# # Copyright (c) 2020 Cisco and/or its affiliates. # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at: # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # # Provide two classes FromJSON and TOJSON that converts between JSON and VPP's # binary API format # """ This module creates C code for core VPP, VPP plugins and client side VAT and VAT2 tests. """ import datetime import itertools import os import time import sys from io import StringIO import shutil process_imports = False ############################################################################### class ToJSON: """Class to generate functions converting from VPP binary API to JSON.""" _dispatch = {} noprint_fields = {"_vl_msg_id": None, "client_index": None, "context": None} is_number = { "u8": None, "i8": None, "u16": None, "i16": None, "u32": None, "i32": None, "u64": None, "i64": None, "f64": None, } def __init__(self, module, types, defines, imported_types, stream): self.stream = stream self.module = module self.defines = defines self.types = types self.types_hash = {"vl_api_" + d.name + "_t": d for d in types + imported_types} self.defines_hash = {d.name: d for d in defines} def header(self): """Output the top boilerplate.""" write = self.stream.write write("#ifndef included_{}_api_tojson_h\n".format(self.module)) write("#define included_{}_api_tojson_h\n".format(self.module)) write("#include <vppinfra/cJSON.h>\n\n") write("#include <vppinfra/jsonformat.h>\n\n") if self.module == "interface_types": write("#define vl_printfun\n") write("#include <vnet/interface_types.api.h>\n\n") def footer(self): """Output the bottom boilerplate.""" write = self.stream.write write("#endif\n") def get_base_type(self, t): vt_type = None try: vt = self.types_hash[t] if vt.type == "Using" and "length" not in vt.alias: vt_type = vt.alias["type"] except KeyError: vt = t return vt, vt_type def get_json_func(self, t): """Given the type, returns the function to use to create a cJSON object""" vt, vt_type = self.get_base_type(t) if t in self.is_number or vt_type in self.is_number: return "cJSON_AddNumberToObject", "", False if t == "bool": return "cJSON_AddBoolToObject", "", False # Lookup type name check if it's enum if vt.type == "Enum" or vt.type == "EnumFlag": return "{t}_tojson".format(t=t), "", True return "{t}_tojson".format(t=t), "&", True def get_json_array_func(self, t): """Given a type returns the function to create a cJSON object for arrays.""" if t in self.is_number: return "cJSON_CreateNumber", "" if t == "bool": return "cJSON_CreateBool", "" vt, vt_type = self.get_base_type(t) if vt.type == "Enum" or vt.type == "EnumFlag": return "{t}_tojson".format(t=t), "" return "{t}_tojson".format(t=t), "&" def print_string(self, o): """Create cJSON object from vl_api_string_t""" write = self.stream.write if o.modern_vla: write( ' vl_api_string_cJSON_AddToObject(o, "{n}", &a->{n});\n'.format( n=o.fieldname ) ) else: write( ' cJSON_AddStringToObject(o, "{n}", (char *)a->{n});\n'.format( n=o.fieldname ) ) def print_field(self, o): """Called for every field in a typedef or define.""" write = self.stream.write if o.fieldname in self.noprint_fields: return f, p, newobj = self.get_json_func(o.fieldtype) if newobj: write( ' cJSON_AddItemToObject(o, "{n}", {f}({p}a->{n}));\n'.format( f=f, p=p, n=o.fieldname ) ) else: write(' {f}(o, "{n}", {p}a->{n});\n'.format(f=f, p=p, n=o.fieldname)) _dispatch["Field"] = print_field def print_array(self, o): """Converts a VPP API array to cJSON array.""" write = self.stream.write forloop = """\ {{ int i; cJSON *array = cJSON_AddArrayToObject(o, "{n}"); for (i = 0; i < {lfield}; i++) {{ cJSON_AddItemToArray(array, {f}({p}a->{n}[i])); }} }} """ if o.fieldtype == "string": self.print_string(o) return lfield = "a->" + o.lengthfield if o.lengthfield else o.length if o.fieldtype == "u8": write(" {\n") # What is length field doing here? write( ' char *s = format_c_string(0, "0x%U", format_hex_bytes_no_wrap, ' "&a->{n}, {lfield});\n".format(n=o.fieldname, lfield=lfield) ) write(' cJSON_AddStringToObject(o, "{n}", s);\n'.format(n=o.fieldname)) write(" vec_free(s);\n") write(" }\n") return f, p = self.get_json_array_func(o.fieldtype) write(forloop.format(lfield=lfield, t=o.fieldtype, n=o.fieldname, f=f, p=p)) _dispatch["Array"] = print_array def print_enum(self, o): """Create cJSON object (string) for VPP API enum""" write = self.stream.write write( "static inline cJSON *vl_api_{name}_t_tojson " "(vl_api_{name}_t a) {{\n".format(name=o.name) ) write(" switch(a) {\n") for b in o.block: write(" case %s:\n" % b[1]) write(' return cJSON_CreateString("{}");\n'.format(b[0])) write(' default: return cJSON_CreateString("Invalid ENUM");\n') write(" }\n") write(" return 0;\n") write("}\n") _dispatch["Enum"] = print_enum def print_enum_flag(self, o): """Create cJSON object (string) for VPP API enum""" write = self.stream.write write( "static inline cJSON *vl_api_{name}_t_tojson " "(vl_api_{name}_t a) {{\n".format(name=o.name) ) write(" cJSON *array = cJSON_CreateArray();\n") for b in o.block: if b[1] == 0: continue write(" if (a & {})\n".format(b[0])) write( ' cJSON_AddItemToArray(array, cJSON_CreateString("{}"));\n'.format( b[0] ) ) write(" return array;\n") write("}\n") _dispatch["EnumFlag"] = print_enum_flag def print_typedef(self, o): """Create cJSON (dictionary) object from VPP API typedef""" write = self.stream.write write( "static inline cJSON *vl_api_{name}_t_tojson " "(vl_api_{name}_t *a) {{\n".format(name=o.name) ) write(" cJSON *o = cJSON_CreateObject();\n") for t in o.block: self._dispatch[t.type](self, t) write(" return o;\n") write("}\n") def print_define(self, o): """Create cJSON (dictionary) object from VPP API define""" write = self.stream.write write( "static inline cJSON *vl_api_{name}_t_tojson " "(vl_api_{name}_t *a) {{\n".format(name=o.name) ) write(" cJSON *o = cJSON_CreateObject();\n") write(' cJSON_AddStringToObject(o, "_msgname", "{}");\n'.format(o.name)) write( ' cJSON_AddStringToObject(o, "_crc", "{crc:08x}");\n'.format(crc=o.crc) ) for t in o.block: self._dispatch[t.type](self, t) write(" return o;\n") write("}\n") def print_using(self, o): """Create cJSON (dictionary) object from VPP API aliased type""" if o.manual_print: return write = self.stream.write write( "static inline cJSON *vl_api_{name}_t_tojson " "(vl_api_{name}_t *a) {{\n".format(name=o.name) ) write( ' char *s = format_c_string(0, "%U", format_vl_api_{}_t, a);\n'.format( o.name ) ) write(" cJSON *o = cJSON_CreateString(s);\n") write(" vec_free(s);\n") write(" return o;\n") write("}\n") _dispatch["Typedef"] = print_typedef _dispatch["Define"] = print_define _dispatch["Using"] = print_using _dispatch["Union"] = print_typedef def generate_function(self, t): """Main entry point""" write = self.stream.write if t.manual_print: write("/* Manual print {} */\n".format(t.name)) return self._dispatch[t.type](self, t) def generate_types(self): """Main entry point""" for t in self.types: self.generate_function(t) def generate_defines(self): """Main entry point""" for t in self.defines: self.generate_function(t) class FromJSON: """ Parse JSON objects into VPP API binary message structures. """ _dispatch = {} noprint_fields = {"_vl_msg_id": None, "client_index": None, "context": None} is_number = { "u8": None, "i8": None, "u16": None, "i16": None, "u32": None, "i32": None, "u64": None, "i64": None, "f64": None, } def __init__(self, module, types, defines, imported_types, stream): self.stream = stream self.module = module self.defines = defines self.types = types self.types_hash = {"vl_api_" + d.name + "_t": d for d in types + imported_types} self.defines_hash = {d.name: d for d in defines} def header(self): """Output the top boilerplate.""" write = self.stream.write write("#ifndef included_{}_api_fromjson_h\n".format(self.module)) write("#define included_{}_api_fromjson_h\n".format(self.module)) write("#include <vppinfra/cJSON.h>\n\n") write("#include <vppinfra/jsonformat.h>\n\n") write('#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-label"\n') def is_base_type(self, t): """Check if a type is one of the VPP API base types""" if t in self.is_number: return True if t == "bool": return True return False def footer(self): """Output the bottom boilerplate.""" write = self.stream.write write("#endif\n") def print_string(self, o, toplevel=False): """Convert JSON string to vl_api_string_t""" write = self.stream.write msgvar = "a" if toplevel else "*mp" msgsize = "l" if toplevel else "*len" if o.modern_vla: write(" char *p = cJSON_GetStringValue(item);\n") write(" size_t plen = strlen(p);\n") write( " {msgvar} = cJSON_realloc({msgvar}, {msgsize} + plen);\n".format( msgvar=msgvar, msgsize=msgsize ) ) write(" if ({msgvar} == 0) goto error;\n".format(msgvar=msgvar)) write( " vl_api_c_string_to_api_string(p, (void *){msgvar} + " "{msgsize} - sizeof(vl_api_string_t));\n".format( msgvar=msgvar, msgsize=msgsize ) ) write(" {msgsize} += plen;\n".format(msgsize=msgsize)) else: write( " strncpy_s((char *)a->{n}, sizeof(a->{n}), " "cJSON_GetStringValue(item), sizeof(a->{n}) - 1);\n".format( n=o.fieldname ) ) def print_field(self, o, toplevel=False): """Called for every field in a typedef or define.""" write = self.stream.write if o.fieldname in self.noprint_fields: return is_bt = self.is_base_type(o.fieldtype) t = "vl_api_{}".format(o.fieldtype) if is_bt else o.fieldtype msgvar = "(void **)&a" if toplevel else "mp" msgsize = "&l" if toplevel else "len" if is_bt: write( " vl_api_{t}_fromjson(item, &a->{n});\n".format( t=o.fieldtype, n=o.fieldname ) ) else: write( " if ({t}_fromjson({msgvar}, " "{msgsize}, item, &a->{n}) < 0) goto error;\n".format( t=t, n=o.fieldname, msgvar=msgvar, msgsize=msgsize ) ) _dispatch["Field"] = print_field def print_array(self, o, toplevel=False): """Convert JSON array to VPP API array""" write = self.stream.write forloop = """\ {{ int i; cJSON *array = cJSON_GetObjectItem(o, "{n}"); int size = cJSON_GetArraySize(array); if (size != {lfield}) goto error; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {{ cJSON *e = cJSON_GetArrayItem(array, i); {call} }} }} """ forloop_vla = """\ {{ int i; cJSON *array = cJSON_GetObjectItem(o, "{n}"); int size = cJSON_GetArraySize(array); {lfield} = size; {realloc} = cJSON_realloc({realloc}, {msgsize} + sizeof({t}) * size); {t} *d = (void *){realloc} + {msgsize}; {msgsize} += sizeof({t}) * size; for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {{ cJSON *e = cJSON_GetArrayItem(array, i); {call} }} }} """ t = o.fieldtype if o.fieldtype == "string": self.print_string(o, toplevel) return lfield = "a->" + o.lengthfield if o.lengthfield else o.length msgvar = "(void **)&a" if toplevel else "mp" realloc = "a" if toplevel else "*mp" msgsize = "l" if toplevel else "*len" if o.fieldtype == "u8": if o.lengthfield: write(' s = u8string_fromjson(o, "{}");\n'.format(o.fieldname)) write(" if (!s) goto error;\n") write(" {} = vec_len(s);\n".format(lfield)) write( " {realloc} = cJSON_realloc({realloc}, {msgsize} + " "vec_len(s));\n".format( msgvar=msgvar, msgsize=msgsize, realloc=realloc ) ) write( " clib_memcpy((void *){realloc} + {msgsize}, s, " "vec_len(s));\n".format(realloc=realloc, msgsize=msgsize) ) write(" {msgsize} += vec_len(s);\n".format(msgsize=msgsize)) write(" vec_free(s);\n") else: write( ' if (u8string_fromjson2(o, "{n}", a->{n}) < 0) goto error;\n'.format( n=o.fieldname ) ) return is_bt = self.is_base_type(o.fieldtype) if o.lengthfield: if is_bt: call = "vl_api_{t}_fromjson(e, &d[i]);".format(t=o.fieldtype) else: call = "if ({t}_fromjson({msgvar}, len, e, &d[i]) < 0) goto error; ".format( t=o.fieldtype, msgvar=msgvar ) write( forloop_vla.format( lfield=lfield, t=o.fieldtype, n=o.fieldname, call=call, realloc=realloc, msgsize=msgsize, ) ) else: if is_bt: call = "vl_api_{t}_fromjson(e, &a->{n}[i]);".format(t=t, n=o.fieldname) else: call = "if ({}_fromjson({}, len, e, &a->{}[i]) < 0) goto error;".format( t, msgvar, o.fieldname ) write( forloop.format( lfield=lfield, t=t, n=o.fieldname, call=call, msgvar=msgvar, realloc=realloc, msgsize=msgsize, ) ) _dispatch["Array"] = print_array def print_enum(self, o): """Convert to JSON enum(string) to VPP API enum (int)""" write = self.stream.write write( "static inline int vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson" "(void **mp, int *len, cJSON *o, vl_api_{n}_t *a) {{\n".format(n=o.name) ) write(" char *p = cJSON_GetStringValue(o);\n") for b in o.block: write( ' if (strcmp(p, "{}") == 0) {{*a = {}; return 0;}}\n'.format( b[0], b[1] ) ) write(" *a = 0;\n") write(" return -1;\n") write("}\n") _dispatch["Enum"] = print_enum def print_enum_flag(self, o): """Convert to JSON enum(string) to VPP API enum (int)""" write = self.stream.write write( "static inline int vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson " "(void **mp, int *len, cJSON *o, vl_api_{n}_t *a) {{\n".format(n=o.name) ) write(" int i;\n") write(" *a = 0;\n") write(" for (i = 0; i < cJSON_GetArraySize(o); i++) {\n") write(" cJSON *e = cJSON_GetArrayItem(o, i);\n") write(" char *p = cJSON_GetStringValue(e);\n") write(" if (!p) return -1;\n") for b in o.block: write(' if (strcmp(p, "{}") == 0) *a |= {};\n'.format(b[0], b[1])) write(" }\n") write(" return 0;\n") write("}\n") _dispatch["EnumFlag"] = print_enum_flag def print_typedef(self, o): """Convert from JSON object to VPP API binary representation""" write = self.stream.write write( "static inline int vl_api_{name}_t_fromjson (void **mp, " "int *len, cJSON *o, vl_api_{name}_t *a) {{\n".format(name=o.name) ) write(" cJSON *item __attribute__ ((unused));\n") write(" u8 *s __attribute__ ((unused));\n") for t in o.block: if t.type == "Field" and t.is_lengthfield: continue write('\n item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(o, "{}");\n'.format(t.fieldname)) write(" if (!item) goto error;\n") self._dispatch[t.type](self, t) write("\n return 0;\n") write("\n error:\n") write(" return -1;\n") write("}\n") def print_union(self, o): """Convert JSON object to VPP API binary union""" write = self.stream.write write( "static inline int vl_api_{name}_t_fromjson (void **mp, " "int *len, cJSON *o, vl_api_{name}_t *a) {{\n".format(name=o.name) ) write(" cJSON *item __attribute__ ((unused));\n") write(" u8 *s __attribute__ ((unused));\n") for t in o.block: if t.type == "Field" and t.is_lengthfield: continue write(' item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(o, "{}");\n'.format(t.fieldname)) write(" if (item) {\n") self._dispatch[t.type](self, t) write(" };\n") write("\n return 0;\n") write("\n error:\n") write(" return -1;\n") write("}\n") def print_define(self, o): """Convert JSON object to VPP API message""" write = self.stream.write error = 0 write( "static inline vl_api_{name}_t *vl_api_{name}_t_fromjson " "(cJSON *o, int *len) {{\n".format(name=o.name) ) write(" cJSON *item __attribute__ ((unused));\n") write(" u8 *s __attribute__ ((unused));\n") write(" int l = sizeof(vl_api_{}_t);\n".format(o.name)) write(" vl_api_{}_t *a = cJSON_malloc(l);\n".format(o.name)) write("\n") for t in o.block: if t.fieldname in self.noprint_fields: continue if t.type == "Field" and t.is_lengthfield: continue write(' item = cJSON_GetObjectItem(o, "{}");\n'.format(t.fieldname)) write(" if (!item) goto error;\n") error += 1 self._dispatch[t.type](self, t, toplevel=True) write("\n") write(" *len = l;\n") write(" return a;\n") if error: write("\n error:\n") write(" cJSON_free(a);\n") write(" return 0;\n") write("}\n") def print_using(self, o): """Convert JSON field to VPP type alias""" write = self.stream.write if o.manual_print: return t = o.using write( "static inline int vl_api_{name}_t_fromjson (void **mp, " "int *len, cJSON *o, vl_api_{name}_t *a) {{\n".format(name=o.name) ) if "length" in o.alias: if t.fieldtype != "u8": raise ValueError( "Error in processing type {} for {}".format(t.fieldtype, o.name) ) write( " vl_api_u8_string_fromjson(o, (u8 *)a, {});\n".format( o.alias["length"] ) ) else: write(" vl_api_{t}_fromjson(o, ({t} *)a);\n".format(t=t.fieldtype)) write(" return 0;\n") write("}\n") _dispatch["Typedef"] = print_typedef _dispatch["Define"] = print_define _dispatch["Using"] = print_using _dispatch["Union"] = print_union def generate_function(self, t): """Main entry point""" write = self.stream.write if t.manual_print: write("/* Manual print {} */\n".format(t.name)) return self._dispatch[t.type](self, t) def generate_types(self): """Main entry point""" for t in self.types: self.generate_function(t) def generate_defines(self): """Main entry point""" for t in self.defines: self.generate_function(t) def generate_tojson(s, modulename, stream): """Generate all functions to convert from API to JSON""" write = stream.write write("/* Imported API files */\n") for i in s["Import"]: f = i.filename.replace("plugins/", "") write("#include <{}_tojson.h>\n".format(f)) pp = ToJSON(modulename, s["types"], s["Define"], s["imported"]["types"], stream) pp.header() pp.generate_types() pp.generate_defines() pp.footer() return "" def generate_fromjson(s, modulename, stream): """Generate all functions to convert from JSON to API""" write = stream.write write("/* Imported API files */\n") for i in s["Import"]: f = i.filename.replace("plugins/", "") write("#include <{}_fromjson.h>\n".format(f)) pp = FromJSON(modulename, s["types"], s["Define"], s["imported"]["types"], stream) pp.header() pp.generate_types() pp.generate_defines() pp.footer() return "" ############################################################################### DATESTRING = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp( int(os.environ.get("SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH", time.time())) ) TOP_BOILERPLATE = """\ /* * VLIB API definitions {datestring} * Input file: {input_filename} * Automatically generated: please edit the input file NOT this file! */ #include <stdbool.h> #if defined(vl_msg_id)||defined(vl_union_id) \\ || defined(vl_printfun) ||defined(vl_endianfun) \\ || defined(vl_api_version)||defined(vl_typedefs) \\ || defined(vl_msg_name)||defined(vl_msg_name_crc_list) \\ || defined(vl_api_version_tuple) || defined(vl_calcsizefun) /* ok, something was selected */ #else #warning no content included from {input_filename} #endif #define VL_API_PACKED(x) x __attribute__ ((packed)) /* * Note: VL_API_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE is set to an arbitrarily large limit. * * However, any message with a ~2 billion element array is likely to break the * api handling long before this limit causes array element endian issues. * * Applications should be written to create reasonable api messages. */ #define VL_API_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE 0x7fffffff """ BOTTOM_BOILERPLATE = """\ /****** API CRC (whole file) *****/ #ifdef vl_api_version vl_api_version({input_filename}, {file_crc:#08x}) #endif """ def msg_ids(s): """Generate macro to map API message id to handler""" output = """\ /****** Message ID / handler enum ******/ #ifdef vl_msg_id """ for t in s["Define"]: output += "vl_msg_id(VL_API_%s, vl_api_%s_t_handler)\n" % ( t.name.upper(), t.name, ) output += "#endif" return output def msg_names(s): """Generate calls to name mapping macro""" output = """\ /****** Message names ******/ #ifdef vl_msg_name """ for t in s["Define"]: dont_trace = 0 if t.dont_trace else 1 output += "vl_msg_name(vl_api_%s_t, %d)\n" % (t.name, dont_trace) output += "#endif" return output def msg_name_crc_list(s, suffix): """Generate list of names to CRC mappings""" output = """\ /****** Message name, crc list ******/ #ifdef vl_msg_name_crc_list """ output += "#define foreach_vl_msg_name_crc_%s " % suffix for t in s["Define"]: output += "\\\n_(VL_API_%s, %s, %08x) " % (t.name.upper(), t.name, t.crc) output += "\n#endif" return output def api2c(fieldtype): """Map between API