/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #ifndef SRC_PLUGINS_HTTP_HTTP_H_ #define SRC_PLUGINS_HTTP_HTTP_H_ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define HTTP_DEBUG 0 #if HTTP_DEBUG #define HTTP_DBG(_lvl, _fmt, _args...) \ if (_lvl <= HTTP_DEBUG) \ clib_warning (_fmt, ##_args) #else #define HTTP_DBG(_lvl, _fmt, _args...) #endif typedef struct http_conn_id_ { union { session_handle_t app_session_handle; u32 parent_app_api_ctx; }; session_handle_t tc_session_handle; u32 parent_app_wrk_index; } http_conn_id_t; STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (http_conn_id_t) <= TRANSPORT_CONN_ID_LEN, "ctx id must be less than TRANSPORT_CONN_ID_LEN"); typedef struct { char *base; uword len; } http_token_t; #define http_token_lit(s) (s), sizeof (s) - 1 typedef enum http_conn_state_ { HTTP_CONN_STATE_LISTEN, HTTP_CONN_STATE_CONNECTING, HTTP_CONN_STATE_ESTABLISHED, HTTP_CONN_STATE_TRANSPORT_CLOSED, HTTP_CONN_STATE_APP_CLOSED, HTTP_CONN_STATE_CLOSED } http_conn_state_t; typedef enum http_state_ { HTTP_STATE_IDLE = 0, HTTP_STATE_WAIT_APP_METHOD, HTTP_STATE_WAIT_CLIENT_METHOD, HTTP_STATE_WAIT_SERVER_REPLY, HTTP_STATE_WAIT_APP_REPLY, HTTP_STATE_CLIENT_IO_MORE_DATA, HTTP_STATE_APP_IO_MORE_DATA, HTTP_N_STATES, } http_state_t; typedef enum http_req_method_ { HTTP_REQ_GET = 0, HTTP_REQ_POST, } http_req_method_t; typedef enum http_msg_type_ { HTTP_MSG_REQUEST, HTTP_MSG_REPLY } http_msg_type_t; typedef enum http_target_form_ { HTTP_TARGET_ORIGIN_FORM, HTTP_TARGET_ABSOLUTE_FORM, HTTP_TARGET_AUTHORITY_FORM, HTTP_TARGET_ASTERISK_FORM } http_target_form_t; #define foreach_http_content_type \ _ (APP_7Z, ".7z", "application/x-7z-compressed") \ _ (APP_DOC, ".doc", "application/msword") \ _ (APP_DOCX, ".docx", \ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-" \ "officedocument.wordprocessingml.document") \ _ (APP_EPUB, ".epub", "application/epub+zip") \ _ (APP_FONT, ".eot", "application/vnd.ms-fontobject") \ _ (APP_JAR, ".jar", "application/java-archive") \ _ (APP_JSON, ".json", "application/json") \ _ (APP_JSON_LD, ".jsonld", "application/ld+json") \ _ (APP_MPKG, ".mpkg", "application/vnd.apple.installer+xml") \ _ (APP_ODP, ".odp", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.presentation") \ _ (APP_ODS, ".ods", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet") \ _ (APP_ODT, ".odt", "application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text") \ _ (APP_OGX, ".ogx", "application/ogg") \ _ (APP_PDF, ".pdf", "application/pdf") \ _ (APP_PHP, ".php", "application/x-httpd-php") \ _ (APP_PPT, ".ppt", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint") \ _ (APP_PPTX, ".pptx", "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint") \ _ (APP_RAR, ".rar", "application/vnd.rar") \ _ (APP_RTF, ".rtf", "application/rtf") \ _ (APP_SH, ".sh", "application/x-sh") \ _ (APP_TAR, ".tar", "application/x-tar") \ _ (APP_VSD, ".vsd", "application/vnd.visio") \ _ (APP_XHTML, ".xhtml", "application/xhtml+xml") \ _ (APP_XLS, ".xls", "application/vnd.ms-excel") \ _ (APP_XML, ".xml", "application/xml") \ _ (APP_XSLX, ".xlsx", \ "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet") \ _ (APP_XUL, ".xul", "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml") \ _ (APP_X_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED, ".invalid", \ "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") \ _ (APP_ZIP, ".zip", "application/zip") \ _ (AUDIO_AAC, ".aac", "audio/aac") \ _ (AUDIO_CD, ".cda", "application/x-cdf") \ _ (AUDIO_WAV, ".wav", "audio/wav") \ _ (AUDIO_WEBA, ".weba", "audio/webm") \ _ (AUDO_MIDI, ".midi", "audio/midi") \ _ (AUDO_MID, ".mid", "audo/midi") \ _ (AUDO_MP3, ".mp3", "audio/mpeg") \ _ (AUDO_OGA, ".oga", "audio/ogg") \ _ (AUDO_OPUS, ".opus", "audio/opus") \ _ (APP_OCTET_STREAM, ".bin", "application/octet-stream") \ _ (BZIP2, ".bz2", "application/x-bzip2") \ _ (BZIP, ".bz", "application/x-bzip") \ _ (FONT_OTF, ".otf", "font/otf") \ _ (FONT_TTF, ".ttf", "font/ttf") \ _ (FONT_WOFF2, ".woff2", "font/woff2") \ _ (FONT_WOFF, ".woff", "font/woff") \ _ (GZIP, ".gz", "application/gzip") \ _ (IMAGE_AVIF, ".avif", "image/avif") \ _ (IMAGE_BMP, ".bmp", "image/bmp") \ _ (IMAGE_GIF, ".gif", "image/gif") \ _ (IMAGE_ICON, ".ico", "image/vnd.microsoft.icon") \ _ (IMAGE_JPEG, ".jpeg", "image/jpeg") \ _ (IMAGE_JPG, ".jpg", "image/jpeg") \ _ (IMAGE_PNG, ".png", "image/png") \ _ (IMAGE_SVG, ".svg", "image/svg+xml") \ _ (IMAGE_TIFF, ".tiff", "image/tiff") \ _ (IMAGE_TIF, ".tif", "image/tiff") \ _ (IMAGE_WEBP, ".webp", "image/webp") \ _ (SCRIPT_CSH, ".csh", "application/x-csh") \ _ (TEXT_ABIWORD, ".abw", "application/x-abiword") \ _ (TEXT_ARCHIVE, ".arc", "application/x-freearc") \ _ (TEXT_AZW, ".azw", "application/vnd.amazon.ebook") \ _ (TEXT_CALENDAR, ".ics", "text/calendar") \ _ (TEXT_CSS, ".css", "text/css") \ _ (TEXT_CSV, ".csv", "text/csv") \ _ (TEXT_HTM, ".htm", "text/html") \ _ (TEXT_HTML, ".html", "text/html") \ _ (TEXT_JS, ".js", "text/javascript") \ _ (TEXT_MJS, ".mjs", "text/javascript") \ _ (TEXT_PLAIN, ".txt", "text/plain") \ _ (VIDEO_3GP2, ".3g2", "video/3gpp2") \ _ (VIDEO_3GP, ".3gp", "video/3gpp") \ _ (VIDEO_AVI, ".avi", "video/x-msvideo") \ _ (VIDEO_MP4, ".mp4", "video/mp4") \ _ (VIDEO_MPEG, ".mpeg", "video/mpeg") \ _ (VIDEO_OGG, ".ogv", "video/ogg") \ _ (VIDEO_TS, ".ts", "video/mp2t") \ _ (VIDEO_WEBM, ".webm", "video/webm") typedef enum http_content_type_ { #define _(s, ext, str) HTTP_CONTENT_##s, foreach_http_content_type #undef _ } http_content_type_t; #define foreach_http_status_code \ _ (100, CONTINUE, "100 Continue") \ _ (101, SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS, "101 Switching Protocols") \ _ (200, OK, "200 OK") \ _ (201, CREATED, "201 Created") \ _ (202, ACCEPTED, "202 Accepted") \ _ (203, NON_UTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION, "203 Non-Authoritative Information") \ _ (204, NO_CONTENT, "204 No Content") \ _ (205, RESET_CONTENT, "205 Reset Content") \ _ (206, PARTIAL_CONTENT, "206 Partial Content") \ _ (300, MULTIPLE_CHOICES, "300 Multiple Choices") \ _ (301, MOVED, "301 Moved Permanently") \ _ (302, FOUND, "302 Found") \ _ (303, SEE_OTHER, "303 See Other") \ _ (304, NOT_MODIFIED, "304 Not Modified") \ _ (305, USE_PROXY, "305 Use Proxy") \ _ (307, TEMPORARY_REDIRECT, "307 Temporary Redirect") \ _ (308, PERMANENT_REDIRECT, "308 Permanent Redirect") \ _ (400, BAD_REQUEST, "400 Bad Request") \ _ (401, UNAUTHORIZED, "401 Unauthorized") \ _ (402, PAYMENT_REQUIRED, "402 Payment Required") \ _ (403, FORBIDDEN, "403 Forbidden") \ _ (404, NOT_FOUND, "404 Not Found") \ _ (405, METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, "405 Method Not Allowed") \ _ (406, NOT_ACCEPTABLE, "406 Not Acceptable") \ _ (407, PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED, "407 Proxy Authentication Required") \ _ (408, REQUEST_TIMEOUT, "408 Request