# C generation import datetime import os import time import sys from io import StringIO import shutil datestring = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( int(os.environ.get('SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH', time.time()))) input_filename = 'inputfil' top_boilerplate = '''\ /* * VLIB API definitions {datestring} * Input file: {input_filename} * Automatically generated: please edit the input file NOT this file! */ #include <stdbool.h> #if defined(vl_msg_id)||defined(vl_union_id) \\ || defined(vl_printfun) ||defined(vl_endianfun) \\ || defined(vl_api_version)||defined(vl_typedefs) \\ || defined(vl_msg_name)||defined(vl_msg_name_crc_list) \\ || defined(vl_api_version_tuple) /* ok, something was selected */ #else #warning no content included from {input_filename} #endif #define VL_API_PACKED(x) x __attribute__ ((packed)) ''' bottom_boilerplate = '''\ /****** API CRC (whole file) *****/ #ifdef vl_api_version vl_api_version({input_filename}, {file_crc:#08x}) #endif ''' def msg_ids(s): output = '''\ /****** Message ID / handler enum ******/ #ifdef vl_msg_id ''' for t in s['Define']: output += "vl_msg_id(VL_API_%s, vl_api_%s_t_handler)\n" % \ (t.name.upper(), t.name) output += "#endif" return output def msg_names(s): output = '''\ /****** Message names ******/ #ifdef vl_msg_name ''' for t in s['Define']: dont_trace = 0 if t.dont_trace else 1 output += "vl_msg_name(vl_api_%s_t, %d)\n" % (t.name, dont_trace) output += "#endif" return output def msg_name_crc_list(s, suffix): output = '''\ /****** Message name, crc list ******/ #ifdef vl_msg_name_crc_list ''' output += "#define foreach_vl_msg_name_crc_%s " % suffix for t in s['Define']: output += "\\\n_(VL_API_%s, %s, %08x) " % \ (t.name.upper(), t.name, t.crc) output += "\n#endif" return output def api2c(fieldtype): mappingtable = {'string': 'vl_api_string_t', } if fieldtype in mappingtable: return mappingtable[fieldtype] return fieldtype def typedefs(filename): output = '''\ /****** Typedefs ******/ #ifdef vl_typedefs #include "{include}.api_types.h" #endif '''.format(include=filename) return output format_strings = {'u8': '%u', 'bool': '%u', 'i8': '%d', 'u16': '%u', 'i16': '%d', 'u32': '%u', 'i32': '%ld', 'u64': '%llu', 'i64': '%lld', 'f64': '%.2f'} noprint_fields = {'_vl_msg_id': None, 'client_index': None, 'context': None} class Printfun(): _dispatch = {} def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream def print_string(self, o, stream): write = stream.write if o.modern_vla: write(' if (vl_api_string_len(&a->{f}) > 0) {{\n' .format(f=o.fieldname)) write(' s = format(s, "\\n%U{f}: %.*s", ' 'format_white_space, indent, ' 'vl_api_string_len(&a->{f}) - 1, ' 'vl_api_from_api_string(&a->{f}));\n'.format(f=o.fieldname)) write(' } else {\n') write(' s = format(s, "\\n%U{f}:", ' 'format_white_space, indent);\n'.format(f=o.fieldname)) write(' }\n') else: write(' s = format(s, "\\n%U{f}: %s", ' 'format_white_space, indent, a->{f});\n' .format(f=o.fieldname)) def print_field(self, o, stream): write = stream.write if o.fieldname in noprint_fields: return if o.fieldtype in format_strings: f = format_strings[o.fieldtype] write(' s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: {f}", ' 'format_white_space, indent, a->{n});\n' .format(n=o.fieldname, f=f)) else: write(' s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: %U", ' 'format_white_space, indent, ' 'format_{t}, &a->{n}, indent);\n' .format(n=o.fieldname, t=o.fieldtype)) _dispatch['Field'] = print_field def print_array(self, o, stream): write = stream.write forloop = '''\ for (i = 0; i < {lfield}; i++) {{ s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: %U", format_white_space, indent, format_{t}, &a->{n}[i], indent); }} ''' forloop_format = '''\ for (i = 0; i < {lfield}; i++) {{ s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: {t}", format_white_space, indent, a->{n}[i]); }} ''' if o.fieldtype == 'string': return self.print_string(o, stream) if o.fieldtype == 'u8': if o.lengthfield: write(' s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: %U", format_white_space, ' 'indent, format_hex_bytes, a->{n}, a->{lfield});\n' .format(n=o.fieldname, lfield=o.lengthfield)) else: write(' s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: %U", format_white_space, ' 'indent, format_hex_bytes, a, {lfield});\n' .format(n=o.fieldname, lfield=o.length)) return lfield = 'a->' + o.lengthfield if o.lengthfield else o.length if o.fieldtype in format_strings: write(forloop_format.format(lfield=lfield, t=format_strings[o.fieldtype], n=o.fieldname)) else: write(forloop.format(lfield=lfield, t=o.fieldtype, n=o.fieldname)) _dispatch['Array'] = print_array def print_alias(self, k, v, stream): write = stream.write if ('length' in v.alias and v.alias['length'] and v.alias['type'] == 'u8'): write(' return format(s, "%U", format_hex_bytes, a, {});\n' .format(v.alias['length'])) elif v.alias['type'] in format_strings: write(' return format(s, "{}", *a);\n' .format(format_strings[v.alias['type']])) else: write(' return format(s, "{} (print not implemented)");\n' .format(k)) def print_enum(self, o, stream): write = stream.write write(" switch(*a) {\n") for b in o: write(" case %s:\n" % b[1]) write(' return format(s, "{}");\n'.format(b[0])) write(' }\n') _dispatch['Enum'] = print_enum def print_obj(self, o, stream): write = stream.write if o.type in self._dispatch: self._dispatch[o.type](self, o, stream) else: write(' s = format(s, "\\n{} {} {} (print not implemented");\n' .format(o.type, o.fieldtype, o.fieldname)) def printfun(objs, stream, modulename): write = stream.write h = '''\ /****** Print functions *****/ #ifdef vl_printfun #ifndef included_{module}_printfun #define included_{module}_printfun #ifdef LP64 #define _uword_fmt \"%lld\" #define _uword_cast (long long) #else #define _uword_fmt \"%ld\" #define _uword_cast long #endif ''' signature = '''\ static inline void *vl_api_{name}_t_print (vl_api_{name}_t *a, void *handle) {{ u8 *s = 0; u32 indent __attribute__((unused)) = 2; int i __attribute__((unused)); ''' h = h.format(module=modulename) write(h) pp = Printfun(stream) for t in objs: if t.manual_print: write("/***** manual: vl_api_%s_t_print *****/\n\n" % t.name) continue write(signature.format(name=t.name)) write(' /* Message definition: vl_api_{}_t: */\n'.format(t.name)) write(" s = format(s, \"vl_api_%s_t:\");\n" % t.name) for o in t.block: pp.print_obj(o, stream) write(' vec_add1(s, 0);\n') write(' vl_print (handle, (char *)s);\n') write(' vec_free (s);\n') write(' return handle;\n') write('}\n\n') write("\n#endif") write("\n#endif /* vl_printfun */\n") return '' def printfun_types(objs, stream, modulename): write = stream.write pp = Printfun(stream) h = '''\ /****** Print functions *****/ #ifdef vl_printfun #ifndef included_{module}_printfun_types #define included_{module}_printfun_types ''' h = h.format(module=modulename) write(h) signature = '''\ static inline u8 *format_vl_api_{name}_t (u8 *s, va_list * args) {{ vl_api_{name}_t *a = va_arg (*args, vl_api_{name}_t *); u32 indent __attribute__((unused)) = va_arg (*args, u32); int i __attribute__((unused)); indent += 2; ''' for t in objs: if t.__class__.__name__ == 'Enum': write(signature.format(name=t.name)) pp.print_enum(t.block, stream) write(' return s;\n') write('}\n\n') continue if t.manual_print: write("/***** manual: vl_api_%s_t_print *****/\n\n" % t.name) continue if t.__class__.