# the directory to the strongSwan sources SWANDIR=${CURDIR}/../../../build-root/build-vpp-native/external/sswan # location of config.h CONFIGH=$(SWANDIR)/config.h # default install prefix: /usr/local or /usr PREFIX=/usr # location of the installed strongSwan libraries SWANLIBS=$(PREFIX)/lib/ipsec/ # location of the strongSwan plugins SWANPLUGINS=$(PREFIX)/lib/ipsec/plugins # location of the strongSwan archive SWANARCHIVE=${CURDIR}/../../../build/external/downloads # default install configuration files: PREFIX_SYS_CONF=/etc # target location of the plugin config snippet: $(PREFIX)/etc/strongswan.d/charon/ or /etc/strongswan.d/charon/ PLUGINCONF=$(PREFIX_SYS_CONF)/strongswan.d/charon/ # location of the VPP libraries VPPLIBS=$(CURDIR)/../../../build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu # the directory to the VPP sources VPPDIR=../../../build-root/install-vpp-native/vpp/include TARGET=libstrongswan-kernel-vpp.so # tested only with 5.9.5 and 5.9.6 version of strongSwan VERSION_SSWAN=5.9.6 CFLAGS=-O2 -g -Wall -Wextra -fpic CFLAGS_I=-include $(CONFIGH) \ -I$(SWANDIR)/src/libstrongswan \ -I$(SWANDIR)/src/libcharon LDFLAGS= -lvppinfra \ -lvlibmemoryclient \ -lvppapiclient \ -lsvm \ -lvlib VERSION_VPP=$(shell (dpkg -s vpp | grep Version) | grep -Po '(?<=Version: )\d\d.\d\d') # check if VPP is installed ifneq ($(shell test "$(shell ldconfig -p | grep vppinfra.so | awk 'NR==1{print $$1;}')" && echo "yes"), yes) # check if VPPDIR exists ifeq ($(shell test -d $(VPPDIR) && echo "yes"), yes) CFLAGS_I += -I$(VPPDIR) endif # check if VPPLIBS exists ifeq ($(shell test -d $(VPPLIBS) && echo "yes"), yes) LDFLAGS += -L$(VPPLIBS) LDFLAGS += -Wl,-rpath=$(VPPLIBS) endif endif SOURCES=$(wildcard *.c) OBJECTS=$(SOURCES:.c=.o) all: pull-swan $(TARGET) pull-swan: @if [ -d "${SWANDIR}" ]; then \ rm -rf ${SWANDIR} ; \ fi @if ! [ -f "${SWANARCHIVE}/strongswan-${VERSION_SSWAN}.tar.gz" ]; then \ curl -o ${SWANARCHIVE}/strongswan-${VERSION_SSWAN}.tar.gz -LO https://github.com/strongswan/strongswan/archive/${VERSION_SSWAN}.tar.gz; \ fi @if ! [ -d "${CURDIR}/../../../build-root/build-vpp-native/external/" ]; then \ mkdir ${CURDIR}/../../../build-root/build-vpp-native/external; \ fi tar -zxof ${SWANARCHIVE}/strongswan-${VERSION_SSWAN}.tar.gz -C ${CURDIR}/../../../build-root/build-vpp-native/external/ mv ${CURDIR}/../../../build-root/build-vpp-native/external/strongswan-${VERSION_SSWAN} ${SWANDIR} cd ${SWANDIR} && ./autogen.sh cd ${SWANDIR} && ./configure --prefix=${PREFIX} --sysconfdir=${PREFIX_SYS_CONF} --enable-libipsec --enable-systemd --enable-swanctl --disable-gmp --enable-openssl cd ${SWANDIR} && make -j$(nproc) # cd ${SWANDIR} && sudo make install # check if VPP is installed ifneq ($(shell test "$(shell ldconfig -p | grep vppinfra.so | awk 'NR==1{print $$1;}')" && echo "yes"), yes) $(info INFO: Not found installed VPP - checking if locally VPP exists) # check if VPPDIR exists ifneq ($(shell test -d $(VPPDIR) && echo "yes"), yes) $(error ERROR: Not found installed VPP and locally VPP - please install or build) else # check if VPPLIBS exists ifneq ($(shell test -d $(VPPLIBS) && echo "yes"), yes) $(error ERROR: directory $(VPPLIBS) - doesn't exists, please compile VPP before build this) else $(info INFO: Found locally VPP) endif endif else $(info INFO: Found installed VPP in version: $(VERSION_VPP)) endif $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS) gcc $(CFLAGS) -shared -DPIC $(OBJECTS) $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,-soname -Wl,$(TARGET) -o $@ cp $(TARGET) ${SWANDIR} %.o: %.c gcc $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_I) -c $< -o $@ $(LDFLAGS) install: cp $(TARGET) $(SWANPLUGINS)/$(TARGET) cp kernel-vpp.conf $(PLUGINCONF) clean: rm -f *.so *.o .PHONY: clean install all