/* * Copyright 2020 Rubicon Communications, LLC. * * SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 */ #include <sys/socket.h> #include <linux/if.h> #include <vnet/vnet.h> #include <vnet/plugin/plugin.h> #include <vlibapi/api.h> #include <vlibmemory/api.h> #include <vpp/app/version.h> #include <vnet/format_fns.h> #include <linux-cp/lcp_interface.h> #include <linux-cp/lcp.api_enum.h> #include <linux-cp/lcp.api_types.h> static u16 lcp_msg_id_base; #define REPLY_MSG_ID_BASE lcp_msg_id_base #include <vlibapi/api_helper_macros.h> static lip_host_type_t api_decode_host_type (vl_api_lcp_itf_host_type_t type) { if (type == LCP_API_ITF_HOST_TUN) return LCP_ITF_HOST_TUN; return LCP_ITF_HOST_TAP; } static vl_api_lcp_itf_host_type_t api_encode_host_type (lip_host_type_t type) { if (type == LCP_ITF_HOST_TUN) return LCP_API_ITF_HOST_TUN; return LCP_API_ITF_HOST_TAP; } static int vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_add (u32 phy_sw_if_index, lip_host_type_t lip_host_type, u8 *mp_host_if_name, size_t sizeof_host_if_name, u8 *mp_namespace, size_t sizeof_mp_namespace, u32 *host_sw_if_index_p) { u8 *host_if_name, *netns; int host_len, netns_len, rv; host_if_name = netns = 0; /* lcp_itf_pair_create expects vec of u8 */ host_len = clib_strnlen ((char *) mp_host_if_name, sizeof_host_if_name - 1); vec_add (host_if_name, mp_host_if_name, host_len); vec_add1 (host_if_name, 0); netns_len = clib_strnlen ((char *) mp_namespace, sizeof_mp_namespace - 1); vec_add (netns, mp_namespace, netns_len); vec_add1 (netns, 0); rv = lcp_itf_pair_create (phy_sw_if_index, host_if_name, lip_host_type, netns, host_sw_if_index_p); vec_free (host_if_name); vec_free (netns); return rv; } static void vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_add_del_t_handler (vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_add_del_t *mp) { u32 phy_sw_if_index; vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_add_del_reply_t *rmp; lip_host_type_t lip_host_type; int rv; VALIDATE_SW_IF_INDEX_END (mp); phy_sw_if_index = mp->sw_if_index; lip_host_type = api_decode_host_type (mp->host_if_type); if (mp->is_add) { rv = vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_add ( phy_sw_if_index, lip_host_type, mp->host_if_name, sizeof (mp->host_if_name), mp->netns, sizeof (mp->netns), NULL); } else { rv = lcp_itf_pair_delete (phy_sw_if_index); } BAD_SW_IF_INDEX_LABEL; REPLY_MACRO_END (VL_API_LCP_ITF_PAIR_ADD_DEL_REPLY); } static void vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_add_del_v2_t_handler (vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_add_del_v2_t *mp) { u32 phy_sw_if_index, host_sw_if_index = ~0; vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_add_del_v2_reply_t *rmp; lip_host_type_t lip_host_type; int rv; VALIDATE_SW_IF_INDEX_END (mp); phy_sw_if_index = mp->sw_if_index; lip_host_type = api_decode_host_type (mp->host_if_type); if (mp->is_add) { rv = vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_add (phy_sw_if_index, lip_host_type, mp->host_if_name, sizeof (mp->host_if_name), mp->netns, sizeof (mp->netns), &host_sw_if_index); } else { rv = lcp_itf_pair_delete (phy_sw_if_index); } BAD_SW_IF_INDEX_LABEL; REPLY_MACRO2_END (VL_API_LCP_ITF_PAIR_ADD_DEL_V2_REPLY, { rmp->host_sw_if_index = ntohl (host_sw_if_index); }); } static void send_lcp_itf_pair_details (index_t lipi, vl_api_registration_t *rp, u32 context) { vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_details_t *rmp; lcp_itf_pair_t *lcp_pair = lcp_itf_pair_get (lipi); REPLY_MACRO_DETAILS4 ( VL_API_LCP_ITF_PAIR_DETAILS, rp, context, ({ rmp->phy_sw_if_index = ntohl (lcp_pair->lip_phy_sw_if_index); rmp->host_sw_if_index = ntohl (lcp_pair->lip_host_sw_if_index); rmp->vif_index = ntohl (lcp_pair->lip_vif_index); rmp->host_if_type = api_encode_host_type (lcp_pair->lip_host_type); memcpy_s (rmp->host_if_name, sizeof (rmp->host_if_name), lcp_pair->lip_host_name, vec_len (lcp_pair->lip_host_name)); rmp->host_if_name[vec_len (lcp_pair->lip_host_name)] = 0; memcpy_s (rmp->netns, sizeof (rmp->netns), lcp_pair->lip_namespace, vec_len (lcp_pair->lip_namespace)); rmp->netns[vec_len (lcp_pair->lip_namespace)] = 0; })); } static void vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_get_t_handler (vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_get_t *mp) { vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_get_reply_t *rmp; i32 rv = 0; REPLY_AND_DETAILS_MACRO ( VL_API_LCP_ITF_PAIR_GET_REPLY, lcp_itf_pair_pool, ({ send_lcp_itf_pair_details (cursor, rp, mp->context); })); } static void vl_api_lcp_default_ns_set_t_handler (vl_api_lcp_default_ns_set_t *mp) { vl_api_lcp_default_ns_set_reply_t *rmp; int rv; mp->netns[LCP_NS_LEN - 1] = 0; rv = lcp_set_default_ns (mp->netns); REPLY_MACRO (VL_API_LCP_DEFAULT_NS_SET_REPLY); } static void vl_api_lcp_default_ns_get_t_handler (vl_api_lcp_default_ns_get_t *mp) { vl_api_lcp_default_ns_get_reply_t *rmp; vl_api_registration_t *reg; char *ns; reg = vl_api_client_index_to_registration (mp->client_index); if (!reg) return; REPLY_MACRO_DETAILS2_END (VL_API_LCP_DEFAULT_NS_GET_REPLY, ({ ns = (char *) lcp_get_default_ns (); if (ns) clib_strncpy ((char *) rmp->netns, ns, LCP_NS_LEN - 1); })); } static void vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_replace_begin_t_handler ( vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_replace_begin_t *mp) { vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_replace_begin_reply_t *rmp; int rv; rv = lcp_itf_pair_replace_begin (); REPLY_MACRO (VL_API_LCP_ITF_PAIR_REPLACE_BEGIN_REPLY); } static void vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_replace_end_t_handler ( vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_replace_end_t *mp) { vl_api_lcp_itf_pair_replace_end_reply_t *rmp; int rv = 0; rv = lcp_itf_pair_replace_end (); REPLY_MACRO (VL_API_LCP_ITF_PAIR_REPLACE_END_REPLY); } /* * Set up the API message handling tables */ #include <linux-cp/lcp.api.c> static clib_error_t * lcp_api_init (vlib_main_t *vm) { /* Ask for a correctly-sized block of API message decode slots */ lcp_msg_id_base = setup_message_id_table (); return (NULL); } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (lcp_api_init); #include <vpp/app/version.h> VLIB_PLUGIN_REGISTER () = { .version = VPP_BUILD_VER, .description = "Linux Control Plane - Interface Mirror", .default_disabled = 1, }; /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */