/** \file
    This file defines static http server control-plane API messages
option version = "2.1.0";

/** \brief Configure and enable the static http server
    @param client_index - opaque cookie to identify the sender
    @param context - sender context, to match reply w/ request
    @param fifo_size - size (in bytes) of the session FIFOs
    @param cache_size_limit - size (in bytes) of the in-memory file data cache
    @param prealloc_fifos - number of preallocated fifos (usually 0)
    @param private_segment_size - fifo segment size (usually 0)
    @param www_root - html root path
    @param uri - bind URI, defaults to "tcp://"

autoreply define http_static_enable {
    /* Client identifier, set from api_main.my_client_index */
    u32 client_index;

    /* Arbitrary context, so client can match reply to request */
    u32 context;
    /* Typical options */
    u32 fifo_size;
    u32 cache_size_limit;
    /* Unusual options */
    u32 prealloc_fifos;
    u32 private_segment_size;

    /* Root of the html path */
    string www_root[256];
    /* The bind URI */
    string uri[256];