/* * Copyright (c) 2022 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <http_static/http_cache.h> #include <vppinfra/bihash_template.c> #include <vppinfra/unix.h> #include <vlib/vlib.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <vppinfra/time_range.h> static void hss_cache_lock (hss_cache_t *hc) { clib_spinlock_lock (&hc->cache_lock); } static void hss_cache_unlock (hss_cache_t *hc) { clib_spinlock_unlock (&hc->cache_lock); } /** \brief Sanity-check the forward and reverse LRU lists */ static inline void lru_validate (hss_cache_t *hc) { #if CLIB_DEBUG > 0 f64 last_timestamp; u32 index; int i; hss_cache_entry_t *ce; last_timestamp = 1e70; for (i = 1, index = hc->first_index; index != ~0;) { ce = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, index); /* Timestamps should be smaller (older) as we walk the fwd list */ if (ce->last_used > last_timestamp) { clib_warning ("%d[%d]: last used %.6f, last_timestamp %.6f", index, i, ce->last_used, last_timestamp); } index = ce->next_index; last_timestamp = ce->last_used; i++; } last_timestamp = 0.0; for (i = 1, index = hc->last_index; index != ~0;) { ce = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, index); /* Timestamps should be larger (newer) as we walk the rev list */ if (ce->last_used < last_timestamp) { clib_warning ("%d[%d]: last used %.6f, last_timestamp %.6f", index, i, ce->last_used, last_timestamp); } index = ce->prev_index; last_timestamp = ce->last_used; i++; } #endif } /** \brief Remove a data cache entry from the LRU lists */ static inline void lru_remove (hss_cache_t *hc, hss_cache_entry_t *ce) { hss_cache_entry_t *next_ep, *prev_ep; u32 ce_index; lru_validate (hc); ce_index = ce - hc->cache_pool; /* Deal with list heads */ if (ce_index == hc->first_index) hc->first_index = ce->next_index; if (ce_index == hc->last_index) hc->last_index = ce->prev_index; /* Fix next->prev */ if (ce->next_index != ~0) { next_ep = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, ce->next_index); next_ep->prev_index = ce->prev_index; } /* Fix prev->next */ if (ce->prev_index != ~0) { prev_ep = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, ce->prev_index); prev_ep->next_index = ce->next_index; } lru_validate (hc); } /** \brief Add an entry to the LRU lists, tag w/ supplied timestamp */ static inline void lru_add (hss_cache_t *hc, hss_cache_entry_t *ce, f64 now) { hss_cache_entry_t *next_ce; u32 ce_index; lru_validate (hc); ce_index = ce - hc->cache_pool; /* * Re-add at the head of the forward LRU list, * tail of the reverse LRU list */ if (hc->first_index != ~0) { next_ce = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, hc->first_index); next_ce->prev_index = ce_index; } ce->prev_index = ~0; /* ep now the new head of the LRU forward list */ ce->next_index = hc->first_index; hc->first_index = ce_index; /* single session case: also the tail of the reverse LRU list */ if (hc->last_index == ~0) hc->last_index = ce_index; ce->last_used = now; lru_validate (hc); } /** \brief Remove and re-add a cache entry from/to the LRU lists */ static inline void lru_update (hss_cache_t *hc, hss_cache_entry_t *ep, f64 now) { lru_remove (hc, ep); lru_add (hc, ep, now); } static void hss_cache_attach_entry (hss_cache_t *hc, u32 ce_index, u8 **data, u64 *data_len, u8 **last_modified) { hss_cache_entry_t *ce; /* Expect ce_index to be validated outside */ ce = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, ce_index); ce->inuse++; *data = ce->data; *data_len = vec_len (ce->data); *last_modified = ce->last_modified; /* Update the cache entry, mark it in-use */ lru_update (hc, ce, vlib_time_now (vlib_get_main ())); if (hc->debug_level > 1) clib_warning ("index %d refcnt now %d", ce_index, ce->inuse); } /** \brief Detach cache entry from session */ void hss_cache_detach_entry (hss_cache_t *hc, u32 ce_index) { hss_cache_entry_t *ce; hss_cache_lock (hc); ce = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, ce_index); ce->inuse--; if (hc->debug_level > 1) clib_warning ("index %d refcnt now %d", ce_index, ce->inuse); hss_cache_unlock (hc); } static u32 hss_cache_lookup (hss_cache_t *hc, u8 *path) { BVT (clib_bihash_kv) kv; int rv; kv.key = (u64) path; kv.value = ~0; /* Value updated only if lookup succeeds */ rv = BV (clib_bihash_search) (&hc->name_to_data, &kv, &kv); ASSERT (!rv || kv.value == ~0); if (hc->debug_level > 1) clib_warning ("lookup '%s' %s", kv.key, kv.value == ~0 ? "fail" : "found"); return kv.value; } u32 hss_cache_lookup_and_attach (hss_cache_t *hc, u8 *path, u8 **data, u64 *data_len, u8 **last_modified) { u32 ce_index; /* Make sure nobody removes the entry while we look it up */ hss_cache_lock (hc); ce_index = hss_cache_lookup (hc, path); if (ce_index != ~0) hss_cache_attach_entry (hc, ce_index, data, data_len, last_modified); hss_cache_unlock (hc); return ce_index; } static void hss_cache_do_evictions (hss_cache_t *hc) { BVT (clib_bihash_kv) kv; hss_cache_entry_t *ce; u32 free_index; free_index = hc->last_index; while (free_index != ~0) { /* pick the LRU */ ce = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, free_index); /* Which could be in use... */ if (ce->inuse) { if (hc->debug_level > 1) clib_warning ("index %d in use refcnt %d", free_index, ce->inuse); } free_index = ce->prev_index; kv.key = (u64) (ce->filename); kv.value = ~0ULL; if (BV (clib_bihash_add_del) (&hc->name_to_data, &kv, 0 /* is_add */) < 0) { clib_warning ("LRU delete '%s' FAILED!", ce->filename); } else if (hc->debug_level > 1) clib_warning ("LRU delete '%s' ok", ce->filename); lru_remove (hc, ce); hc->cache_size -= vec_len (ce->data); hc->cache_evictions++; vec_free (ce->filename); vec_free (ce->data); vec_free (ce->last_modified); if (hc->debug_level > 1) clib_warning ("pool put index %d", ce - hc->cache_pool); pool_put (hc->cache_pool, ce); if (hc->cache_size < hc->cache_limit) break; } } u32 hss_cache_add_and_attach (hss_cache_t *hc, u8 *path, u8 **data, u64 *data_len, u8 **last_modified) { BVT (clib_bihash_kv) kv; hss_cache_entry_t *ce; clib_error_t *error; u8 *file_data; u32 ce_index; struct stat dm; hss_cache_lock (hc); /* Need to recycle one (or more cache) entries? */ if (hc->cache_size > hc->cache_limit) hss_cache_do_evictions (hc); /* Read the file */ error = clib_file_contents ((char *) path, &file_data); if (error) { clib_warning ("Error reading '%s'", path); clib_error_report (error); return ~0; } /* Create a cache entry for it */ pool_get_zero (hc->cache_pool, ce); ce->filename = vec_dup (path); ce->data = file_data; if (stat ((char *) path, &dm) == 0) { ce->last_modified = format (0, "%U GMT", format_clib_timebase_time, (f64) dm.st_mtime); } /* Attach cache entry without additional lock */ ce->inuse++; *data = file_data; *data_len = vec_len (file_data); *last_modified = ce->last_modified; lru_add (hc, ce, vlib_time_now (vlib_get_main ())); hc->cache_size += vec_len (ce->data); ce_index = ce - hc->cache_pool; if (hc->debug_level > 1) clib_warning ("index %d refcnt now %d", ce_index, ce->inuse); /* Add to the lookup table */ kv.key = (u64) vec_dup (path); kv.value = ce_index; if (hc->debug_level > 1) clib_warning ("add '%s' value %lld", kv.key, kv.value); if (BV (clib_bihash_add_del) (&hc->name_to_data, &kv, 1 /* is_add */) < 0) { clib_warning ("BUG: add failed!"); } hss_cache_unlock (hc); return ce_index; } u32 hss_cache_clear (hss_cache_t *hc) { u32 free_index, busy_items = 0; hss_cache_entry_t *ce; BVT (clib_bihash_kv) kv; hss_cache_lock (hc); /* Walk the LRU list to find active entries */ free_index = hc->last_index; while (free_index != ~0) { ce = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, free_index); free_index = ce->prev_index; /* Which could be in use... */ if (ce->inuse) { busy_items++; free_index = ce->next_index; continue; } kv.key = (u64) (ce->filename); kv.value = ~0ULL; if (BV (clib_bihash_add_del) (&hc->name_to_data, &kv, 0 /* is_add */) < 0) { clib_warning ("BUG: cache clear delete '%s' FAILED!", ce->filename); } lru_remove (hc, ce); hc->cache_size -= vec_len (ce->data); hc->cache_evictions++; vec_free (ce->filename); vec_free (ce->data); vec_free (ce->last_modified); if (hc->debug_level > 1) clib_warning ("pool put index %d", ce - hc->cache_pool); pool_put (hc->cache_pool, ce); free_index = hc->last_index; } hss_cache_unlock (hc); return busy_items; } void hss_cache_init (hss_cache_t *hc, uword cache_size, u8 debug_level) { clib_spinlock_init (&hc->cache_lock); /* Init path-to-cache hash table */ BV (clib_bihash_init) (&hc->name_to_data, "http cache", 128, 32 << 20); hc->cache_limit = cache_size; hc->debug_level = debug_level; hc->first_index = hc->last_index = ~0; } /** \brief format a file cache entry */ static u8 * format_hss_cache_entry (u8 *s, va_list *args) { hss_cache_entry_t *ep = va_arg (*args, hss_cache_entry_t *); f64 now = va_arg (*args, f64); /* Header */ if (ep == 0) { s = format (s, "%40s%12s%20s", "File", "Size", "Age"); return s; } s = format (s, "%40s%12lld%20.2f", ep->filename, vec_len (ep->data), now - ep->last_used); return s; } u8 * format_hss_cache (u8 *s, va_list *args) { hss_cache_t *hc = va_arg (*args, hss_cache_t *); u32 verbose = va_arg (*args, u32); hss_cache_entry_t *ce; vlib_main_t *vm; u32 index; f64 now; if (verbose == 0) { s = format (s, "cache size %lld bytes, limit %lld bytes, evictions %lld", hc->cache_size, hc->cache_limit, hc->cache_evictions); return s; } vm = vlib_get_main (); now = vlib_time_now (vm); s = format (s, "%U\n", format_hss_cache_entry, 0 /* header */, now); for (index = hc->first_index; index != ~0;) { ce = pool_elt_at_index (hc->cache_pool, index); index = ce->next_index; s = format (s, "%U\n", format_hss_cache_entry, ce, now); } s = format (s, "%40s%12lld", "Total Size", hc->cache_size); return s; } /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */