#!/bin/sh set -eux TMPDIR=$(mktemp -d /tmp/vpp-crccheck-test-XXXXX) CURR_ROOT=$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) CURR_DIR=$(pwd) verify_check_patchset_fails() { if (extras/scripts/crcchecker.py --check-patchset); then echo "ERROR - check succeeded, it should have failed!" exit 1; fi } finish() { if [ -e "$TMPDIR" ]; then echo "Temporary directory is: $TMPDIR" fi } trap finish EXIT # make a copy of the current repo that we can play with cd ${TMPDIR} mkdir misc-files git clone ${CURR_ROOT} vpp-uut cd vpp-uut # maybe grab the CRC checker # git fetch "https://gerrit.fd.io/r/vpp" refs/changes/81/26881/14 && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD || echo "Already there" echo "TEST 1: Check the current patchset..." extras/scripts/crcchecker.py --check-patchset echo "TEST 2: Dumping the current manifest..." extras/scripts/crcchecker.py --dump-manifest >${TMPDIR}/misc-files/manifest.txt echo "TEST 3: Checking the 20.01 version of acl.api...." extras/scripts/crcchecker.py --git-revision v20.01 src/plugins/acl/acl.api echo "TEST 4: Add a new field into a message in acl.api, and check patchset - must fail..." sed -i -e 's#vpe_pid;#vpe_pid; u32 sneaky_new_field;#' src/plugins/acl/acl.api verify_check_patchset_fails echo "TEST 5: Rename the changed acl.api file and not add it to git... must fail (due to deletion of the APIs)..." mv src/plugins/acl/acl.api src/plugins/acl/acl_new.api verify_check_patchset_fails echo "TEST 6: Add the renamed file to git commit... must fail (due to addition of the fields)..." git add src/plugins/acl/acl_new.api git commit -m "added acl_new.api" verify_check_patchset_fails echo "TEST 7: Verify we can delete deprecated message" git commit -a -m "reset" cat >crccheck.api <<EOL option version="1.0.0"; autoreply define crccheck { option deprecated; bool foo; }; EOL git add crccheck.api git commit -m "deprecated api"; # delete API cat >crccheck.api <<EOL option version="1.0.0"; autoreply define crccheck_2 { bool foo; }; EOL git add crccheck.api git commit -m "deprecated api"; extras/scripts/crcchecker.py --check-patchset echo "TEST 8: Verify that we can not rename a non-deprecated message" sed -i -e 's/crccheck_2/crccheck_3/g' crccheck.api git add crccheck.api git commit -m "renamed api"; verify_check_patchset_fails # fix it. sed -i -e 's/crccheck_3/crccheck_2/g' crccheck.api git commit -a --amend -m "empty commit after we renamed api back" --allow-empty echo "TEST 9: Verify that the check fails if the changes are not committed" cat >>crccheck.api <<EOL autoreply define crc_new_check_in_progress { option status="in_progress"; bool foobar; }; EOL verify_check_patchset_fails echo "TEST10: Verify that the in-progress message can be added" git add crccheck.api git commit -m "added a new in-progress api"; extras/scripts/crcchecker.py --check-patchset echo "TEST11: Verify we can rename an in-progress API" sed -i -e 's/crc_new_check_in_progress/crc_new_check_in_progress_2/g' crccheck.api git add crccheck.api git commit -m "renamed in-progress api"; extras/scripts/crcchecker.py --check-patchset echo "TEST12: Verify we can add a field to an in-progress API" sed -i -e 's/foobar;/foobar; bool new_baz;/g' crccheck.api git add crccheck.api git commit -m "new field added in in-progress api"; extras/scripts/crcchecker.py --check-patchset echo "TEST13: Verify we fail the check if the file can not be compiled" cat >crccheck2.api <<EOL option version="0.0.1"; autoreply define spot_the_error { option status="in_progress" bool something_important; }; EOL git add crccheck2.api git commit -m "a new message with a syntax error"; verify_check_patchset_fails # get rid of the "erroneous" commit in the previous test git reset --hard HEAD~1 echo "TEST14: Verify we handle new .api file" cat >crccheck3.api <<EOL autoreply define foo { bool bar; }; EOL git add crccheck3.api git commit -m "a new message in new file"; extras/scripts/crcchecker.py --check-patchset echo "TEST: All tests got the expected result, cleaning up." # done with all the tests - clean up cd ${CURR_DIR} # beware of empty variables, careful with deletion rm -rf ${TMPDIR}/vpp-uut rm -rf ${TMPDIR}/misc-files rmdir ${TMPDIR}