/* * Copyright (c) 2020 Doc.ai and/or its affiliates. * Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vlib/vlib.h> #include <vnet/vnet.h> #include <vppinfra/error.h> #include <wireguard/wireguard.h> #include <wireguard/wireguard_send.h> #define foreach_wg_output_error \ _(NONE, "No error") \ _(PEER, "Peer error") \ _(KEYPAIR, "Keypair error") \ _(TOO_BIG, "packet too big") \ typedef enum { #define _(sym,str) WG_OUTPUT_ERROR_##sym, foreach_wg_output_error #undef _ WG_OUTPUT_N_ERROR, } wg_output_error_t; static char *wg_output_error_strings[] = { #define _(sym,string) string, foreach_wg_output_error #undef _ }; typedef enum { WG_OUTPUT_NEXT_ERROR, WG_OUTPUT_NEXT_HANDOFF, WG_OUTPUT_NEXT_INTERFACE_OUTPUT, WG_OUTPUT_N_NEXT, } wg_output_next_t; typedef struct { ip4_udp_header_t hdr; index_t peer; } wg_output_tun_trace_t; u8 * format_ip4_udp_header (u8 * s, va_list * args) { ip4_udp_header_t *hdr = va_arg (*args, ip4_udp_header_t *); s = format (s, "%U:$U", format_ip4_header, &hdr->ip4, format_udp_header, &hdr->udp); return (s); } /* packet trace format function */ static u8 * format_wg_output_tun_trace (u8 * s, va_list * args) { CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_main_t * vm) = va_arg (*args, vlib_main_t *); CLIB_UNUSED (vlib_node_t * node) = va_arg (*args, vlib_node_t *); wg_output_tun_trace_t *t = va_arg (*args, wg_output_tun_trace_t *); s = format (s, "peer: %d\n", t->peer); s = format (s, " Encrypted packet: %U", format_ip4_udp_header, &t->hdr); return s; } VLIB_NODE_FN (wg_output_tun_node) (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_node_runtime_t * node, vlib_frame_t * frame) { u32 n_left_from; u32 *from; vlib_buffer_t *bufs[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE], **b; u16 nexts[VLIB_FRAME_SIZE], *next; u32 thread_index = vm->thread_index; from = vlib_frame_vector_args (frame); n_left_from = frame->n_vectors; b = bufs; next = nexts; vlib_get_buffers (vm, from, bufs, n_left_from); wg_main_t *wmp = &wg_main; wg_peer_t *peer = NULL; while (n_left_from > 0) { ip4_udp_header_t *hdr = vlib_buffer_get_current (b[0]); u8 *plain_data = (vlib_buffer_get_current (b[0]) + sizeof (ip4_udp_header_t)); u16 plain_data_len = clib_net_to_host_u16 (((ip4_header_t *) plain_data)->length); index_t peeri; next[0] = WG_OUTPUT_NEXT_ERROR; peeri = wg_peer_get_by_adj_index (vnet_buffer (b[0])->ip.adj_index[VLIB_TX]); peer = wg_peer_get (peeri); if (!peer || peer->is_dead) { b[0]->error = node->errors[WG_OUTPUT_ERROR_PEER]; goto out; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (~0 == peer->output_thread_index)) { /* this is the first packet to use this peer, claim the peer * for this thread. */ clib_atomic_cmp_and_swap (&peer->output_thread_index, ~0, wg_peer_assign_thread (thread_index)); } if (PREDICT_TRUE (thread_index != peer->output_thread_index)) { next[0] = WG_OUTPUT_NEXT_HANDOFF; goto next; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (!peer->remote.r_current)) { wg_send_handshake_from_mt (peeri, false); b[0]->error = node->errors[WG_OUTPUT_ERROR_KEYPAIR]; goto out; } size_t encrypted_packet_len = message_data_len (plain_data_len); /* * Ensure there is enough space to write the encrypted data * into the packet */ if (PREDICT_FALSE (encrypted_packet_len >= WG_DEFAULT_DATA_SIZE) || PREDICT_FALSE ((b[0]->current_data + encrypted_packet_len) >= vlib_buffer_get_default_data_size (vm))) { b[0]->error = node->errors[WG_OUTPUT_ERROR_TOO_BIG]; goto out; } message_data_t *encrypted_packet = (message_data_t *) wmp->per_thread_data[thread_index].data; enum noise_state_crypt state; state = noise_remote_encrypt (vm, &peer->remote, &encrypted_packet->receiver_index, &encrypted_packet->counter, plain_data, plain_data_len, encrypted_packet->encrypted_data); if (PREDICT_FALSE (state == SC_KEEP_KEY_FRESH)) { wg_send_handshake_from_mt (peeri, false); } else if (PREDICT_FALSE (state == SC_FAILED)) { //TODO: Maybe wrong wg_send_handshake_from_mt (peeri, false); goto out; } /* Here we are sure that can send packet to next node */ next[0] = WG_OUTPUT_NEXT_INTERFACE_OUTPUT; encrypted_packet->header.type = MESSAGE_DATA; clib_memcpy (plain_data, (u8 *) encrypted_packet, encrypted_packet_len); hdr->udp.length = clib_host_to_net_u16 (encrypted_packet_len + sizeof (udp_header_t)); b[0]->current_length = (encrypted_packet_len + sizeof (ip4_header_t) + sizeof (udp_header_t)); ip4_header_set_len_w_chksum (&hdr->ip4, clib_host_to_net_u16 (b[0]->current_length)); wg_timers_any_authenticated_packet_sent (peer); wg_timers_data_sent (peer); wg_timers_any_authenticated_packet_traversal (peer); out: if (PREDICT_FALSE ((node->flags & VLIB_NODE_FLAG_TRACE) && (b[0]->flags & VLIB_BUFFER_IS_TRACED))) { wg_output_tun_trace_t *t = vlib_add_trace (vm, node, b[0], sizeof (*t)); t->hdr = *hdr; t->peer = peeri; } next: n_left_from -= 1; next += 1; b += 1; } vlib_buffer_enqueue_to_next (vm, node, from, nexts, frame->n_vectors); return frame->n_vectors; } /* *INDENT-OFF* */ VLIB_REGISTER_NODE (wg_output_tun_node) = { .name = "wg-output-tun", .vector_size = sizeof (u32), .format_trace = format_wg_output_tun_trace, .type = VLIB_NODE_TYPE_INTERNAL, .n_errors = ARRAY_LEN (wg_output_error_strings), .error_strings = wg_output_error_strings, .n_next_nodes = WG_OUTPUT_N_NEXT, .next_nodes = { [WG_OUTPUT_NEXT_HANDOFF] = "wg-output-tun-handoff", [WG_OUTPUT_NEXT_INTERFACE_OUTPUT] = "adj-midchain-tx", [WG_OUTPUT_NEXT_ERROR] = "error-drop", }, }; /* *INDENT-ON* */ /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */