/* *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- * cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exception_stages.c - cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exception node pipeline stage functions * * * Copyright (c) 2008-2014 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ #include <vlib/vlib.h> #include <vnet/vnet.h> #include <vppinfra/error.h> #include <vnet/buffer.h> #include "cnat_global.h" #include "cnat_db.h" #include "cnat_ipv4_udp.h" /* * Dump these counters via the "show error" CLI command */ #define foreach_cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_error \ _(CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_T_PKT, "v4 udp i2o transmit") \ _(CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_D_PKT, "v4 udp i2o drop") \ _(CNAT_V4_ICMP_G_I2O_T_PKT, "v4 udp i2o icmp msg gen") \ _(CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DC_PKT, "v4 udp i2o (no config) drop") \ _(CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DR_PKT, "v4 udp i2o (not in run state) drop") \ _(CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DD_PKT, "v4 udp i2o (no direct port) drop") \ _(CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DA_PKT, "v4 udp i2o (no any port) drop") \ _(CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DO_PKT, "v4 udp i2o (out of port limit) drop") \ _(CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DI_PKT, "v4 udp i2o (invalid packet) drop") \ _(CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DS_PKT, "v4 udp i2o (no sessoon db) drop") typedef enum { #define _(sym,str) sym, foreach_cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_error #undef _ CNAT_IPV4_UDP_INSIDE_INPUT_EXCEPTIONS_N_ERROR, } cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_error_t; static char * cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_error_strings[] = { #define _(sym,string) string, foreach_cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_error #undef _ }; typedef struct { u32 cached_next_index; /* $$$$ add data here */ /* convenience variables */ vlib_main_t * vlib_main; vnet_main_t * vnet_main; } cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_main_t; typedef enum { CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_T, CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_D, CNAT_V4_ICMP_G_I2O_T = CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_D, /* TOBE_PORTED */ CNAT_V4_UDP_INSIDE_INPUT_EXC_N_NEXT, } cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_next_t; cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_main_t cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_main; vlib_node_registration_t cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_node; #define NSTAGES 2 /* * Use the generic buffer metadata + first line of packet data prefetch * stage function from <api/pipeline.h>. This is usually a Good Idea. */ #define stage0 generic_stage0 static inline u32 last_stage (vlib_main_t *vm, vlib_node_runtime_t *node, u32 bi) { vlib_buffer_t *b0 = vlib_get_buffer (vm, bi); vlib_node_t *n = vlib_get_node (vm, cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_node.index); u32 node_counter_base_index = n->error_heap_index; vlib_error_main_t * em = &vm->error_main; cnat_gen_icmp_info info; cnat_db_key_bucket_t ki; spp_ctx_t *ctx __attribute__((unused)) = (spp_ctx_t *) &vnet_buffer(b0)->vcgn_uii; cnat_main_db_entry_t *db = NULL; ipv4_header *ip = (ipv4_header *)vlib_buffer_get_current(b0); u8 ipv4_hdr_len = (ip->version_hdr_len_words & 0xf) << 2; udp_hdr_type_t *udp = (udp_hdr_type_t *)((u8*)ip + ipv4_hdr_len); int disposition = CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_T; int counter = CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_T_PKT; cnat_key_t dest_info; PLATFORM_CNAT_SET_RX_VRF(vnet_buffer(b0)->sw_if_index[VLIB_RX], vnet_buffer(b0)->vcgn_uii.key.k.vrf, CNAT_UDP) vnet_buffer(b0)->vcgn_uii.key.k.ipv4 = clib_net_to_host_u32(ip->src_addr); PLATFORM_CNAT_SET_RX_VRF(vnet_buffer(b0)->sw_if_index[VLIB_RX], ki.k.k.vrf, CNAT_UDP) ki.k.k.ipv4 = clib_net_to_host_u32(ip->src_addr); /* MUST REVISIT: commentting frag check. Unconditional destination port * update. DONOT remove this #if 0 */ ki.k.k.port = clib_net_to_host_u16(udp->src_port); dest_info.k.port = clib_net_to_host_u16(udp->dest_port); #if 0 if(PREDICT_FALSE(ctx->ru.rx.frag)) { #ifdef TOBE_PORTED /* Must have routed through cnat_v4_frag_in2out node */ u16 *feature_data_ports = (u16 *)&ctx->feature_data[2]; ki.k.k.port = *feature_data_ports; feature_data_ports++; dest_info.k.port = *feature_data_ports; #endif } else { ki.k.k.port = clib_net_to_host_u16(udp->src_port); dest_info.k.port = clib_net_to_host_u16(udp->dest_port); } #endif /* if 0 */ dest_info.k.ipv4 = clib_net_to_host_u32(ip->dest_addr); PLATFORM_CNAT_SET_RX_VRF(vnet_buffer(b0)->sw_if_index[VLIB_RX], dest_info.k.vrf, CNAT_UDP) if (PREDICT_TRUE(ki.k.k.port)) { if (ki.k.k.port & 0x1) { db = cnat_get_main_db_entry_v2(&ki, PORT_S_ODD, PORT_TYPE_DYNAMIC, &info, &dest_info); } else { db = cnat_get_main_db_entry_v2(&ki, PORT_S_EVEN, PORT_TYPE_DYNAMIC, &info, &dest_info); } } else { /* * No UDP port value of 0 - drop it */ db = NULL; info.error = CNAT_ERR_BAD_TCP_UDP_PORT; } if (PREDICT_TRUE((u64)db)) { if (PLATFORM_HANDLE_TTL_DECREMENT) { /* * Decrement TTL and update IPv4 checksum */ ipv4_decr_ttl_n_calc_csum(ip); } /* * step 6 do nat before fwd pkt */ swap_ip_src_udp_port(ip, udp, db); /* * update db for this pkt */ CNAT_DB_UPDATE_IN2OUT_TIMER /* Check timeout db if there is config for this */ (void) query_and_update_db_timeout((void *)db, MAIN_DB_TYPE); /* Temporarily keeping it commented */ //PLATFORM_CNAT_SET_TX_VRF(vnet_buffer(b0)->sw_if_index[VLIB_TX], // db->out2in_key.k.vrf) in2out_forwarding_count++; } else { switch (info.error) { case (CNAT_NO_VRF_RUN): em->counters[node_counter_base_index + CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DR_PKT] += 1; break; case (CNAT_OUT_LIMIT): em->counters[node_counter_base_index + CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DO_PKT] += 1; break; case (CNAT_NO_PORT_ANY): case (CNAT_NO_POOL_ANY): case (CNAT_BAD_INUSE_ANY): case (CNAT_NOT_FOUND_ANY): em->counters[node_counter_base_index + CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DA_PKT] += 1; break; case (CNAT_INV_PORT_DIRECT): case (CNAT_DEL_PORT_DIRECT): case (CNAT_BAD_INUSE_DIRECT): case (CNAT_NOT_FOUND_DIRECT): em->counters[node_counter_base_index + CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DD_PKT] += 1; break; case (CNAT_ERR_BAD_TCP_UDP_PORT): em->counters[node_counter_base_index + CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DI_PKT] += 1; break; case (CNAT_ERR_NO_SESSION_DB): em->counters[node_counter_base_index + CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DS_PKT] += 1; break; default: em->counters[node_counter_base_index + CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_DC_PKT] += 1; break; } /* * send to icmp msg generate node */ if (info.gen_icmp_msg == CNAT_ICMP_MSG) { #ifdef TOBE_PORTED u32 *fd = (u32*)ctx->feature_data; fd[0] = info.svi_addr; fd[1] = CNAT_ICMP_DEST_UNREACHABLE; #endif disposition = CNAT_V4_ICMP_G_I2O_T; counter = CNAT_V4_ICMP_G_I2O_T_PKT; } else { disposition = CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_D; counter = CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_D_PKT; } DEBUG_I2O_DROP(CNAT_DEBUG_DROP_UDP) } em->counters[node_counter_base_index + counter] += 1; return disposition; } #include <vnet/pipeline.h> static uword cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_node_fn (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame) { return dispatch_pipeline (vm, node, frame); } VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_node) = { .function = cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_node_fn, .name = "vcgn-v4-udp-i2o-e", .vector_size = sizeof (u32), .type = VLIB_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL, .n_errors = ARRAY_LEN(cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_error_strings), .error_strings = cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_error_strings, .n_next_nodes = CNAT_V4_UDP_INSIDE_INPUT_EXC_N_NEXT, /* edit / add dispositions here */ .next_nodes = { [CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_T] = "ip4-input", [CNAT_V4_UDP_I2O_D] = "error-drop", }, }; clib_error_t *cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_init (vlib_main_t *vm) { cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_main_t * mp = &cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_main; mp->vlib_main = vm; mp->vnet_main = vnet_get_main(); return 0; } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (cnat_ipv4_udp_inside_input_exc_init);