## Build Instructions    {#libmemif_build_doc}

#### Install dependencies
# sudo apt-get install -y git cmake autoconf pkg_config libtool check

Libmemif is now part of VPP repository. Follow fd.io wiki to pull source code from VPP repository.

Libmemif is located under extras/libmemif. From extras/libmemif:
# mkdir build
# cd build
# cmake ..
# make install

#### Verify installation:
build# ./examples/icmpr-epoll
Use _help_ command to display build information and commands:
libmemif version: 3.0
memif version: 512
	use CTRL+C to exit
	interface name: memif_connection
	app name: ICMP_Responder
	remote interface name:
	remote app name:
	id: 0
	secret: (null)
	role: slave
	mode: ethernet
	socket filename: /run/vpp/memif.sock
	socket filename: /run/vpp/memif.sock
	rx queues:
	tx queues:
	link: down

#### Examples

Once the library is built/installed, refer to @ref libmemif_examples_doc and @ref libmemif_gettingstarted_doc for additional information on basic use cases and API usage.