Timeout") \ _ (409, CONFLICT, "409 Conflict") \ _ (410, GONE, "410 Gone") \ _ (411, LENGTH_REQUIRED, "411 Length Required") \ _ (412, PRECONDITION_FAILED, "412 Precondition Failed") \ _ (413, CONTENT_TOO_LARGE, "413 Content Too Large") \ _ (414, URI_TOO_LONG, "414 URI Too Long") \ _ (415, UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE, "415 Unsupported Media Type") \ _ (416, RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE, "416 Range Not Satisfiable") \ _ (417, EXPECTATION_FAILED, "417 Expectation Failed") \ _ (421, MISDIRECTED_REQUEST, "421 Misdirected Request") \ _ (422, UNPROCESSABLE_CONTENT, "422 Unprocessable_Content") \ _ (426, UPGRADE_REQUIRED, "426 Upgrade Required") \ _ (500, INTERNAL_ERROR, "500 Internal Server Error") \ _ (501, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, "501 Not Implemented") \ _ (502, BAD_GATEWAY, "502 Bad Gateway") \ _ (503, SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "503 Service Unavailable") \ _ (504, GATEWAY_TIMEOUT, "504 Gateway Timeout") \ _ (505, HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED, "505 HTTP Version Not Supported") typedef enum http_status_code_ { #define _(c, s, str) HTTP_STATUS_##s, foreach_http_status_code #undef _ HTTP_N_STATUS } http_status_code_t; #define foreach_http_header_name \ _ (ACCEPT, "Accept") \ _ (ACCEPT_CHARSET, "Accept-Charset") \ _ (ACCEPT_ENCODING, "Accept-Encoding") \ _ (ACCEPT_LANGUAGE, "Accept-Language") \ _ (ACCEPT_RANGES, "Accept-Ranges") \ _ (ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_CREDENTIALS, "Access-Control-Allow-Credentials") \ _ (ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_HEADERS, "Access-Control-Allow-Headers") \ _ (ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_METHODS, "Access-Control-Allow-Methods") \ _ (ACCESS_CONTROL_ALLOW_ORIGIN, "Access-Control-Allow-Origin") \ _ (ACCESS_CONTROL_EXPOSE_HEADERS, "Access-Control-Expose-Headers") \ _ (ACCESS_CONTROL_MAX_AGE, "Access-Control-Max-Age") \ _ (ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_HEADERS, "Access-Control-Request-Headers") \ _ (ACCESS_CONTROL_REQUEST_METHOD, "Access-Control-Request-Method") \ _ (AGE, "Age") \ _ (ALLOW, "Allow") \ _ (ALPN, "ALPN") \ _ (ALT_SVC, "Alt-Svc") \ _ (ALT_USED, "Alt-Used") \ _ (ALTERNATES, "Alternates") \ _ (AUTHENTICATION_CONTROL, "Authentication-Control") \ _ (AUTHENTICATION_INFO, "Authentication-Info") \ _ (AUTHORIZATION, "Authorization") \ _ (CACHE_CONTROL, "Cache-Control") \ _ (CACHE_STATUS, "Cache-Status") \ _ (CAPSULE_PROTOCOL, "Capsule-Protocol") \ _ (CDN_CACHE_CONTROL, "CDN-Cache-Control") \ _ (CDN_LOOP, "CDN-Loop") \ _ (CLIENT_CERT, "Client-Cert") \ _ (CLIENT_CERT_CHAIN, "Client-Cert-Chain") \ _ (CLOSE, "Close") \ _ (CONNECTION, "Connection") \ _ (CONTENT_DIGEST, "Content-Digest") \ _ (CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "Content-Disposition") \ _ (CONTENT_ENCODING, "Content-Encoding") \ _ (CONTENT_LANGUAGE, "Content-Language") \ _ (CONTENT_LENGTH, "Content-Length") \ _ (CONTENT_LOCATION, "Content-Location") \ _ (CONTENT_RANGE, "Content-Range") \ _ (CONTENT_TYPE, "Content-Type") \ _ (COOKIE, "Cookie") \ _ (DATE, "Date") \ _ (DIGEST, "Digest") \ _ (DPOP, "DPoP") \ _ (DPOP_NONCE, "DPoP-Nonce") \ _ (EARLY_DATA, "Early-Data") \ _ (ETAG, "ETag") \ _ (EXPECT, "Expect") \ _ (EXPIRES, "Expires") \ _ (FORWARDED, "Forwarded") \ _ (FROM, "From") \ _ (HOST, "Host") \ _ (IF_MATCH, "If-Match") \ _ (IF_MODIFIED_SINCE, "If-Modified-Since") \ _ (IF_NONE_MATCH, "If-None-Match") \ _ (IF_RANGE, "If-Range") \ _ (IF_UNMODIFIED_SINCE, "If-Unmodified-Since") \ _ (KEEP_ALIVE, "Keep-Alive") \ _ (LAST_MODIFIED, "Last-Modified") \ _ (LINK, "Link") \ _ (LOCATION, "Location") \ _ (MAX_FORWARDS, "Max-Forwards") \ _ (ORIGIN, "Origin") \ _ (PRIORITY, "Priority") \ _ (PROXY_AUTHENTICATE, "Proxy-Authenticate") \ _ (PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_INFO, "Proxy-Authentication-Info") \ _ (PROXY_AUTHORIZATION, "Proxy-Authorization") \ _ (PROXY_STATUS, "Proxy-Status") \ _ (RANGE, "Range") \ _ (REFERER, "Referer") \ _ (REPR_DIGEST, "Repr-Digest") \ _ (SET_COOKIE, "Set-Cookie") \ _ (SIGNATURE, "Signature") \ _ (SIGNATURE_INPUT, "Signature-Input") \ _ (STRICT_TRANSPORT_SECURITY, "Strict-Transport-Security") \ _ (RETRY_AFTER, "Retry-After") \ _ (SERVER, "Server") \ _ (TE, "TE") \ _ (TRAILER, "Trailer") \ _ (TRANSFER_ENCODING, "Transfer-Encoding") \ _ (UPGRADE, "Upgrade") \ _ (USER_AGENT, "User-Agent") \ _ (VARY, "Vary") \ _ (VIA, "Via") \ _ (WANT_CONTENT_DIGEST, "Want-Content-Digest") \ _ (WANT_REPR_DIGEST, "Want-Repr-Digest") \ _ (WWW_AUTHENTICATE, "WWW-Authenticate") typedef enum http_header_name_ { #define _(sym, str) HTTP_HEADER_##sym, foreach_http_header_name #undef _ } http_header_name_t; typedef enum http_msg_data_type_ { HTTP_MSG_DATA_INLINE, HTTP_MSG_DATA_PTR } http_msg_data_type_t; typedef struct http_msg_data_ { http_msg_data_type_t type; u64 len; http_target_form_t target_form; u32 target_path_offset; u32 target_path_len; u32 target_query_offset; u32 target_query_len; u32 headers_offset; u32 headers_len; u32 body_offset; u64 body_len; u8 data[0]; } http_msg_data_t; typedef struct http_msg_ { http_msg_type_t type; union { http_req_method_t method_type; http_status_code_t code; }; http_msg_data_t data; } http_msg_t; typedef struct http_tc_ { union { transport_connection_t connection; http_conn_id_t c_http_conn_id; }; #define h_tc_session_handle c_http_conn_id.tc_session_handle #define h_pa_wrk_index c_http_conn_id.parent_app_wrk_index #define h_pa_session_handle c_http_conn_id.app_session_handle #define h_pa_app_api_ctx c_http_conn_id.parent_app_api_ctx #define h_hc_index connection.c_index http_conn_state_t state; u32 timer_handle; u8 *app_name; u8 *host; u8 is_server; /* * Current request */ http_state_t http_state; http_req_method_t method; u8 *rx_buf; u32 rx_buf_offset; http_buffer_t tx_buf; u64 to_recv; u32 bytes_dequeued; u32 control_data_len; /* start line + headers + empty line */ http_target_form_t target_form; u32 target_path_offset; u32 target_path_len; u32 target_query_offset; u32 target_query_len; u32 headers_offset; u32 headers_len; u32 body_offset; u64 body_len; u16 status_code; } http_conn_t; typedef struct http_worker_ { http_conn_t *conn_pool; } http_worker_t; typedef struct http_main_ { http_worker_t *wrk; http_conn_t *listener_pool; http_conn_t *ho_conn_pool; u32 app_index; clib_timebase_t timebase; u16 *sc_by_u16; /* * Runtime config */ u8 debug_level; u8 is_init; /* * Config */ u64 first_seg_size; u64 add_seg_size; u32 fifo_size; } http_main_t; always_inline int _validate_target_syntax (u8 *target, int is_query, int *is_encoded) { int i, encoded = 0; static uword valid_chars[4] = { /* !$&'()*+,-./0123456789:;= */ 0x2fffffd200000000, /* @ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz~ */ 0x47fffffe87ffffff, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, }; for (i = 0; i < vec_len (target); i++) { if (clib_bitmap_get_no_check (valid_chars, target[i])) continue; /* target was already split after first question mark, * for query it is valid character */ if (is_query && target[i] == '?') continue; /* pct-encoded = "%" HEXDIG HEXDIG */ if (target[i] == '%') { if ((i + 2) > vec_len (target)) return -1; if (!isxdigit (target[i + 1]) || !isxdigit (target[i + 2])) return -1; i += 2; encoded = 1; continue; } clib_warning ("invalid character %d", target[i]); return -1; } if (is_encoded) *is_encoded = encoded; return 0; } /** * An "absolute-path" rule validation (RFC9110 section 4.1). * * @param path Target path to validate. * @param is_encoded Return flag that indicates if percent-encoded (optional). * * @return @c 0 on success. */ always_inline int http_validate_abs_path_syntax (u8 *path, int *is_encoded) { return _validate_target_syntax (path, 0, is_encoded); } /** * A "query" rule validation (RFC3986 section 2.1). * * @param query Target query to validate. * @param is_encoded Return flag that indicates if percent-encoded (optional). * * @return @c 0 on success. */ always_inline int http_validate_query_syntax (u8 *query, int *is_encoded) { return _validate_target_syntax (query, 1, is_encoded); } #define htoi(x) (isdigit (x) ? (x - '0') : (tolower (x) - 'a' + 10)) /** * Decode percent-encoded data. * * @param src Data to decode. * * @return New vector with decoded data. * * The caller is always responsible to free the returned vector. */ always_inline u8 * http_percent_decode (u8 *src) { int i; u8 *decoded_uri = 0; for (i = 0; i < vec_len (src); i++) { if (src[i] == '%') { u8 c = (htoi (src[i + 1]) << 4) | htoi (src[i + 2]); vec_add1 (decoded_uri, c); i += 2; } else vec_add1 (decoded_uri, src[i]); } return decoded_uri; } /** * Remove dot segments from path (RFC3986 section 5.2.4) * * @param path Path to sanitize. * * @return New vector with sanitized path. * * The caller is always responsible to free the returned vector. */ always_inline u8 * http_path_remove_dot_segments (u8 *path) { u32 *segments = 0, *segments_len = 0, segment_len; u8 *new_path = 0; int i, ii; if (!path) return vec_new (u8, 0); segments = vec_new (u32, 1); /* first segment */ segments[0] = 0; /* find all segments */ for (i = 1; i < (vec_len (path) - 1); i++) { if (path[i] == '/') vec_add1 (segments, i + 1); } /* dummy tail */ vec_add1 (segments, vec_len (path)); /* scan all segments for "." and ".." */ segments_len = vec_new (u32, vec_len (segments) - 1); for (i = 0; i < vec_len (segments_len); i++) { segment_len = segments[i + 1] - segments[i]; if (segment_len == 2 && path[segments[i]] == '.') segment_len = 0; else if (segment_len == 3 && path[segments[i]] == '.' && path[segments[i] + 1] == '.') { segment_len = 0; /* remove parent (if any) */ for (ii = i - 1; ii >= 0; ii--) { if (segments_len[ii]) { segments_len[ii] = 0; break; } } } segments_len[i] = segment_len; } /* we might end with empty path, so return at least empty vector */ new_path = vec_new (u8, 0); /* append all valid segments */ for (i = 0; i < vec_len (segments_len); i++) { if (segments_len[i]) vec_add (new_path, path + segments[i], segments_len[i]); } vec_free (segments); vec_free (segments_len); return new_path; } always_inline int _parse_field_name (u8 **pos, u8 *end, u8 **field_name_start, u32 *field_name_len) { u32 name_len = 0; u8 *p; static uword tchar[4] = { /* !#$%'*+-.0123456789 */ 0x03ff6cba00000000, /* ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz|~ */ 0x57ffffffc7fffffe, 0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000, }; p = *pos; *field_name_start = p; while (p != end) { if (clib_bitmap_get_no_check (tchar, *p)) { name_len++; p++; } else if (*p == ':') { if (name_len == 0) { clib_warning ("empty field name"); return -1; } *field_name_len = name_len; p++; *pos = p; return 0; } else { clib_warning ("invalid character %d", *p); return -1; } } clib_warning ("field name end not found"); return -1; } always_inline int _parse_field_value (u8 **pos, u8 *end, u8 **field_value_start, u32 *field_value_len) { u32 value_len = 0; u8 *p; p = *pos; /* skip leading whitespace */ while (1) { if (p == end) { clib_warning ("field value not found"); return -1; } else if (*p != ' ' && *p != '\t') { break; } p++; } *field_value_start = p; while (p != end) { if (*p == '\r') { if ((end - p) < 1) { clib_warning ("incorrect field line end"); return -1; } p++; if (*p == '\n') { if (value_len == 0) { clib_warning ("empty field value"); return -1; } p++; *pos = p; /* skip trailing whitespace */ p = *field_value_start + value_len - 1; while (*p == ' ' || *p == '\t') { p--; value_len--; } *field_value_len = value_len; return 0; } clib_warning ("CR without LF"); return -1; } if (*p < ' ' && *p != '\t') { clib_warning ("invalid character %d", *p); return -1; } p++; value_len++; } clib_warning ("field value end not found"); return -1; } typedef struct { u8 *name; u8 *value; } http_header_ht_t; typedef struct { http_token_t name; http_token_t value; } http_header_t; typedef struct { http_header_ht_t *headers; uword *value_by_name; } http_header_table_t; /** * Free header table's memory. * * @param ht Header table to free. */ always_inline void http_free_header_table (http_header_table_t *ht) { http_header_ht_t *header; vec_foreach (header, ht->headers) { vec_free (header->name); vec_free (header->value); } vec_free (ht->headers); hash_free (ht->value_by_name); clib_mem_free (ht); } /** * Parse headers in given vector. * * @param headers Vector to parse. * @param [out] header_table Parsed headers in case of success. * * @return @c 0 on success. * * The caller is responsible to free the returned @c header_table * using @c http_free_header_table . */ always_inline int http_parse_headers (u8 *headers, http_header_table_t **header_table) { u8 *pos, *end, *name_start, *value_start, *name; u32 name_len, value_len; int rv; http_header_ht_t *header; http_header_table_t *ht; uword *p; end = headers + vec_len (headers); pos = headers; ht = clib_mem_alloc (sizeof (*ht)); ht->value_by_name = hash_create_string (0, sizeof (uword)); ht->headers = 0; do { rv = _parse_field_name (&pos, end, &name_start, &name_len); if (rv != 0) { http_free_header_table (ht); return rv; } rv = _parse_field_value (&pos, end, &value_start, &value_len); if (rv != 0) { http_free_header_table (ht); return rv; } name = vec_new (u8, name_len); clib_memcpy (name, name_start, name_len); vec_terminate_c_string (name); /* check if header is repeated */ p = hash_get_mem (ht->value_by_name, name); if (p) { /* if yes combine values */ header = vec_elt_at_index (ht->headers, p[0]); vec_pop (header->value); /* drop null byte */ header->value = format (header->value, ", %U%c", format_ascii_bytes, value_start, value_len, 0); vec_free (name); continue; } /* or create new record */ vec_add2 (ht->headers, header, sizeof (*header)); header->name = name; header->value = vec_new (u8, value_len); clib_memcpy (header->value, value_start, value_len); vec_terminate_c_string (header->value); hash_set_mem (ht->value_by_name, header->name, header - ht->headers); } while (pos != end); *header_table = ht; return 0; } /** * Try to find given header name in header table. * * @param header_table Header table to search. * @param name Header name to match. * * @return Header's value in case of success, @c 0 otherwise. */ always_inline const char * http_get_header (http_header_table_t *header_table, const char *name) { uword *p; http_header_ht_t *header; p = hash_get_mem (header_table->value_by_name, name); if (p) { header = vec_elt_at_index (header_table->headers, p[0]); return (const char *) header->value; } return 0; } /** * Add header to the list. * * @param headers Header list. * @param name Pointer to header's name buffer. * @param name_len Length of the name. * @param value Pointer to header's value buffer. * @param value_len Length of the value. * * @note Headers added at protocol layer: Date, Server, Content-Length */ always_inline void http_add_header (http_header_t **headers, const char *name, uword name_len, const char *value, uword value_len) { http_header_t *header; vec_add2 (*headers, header, 1); header->name.base = (char *) name; header->name.len = name_len; header->value.base = (char *) value; header->value.len = value_len; } /** * Serialize the header list. * * @param headers Header list to serialize. * * @return New vector with serialized headers. * * The caller is always responsible to free the returned vector. */ always_inline u8 * http_serialize_headers (http_header_t *headers) { u8 *headers_buf = 0, *dst; u32 headers_buf_len = 2; http_header_t *header; vec_foreach (header, headers) headers_buf_len += header->name.len + header->value.len + 4; vec_validate (headers_buf, headers_buf_len - 1); dst = headers_buf; vec_foreach (header, headers) { clib_memcpy (dst, header->name.base, header->name.len); dst += header->name.len; *dst++ = ':'; *dst++ = ' '; clib_memcpy (dst, header->value.base, header->value.len); dst += header->value.len; *dst++ = '\r'; *dst++ = '\n'; } *dst++ = '\r'; *dst = '\n'; return headers_buf; } typedef struct { ip46_address_t ip; u16 port; u8 is_ip4; } http_uri_t; always_inline int http_parse_authority_form_target (u8 *target, http_uri_t *authority) { unformat_input_t input; u32 port; int rv = 0; unformat_init_vector (&input, vec_dup (target)); if (unformat (&input, "[%U]:%d", unformat_ip6_address, &authority->ip.ip6, &port)) { authority->port = clib_host_to_net_u16 (port); authority->is_ip4 = 0; } else if (unformat (&input, "%U:%d", unformat_ip4_address, &authority->ip.ip4, &port)) { authority->port = clib_host_to_net_u16 (port); authority->is_ip4 = 1; } /* TODO reg-name resolution */ else { clib_warning ("unsupported format '%v'", target); rv = -1; } unformat_free (&input); return rv; } always_inline u8 * http_serialize_authority_form_target (http_uri_t *authority) { u8 *s; if (authority->is_ip4) s = format (0, "%U:%d", format_ip4_address, &authority->ip.ip4, clib_net_to_host_u16 (authority->port)); else s = format (0, "[%U]:%d", format_ip6_address, &authority->ip.ip6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (authority->port)); return s; } #endif /* SRC_PLUGINS_HTTP_HTTP_H_ */ /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */