#include <vppinfra/time.h> #include <vppinfra/hash.h> #include <vppinfra/pool.h> #include <vpp-api/client/stat_client.h> #include <vppinfra/vec.h> #include <mactime/mactime_device.h> #include <vlibapi/api_common.h> #include <vlibmemory/memory_client.h> #include <vlibmemory/api.h> #include <vnet/api_errno.h> #include <svm/queue.h> #include <vnet/format_fns.h> #include <mactime/mactime.api_types.h> #include <mactime/mactime.api_enum.h> typedef struct { /* device database */ uword *device_by_device_name; mactime_device_t *devices; u32 my_table_epoch; /* Stat segment variables */ stat_client_main_t *stat_client_main; u8 **pattern1, **pattern2; u32 *ls_result1, *ls_result2; vlib_counter_t *allow_counters; vlib_counter_t *drop_counters; /* Timebase */ clib_time_t clib_time; clib_timebase_t timebase; f64 timezone_offset; f64 sunday_midnight; /* API message-handling */ svm_queue_t *vl_input_queue; u32 my_client_index; u16 msg_id_base; volatile u32 result_ready; volatile i32 retval; } mt_main_t; mt_main_t mt_main; /* Indispensable for debugging in gdb... */ u32 vl (void *x) { return vec_len (x); } #define foreach_mactime_api_msg \ _(MACTIME_DUMP_REPLY, mactime_dump_reply) \ _(MACTIME_DETAILS, mactime_details) static void vl_api_mactime_dump_reply_t_handler (vl_api_mactime_dump_reply_t * mp) { mt_main_t *mm = &mt_main; i32 retval = clib_net_to_host_u32 (mp->retval); mm->retval = retval; mm->result_ready = 1; } static void vl_api_mactime_details_t_handler (vl_api_mactime_details_t * mp) { mt_main_t *mm = &mt_main; mactime_device_t *dev; int i; clib_timebase_range_t *rp; uword *p; if (PREDICT_FALSE (mm->device_by_device_name == 0)) mm->device_by_device_name = hash_create_string (0, sizeof (uword)); p = hash_get_mem (mm->device_by_device_name, mp->device_name); if (p) dev = pool_elt_at_index (mm->devices, p[0]); else { u8 *hash_name_copy = format (0, "%s%c", mp->device_name, 0); pool_get (mm->devices, dev); memset (dev, 0, sizeof (*dev)); dev->device_name = vec_dup (hash_name_copy); hash_set_mem (mm->device_by_device_name, hash_name_copy, dev - mm->devices); } clib_memcpy_fast (dev->mac_address, mp->mac_address, sizeof (dev->mac_address)); dev->data_quota = clib_net_to_host_u64 (mp->data_quota); dev->data_used_in_range = clib_net_to_host_u64 (mp->data_used_in_range); dev->flags = clib_net_to_host_u32 (mp->flags); dev->pool_index = clib_net_to_host_u32 (mp->pool_index); vec_reset_length (dev->ranges); for (i = 0; i < clib_net_to_host_u32 (mp->nranges); i++) { vec_add2 (dev->ranges, rp, 1); rp->start = mp->ranges[i].start; rp->end = mp->ranges[i].end; } } #define vl_endianfun /* define message structures */ #include <mactime/mactime.api.h> #undef vl_endianfun /* instantiate all the print functions we know about */ #define vl_printfun #include <mactime/mactime.api.h> #undef vl_printfun #define vl_api_version(n,v) static u32 api_version = v; #include <mactime/mactime.api.h> #undef vl_api_version static int connect_to_vpp (char *name) { api_main_t *am = vlibapi_get_main (); mt_main_t *mm = &mt_main; u8 *msg_base_lookup_name; if (vl_client_connect_to_vlib ("/vpe-api", name, 32) < 0) return -1; mm->vl_input_queue = am->shmem_hdr->vl_input_queue; mm->my_client_index = am->my_client_index; msg_base_lookup_name = format (0, "mactime_%08x%c", api_version, 0); mm->msg_id_base = vl_client_get_first_plugin_msg_id ((char *) msg_base_lookup_name); vec_free (msg_base_lookup_name); if (mm->msg_id_base == (u16) ~ 0) return -1; #define _(N, n) \ vl_msg_api_set_handlers ((VL_API_##N + mm->msg_id_base), #n, \ vl_api_##n##_t_handler, vl_api_##n##_t_endian, \ vl_api_##n##_t_format, sizeof (vl_api_##n##_t), 1, \ vl_api_##n##_t_tojson, vl_api_##n##_t_fromjson); foreach_mactime_api_msg; #undef _ return 0; } static void dump_mactime_table (mt_main_t * mm) { vl_api_mactime_dump_t *mp; u32 deadman_counter = 1000; /* Send the dump request */ mp = vl_msg_api_alloc (sizeof (*mp)); memset (mp, 0, sizeof (*mp)); mp->_vl_msg_id = clib_host_to_net_u16 (VL_API_MACTIME_DUMP + mm->msg_id_base); mp->client_index = mm->my_client_index; mp->my_table_epoch = mm->my_table_epoch; vl_msg_api_send_shmem (mm->vl_input_queue, (u8 *) & mp); /* Wait up to 1 second for vpp to reply */ while (deadman_counter-- && mm->result_ready == 0) unix_sleep (1e-3); if (mm->retval && (mm->retval != VNET_API_ERROR_NO_CHANGE)) clib_warning ("dump reply %d", mm->retval); } static void scrape_stats_segment (mt_main_t * mm) { vlib_counter_t **counters_by_thread; vlib_counter_t *counters; mactime_device_t *dev; stat_segment_access_t sa; stat_client_main_t *sm = mm->stat_client_main; vlib_stats_entry_t *ep; int need_update2 = 0; static u32 *pool_indices; int i, j; vec_reset_length (pool_indices); pool_foreach (dev, mm->devices) { vec_add1 (pool_indices, dev->pool_index); } /* Nothing to do... */ if (vec_len (pool_indices) == 0) return; again1: /* Has directory been updated? */ if (mm->ls_result1 == 0 || (sm->shared_header->epoch != sm->current_epoch)) { need_update2 = 1; vec_free (mm->ls_result1); mm->ls_result1 = stat_segment_ls (mm->pattern1); } stat_segment_access_start (&sa, sm); ep = vec_elt_at_index (sm->directory_vector, mm->ls_result1[0]); counters_by_thread = stat_segment_adjust (sm, ep->data); for (i = 0; i < vec_len (pool_indices); i++) { u32 index = pool_indices[i]; vec_validate (mm->allow_counters, index); mm->allow_counters[index].packets = 0; mm->allow_counters[index].bytes = 0; for (j = 0; j < vec_len (counters_by_thread); j++) { counters = stat_segment_adjust (sm, counters_by_thread[j]); mm->allow_counters[index].packets += counters[index].packets; mm->allow_counters[index].bytes += counters[index].bytes; } } /* Ugh, segment changed during access. Try again */ if (stat_segment_access_end (&sa, sm)) goto again1; /* Has directory been updated? */ if (mm->ls_result2 == 0 || need_update2) { vec_free (mm->ls_result2); mm->ls_result2 = stat_segment_ls (mm->pattern2); } again2: stat_segment_access_start (&sa, sm); ep = vec_elt_at_index (sm->directory_vector, mm->ls_result2[0]); counters_by_thread = stat_segment_adjust (sm, ep->data); for (i = 0; i < vec_len (pool_indices); i++) { u32 index = pool_indices[i]; vec_validate (mm->drop_counters, index); mm->drop_counters[index].packets = 0; mm->drop_counters[index].bytes = 0; for (j = 0; j < vec_len (counters_by_thread); j++) { counters = stat_segment_adjust (sm, counters_by_thread[j]); mm->drop_counters[index].packets += counters[index].packets; mm->drop_counters[index].bytes += counters[index].bytes; } } /* Ugh, segment changed during access. Try again */ if (stat_segment_access_end (&sa, sm)) goto again2; } static u8 * format_mac_address (u8 * s, va_list * args) { u8 *a = va_arg (*args, u8 *); return format (s, "%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]); } static u8 * format_bytes_with_width (u8 * s, va_list * va) { uword nbytes = va_arg (*va, u64); int width = va_arg (*va, int); f64 nbytes_f64; u8 *fmt; char *suffix = ""; if (width > 0) fmt = format (0, "%%%d.3f%%s%c", width, 0); else fmt = format (0, "%%.3f%%s%c", 0); if (nbytes > (1024ULL * 1024ULL * 1024ULL)) { nbytes_f64 = ((f64) nbytes) / (1024.0 * 1024.0 * 1024.0); suffix = "G"; } else if (nbytes > (1024ULL * 1024ULL)) { nbytes_f64 = ((f64) nbytes) / (1024.0 * 1024.0); suffix = "M"; } else if (nbytes > 1024ULL) { nbytes_f64 = ((f64) nbytes) / (1024.0); suffix = "K"; } else { nbytes_f64 = (f64) nbytes; suffix = "B"; } s = format (s, (char *) fmt, nbytes_f64, suffix); vec_free (fmt); return s; } static u8 * format_device (u8 * s, va_list * args) { mactime_device_t *dp = va_arg (*args, mactime_device_t *); mt_main_t *mm = &mt_main; int verbose = va_arg (*args, int); int current_status = 99; char *status_string; u8 *macstring = 0; f64 now; int j; if (dp == 0) { s = format (s, "%-15s %5s %18s %14s %10s %11s %13s", "Device Name", "Index", "Addresses", "Status", "AllowPkt", "AllowByte", "DropPkt"); vec_add1 (s, '\n'); return s; } now = clib_timebase_now (&mm->timebase); if (PREDICT_FALSE ((now - mm->sunday_midnight) > 86400.0 * 7.0)) mm->sunday_midnight = clib_timebase_find_sunday_midnight (now); /* Check dynamic ranges */ for (j = 0; j < vec_len (dp->ranges); j++) { clib_timebase_range_t *r = dp->ranges + j; f64 start0, end0; start0 = r->start + mm->sunday_midnight; end0 = r->end + mm->sunday_midnight; if (verbose) s = format (s, " Range %d: %U - %U\n", j, format_clib_timebase_time, start0, format_clib_timebase_time, end0); if (now >= start0 && now <= end0) { if (dp->flags & MACTIME_DEVICE_FLAG_DYNAMIC_ALLOW) current_status = 3; else if (dp->flags & MACTIME_DEVICE_FLAG_DYNAMIC_ALLOW_QUOTA) current_status = 5; else current_status = 2; if (verbose) { s = format (s, " Time in range %d:", j); s = format (s, " %U - %U\n", format_clib_timebase_time, start0, format_clib_timebase_time, end0); } goto print; } } if (verbose && j) s = format (s, " No range match.\n"); if (dp->flags & MACTIME_DEVICE_FLAG_STATIC_DROP) current_status = 0; if (dp->flags & MACTIME_DEVICE_FLAG_STATIC_ALLOW) current_status = 1; if (dp->flags & MACTIME_DEVICE_FLAG_DYNAMIC_ALLOW) current_status = 2; if (dp->flags & MACTIME_DEVICE_FLAG_DYNAMIC_DROP) current_status = 3; if (dp->flags & MACTIME_DEVICE_FLAG_DYNAMIC_ALLOW_QUOTA) current_status = 4; print: macstring = format (0, "%U", format_mac_address, dp->mac_address); switch (current_status) { case 0: status_string = "static drop"; break; case 1: status_string = "static allow"; break; case 2: status_string = "dynamic drop"; break; case 3: status_string = "dynamic allow"; break; case 4: status_string = "d-quota inact"; break; case 5: status_string = "d-quota activ"; break; default: status_string = "code bug!"; break; } s = format (s, "%-15s %5d %18s %14s %10lld %U %13lld\n", dp->device_name, dp->pool_index, macstring, status_string, mm->allow_counters[dp->pool_index].packets, format_bytes_with_width, mm->allow_counters[dp->pool_index].bytes, 10, mm->drop_counters[dp->pool_index].packets); vec_free (macstring); if (dp->data_quota > 0) { s = format (s, "%-59s %s%U %s%U", " ", "Quota ", format_bytes_with_width, dp->data_quota, 10, "Use ", format_bytes_with_width, dp->data_used_in_range, 8); vec_add1 (s, '\n'); } return s; } static void print_device_table (mt_main_t * mm) { mactime_device_t *dev; fformat (stdout, "%U", format_device, NULL /* header */, 0 /* verbose */); pool_foreach (dev, mm->devices) { fformat (stdout, "%U", format_device, dev, 0 /* verbose */); } } int main (int argc, char **argv) { mt_main_t *mm = &mt_main; extern stat_client_main_t stat_client_main; clib_mem_init (0, 64 << 20); if (connect_to_vpp ("mactime_top") < 0) { fformat (stderr, "vpp api client connect error\n"); exit (1); } if (stat_segment_connect (argv[1]) < 0) { fformat (stderr, "stat segment connect error"); exit (1); } mm->stat_client_main = (stat_client_main_t *) & stat_client_main; /* US EDT - $$$ FIXME */ clib_time_init (&mm->clib_time); mm->timezone_offset = -5.0; clib_timebase_init (&mm->timebase, mm->timezone_offset, CLIB_TIMEBASE_DAYLIGHT_USA, 0 /* allocate a clib_time_t */ ); vec_add1 (mm->pattern1, (u8 *) "^/mactime/allow"); vec_add1 (mm->pattern2, (u8 *) "^/mactime/drop"); while (1) { dump_mactime_table (mm); scrape_stats_segment (mm); print_device_table (mm); unix_sleep (5.0); } return 0; } /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */