @# necessary so gmake won't skip executing the bash script @-bash ./hs_test.sh --persist=$(PERSIST) --verbose=$(VERBOSE) \ --unconfigure=$(UNCONFIGURE) --debug=$(DEBUG) --test=$(TEST) --cpus=$(CPUS) \ --vppsrc=$(VPPSRC) --parallel=$(PARALLEL) --repeat=$(REPEAT) --cpu0=$(CPU0) @bash ./script/compress.sh .PHONY: test-debug test-debug: .deps.ok .build_debug.ok @# '-' ignores the exit status, it is set in compress.sh @# necessary so gmake won't skip executing the bash script @-bash ./hs_test.sh --persist=$(PERSIST) --verbose=$(VERBOSE) \ --unconfigure=$(UNCONFIGURE) --debug=$(DEBUG) --test=$(TEST) --cpus=$(CPUS) \ --vppsrc=$(VPPSRC) --parallel=$(PARALLEL) --repeat=$(REPEAT) --debug_build=true \ --cpu0=$(CPU0) @bash ./script/compress.sh .PHONY: test-cov test-cov: .deps.ok .build.cov.ok @-bash ./hs_test.sh --persist=$(PERSIST) --verbose=$(VERBOSE) \ --unconfigure=$(UNCONFIGURE) --debug=$(DEBUG) --test=$(TEST-HS) --cpus=$(CPUS) \ --vppsrc=$(VPPSRC) --cpu0=$(CPU0) @$(MAKE) -C ../.. test-cov-post HS_TEST=1 @bash ./script/compress.sh .PHONY: build-go build-go: go build ./tools/http_server .PHONY: build build: .deps.ok build-vpp-release build-go @rm -f .build.ok bash ./script/build_hst.sh release @touch .build.ok .PHONY: build-cov build-cov: .deps.ok build-vpp-gcov build-go @rm -f .build.cov.ok bash ./script/build_hst.sh gcov @touch .build.cov.ok .PHONY: build-debug build-debug: .deps.ok build-vpp-debug build-go @rm -f .build.ok bash ./script/build_hst.sh debug @touch .build.ok .deps.ok: @sudo $(MAKE) install-deps .PHONY: install-deps install-deps: @rm -f .deps.ok @apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common \ apache2-utils wrk bridge-utils gpg @if [ ! -f /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg ] ; then \ curl -fsSL https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu/gpg | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg; \ echo "deb [arch=$(ARCH) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu $(UBUNTU_CODENAME) stable" \ | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null ; \ apt-get update; \ fi @apt-get install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io docker-buildx-plugin docker-compose-plugin @touch .deps.ok .PHONY: checkstyle-go checkstyle-go: @output=$$(gofmt -d $${WS_ROOT}); \ if [ -z "$$output" ]; then \ echo "*******************************************************************"; \ echo "Checkstyle OK."; \ echo "*******************************************************************"; \ else \ echo "$$output"; \ echo "*******************************************************************"; \ echo "Checkstyle failed. Use 'make fixstyle-go' or fix errors manually."; \ echo "*******************************************************************"; \ exit 1; \ fi .PHONY: fixstyle-go fixstyle-go: @echo "Modified files:" @gofmt -w -l $(WS_ROOT) @go mod tidy @echo "*******************************************************************" @echo "Fixstyle done." @echo "*******************************************************************" .PHONY: cleanup-hst cleanup-hst: @if [ ! -f ".last_hst_ppid" ]; then \ echo "'.last_hst_ppid' file does not exist."; \ exit 1; \ fi @echo "****************************" @echo "Removing docker containers:" @# "-" ignores errors @-sudo docker rm $$(sudo docker stop $$(sudo docker ps -a -q --filter "name=$$(cat .last_hst_ppid)") -t 0) @echo "****************************" @echo "Removing IP address files:" @find . -type f -regextype egrep -regex '.*[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+' -exec sudo rm -v {} \; @echo "****************************" @echo "Removing network namespaces:" @for ns in $$(ip netns list | grep $$(cat .last_hst_ppid) | awk '{print $$1}'); do \ echo $$ns; \ sudo ip netns delete $$ns; \ done @echo "****************************" @echo "Done." @echo "****************************"