__name__ == 'Using': write(signature.format(name=t.name)) pp.print_alias(t.name, t, stream) write('}\n\n') continue write(signature.format(name=t.name)) for o in t.block: pp.print_obj(o, stream) write(' return s;\n') write('}\n\n') write("\n#endif") write("\n#endif /* vl_printfun_types */\n") def imports(imports): output = '/* Imported API files */\n' output += '#ifndef vl_api_version\n' for i in imports: s = i.filename.replace('plugins/', '') output += '#include <{}.h>\n'.format(s) output += '#endif\n' return output endian_strings = { 'u16': 'clib_net_to_host_u16', 'u32': 'clib_net_to_host_u32', 'u64': 'clib_net_to_host_u64', 'i16': 'clib_net_to_host_i16', 'i32': 'clib_net_to_host_i32', 'i64': 'clib_net_to_host_i64', 'f64': 'clib_net_to_host_f64', } def endianfun_array(o): forloop = '''\ for (i = 0; i < {length}; i++) {{ a->{name}[i] = {format}(a->{name}[i]); }} ''' forloop_format = '''\ for (i = 0; i < {length}; i++) {{ {type}_endian(&a->{name}[i]); }} ''' output = '' if o.fieldtype == 'u8' or o.fieldtype == 'string': output += ' /* a->{n} = a->{n} (no-op) */\n'.format(n=o.fieldname) else: lfield = 'a->' + o.lengthfield if o.lengthfield else o.length if o.fieldtype in endian_strings: output += (forloop .format(length=lfield, format=endian_strings[o.fieldtype], name=o.fieldname)) else: output += (forloop_format .format(length=lfield, type=o.fieldtype, name=o.fieldname)) return output def endianfun_obj(o): output = '' if o.type == 'Array': return endianfun_array(o) elif o.type != 'Field': output += (' s = format(s, "\\n{} {} {} (print not implemented");\n' .format(o.type, o.fieldtype, o.fieldname)) return output if o.fieldtype in endian_strings: output += (' a->{name} = {format}(a->{name});\n' .format(name=o.fieldname, format=endian_strings[o.fieldtype])) elif o.fieldtype.startswith('vl_api_'): output += (' {type}_endian(&a->{name});\n' .format(type=o.fieldtype, name=o.fieldname)) else: output += ' /* a->{n} = a->{n} (no-op) */\n'.format(n=o.fieldname) return output def endianfun(objs, modulename): output = '''\ /****** Endian swap functions *****/\n\ #ifdef vl_endianfun #ifndef included_{module}_endianfun #define included_{module}_endianfun #undef clib_net_to_host_uword #ifdef LP64 #define clib_net_to_host_uword clib_net_to_host_u64 #else #define clib_net_to_host_uword clib_net_to_host_u32 #endif ''' output = output.format(module=modulename) signature = '''\ static inline void vl_api_{name}_t_endian (vl_api_{name}_t *a) {{ int i __attribute__((unused)); ''' for t in objs: if t.__class__.__name__ == 'Enum': output += signature.format(name=t.name) if t.enumtype in endian_strings: output += (' *a = {}(*a);\n' .format(endian_strings[t.enumtype])) else: output += (' /* a->{name} = a->{name} (no-op) */\n' .format(name=t.name)) output += '}\n\n' continue if t.manual_endian: output += "/***** manual: vl_api_%s_t_endian *****/\n\n" % t.name continue if t.__class__.__name__ == 'Using': output += signature.format(name=t.name) if ('length' in t.alias and t.alias['length'] and t.alias['type'] == 'u8'): output += (' /* a->{name} = a->{name} (no-op) */\n' .format(name=t.name)) elif t.alias['type'] in format_strings: output += (' *a = {}(*a);\n' .format(endian_strings[t.alias['type']])) else: output += ' /* Not Implemented yet {} */'.format(t.name) output += '}\n\n' continue output += signature.format(name=t.name) for o in t.block: output += endianfun_obj(o) output += '}\n\n' output += "\n#endif" output += "\n#endif /* vl_endianfun */\n\n" return output def version_tuple(s, module): output = '''\ /****** Version tuple *****/ #ifdef vl_api_version_tuple ''' if 'version' in s['Option']: v = s['Option']['version'] (major, minor, patch) = v.split('.') output += "vl_api_version_tuple(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n" % \ (module, major, minor, patch) output += "\n#endif /* vl_api_version_tuple */\n\n" return output def generate_include_enum(s, module, stream): write = stream.write if len(s['Define']): write('typedef enum {\n') for t in s['Define']: write(' VL_API_{},\n'.format(t.name.upper())) write(' VL_MSG_FIRST_AVAILABLE\n') write('}} vl_api_{}_enum_t;\n'.format(module)) # # Generate separate API _types file. # def generate_include_types(s, module, stream): write = stream.write write('#ifndef included_{module}_api_types_h\n'.format(module=module)) write('#define included_{module}_api_types_h\n'.format(module=module)) if len(s['Import']): write('/* Imported API files */\n') for i in s['Import']: filename = i.filename.replace('plugins/', '') write('#include <{}_types.h>\n'.format(filename)) for o in s['types'] + s['Define']: tname = o.__class__.__name__ if tname == 'Using': if 'length' in o.alias: write('typedef %s vl_api_%s_t[%s];\n' % (o.alias['type'], o.name, o.alias['length'])) else: write('typedef %s vl_api_%s_t;\n' % (o.alias['type'], o.name)) elif tname == 'Enum': if o.enumtype == 'u32': write("typedef enum {\n") else: write("typedef enum __attribute__((packed)) {\n") for b in o.block: write(" %s = %s,\n" % (b[0], b[1])) write('} vl_api_%s_t;\n' % o.name) if o.enumtype != 'u32': size1 = 'sizeof(vl_api_%s_t)' % o.name size2 = 'sizeof(%s)' % o.enumtype err_str = 'size of API enum %s is wrong' % o.name write('STATIC_ASSERT(%s == %s, "%s");\n' % (size1, size2, err_str)) else: if tname == 'Union': write("typedef union __attribute__ ((packed)) _vl_api_%s {\n" % o.name) else: write(("typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) _vl_api_%s {\n") % o.name) for b in o.block: if b.type == 'Option': continue if b.type == 'Field': write(" %s %s;\n" % (api2c(b.fieldtype), b.fieldname)) elif b.type == 'Array': if b.lengthfield: write(" %s %s[0];\n" % (api2c(b.fieldtype), b.fieldname)) else: # Fixed length strings decay to nul terminated u8 if b.fieldtype == 'string': if b.modern_vla: write(' {} {};\n' .format(api2c(b.fieldtype), b.fieldname)) else: write(' u8 {}[{}];\n' .format(b.fieldname, b.length)) else: write(" %s %s[%s];\n" % (api2c(b.fieldtype), b.fieldname, b.length)) else: raise ValueError("Error in processing type {} for {}" .format(b, o.name)) write('} vl_api_%s_t;\n' % o.name) write("\n#endif\n") def generate_c_boilerplate(services, defines, file_crc, module, stream): write = stream.write hdr = '''\ #define vl_endianfun /* define message structures */ #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_endianfun /* instantiate all the print functions we know about */ #define vl_print(handle, ...) vlib_cli_output (handle, __VA_ARGS__) #define vl_printfun #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_printfun ''' write(hdr.format(module=module)) write('static u16\n') write('setup_message_id_table (void) {\n') write(' api_main_t *am = &api_main;\n') write(' u16 msg_id_base = vl_msg_api_get_msg_ids ("{}_{crc:08x}", VL_MSG_FIRST_AVAILABLE);\n' .format(module, crc=file_crc)) for d in defines: write(' vl_msg_api_add_msg_name_crc (am, "{n}_{crc:08x}",\n' ' VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base);\n' .format(n=d.name, ID=d.name.upper(), crc=d.crc)) for s in services: write(' vl_msg_api_set_handlers(VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base, "{n}",\n' ' vl_api_{n}_t_handler, vl_noop_handler,\n' ' vl_api_{n}_t_endian, vl_api_{n}_t_print,\n' ' sizeof(vl_api_{n}_t), 1);\n' .format(n=s.caller, ID=s.caller.upper())) write(' return msg_id_base;\n') write('}\n') def generate_c_test_plugin_boilerplate(services, defines, file_crc, module, stream): write = stream.write define_hash = {d.name:d for d in defines} replies = {} hdr = '''\ #define vl_endianfun /* define message structures */ #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_endianfun /* instantiate all the print functions we know about */ #define vl_print(handle, ...) vlib_cli_output (handle, __VA_ARGS__) #define vl_printfun #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_printfun ''' write(hdr.format(module=module)) for s in services: try: d = define_hash[s.reply] except: continue if d.manual_print: write('/* Manual definition requested for: vl_api_{n}_t_handler() */\n' .format(n=s.reply)) continue if not define_hash[s.caller].autoreply: write('/* Only autoreply is supported (vl_api_{n}_t_handler()) */\n' .format(n=s.reply)) continue write('#ifndef VL_API_{n}_T_HANDLER\n'.format(n=s.reply.upper())) write('static void\n') write('vl_api_{n}_t_handler (vl_api_{n}_t * mp) {{\n'.format(n=s.reply)) write(' vat_main_t * vam = {}_test_main.vat_main;\n'.format(module)) write(' i32 retval = ntohl(mp->retval);\n') write(' if (vam->async_mode) {\n') write(' vam->async_errors += (retval < 0);\n') write(' } else {\n') write(' vam->retval = retval;\n') write(' vam->result_ready = 1;\n') write(' }\n') write('}\n') write('#endif\n') for e in s.events: if define_hash[e].manual_print: continue write('static void\n') write('vl_api_{n}_t_handler (vl_api_{n}_t * mp) {{\n'.format(n=e)) write(' vl_print(0, "{n} event called:");\n'.format(n=e)) write(' vl_api_{n}_t_print(mp, 0);\n'.format(n=e)) write('}\n') write('static void\n') write('setup_message_id_table (vat_main_t * vam, u16 msg_id_base) {\n') for s in services: write(' vl_msg_api_set_handlers(VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base, "{n}",\n' ' vl_api_{n}_t_handler, vl_noop_handler,\n' ' vl_api_{n}_t_endian, vl_api_{n}_t_print,\n' ' sizeof(vl_api_{n}_t), 1);\n' .format(n=s.reply, ID=s.reply.upper())) write(' hash_set_mem (vam->function_by_name, "{n}", api_{n});\n'.format(n=s.caller)) try: write(' hash_set_mem (vam->help_by_name, "{n}", "{help}");\n' .format(n=s.caller, help=define_hash[s.caller].options['vat_help'])) except: pass # Events for e in s.events: write(' vl_msg_api_set_handlers(VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base, "{n}",\n' ' vl_api_{n}_t_handler, vl_noop_handler,\n' ' vl_api_{n}_t_endian, vl_api_{n}_t_print,\n' ' sizeof(vl_api_{n}_t), 1);\n' .format(n=e, ID=e.upper())) write('}\n') write('clib_error_t * vat_plugin_register (vat_main_t *vam)\n') write('{\n') write(' {n}_test_main_t * mainp = &{n}_test_main;\n'.format(n=module)) write(' mainp->vat_main = vam;\n') write(' mainp->msg_id_base = vl_client_get_first_plugin_msg_id ("{n}_{crc:08x}");\n' .format(n=module, crc=file_crc)) write(' if (mainp->msg_id_base == (u16) ~0)\n') write(' return clib_error_return (0, "{} plugin not loaded...");\n'.format(module)) write(' setup_message_id_table (vam, mainp->msg_id_base);\n') write('#ifdef VL_API_LOCAL_SETUP_MESSAGE_ID_TABLE\n') write(' VL_API_LOCAL_SETUP_MESSAGE_ID_TABLE(vam);\n') write('#endif\n') write(' return 0;\n') write('}\n') # # Plugin entry point # def run(args, input_filename, s): stream = StringIO() if not args.outputdir: sys.stderr.write('Missing --outputdir argument') return None basename = os.path.basename(input_filename) filename, file_extension = os.path.splitext(basename) modulename = filename.replace('.', '_') filename_enum = os.path.join(args.outputdir + '/' + basename + '_enum.h') filename_types = os.path.join(args.outputdir + '/' + basename + '_types.h') filename_c = os.path.join(args.outputdir + '/' + basename + '.c') filename_c_test = os.path.join(args.outputdir + '/' + basename + '_test.c') # Generate separate types file st = StringIO() generate_include_types(s, modulename, st) with open (filename_types, 'w') as fd: st.seek (0) shutil.copyfileobj (st, fd) st.close() # Generate separate enum file st = StringIO() generate_include_enum(s, modulename, st) with open (filename_enum, 'w') as fd: st.seek (0) shutil.copyfileobj (st, fd) st.close() # Generate separate C file st = StringIO() generate_c_boilerplate(s['Service'], s['Define'], s['file_crc'], modulename, st) with open (filename_c, 'w') as fd: st.seek (0) shutil.copyfileobj(st, fd) st.close() # Generate separate C test file # This is only supported for plugins at the moment st = StringIO() generate_c_test_plugin_boilerplate(s['Service'], s['Define'], s['file_crc'], modulename, st) with open (filename_c_test, 'w') as fd: st.seek (0) shutil.copyfileobj(st, fd) st.close() output = top_boilerplate.format(datestring=datestring, input_filename=basename) output += imports(s['Import']) output += msg_ids(s) output += msg_names(s) output += msg_name_crc_list(s, filename) output += typedefs(modulename) printfun_types(s['types'], stream, modulename) printfun(s['Define'], stream, modulename) output += stream.getvalue() stream.close() output += endianfun(s['types'] + s['Define'], modulename) output += version_tuple(s, basename) output += bottom_boilerplate.format(input_filename=basename, file_crc=s['file_crc']) return output