/* * Copyright (c) 2017 Intel and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vat/vat.h> #include <vlibapi/api.h> #include <vlibmemory/api.h> #include <vppinfra/error.h> #include <pppoe/pppoe.h> #define __plugin_msg_base pppoe_test_main.msg_id_base #include <vlibapi/vat_helper_macros.h> uword unformat_ip46_address (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args) { ip46_address_t *ip46 = va_arg (*args, ip46_address_t *); ip46_type_t type = va_arg (*args, ip46_type_t); if ((type != IP46_TYPE_IP6) && unformat(input, "%U", unformat_ip4_address, &ip46->ip4)) { ip46_address_mask_ip4(ip46); return 1; } else if ((type != IP46_TYPE_IP4) && unformat(input, "%U", unformat_ip6_address, &ip46->ip6)) { return 1; } return 0; } uword unformat_ip46_prefix (unformat_input_t * input, va_list * args) { ip46_address_t *ip46 = va_arg (*args, ip46_address_t *); u8 *len = va_arg (*args, u8 *); ip46_type_t type = va_arg (*args, ip46_type_t); u32 l; if ((type != IP46_TYPE_IP6) && unformat(input, "%U/%u", unformat_ip4_address, &ip46->ip4, &l)) { if (l > 32) return 0; *len = l + 96; ip46->pad[0] = ip46->pad[1] = ip46->pad[2] = 0; } else if ((type != IP46_TYPE_IP4) && unformat(input, "%U/%u", unformat_ip6_address, &ip46->ip6, &l)) { if (l > 128) return 0; *len = l; } else { return 0; } return 1; } ///////////////////////// #define vl_msg_id(n,h) n, typedef enum { #include <pppoe/pppoe.api.h> /* We'll want to know how many messages IDs we need... */ VL_MSG_FIRST_AVAILABLE, } vl_msg_id_t; #undef vl_msg_id /* define message structures */ #define vl_typedefs #include <pppoe/pppoe.api.h> #undef vl_typedefs /* declare message handlers for each api */ #define vl_endianfun /* define message structures */ #include <pppoe/pppoe.api.h> #undef vl_endianfun /* instantiate all the print functions we know about */ #define vl_print(handle, ...) #define vl_printfun #include <pppoe/pppoe.api.h> #undef vl_printfun /* Get the API version number. */ #define vl_api_version(n,v) static u32 api_version=(v); #include <pppoe/pppoe.api.h> #undef vl_api_version typedef struct { /* API message ID base */ u16 msg_id_base; vat_main_t *vat_main; } pppoe_test_main_t; pppoe_test_main_t pppoe_test_main; static void vl_api_pppoe_add_del_session_reply_t_handler (vl_api_pppoe_add_del_session_reply_t * mp) { vat_main_t *vam = &vat_main; i32 retval = ntohl (mp->retval); if (vam->async_mode) { vam->async_errors += (retval < 0); } else { vam->retval = retval; vam->sw_if_index = ntohl (mp->sw_if_index); vam->result_ready = 1; } } /* * Table of message reply handlers, must include boilerplate handlers * we just generated */ #define foreach_vpe_api_reply_msg \ _(PPPOE_ADD_DEL_SESSION_REPLY, pppoe_add_del_session_reply) \ _(PPPOE_SESSION_DETAILS, pppoe_session_details) static int api_pppoe_add_del_session (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *line_input = vam->input; vl_api_pppoe_add_del_session_t *mp; u16 session_id = 0; ip46_address_t client_ip; u8 is_add = 1; u8 client_ip_set = 0; u8 ipv4_set = 0; u8 ipv6_set = 0; u32 decap_vrf_id = 0; u8 client_mac[6] = { 0 }; u8 client_mac_set = 0; int ret; /* Can't "universally zero init" (={0}) due to GCC bug 53119 */ clib_memset (&client_ip, 0, sizeof client_ip); while (unformat_check_input (line_input) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (line_input, "del")) { is_add = 0; } else if (unformat (line_input, "session_id %d", &session_id)) ; else if (unformat (line_input, "client-ip %U", unformat_ip4_address, &client_ip.ip4)) { client_ip_set = 1; ipv4_set = 1; } else if (unformat (line_input, "client-ip %U", unformat_ip6_address, &client_ip.ip6)) { client_ip_set = 1; ipv6_set = 1; } else if (unformat (line_input, "decap-vrf-id %d", &decap_vrf_id)) ; else if (unformat (line_input, "client-mac %U", unformat_ethernet_address, client_mac)) client_mac_set = 1; else { return -99; } } if (client_ip_set == 0) { errmsg ("session client_ip address not specified"); return -99; } if (ipv4_set && ipv6_set) { errmsg ("both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses specified"); return -99; } if (client_mac_set == 0) { errmsg("session client mac not specified"); return -99; } M (PPPOE_ADD_DEL_SESSION, mp); if (ipv6_set) { clib_memcpy (mp->client_ip, &client_ip.ip6, sizeof (client_ip.ip6)); } else { clib_memcpy (mp->client_ip, &client_ip.ip4, sizeof (client_ip.ip4)); } mp->decap_vrf_id = ntohl (decap_vrf_id); mp->session_id = ntohl (session_id); mp->is_add = is_add; mp->is_ipv6 = ipv6_set; memcpy (mp->client_mac, client_mac, 6); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } static void vl_api_pppoe_session_details_t_handler (vl_api_pppoe_session_details_t * mp) { vat_main_t *vam = &vat_main; ip46_address_t client_ip = to_ip46 (mp->is_ipv6, mp->client_ip); print (vam->ofp, "%11d%14d%24U%14d%14d%30U%30U", ntohl (mp->sw_if_index), ntohl (mp->session_id), format_ip46_address, &client_ip, IP46_TYPE_ANY, ntohl (mp->encap_if_index), ntohl (mp->decap_vrf_id), format_ethernet_address, mp->local_mac, format_ethernet_address, mp->client_mac); } static int api_pppoe_session_dump (vat_main_t * vam) { unformat_input_t *i = vam->input; vl_api_pppoe_session_dump_t *mp; u32 sw_if_index; u8 sw_if_index_set = 0; int ret; /* Parse args required to build the message */ while (unformat_check_input (i) != UNFORMAT_END_OF_INPUT) { if (unformat (i, "sw_if_index %d", &sw_if_index)) sw_if_index_set = 1; else break; } if (sw_if_index_set == 0) { sw_if_index = ~0; } if (!vam->json_output) { print (vam->ofp, "%11s%24s%14s%14s%14s", "sw_if_index", "client_ip", "session_id", "encap_if_index", "decap_fib_index", "local-mac", "client-mac"); } /* Get list of pppoe-session interfaces */ M (PPPOE_SESSION_DUMP, mp); mp->sw_if_index = htonl (sw_if_index); S (mp); W (ret); return ret; } /* * List of messages that the api test plugin sends, * and that the data plane plugin processes */ #define foreach_vpe_api_msg \ _(pppoe_add_del_session, \ " client-addr <client-addr> session-id <nn>" \ " [encap-if-index <nn>] [decap-next [ip4|ip6|node <name>]]" \ " local-mac <local-mac> client-mac <client-mac> [del]") \ _(pppoe_session_dump, "[<intfc> | sw_if_index <nn>]") \ static void pppoe_api_hookup (vat_main_t *vam) { pppoe_test_main_t * pem = &pppoe_test_main; /* Hook up handlers for replies from the data plane plug-in */ #define _(N,n) \ vl_msg_api_set_handlers((VL_API_##N + pem->msg_id_base), \ #n, \ vl_api_##n##_t_handler, \ vl_noop_handler, \ vl_api_##n##_t_endian, \ vl_api_##n##_t_print, \ sizeof(vl_api_##n##_t), 1); foreach_vpe_api_reply_msg; #undef _ /* API messages we can send */ #define _(n,h) hash_set_mem (vam->function_by_name, #n, api_##n); foreach_vpe_api_msg; #undef _ /* Help strings */ #define _(n,h) hash_set_mem (vam->help_by_name, #n, h); foreach_vpe_api_msg; #undef _ } VAT_PLUGIN_REGISTER(pppoe);