/* *------------------------------------------------------------------ * api_format.c * * Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. *------------------------------------------------------------------ */ #include <vat/vat.h> #include <vlibapi/api.h> #include <vlibmemory/api.h> #include <vppinfra/error.h> #include <plugins/ikev2/ikev2.h> #define __plugin_msg_base ikev2_test_main.msg_id_base #include <vlibapi/vat_helper_macros.h> /* Declare message IDs */ #include <vnet/format_fns.h> #include <ikev2/ikev2.api_enum.h> #include <ikev2/ikev2.api_types.h> typedef struct { /* API message ID base */ u16 msg_id_base; vat_main_t *vat_main; } ikev2_test_main_t; ikev2_test_main_t ikev2_test_main; uword unformat_ikev2_auth_method (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args) { u32 *r = va_arg (*args, u32 *); if (0); #define _(v,f,s) else if (unformat (input, s)) *r = IKEV2_AUTH_METHOD_##f; foreach_ikev2_auth_method #undef _ else return 0; return 1; } uword unformat_ikev2_id_type (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args) { u32 *r = va_arg (*args, u32 *); if (0); #define _(v,f,s) else if (unformat (input, s)) *r = IKEV2_ID_TYPE_##f; foreach_ikev2_id_type #undef _ else return 0; return 1; } static int api_ikev2_plugin_get_version (vat_main_t * vam) { ikev2_test_main_t *sm = &ikev2_test_main; vl_api_ikev2_plugin_get_version_t *mp; u32 msg_size = sizeof (*mp); int ret; vam->result_ready = 0; mp = vl_msg_api_alloc_as_if_client (msg_size); clib_memset (mp, 0, msg_size); mp->_vl_msg_id = ntohs (VL_API_IKEV2_PLUGIN_GET_VERSION + sm->msg_id_base); mp->client_index = vam->my_client_index; /* send it... */ S (mp); /* Wait for a reply... */ W (ret); return ret; } static void vl_api_ikev2_plugin_get_version_reply_t_handler (vl_api_ikev2_plugin_get_version_reply_t * mp) { vat_main_t *vam = ikev2_test_main.vat_main; clib_warning ("IKEv2 plugin version: %d.%d", ntohl (mp->major), ntohl (mp->minor)); vam->result_ready = 1; } static int api_ikev2_profile_set_ipsec_udp_port (vat_main_t * vam) { return 0; } static int api_ikev2_profile_set_liveness (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_profile_set_liveness_t *mp; u32 period = 0, max_retries = 0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (!unformat (i, "period %d max-retries %d", &period, &max_retries)) { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } M (IKEV2_PROFILE_SET_LIVENESS, mp); mp->period = clib_host_to_net_u32 (period); mp->max_retries = clib_host_to_net_u32 (max_retries); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_profile_add_del (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_profile_add_del_t *mp; u8 is_add = 1; u8 *name = 0; int ret; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "del")) is_add = 0; else if (unformat (i, "name %U", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_PROFILE_ADD_DEL, mp); clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); mp->is_add = is_add; vec_free (name); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_profile_set_auth (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_profile_set_auth_t *mp; u8 *name = 0; u8 *data = 0; u32 auth_method = 0; u8 is_hex = 0; int ret; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "name %U", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else if (unformat (i, "auth_method %U", unformat_ikev2_auth_method, &auth_method)) ; else if (unformat (i, "auth_data 0x%U", unformat_hex_string, &data)) is_hex = 1; else if (unformat (i, "auth_data %v", &data)) ; else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } if (!vec_len (data)) { errmsg ("auth_data must be specified"); return -99; } if (!auth_method) { errmsg ("auth_method must be specified"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_PROFILE_SET_AUTH, mp); mp->is_hex = is_hex; mp->auth_method = (u8) auth_method; mp->data_len = vec_len (data); clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); clib_memcpy (mp->data, data, vec_len (data)); vec_free (name); vec_free (data); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_profile_set_id (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_profile_set_id_t *mp; u8 *name = 0; u8 *data = 0; u8 is_local = 0; u32 id_type = 0; ip4_address_t ip4; int ret; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "name %U", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else if (unformat (i, "id_type %U", unformat_ikev2_id_type, &id_type)) ; else if (unformat (i, "id_data %U", unformat_ip4_address, &ip4)) { data = vec_new (u8, 4); clib_memcpy (data, ip4.as_u8, 4); } else if (unformat (i, "id_data 0x%U", unformat_hex_string, &data)) ; else if (unformat (i, "id_data %v", &data)) ; else if (unformat (i, "local")) is_local = 1; else if (unformat (i, "remote")) is_local = 0; else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } if (!vec_len (data)) { errmsg ("id_data must be specified"); return -99; } if (!id_type) { errmsg ("id_type must be specified"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_PROFILE_SET_ID, mp); mp->is_local = is_local; mp->id_type = (u8) id_type; mp->data_len = vec_len (data); clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); clib_memcpy (mp->data, data, vec_len (data)); vec_free (name); vec_free (data); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_profile_set_ts (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_profile_set_ts_t *mp; u8 *name = 0; u8 is_local = 0; u32 proto = 0, start_port = 0, end_port = (u32) ~ 0; ip4_address_t start_addr, end_addr; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; int ret; start_addr.as_u32 = 0; end_addr.as_u32 = (u32) ~ 0; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "name %U", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else if (unformat (i, "protocol %d", &proto)) ; else if (unformat (i, "start_port %d", &start_port)) ; else if (unformat (i, "end_port %d", &end_port)) ; else if (unformat (i, "start_addr %U", unformat_ip4_address, &start_addr)) ; else if (unformat (i, "end_addr %U", unformat_ip4_address, &end_addr)) ; else if (unformat (i, "local")) is_local = 1; else if (unformat (i, "remote")) is_local = 0; else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_PROFILE_SET_TS, mp); mp->is_local = is_local; mp->proto = (u8) proto; mp->start_port = (u16) start_port; mp->end_port = (u16) end_port; mp->start_addr = start_addr.as_u32; mp->end_addr = end_addr.as_u32; clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); vec_free (name); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_set_local_key (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_set_local_key_t *mp; u8 *file = 0; int ret; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "file %v", &file)) vec_add1 (file, 0); else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (file)) { errmsg ("RSA key file must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (file) > 256) { errmsg ("file name too long"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_SET_LOCAL_KEY, mp); clib_memcpy (mp->key_file, file, vec_len (file)); vec_free (file); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_profile_set_udp_encap (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_set_responder_t *mp; int ret; u8 *name = 0; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U udp-encap", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_PROFILE_SET_UDP_ENCAP, mp); clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); vec_free (name); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_set_tunnel_interface (vat_main_t * vam) { return (0); } static int api_ikev2_set_responder (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_set_responder_t *mp; int ret; u8 *name = 0; u32 sw_if_index = ~0; ip4_address_t address; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U interface %d address %U", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name, &sw_if_index, unformat_ip4_address, &address)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_SET_RESPONDER, mp); clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); vec_free (name); mp->sw_if_index = sw_if_index; clib_memcpy (mp->address, &address, sizeof (address)); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_set_ike_transforms (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_set_ike_transforms_t *mp; int ret; u8 *name = 0; u32 crypto_alg, crypto_key_size, integ_alg, dh_group; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U %d %d %d %d", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name, &crypto_alg, &crypto_key_size, &integ_alg, &dh_group)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_SET_IKE_TRANSFORMS, mp); clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); vec_free (name); mp->crypto_alg = crypto_alg; mp->crypto_key_size = crypto_key_size; mp->integ_alg = integ_alg; mp->dh_group = dh_group; S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_set_esp_transforms (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_set_esp_transforms_t *mp; int ret; u8 *name = 0; u32 crypto_alg, crypto_key_size, integ_alg, dh_group; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U %d %d %d %d", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name, &crypto_alg, &crypto_key_size, &integ_alg, &dh_group)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_SET_ESP_TRANSFORMS, mp); clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); vec_free (name); mp->crypto_alg = crypto_alg; mp->crypto_key_size = crypto_key_size; mp->integ_alg = integ_alg; mp->dh_group = dh_group; S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_set_sa_lifetime (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_set_sa_lifetime_t *mp; int ret; u8 *name = 0; u64 lifetime, lifetime_maxdata; u32 lifetime_jitter, handover; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U %lu %u %u %lu", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name, &lifetime, &lifetime_jitter, &handover, &lifetime_maxdata)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_SET_SA_LIFETIME, mp); clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); vec_free (name); mp->lifetime = lifetime; mp->lifetime_jitter = lifetime_jitter; mp->handover = handover; mp->lifetime_maxdata = lifetime_maxdata; S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_initiate_sa_init (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_initiate_sa_init_t *mp; int ret; u8 *name = 0; const char *valid_chars = "a-zA-Z0-9_"; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%U", unformat_token, valid_chars, &name)) vec_add1 (name, 0); else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } if (!vec_len (name)) { errmsg ("profile name must be specified"); return -99; } if (vec_len (name) > 64) { errmsg ("profile name too long"); return -99; } M (IKEV2_INITIATE_SA_INIT, mp); clib_memcpy (mp->name, name, vec_len (name)); vec_free (name); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_initiate_del_ike_sa (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_initiate_del_ike_sa_t *mp; int ret; u64 ispi; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%lx", &ispi)) ; else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } M (IKEV2_INITIATE_DEL_IKE_SA, mp); mp->ispi = ispi; S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_initiate_del_child_sa (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_initiate_del_child_sa_t *mp; int ret; u32 ispi; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%x", &ispi)) ; else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } M (IKEV2_INITIATE_DEL_CHILD_SA, mp); mp->ispi = ispi; S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static int api_ikev2_initiate_rekey_child_sa (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_ikev2_initiate_rekey_child_sa_t *mp; int ret; u32 ispi; while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "%x", &ispi)) ; else { errmsg ("parse error '%U'", format_unformat_error, i); return -99; } } M (IKEV2_INITIATE_REKEY_CHILD_SA, mp); mp->ispi = ispi; S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } #include <ikev2/ikev2.api_test.c> /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */