package main import ( "bufio" "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "io" "math/rand" "net" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "sync/atomic" "time" . "" . "" ) func init() { RegisterVppProxyTests(VppProxyHttpGetTcpTest, VppProxyHttpGetTlsTest, VppProxyHttpPutTcpTest, VppProxyHttpPutTlsTest, VppConnectProxyGetTest, VppConnectProxyPutTest) RegisterVppProxySoloTests(VppProxyHttpGetTcpMTTest, VppProxyHttpPutTcpMTTest, VppProxyTcpIperfMTTest, VppProxyUdpIperfMTTest, VppConnectProxyStressTest, VppConnectProxyStressMTTest, VppConnectProxyConnectionFailedMTTest) RegisterVppUdpProxyTests(VppProxyUdpTest, VppConnectUdpProxyTest, VppConnectUdpInvalidCapsuleTest, VppConnectUdpUnknownCapsuleTest, VppConnectUdpClientCloseTest, VppConnectUdpInvalidTargetTest) RegisterVppUdpProxySoloTests(VppProxyUdpMigrationMTTest, VppConnectUdpStressMTTest, VppConnectUdpStressTest) RegisterEnvoyProxyTests(EnvoyProxyHttpGetTcpTest, EnvoyProxyHttpPutTcpTest) RegisterNginxProxyTests(NginxMirroringTest) RegisterNginxProxySoloTests(MirrorMultiThreadTest) } func configureVppProxy(s *VppProxySuite, proto string, proxyPort uint16) { vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri %s://%s/%d", proto, s.VppProxyAddr(), proxyPort) if proto != "http" && proto != "udp" { proto = "tcp" } if proto != "http" { cmd += fmt.Sprintf(" client-uri %s://%s/%d", proto, s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) } output := vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd) s.Log("proxy configured: " + output) } func VppProxyHttpGetTcpMTTest(s *VppProxySuite) { VppProxyHttpGetTcpTest(s) } func VppProxyTcpIperfMTTest(s *VppProxySuite) { vppProxyIperfMTTest(s, "tcp") } func VppProxyUdpIperfMTTest(s *VppProxySuite) { vppProxyIperfMTTest(s, "udp") } func vppProxyIperfMTTest(s *VppProxySuite, proto string) { s.Containers.IperfC.Run() s.Containers.IperfS.Run() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance proxyPort, err := strconv.Atoi(s.GetPortFromPpid()) s.AssertNil(err) // tap interfaces are created on test setup with 1 rx-queue, // need to recreate them with 2 + consistent-qp s.AssertNil(vppProxy.DeleteTap(s.Interfaces.Server)) s.AssertNil(vppProxy.CreateTap(s.Interfaces.Server, 2, uint32(s.Interfaces.Server.Peer.Index), Consistent_qp)) s.AssertNil(vppProxy.DeleteTap(s.Interfaces.Client)) s.AssertNil(vppProxy.CreateTap(s.Interfaces.Client, 2, uint32(s.Interfaces.Client.Peer.Index), Consistent_qp)) configureVppProxy(s, "tcp", uint16(proxyPort)) if proto == "udp" { configureVppProxy(s, "udp", uint16(proxyPort)) proto = "-u" } else { proto = "" } stopServerCh := make(chan struct{}, 1) srvCh := make(chan error, 1) clnCh := make(chan error) clnRes := make(chan []byte, 1) defer func() { stopServerCh <- struct{}{} }() go func() { defer GinkgoRecover() cmd := fmt.Sprintf("iperf3 -4 -s -B %s -p %s", s.ServerAddr(), fmt.Sprint(s.ServerPort())) s.StartServerApp(s.Containers.IperfS, "iperf3", cmd, srvCh, stopServerCh) }() err = <-srvCh s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) go func() { defer GinkgoRecover() cmd := fmt.Sprintf("iperf3 -c %s -P 4 -l 1460 -b 10g -J -p %d -B %s %s", s.VppProxyAddr(), proxyPort, s.ClientAddr(), proto) s.StartClientApp(s.Containers.IperfC, cmd, clnCh, clnRes) }() s.AssertChannelClosed(time.Minute*4, clnCh) result := s.ParseJsonIperfOutput(<-clnRes) s.LogJsonIperfOutput(result) s.AssertIperfMinTransfer(result, 200) } func VppProxyHttpGetTcpTest(s *VppProxySuite) { var proxyPort uint16 = 8080 s.SetupNginxServer() configureVppProxy(s, "tcp", proxyPort) uri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/httpTestFile", s.VppProxyAddr(), proxyPort) s.CurlDownloadResource(uri) } func VppProxyHttpGetTlsTest(s *VppProxySuite) { var proxyPort uint16 = 8080 s.SetupNginxServer() configureVppProxy(s, "tls", proxyPort) uri := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%d/httpTestFile", s.VppProxyAddr(), proxyPort) s.CurlDownloadResource(uri) } func VppProxyHttpPutTcpMTTest(s *VppProxySuite) { VppProxyHttpPutTcpTest(s) } func VppProxyHttpPutTcpTest(s *VppProxySuite) { var proxyPort uint16 = 8080 s.SetupNginxServer() configureVppProxy(s, "tcp", proxyPort) uri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/upload/testFile", s.VppProxyAddr(), proxyPort) s.CurlUploadResource(uri, CurlContainerTestFile) } func VppProxyHttpPutTlsTest(s *VppProxySuite) { var proxyPort uint16 = 8080 s.SetupNginxServer() configureVppProxy(s, "tls", proxyPort) uri := fmt.Sprintf("https://%s:%d/upload/testFile", s.VppProxyAddr(), proxyPort) s.CurlUploadResource(uri, CurlContainerTestFile) } func EnvoyProxyHttpGetTcpTest(s *EnvoyProxySuite) { uri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/httpTestFile", s.ProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.CurlDownloadResource(uri) } func EnvoyProxyHttpPutTcpTest(s *EnvoyProxySuite) { uri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/upload/testFile", s.ProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.CurlUploadResource(uri, CurlContainerTestFile) } func MirrorMultiThreadTest(s *NginxProxySuite) { nginxMirroring(s, true) } func NginxMirroringTest(s *NginxProxySuite) { nginxMirroring(s, false) } func nginxMirroring(s *NginxProxySuite, multiThreadWorkers bool) { vpp := s.Containers.Vpp.VppInstance s.AddVclConfig(s.Containers.NginxProxy, multiThreadWorkers) s.CreateNginxProxyConfig(s.Containers.NginxProxy, multiThreadWorkers) s.Containers.NginxProxy.Start() vpp.WaitForApp("nginx-", 5) uri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/httpTestFile", s.ProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.CurlDownloadResource(uri) } func VppConnectProxyGetTest(s *VppProxySuite) { var proxyPort uint16 = 8080 s.SetupNginxServer() configureVppProxy(s, "http", proxyPort) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/httpTestFile", s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) proxyUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), proxyPort) s.CurlDownloadResourceViaTunnel(targetUri, proxyUri) } func VppConnectProxyConnectionFailedMTTest(s *VppProxySuite) { var proxyPort uint16 = 8080 s.SetupNginxServer() configureVppProxy(s, "http", proxyPort) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/httpTestFile", s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()+1) proxyUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), proxyPort) _, log := s.CurlRequestViaTunnel(targetUri, proxyUri) s.AssertContains(log, "HTTP/1.1 502 Bad Gateway") } func VppConnectProxyPutTest(s *VppProxySuite) { var proxyPort uint16 = 8080 s.SetupNginxServer() configureVppProxy(s, "http", proxyPort) proxyUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), proxyPort) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/upload/testFile", s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) s.CurlUploadResourceViaTunnel(targetUri, proxyUri, CurlContainerTestFile) } func vppConnectProxyStressLoad(s *VppProxySuite, proxyPort string) { var ( connectError, timeout, readError, writeError, invalidData, total atomic.Uint32 wg sync.WaitGroup ) stop := make(chan struct{}) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) s.Log("Running 30s test @ " + targetUri) for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { wg.Add(1) go func() { var tot, timed, re, we uint32 defer wg.Done() defer func() { total.Add(tot) timeout.Add(timed) readError.Add(re) writeError.Add(we) }() connRestart: conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", s.VppProxyAddr()+":"+proxyPort, time.Second*10) if err != nil { connectError.Add(1) return } defer conn.Close() conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second * 5)) var b bytes.Buffer fmt.Fprintf(&b, "CONNECT %s HTTP/1.1\r\n", targetUri) fmt.Fprintf(&b, "Host: %s\r\n", s.ServerAddr()) fmt.Fprintf(&b, "User-Agent: hs-test\r\n") io.WriteString(&b, "\r\n") _, err = conn.Write(b.Bytes()) if err != nil { connectError.Add(1) return } r := bufio.NewReader(conn) resp, err := http.ReadResponse(r, nil) if err != nil { connectError.Add(1) return } resp.Body.Close() if resp.StatusCode != http.StatusOK { connectError.Add(1) return } req := make([]byte, 64) rand.Read(req) for { select { default: conn.SetDeadline(time.Now().Add(time.Second * 5)) tot += 1 _, e := conn.Write(req) if e != nil { if errors.Is(e, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded) { timed += 1 } else { we += 1 } continue } reply := make([]byte, 1024) n, e := conn.Read(reply) if e != nil { if errors.Is(e, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded) { timed += 1 } else { re += 1 } conn.Close() goto connRestart } if bytes.Compare(req, reply[:n]) != 0 { invalidData.Add(1) conn.Close() goto connRestart } case <-stop: return } } }() } for i := 0; i < 30; i++ { GinkgoWriter.Print(".") time.Sleep(time.Second) } GinkgoWriter.Print("\n") close(stop) // tell clients to stop wg.Wait() // wait until clients finish successRatio := (float64(total.Load()-(timeout.Load()+readError.Load()+writeError.Load()+invalidData.Load())) / float64(total.Load())) * 100.0 summary := fmt.Sprintf("1000 connections %d requests in 30s", total.Load()) report := fmt.Sprintf("Requests/sec: %d\n", total.Load()/30) report += fmt.Sprintf("Errors: timeout %d, read %d, write %d, invalid data received %d, connection %d\n", timeout.Load(), readError.Load(), writeError.Load(), invalidData.Load(), connectError.Load()) report += fmt.Sprintf("Successes ratio: %.2f%%\n", successRatio) AddReportEntry(summary, report) s.AssertGreaterThan(successRatio, 90.0) } func VppConnectProxyStressTest(s *VppProxySuite) { var proxyPort uint16 = 8080 remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() configureVppProxy(s, "http", proxyPort) // no goVPP less noise s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance.Disconnect() vppConnectProxyStressLoad(s, strconv.Itoa(int(proxyPort))) } func VppConnectProxyStressMTTest(s *VppProxySuite) { var proxyPort uint16 = 8080 remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance // tap interfaces are created on test setup with 1 rx-queue, // need to recreate them with 2 + consistent-qp s.AssertNil(vppProxy.DeleteTap(s.Interfaces.Server)) s.AssertNil(vppProxy.CreateTap(s.Interfaces.Server, 2, uint32(s.Interfaces.Server.Peer.Index), Consistent_qp)) s.AssertNil(vppProxy.DeleteTap(s.Interfaces.Client)) s.AssertNil(vppProxy.CreateTap(s.Interfaces.Client, 2, uint32(s.Interfaces.Client.Peer.Index), Consistent_qp)) configureVppProxy(s, "http", proxyPort) // no goVPP less noise vppProxy.Disconnect() vppConnectProxyStressLoad(s, strconv.Itoa(int(proxyPort))) } func VppProxyUdpTest(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri udp://%s/%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) cmd += fmt.Sprintf(" client-uri udp://%s/%d", s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) s.Log(vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd)) b := make([]byte, 1500) n, err := s.ClientSendReceive([]byte("hello"), b) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) s.AssertEqual([]byte("hello"), b[:n]) } func VppProxyUdpMigrationMTTest(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri udp://%s/%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) cmd += fmt.Sprintf(" client-uri udp://%s/%d", s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) s.Log(vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd)) b := make([]byte, 1500) n, err := s.ClientSendReceive([]byte("hello"), b) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) s.AssertEqual([]byte("hello"), b[:n]) n, err = s.ClientSendReceive([]byte("world"), b) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) s.AssertEqual([]byte("world"), b[:n]) s.Log(s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance.Vppctl("show session verbose 2")) } func VppConnectUdpProxyTest(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri http://%s/%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.Log(vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd)) proxyAddress := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/.well-known/masque/udp/%s/%d/", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort(), s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) c := s.NewConnectUdpClient(s.MaxTimeout, true) err := c.Dial(proxyAddress, targetUri) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) defer c.Close() data := []byte("hello") err = c.WriteDgramCapsule(data) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) payload, err := c.ReadDgramCapsule() s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) s.AssertEqual(data, payload) } func VppConnectUdpInvalidTargetTest(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri http://%s/%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.Log(vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd)) proxyAddress := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/.well-known/masque/udp/", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) c := s.NewConnectUdpClient(s.MaxTimeout, true) err := c.Dial(proxyAddress, targetUri) s.AssertNotNil(err, "name resolution not supported") targetUri = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/.well-known/masque/udp/", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) c = s.NewConnectUdpClient(s.MaxTimeout, true) err = c.Dial(proxyAddress, targetUri) s.AssertNotNil(err, "invalid port number") targetUri = fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/masque/udp/", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) c = s.NewConnectUdpClient(s.MaxTimeout, true) err = c.Dial(proxyAddress, targetUri) s.AssertNotNil(err, "invalid prefix") } func VppConnectUdpInvalidCapsuleTest(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri http://%s/%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.Log(vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd)) proxyAddress := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/.well-known/masque/udp/%s/%d/", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort(), s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) c := s.NewConnectUdpClient(s.MaxTimeout, true) err := c.Dial(proxyAddress, targetUri) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) defer c.Close() // Capsule length is set to 494878333 which exceed maximum allowed UDP payload length 65527 and connection must be aborted capsule := []byte{ 0x00, // type 0x9D, 0x7F, 0x3E, 0x7D, // length 0x00, // context ID 0x4B, 0x6E, 0x69, 0x67, 0x68, 0x74, 0x73, 0x20, 0x6F, 0x66, 0x20, 0x4E, 0x69, // some extra junk } n, err := c.Conn.Write(capsule) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) s.AssertEqual(n, len(capsule)) b := make([]byte, 1) _, err = c.Conn.Read(b) s.AssertMatchError(err, io.EOF, "connection not closed by proxy") } func VppConnectUdpUnknownCapsuleTest(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri http://%s/%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.Log(vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd)) proxyAddress := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/.well-known/masque/udp/%s/%d/", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort(), s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) c := s.NewConnectUdpClient(s.MaxTimeout, true) err := c.Dial(proxyAddress, targetUri) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) defer c.Close() // Send capsule with unknown type 0x40 which is outside range for standards (0x00 - 0x3f) // Endpoint that receives capsule with unknown type must silently drop that capsule and skip over to parse the next capsule err = c.WriteCapsule(0x4040, []byte("None shall pass")) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) // Send valid capsule to verify that previous was dropped data := []byte("hello") err = c.WriteDgramCapsule(data) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) payload, err := c.ReadDgramCapsule() s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) s.AssertEqual(data, payload) } func VppConnectUdpClientCloseTest(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri http://%s/%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.Log(vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd)) proxyAddress := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s:%d/.well-known/masque/udp/%s/%d/", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort(), s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) c := s.NewConnectUdpClient(s.MaxTimeout, true) err := c.Dial(proxyAddress, targetUri) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) err = c.Close() s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) proxyClientConn := fmt.Sprintf("[T] %s:%d->%s", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort(), s.ClientAddr()) proxyTargetConn := fmt.Sprintf("[U] %s:", s.Interfaces.Server.Peer.Ip4AddressString()) for nTries := 0; nTries < 10; nTries++ { o := vppProxy.Vppctl("show session verbose 2") if !strings.Contains(o, proxyClientConn) { break } time.Sleep(1 * time.Second) } sessions := vppProxy.Vppctl("show session verbose 2") s.Log(sessions) s.AssertNotContains(sessions, proxyClientConn, "client-proxy session not closed") s.AssertNotContains(sessions, proxyTargetConn, "proxy-server session not closed") } func vppConnectUdpStressLoad(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { var ( connectError, timeout, readError, writeError, invalidData, total atomic.Uint32 wg sync.WaitGroup ) proxyAddress := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) targetUri := fmt.Sprintf("http://%s/.well-known/masque/udp/%s/%d/", proxyAddress, s.ServerAddr(), s.ServerPort()) // warm-up warmUp := s.NewConnectUdpClient(s.MaxTimeout, false) err := warmUp.Dial(proxyAddress, targetUri) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) defer warmUp.Close() data := []byte("hello") err = warmUp.WriteDgramCapsule(data) s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) payload, err := warmUp.ReadDgramCapsule() s.AssertNil(err, fmt.Sprint(err)) s.AssertEqual(data, payload) warmUp.Close() stop := make(chan struct{}) s.Log("Running 30s test @ " + targetUri) for i := 0; i < 1000; i++ { wg.Add(1) go func() { var tot, timed, re, we uint32 defer wg.Done() defer func() { total.Add(tot) timeout.Add(timed) readError.Add(re) writeError.Add(we) }() restart: c := s.NewConnectUdpClient(s.MaxTimeout, false) e := c.Dial(proxyAddress, targetUri) if e != nil { connectError.Add(1) return } defer c.Close() req := make([]byte, 64) rand.Read(req) for { select { default: tot += 1 e = c.WriteDgramCapsule(req) if e != nil { if errors.Is(e, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded) { timed += 1 } else { we += 1 } continue } resp, e := c.ReadDgramCapsule() if e != nil { if errors.Is(e, os.ErrDeadlineExceeded) { timed += 1 } else if errors.Is(e, &CapsuleParseError{}) { invalidData.Add(1) } else { re += 1 } c.Close() goto restart } if bytes.Compare(req, resp) != 0 { invalidData.Add(1) c.Close() goto restart } case <-stop: return } } }() } for i := 0; i < 30; i++ { GinkgoWriter.Print(".") time.Sleep(time.Second) } GinkgoWriter.Print("\n") close(stop) // tell clients to stop wg.Wait() // wait until clients finish successRatio := (float64(total.Load()-(timeout.Load()+readError.Load()+writeError.Load()+invalidData.Load())) / float64(total.Load())) * 100.0 summary := fmt.Sprintf("1000 connections %d requests in 30s", total.Load()) report := fmt.Sprintf("Requests/sec: %d\n", total.Load()/30) report += fmt.Sprintf("Errors: timeout %d, read %d, write %d, invalid data received %d, connection %d\n", timeout.Load(), readError.Load(), writeError.Load(), invalidData.Load(), connectError.Load()) report += fmt.Sprintf("Successes ratio: %.2f%%\n", successRatio) AddReportEntry(summary, report) s.AssertGreaterThan(successRatio, 90.0) } func VppConnectUdpStressTest(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri http://%s/%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.Log(vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd)) // no goVPP less noise vppProxy.Disconnect() vppConnectUdpStressLoad(s) } func VppConnectUdpStressMTTest(s *VppUdpProxySuite) { remoteServerConn := s.StartEchoServer() defer remoteServerConn.Close() vppProxy := s.Containers.VppProxy.VppInstance vppProxy.Disconnect() cmd := fmt.Sprintf("test proxy server fifo-size 512k server-uri http://%s/%d", s.VppProxyAddr(), s.ProxyPort()) s.Log(vppProxy.Vppctl(cmd)) // no goVPP less noise vppProxy.Disconnect() vppConnectUdpStressLoad(s) }