/* * Copyright (c) 2012 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /** * vppinfra already includes tons of different hash tables. * MagLev flow table is a bit different. It has to be very efficient * for both writing and reading operations. But it does not need to * be 100% reliable (write can fail). It also needs to recycle * old entries in a lazy way. * * This hash table is the most trivial hash table you can do. * Fixed total size, fixed bucket size. * Advantage is that it could be very efficient (maybe). * */ #ifndef LB_PLUGIN_LB_LBHASH_H_ #define LB_PLUGIN_LB_LBHASH_H_ #include <vnet/vnet.h> #include <vppinfra/lb_hash_hash.h> #if defined (__SSE4_2__) #include <immintrin.h> #endif /* * @brief Number of entries per bucket. */ #define LBHASH_ENTRY_PER_BUCKET 4 #define LB_HASH_DO_NOT_USE_SSE_BUCKETS 0 /* * @brief One bucket contains 4 entries. * Each bucket takes one 64B cache line in memory. */ typedef struct { CLIB_CACHE_LINE_ALIGN_MARK (cacheline0); u32 hash[LBHASH_ENTRY_PER_BUCKET]; u32 timeout[LBHASH_ENTRY_PER_BUCKET]; u32 vip[LBHASH_ENTRY_PER_BUCKET]; u32 value[LBHASH_ENTRY_PER_BUCKET]; } lb_hash_bucket_t; typedef struct { u32 buckets_mask; u32 timeout; lb_hash_bucket_t buckets[]; } lb_hash_t; #define lb_hash_nbuckets(h) (((h)->buckets_mask) + 1) #define lb_hash_size(h) ((h)->buckets_mask + LBHASH_ENTRY_PER_BUCKET) #define lb_hash_foreach_bucket(h, bucket) \ for (bucket = (h)->buckets; \ bucket < (h)->buckets + lb_hash_nbuckets(h); \ bucket++) #define lb_hash_foreach_entry(h, bucket, i) \ lb_hash_foreach_bucket(h, bucket) \ for (i = 0; i < LBHASH_ENTRY_PER_BUCKET; i++) #define lb_hash_foreach_valid_entry(h, bucket, i, now) \ lb_hash_foreach_entry(h, bucket, i) \ if (!clib_u32_loop_gt((now), bucket->timeout[i])) static_always_inline lb_hash_t *lb_hash_alloc(u32 buckets, u32 timeout) { if (!is_pow2(buckets)) return NULL; // Allocate 1 more bucket for prefetch u32 size = ((uword)&((lb_hash_t *)(0))->buckets[0]) + sizeof(lb_hash_bucket_t) * (buckets + 1); u8 *mem = 0; lb_hash_t *h; vec_validate_aligned (mem, size - 1, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); h = (lb_hash_t *)mem; h->buckets_mask = (buckets - 1); h->timeout = timeout; return h; } static_always_inline void lb_hash_free(lb_hash_t *h) { u8 *mem = (u8 *)h; vec_free(mem); } static_always_inline void lb_hash_prefetch_bucket(lb_hash_t *ht, u32 hash) { lb_hash_bucket_t *bucket = &ht->buckets[hash & ht->buckets_mask]; CLIB_PREFETCH(bucket, sizeof(*bucket), READ); } static_always_inline void lb_hash_get(lb_hash_t *ht, u32 hash, u32 vip, u32 time_now, u32 *available_index, u32 *found_value) { lb_hash_bucket_t *bucket = &ht->buckets[hash & ht->buckets_mask]; *found_value = 0; *available_index = ~0; #if __SSE4_2__ && LB_HASH_DO_NOT_USE_SSE_BUCKETS == 0 u32 bitmask, found_index; __m128i mask; // mask[*] = timeout[*] > now mask = _mm_cmpgt_epi32(_mm_loadu_si128 ((__m128i *) bucket->timeout), _mm_set1_epi32 (time_now)); // bitmask[*] = now <= timeout[*/4] bitmask = (~_mm_movemask_epi8(mask)) & 0xffff; // Get first index with now <= timeout[*], if any. *available_index = (bitmask)?__builtin_ctz(bitmask)/4:*available_index; // mask[*] = (timeout[*] > now) && (hash[*] == hash) mask = _mm_and_si128(mask, _mm_cmpeq_epi32( _mm_loadu_si128 ((__m128i *) bucket->hash), _mm_set1_epi32 (hash))); // Load the array of vip values // mask[*] = (timeout[*] > now) && (hash[*] == hash) && (vip[*] == vip) mask = _mm_and_si128(mask, _mm_cmpeq_epi32( _mm_loadu_si128 ((__m128i *) bucket->vip), _mm_set1_epi32 (vip))); // mask[*] = (timeout[*x4] > now) && (hash[*x4] == hash) && (vip[*x4] == vip) bitmask = _mm_movemask_epi8(mask); // Get first index, if any found_index = (bitmask)?__builtin_ctzll(bitmask)/4:0; ASSERT(found_index < 4); *found_value = (bitmask)?bucket->value[found_index]:*found_value; bucket->timeout[found_index] = (bitmask)?time_now + ht->timeout:bucket->timeout[found_index]; #else u32 i; for (i = 0; i < LBHASH_ENTRY_PER_BUCKET; i++) { u8 cmp = (bucket->hash[i] == hash && bucket->vip[i] == vip); u8 timeouted = clib_u32_loop_gt(time_now, bucket->timeout[i]); *found_value = (cmp || timeouted)?*found_value:bucket->value[i]; bucket->timeout[i] = (cmp || timeouted)?time_now + ht->timeout:bucket->timeout[i]; *available_index = (timeouted && (*available_index == ~0))?i:*available_index; if (!cmp) return; } #endif } static_always_inline u32 lb_hash_available_value(lb_hash_t *h, u32 hash, u32 available_index) { return h->buckets[hash & h->buckets_mask].value[available_index]; } static_always_inline void lb_hash_put(lb_hash_t *h, u32 hash, u32 value, u32 vip, u32 available_index, u32 time_now) { lb_hash_bucket_t *bucket = &h->buckets[hash & h->buckets_mask]; bucket->hash[available_index] = hash; bucket->value[available_index] = value; bucket->timeout[available_index] = time_now + h->timeout; bucket->vip[available_index] = vip; } static_always_inline u32 lb_hash_elts(lb_hash_t *h, u32 time_now) { u32 tot = 0; lb_hash_bucket_t *bucket; u32 i; lb_hash_foreach_valid_entry(h, bucket, i, time_now) { tot++; } return tot; } #endif /* LB_PLUGIN_LB_LBHASH_H_ */