/* *------------------------------------------------------------------ * Copyright (c) 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <stdint.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #include <sys/uio.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/prctl.h> #include <inttypes.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <netdb.h> #include <linux/ip.h> #include <linux/icmp.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <netinet/if_ether.h> #include <net/if_arp.h> #include <asm/byteorder.h> #include <byteswap.h> #include <icmp_proto.h> static uint16_t cksum (void *addr, ssize_t len) { char *data = (char *) addr; uint32_t acc = 0xffff; ssize_t i; for (i = 0; (i + 1) < len; i += 2) { uint16_t word; memcpy (&word, data + i, 2); acc += ntohs (word); if (acc > 0xffff) acc -= 0xffff; } if (len & 1) { uint16_t word = 0; memcpy (&word, data + len - 1, 1); acc += ntohs (word); if (acc > 0xffff) acc -= 0xffff; } return htons (~acc); } int print_packet (void *pck) { if (pck == NULL) { printf ("ICMP_PROTO: no data\n"); return -1; } struct iphdr *ip; struct icmphdr *icmp; ip = (struct iphdr *) pck; icmp = (struct icmphdr *) (pck + sizeof (struct iphdr)); printf ("received packet:\n"); printf ("\tiphdr:\n"); printf ("\t\tihl: %u\n\t\tversion: %u\n\t\tlen: %u\n\t\tid: %u\n", ip->ihl, ip->version, __bswap_16 (ip->tot_len), ip->id); printf ("\t\tprotocol: %u\n", ip->protocol); printf ("\t\tsaddr: "); int i; for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf ("%u.", ((uint8_t *) & ip->saddr)[i]); } printf ("\n"); printf ("\t\tdaddr: "); for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) { printf ("%u.", ((uint8_t *) & ip->daddr)[i]); } printf ("\n"); printf ("\ticmphdr:\n"); printf ("\t\ttype: %s\n", (icmp->type == ICMP_ECHO) ? "ICMP_ECHO" : "ICMP_ECHOREPLY"); return 0; } static ssize_t resolve_arp (void *arp) { struct arphdr *resp = (struct arphdr *) arp; resp->ar_hrd = __bswap_16 (ARPHRD_ETHER); resp->ar_pro = __bswap_16 (0x0800); resp->ar_hln = 6; resp->ar_pln = 4; resp->ar_op = __bswap_16 (ARPOP_REPLY); return sizeof (struct arphdr); } static ssize_t resolve_eth_arp (struct ether_arp *eth_arp, void *eth_arp_resp, uint8_t ip_addr[4]) { struct ether_arp *resp = (struct ether_arp *) eth_arp_resp; resolve_arp (&resp->ea_hdr); memcpy (resp->arp_tha, eth_arp->arp_sha, 6); memcpy (resp->arp_tpa, eth_arp->arp_spa, 4); memcpy (resp->arp_sha, (((struct ether_header *) (eth_arp_resp - sizeof (struct ether_header)))->ether_shost), 6); memcpy (resp->arp_spa, ip_addr, 4); return sizeof (struct ether_arp); } static ssize_t resolve_eth (struct ether_header *eth, void *eth_resp) { struct ether_header *resp = (struct ether_header *) eth_resp; memcpy (resp->ether_dhost, eth->ether_shost, 6); uint8_t hw_addr[6]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { hw_addr[i] = 'a'; } memcpy (resp->ether_shost, hw_addr, 6); resp->ether_type = eth->ether_type; return sizeof (struct ether_header); } static ssize_t resolve_ip (struct iphdr *ip, void *ip_resp, uint8_t ip_addr[4]) { struct iphdr *resp = (struct iphdr *) ip_resp; resp->ihl = 5; resp->version = 4; resp->tos = 0; /*len updated later */ resp->tot_len = 0x0000; resp->id = 0; resp->frag_off = 0; resp->ttl = 0x40; resp->protocol = 1; ((uint8_t *) & resp->saddr)[0] = ip_addr[0]; ((uint8_t *) & resp->saddr)[1] = ip_addr[1]; ((uint8_t *) & resp->saddr)[2] = ip_addr[2]; ((uint8_t *) & resp->saddr)[3] = ip_addr[3]; resp->daddr = ip->saddr; /* resp->check = cksum (resp, sizeof (struct iphdr)); */ return sizeof (struct iphdr); } static ssize_t resolve_icmp (struct icmphdr *icmp, void *icmp_resp) { struct icmphdr *resp = (struct icmphdr *) icmp_resp; resp->type = 0x00; resp->code = 0; resp->un.echo.id = icmp->un.echo.id; resp->un.echo.sequence = icmp->un.echo.sequence; /*resp->checksum = cksum (resp, sizeof (struct icmphdr)); */ return sizeof (struct icmphdr); } int resolve_packet (void *in_pck, ssize_t in_size, void *out_pck, uint32_t * out_size, uint8_t ip_addr[4]) { struct ether_header *eh; struct ether_arp *eah; struct iphdr *ip, *ip_out; struct icmphdr *icmp; *out_size = 0; if ((in_pck == NULL) || (out_pck == NULL)) return -1; eh = (struct ether_header *) in_pck; *out_size = resolve_eth (eh, out_pck); if (eh->ether_type == 0x0608) { eah = (struct ether_arp *) (in_pck + *out_size); *out_size += resolve_eth_arp (eah, out_pck + *out_size, ip_addr); } else if (eh->ether_type == 0x0008) { #ifdef ICMP_DBG print_packet (in_pck + *out_size); #endif ip = (struct iphdr *) (in_pck + *out_size); ip_out = (struct iphdr *) (out_pck + *out_size); *out_size += resolve_ip (ip, out_pck + *out_size, ip_addr); if (ip->protocol == 1) { icmp = (struct icmphdr *) (in_pck + *out_size); *out_size += resolve_icmp (icmp, out_pck + *out_size); ((struct icmphdr *) (out_pck + *out_size - sizeof (struct icmphdr)))->checksum = cksum (out_pck + *out_size - sizeof (struct icmphdr), sizeof (struct icmphdr)); /* payload */ memcpy (out_pck + *out_size, in_pck + *out_size, in_size - *out_size); *out_size = in_size; ip_out->tot_len = __bswap_16 (*out_size - sizeof (struct ether_header)); ip_out->check = cksum (ip_out, sizeof (struct iphdr)); } } return 0; } static ssize_t generate_eth (struct ether_header *eh, uint8_t hw_daddr[6]) { uint8_t hw_addr[6]; int i; for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) { hw_addr[i] = 'a'; } memcpy (eh->ether_shost, hw_addr, 6); memcpy (eh->ether_dhost, hw_daddr, 6); eh->ether_type = 0x0008; return sizeof (struct ether_header); } static ssize_t generate_ip (struct iphdr *ip, uint8_t saddr[4], uint8_t daddr[4]) { ip->ihl = 5; ip->version = 4; ip->tos = 0; /*len updated later */ ip->tot_len = 0x5400; ip->id = 0; ip->frag_off = 0; ip->ttl = 0x40; ip->protocol = 1; /* saddr */ ((uint8_t *) & ip->saddr)[0] = saddr[0]; ((uint8_t *) & ip->saddr)[1] = saddr[1]; ((uint8_t *) & ip->saddr)[2] = saddr[2]; ((uint8_t *) & ip->saddr)[3] = saddr[3]; /* daddr */ ((uint8_t *) & ip->daddr)[0] = daddr[0]; ((uint8_t *) & ip->daddr)[1] = daddr[1]; ((uint8_t *) & ip->daddr)[2] = daddr[2]; ((uint8_t *) & ip->daddr)[3] = daddr[3]; ip->check = cksum (ip, sizeof (struct iphdr)); return sizeof (struct iphdr); } static ssize_t generate_icmp (struct icmphdr *icmp, uint32_t seq) { icmp->type = ICMP_ECHO; icmp->code = 0; icmp->un.echo.id = 0; icmp->un.echo.sequence = seq; return sizeof (struct icmphdr); } int generate_packet (void *pck, uint32_t * size, uint8_t saddr[4], uint8_t daddr[4], uint8_t hw_daddr[6], uint32_t seq) { struct ether_header *eh; struct iphdr *ip; struct icmphdr *icmp; *size = 0; eh = (struct ether_header *) pck; *size += generate_eth (eh, hw_daddr); ip = (struct iphdr *) (pck + *size); *size += generate_ip (ip, saddr, daddr); icmp = (struct icmphdr *) (pck + *size); *size += generate_icmp (icmp, seq); ((struct icmphdr *) (pck + *size - sizeof (struct icmphdr)))->checksum = cksum (pck + *size - sizeof (struct icmphdr), sizeof (struct icmphdr)); ip->tot_len = __bswap_16 (*size - sizeof (struct ether_header)); ip->check = 0; ip->check = cksum (ip, sizeof (struct iphdr)); return 0; }