 * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 *     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ioam_export.c - ioam export API / debug CLI handling

#include <vnet/vnet.h>
#include <vnet/plugin/plugin.h>
#include <ioam/export-common/ioam_export.h>

#include <vlibapi/api.h>
#include <vlibmemory/api.h>
#include <vnet/ip/ip6_hop_by_hop.h>

/* define message IDs */
#include <ioam/export/ioam_export_msg_enum.h>

/* define message structures */
#define vl_typedefs
#include <ioam/export/ioam_export_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_typedefs

/* define generated endian-swappers */
#define vl_endianfun
#include <ioam/export/ioam_export_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_endianfun

/* instantiate all the print functions we know about */
#define vl_print(handle, ...) vlib_cli_output (handle, __VA_ARGS__)
#define vl_printfun
#include <ioam/export/ioam_export_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_printfun

/* Get the API version number */
#define vl_api_version(n,v) static u32 api_version=(v);
#include <ioam/export/ioam_export_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_api_version

#define REPLY_MSG_ID_BASE sm->msg_id_base
#include <vlibapi/api_helper_macros.h>

/* List of message types that this plugin understands */
#define foreach_ioam_export_plugin_api_msg                        \
_(IOAM_EXPORT_IP6_ENABLE_DISABLE, ioam_export_ip6_enable_disable)

ioam_export_main_t ioam_export_main;

extern vlib_node_registration_t export_node;

/* Action function shared between message handler and debug CLI */

ioam_export_ip6_enable_disable (ioam_export_main_t * em,
				u8 is_disable,
				ip4_address_t * collector_address,
				ip4_address_t * src_address)
  vlib_main_t *vm = em->vlib_main;

  if (is_disable == 0)
      if (1 == ioam_export_header_create (em, collector_address, src_address))
	  ioam_export_thread_buffer_init (em, vm);
	  ip6_hbh_set_next_override (em->my_hbh_slot);
	  /* Turn on the export buffer check process */
	  vlib_process_signal_event (vm, em->export_process_node_index, 1, 0);

	  return (-2);
      ip6_hbh_set_next_override (IP6_LOOKUP_NEXT_POP_HOP_BY_HOP);
      ioam_export_header_cleanup (em, collector_address, src_address);
      ioam_export_thread_buffer_free (em);
      /* Turn off the export buffer check process */
      vlib_process_signal_event (vm, em->export_process_node_index, 2, 0);


  return 0;

/* API message handler */
static void vl_api_ioam_export_ip6_enable_disable_t_handler
  (vl_api_ioam_export_ip6_enable_disable_t * mp)
  vl_api_ioam_export_ip6_enable_disable_reply_t *rmp;
  ioam_export_main_t *sm = &ioam_export_main;
  int rv;

  rv = ioam_export_ip6_enable_disable (sm, (int) (mp->is_disable),
				       (ip4_address_t *)
				       (ip4_address_t *) mp->src_address);


/* Set up the API message handling tables */
static clib_error_t *
ioam_export_plugin_api_hookup (vlib_main_t * vm)
  ioam_export_main_t *sm = &ioam_export_main;
#define _(N,n)                                                  \
    vl_msg_api_set_handlers((VL_API_##N + sm->msg_id_base),     \
                           #n,					\
                           vl_api_##n##_t_handler,              \
                           vl_noop_handler,                     \
                           vl_api_##n##_t_endian,               \
                           vl_api_##n##_t_print,                \
                           sizeof(vl_api_##n##_t), 1);
#undef _

  return 0;

#define vl_msg_name_crc_list
#include <ioam/export/ioam_export_all_api_h.h>
#undef vl_msg_name_crc_list

static void
setup_message_id_table (ioam_export_main_t * sm, api_main_t * am)
#define _(id,n,crc) \
  vl_msg_api_add_msg_name_crc (am, #n "_" #crc, id + sm->msg_id_base);
#undef _

static clib_error_t *
set_ioam_export_ipfix_command_fn (vlib_main_t * vm,
				  unformat_input_t * input,
				  vlib_cli_command_t * cmd)
  ioam_export_main_t *em = &ioam_export_main;
  ip4_address_t collector, src;
  u8 is_disable = 0;

  collector.as_u32 = 0;
  src.as_u32 = 0;

  while (unformat_check_input (input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT)
      if (unformat (input, "collector %U", unformat_ip4_address, &collector))
      else if (unformat (input, "src %U", unformat_ip4_address, &src))
      else if (unformat (input, "disable"))
	is_disable = 1;

  if (collector.as_u32 == 0)
    return clib_error_return (0, "collector address required");

  if (src.as_u32 == 0)
    return clib_error_return (0, "src address required");

  em->ipfix_collector.as_u32 = collector.as_u32;
  em->src_address.as_u32 = src.as_u32;

  vlib_cli_output (vm, "Collector %U, src address %U",
		   format_ip4_address, &em->ipfix_collector,
		   format_ip4_address, &em->src_address);

  /* Turn on the export timer process */
  // vlib_process_signal_event (vm, flow_report_process_node.index,
  //1, 0);
  ioam_export_ip6_enable_disable (em, is_disable, &collector, &src);

  return 0;

/* *INDENT-OFF* */
VLIB_CLI_COMMAND (set_ipfix_command, static) =
.path = "set ioam export ipfix",.short_help =
    "set ioam export ipfix collector <ip4-address> src <ip4-address>",.
    function = set_ioam_export_ipfix_command_fn,};
/* *INDENT-ON* */

static clib_error_t *
ioam_export_init (vlib_main_t * vm)
  ioam_export_main_t *em = &ioam_export_main;
  clib_error_t *error = 0;
  u8 *name;
  u32 node_index = export_node.index;
  vlib_node_t *ip6_hbyh_node = NULL;

  em->vlib_main = vm;
  em->vnet_main = vnet_get_main ();
  em->set_id = IPFIX_IOAM_EXPORT_ID;
  ioam_export_reset_next_node (em);

  name = format (0, "ioam_export_%08x%c", api_version, 0);

  /* Ask for a correctly-sized block of API message decode slots */
  em->msg_id_base = vl_msg_api_get_msg_ids
    ((char *) name, VL_MSG_FIRST_AVAILABLE);
  em->unix_time_0 = (u32) time (0);	/* Store starting time */
  em->vlib_time_0 = vlib_time_now (vm);

  error = ioam_export_plugin_api_hookup (vm);

  /* Add our API messages to the global name_crc hash table */
  setup_message_id_table (em, &api_main);

  /* Hook this export node to ip6-hop-by-hop */
  ip6_hbyh_node = vlib_get_node_by_name (vm, (u8 *) "ip6-hop-by-hop");
  em->my_hbh_slot = vlib_node_add_next (vm, ip6_hbyh_node->index, node_index);
  vec_free (name);

  return error;

VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (ioam_export_init);

 * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON
 * Local Variables:
 * eval: (c-set-style "gnu")
 * End: