package main import ( "fmt" "time" . "" ) func init() { RegisterVethTests(XEchoVclClientUdpTest, XEchoVclClientTcpTest, XEchoVclServerUdpTest, XEchoVclServerTcpTest, VclEchoTcpTest, VclEchoUdpTest, VclHttpPostTest, VclRetryAttachTest) } func getVclConfig(c *Container, ns_id_optional ...string) string { var s Stanza ns_id := "default" if len(ns_id_optional) > 0 { ns_id = ns_id_optional[0] } s.NewStanza("vcl"). Append(fmt.Sprintf("app-socket-api %[1]s/var/run/app_ns_sockets/%[2]s", c.GetContainerWorkDir(), ns_id)). Append("app-scope-global"). Append("app-scope-local"). Append("use-mq-eventfd") if len(ns_id_optional) > 0 { s.Append(fmt.Sprintf("namespace-id %[1]s", ns_id)). Append(fmt.Sprintf("namespace-secret %[1]s", ns_id)) } return s.Close().ToString() } func XEchoVclClientUdpTest(s *VethsSuite) { testXEchoVclClient(s, "udp") } func XEchoVclClientTcpTest(s *VethsSuite) { testXEchoVclClient(s, "tcp") } func testXEchoVclClient(s *VethsSuite, proto string) { port := "12345" serverVpp := s.Containers.ServerVpp.VppInstance serverVpp.Vppctl("test echo server uri %s://%s/%s fifo-size 64k", proto, s.Interfaces.Server.Ip4AddressString(), port) echoClnContainer := s.GetTransientContainerByName("client-app") echoClnContainer.CreateFile("/vcl.conf", getVclConfig(echoClnContainer)) testClientCommand := "vcl_test_client -N 100 -p " + proto + " " + s.Interfaces.Server.Ip4AddressString() + " " + port s.Log(testClientCommand) echoClnContainer.AddEnvVar("VCL_CONFIG", "/vcl.conf") o := echoClnContainer.Exec(true, testClientCommand) s.Log(o) s.AssertContains(o, "CLIENT RESULTS") } func XEchoVclServerUdpTest(s *VethsSuite) { testXEchoVclServer(s, "udp") } func XEchoVclServerTcpTest(s *VethsSuite) { testXEchoVclServer(s, "tcp") } func testXEchoVclServer(s *VethsSuite, proto string) { port := "12345" srvVppCont := s.Containers.ServerVpp srvAppCont := s.Containers.ServerApp srvAppCont.CreateFile("/vcl.conf", getVclConfig(srvVppCont)) srvAppCont.AddEnvVar("VCL_CONFIG", "/vcl.conf") vclSrvCmd := fmt.Sprintf("vcl_test_server -p %s %s", proto, port) srvAppCont.ExecServer(true, vclSrvCmd) serverVethAddress := s.Interfaces.Server.Ip4AddressString() clientVpp := s.Containers.ClientVpp.VppInstance o := clientVpp.Vppctl("test echo client uri %s://%s/%s fifo-size 64k verbose mbytes 2", proto, serverVethAddress, port) s.Log(o) s.AssertContains(o, "Test finished at") } func testVclEcho(s *VethsSuite, proto string) { port := "12345" srvVppCont := s.Containers.ServerVpp srvAppCont := s.Containers.ServerApp srvAppCont.CreateFile("/vcl.conf", getVclConfig(srvVppCont)) srvAppCont.AddEnvVar("VCL_CONFIG", "/vcl.conf") srvAppCont.ExecServer(true, "vcl_test_server -p "+proto+" "+port) serverVethAddress := s.Interfaces.Server.Ip4AddressString() echoClnContainer := s.GetTransientContainerByName("client-app") echoClnContainer.CreateFile("/vcl.conf", getVclConfig(echoClnContainer)) testClientCommand := "vcl_test_client -p " + proto + " " + serverVethAddress + " " + port echoClnContainer.AddEnvVar("VCL_CONFIG", "/vcl.conf") o := echoClnContainer.Exec(true, testClientCommand) s.Log(o) } func VclEchoTcpTest(s *VethsSuite) { testVclEcho(s, "tcp") } func VclEchoUdpTest(s *VethsSuite) { testVclEcho(s, "udp") } func VclHttpPostTest(s *VethsSuite) { testVclEcho(s, "http") } func VclRetryAttachTest(s *VethsSuite) { testRetryAttach(s, "tcp") } func testRetryAttach(s *VethsSuite, proto string) { srvVppContainer := s.GetTransientContainerByName("server-vpp") echoSrvContainer := s.Containers.ServerApp echoSrvContainer.CreateFile("/vcl.conf", getVclConfig(echoSrvContainer)) echoSrvContainer.AddEnvVar("VCL_CONFIG", "/vcl.conf") echoSrvContainer.ExecServer(true, "vcl_test_server -p "+proto+" 12346") s.Log("This whole test case can take around 3 minutes to run. Please be patient.") s.Log("... Running first echo client test, before disconnect.") serverVethAddress := s.Interfaces.Server.Ip4AddressString() echoClnContainer := s.GetTransientContainerByName("client-app") echoClnContainer.CreateFile("/vcl.conf", getVclConfig(echoClnContainer)) testClientCommand := "vcl_test_client -U -p " + proto + " " + serverVethAddress + " 12346" echoClnContainer.AddEnvVar("VCL_CONFIG", "/vcl.conf") o := echoClnContainer.Exec(true, testClientCommand) s.Log(o) s.Log("... First test ended. Stopping VPP server now.") // Stop server-vpp-instance, start it again and then run vcl-test-client once more srvVppContainer.VppInstance.Disconnect() stopVppCommand := "/bin/bash -c 'ps -C vpp_main -o pid= | xargs kill -9'" srvVppContainer.Exec(false, stopVppCommand) s.SetupServerVpp() s.Log("... VPP server is starting again, so waiting for a bit.") time.Sleep(30 * time.Second) // Wait a moment for the re-attachment to happen s.Log("... Running second echo client test, after disconnect and re-attachment.") o = echoClnContainer.Exec(true, testClientCommand) s.Log(o) s.Log("Done.") }