type names and internal VPP type names""" mappingtable = { "string": "vl_api_string_t", } if fieldtype in mappingtable: return mappingtable[fieldtype] return fieldtype def typedefs(filename): """Include in the main files to the types file""" output = """\ /****** Typedefs ******/ #ifdef vl_typedefs #include "{include}.api_types.h" #endif """.format( include=filename ) return output FORMAT_STRINGS = { "u8": "%u", "bool": "%u", "i8": "%d", "u16": "%u", "i16": "%d", "u32": "%u", "i32": "%ld", "u64": "%llu", "i64": "%lld", "f64": "%.2f", } class Printfun: """Functions for pretty printing VPP API messages""" _dispatch = {} noprint_fields = {"_vl_msg_id": None, "client_index": None, "context": None} def __init__(self, stream): self.stream = stream @staticmethod def print_string(o, stream): """Pretty print a vl_api_string_t""" write = stream.write if o.modern_vla: write(" if (vl_api_string_len(&a->{f}) > 0) {{\n".format(f=o.fieldname)) write( ' s = format(s, "\\n%U{f}: %U", ' "format_white_space, indent, " "vl_api_format_string, (&a->{f}));\n".format(f=o.fieldname) ) write(" } else {\n") write( ' s = format(s, "\\n%U{f}:", ' "format_white_space, indent);\n".format(f=o.fieldname) ) write(" }\n") else: write( ' s = format(s, "\\n%U{f}: %s", ' "format_white_space, indent, a->{f});\n".format(f=o.fieldname) ) def print_field(self, o, stream): """Pretty print API field""" write = stream.write if o.fieldname in self.noprint_fields: return if o.fieldtype in FORMAT_STRINGS: f = FORMAT_STRINGS[o.fieldtype] write( ' s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: {f}", ' "format_white_space, indent, a->{n});\n".format(n=o.fieldname, f=f) ) else: write( ' s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: %U", ' "format_white_space, indent, " "format_{t}, &a->{n}, indent);\n".format(n=o.fieldname, t=o.fieldtype) ) _dispatch["Field"] = print_field def print_array(self, o, stream): """Pretty print API array""" write = stream.write forloop = """\ for (i = 0; i < {lfield}; i++) {{ s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: %U", format_white_space, indent, format_{t}, &a->{n}[i], indent); }} """ forloop_format = """\ for (i = 0; i < {lfield}; i++) {{ s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: {t}", format_white_space, indent, a->{n}[i]); }} """ if o.fieldtype == "string": self.print_string(o, stream) return if o.fieldtype == "u8": if o.lengthfield: write( ' s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: %U", format_white_space, ' "indent, format_hex_bytes, a->{n}, a->{lfield});\n".format( n=o.fieldname, lfield=o.lengthfield ) ) else: write( ' s = format(s, "\\n%U{n}: %U", format_white_space, ' "indent, format_hex_bytes, a, {lfield});\n".format( n=o.fieldname, lfield=o.length ) ) return lfield = "a->" + o.lengthfield if o.lengthfield else o.length if o.fieldtype in FORMAT_STRINGS: write( forloop_format.format( lfield=lfield, t=FORMAT_STRINGS[o.fieldtype], n=o.fieldname ) ) else: write(forloop.format(lfield=lfield, t=o.fieldtype, n=o.fieldname)) _dispatch["Array"] = print_array @staticmethod def print_alias(k, v, stream): """Pretty print type alias""" write = stream.write if "length" in v.alias and v.alias["length"] and v.alias["type"] == "u8": write( ' return format(s, "%U", format_hex_bytes, a, {});\n'.format( v.alias["length"] ) ) elif v.alias["type"] in FORMAT_STRINGS: write( ' return format(s, "{}", *a);\n'.format( FORMAT_STRINGS[v.alias["type"]] ) ) else: write(' return format(s, "{} (print not implemented)");\n'.format(k)) @staticmethod def print_enum(o, stream): """Pretty print API enum""" write = stream.write write(" switch(*a) {\n") for b in o: write(" case %s:\n" % b[1]) write(' return format(s, "{}");\n'.format(b[0])) write(" }\n") _dispatch["Enum"] = print_enum _dispatch["EnumFlag"] = print_enum def print_obj(self, o, stream): """Entry point""" write = stream.write if o.type in self._dispatch: self._dispatch[o.type](self, o, stream) else: write( ' s = format(s, "\\n{} {} {} (print not implemented");\n'.format( o.type, o.fieldtype, o.fieldname ) ) def printfun(objs, stream, modulename): """Main entry point for pretty print function generation""" write = stream.write h = """\ /****** Print functions *****/ #ifdef vl_printfun #ifndef included_{module}_printfun #define included_{module}_printfun #ifdef LP64 #define _uword_fmt \"%lld\" #define _uword_cast (long long) #else #define _uword_fmt \"%ld\" #define _uword_cast long #endif #include "{module}.api_tojson.h" #include "{module}.api_fromjson.h" """ signature = """\ static inline u8 *vl_api_{name}_t_format (u8 *s, va_list *args) {{ __attribute__((unused)) vl_api_{name}_t *a = va_arg (*args, vl_api_{name}_t *); u32 indent __attribute__((unused)) = 2; int i __attribute__((unused)); """ h = h.format(module=modulename) write(h) pp = Printfun(stream) for t in objs: if t.manual_print: write("/***** manual: vl_api_%s_t_format *****/\n\n" % t.name) continue write(signature.format(name=t.name, suffix="")) write(" /* Message definition: vl_api_{}_t: */\n".format(t.name)) write(' s = format(s, "vl_api_%s_t:");\n' % t.name) for o in t.block: pp.print_obj(o, stream) write(" return s;\n") write("}\n\n") write("\n#endif") write("\n#endif /* vl_printfun */\n") return "" def printfun_types(objs, stream, modulename): """Pretty print API types""" write = stream.write pp = Printfun(stream) h = """\ /****** Print functions *****/ #ifdef vl_printfun #ifndef included_{module}_printfun_types #define included_{module}_printfun_types """ h = h.format(module=modulename) write(h) signature = """\ static inline u8 *format_vl_api_{name}_t (u8 *s, va_list * args) {{ vl_api_{name}_t *a = va_arg (*args, vl_api_{name}_t *); u32 indent __attribute__((unused)) = va_arg (*args, u32); int i __attribute__((unused)); indent += 2; """ for t in objs: if t.__class__.__name__ == "Enum" or t.__class__.__name__ == "EnumFlag": write(signature.format(name=t.name)) pp.print_enum(t.block, stream) write(" return s;\n") write("}\n\n") continue if t.manual_print: write("/***** manual: vl_api_%s_t_format *****/\n\n" % t.name) continue if t.__class__.__name__ == "Using": write(signature.format(name=t.name)) pp.print_alias(t.name, t, stream) write("}\n\n") continue write(signature.format(name=t.name)) for o in t.block: pp.print_obj(o, stream) write(" return s;\n") write("}\n\n") write("\n#endif") write("\n#endif /* vl_printfun_types */\n") def generate_imports(imports): """Add #include matching the API import statements""" output = "/* Imported API files */\n" output += "#ifndef vl_api_version\n" for i in imports: s = i.filename.replace("plugins/", "") output += "#include <{}.h>\n".format(s) output += "#endif\n" return output ENDIAN_STRINGS = { "u16": "clib_net_to_host_u16", "u32": "clib_net_to_host_u32", "u64": "clib_net_to_host_u64", "i16": "clib_net_to_host_i16", "i32": "clib_net_to_host_i32", "i64": "clib_net_to_host_i64", "f64": "clib_net_to_host_f64", } def get_endian_string(fieldtype): """Return proper endian string conversion function""" return ENDIAN_STRINGS[fieldtype] def get_lengthfield_type(fieldname, block): """Return the type of the length field""" for o in block: if o.fieldname == fieldname: return o.fieldtype return None def endianfun_array(o, block): """Generate endian functions for arrays""" forloop = """\ ASSERT((u32){length} <= (u32)VL_API_MAX_ARRAY_SIZE); for (i = 0; i < {length}; i++) {{ a->{name}[i] = {format}(a->{name}[i]); }} """ forloop_format = """\ for (i = 0; i < {length}; i++) {{ {type}_endian(&a->{name}[i], to_net); }} """ output = "" if o.fieldtype == "u8" or o.fieldtype == "string" or o.fieldtype == "bool": output += " /* a->{n} = a->{n} (no-op) */\n".format(n=o.fieldname) else: # lfield = "a->" + o.lengthfield if o.lengthfield else o.length if o.lengthfield: fieldtype = get_lengthfield_type(o.lengthfield, block) if fieldtype == "u8": output += f" u32 count = a->{o.lengthfield};\n" else: output += ( f" u32 count = to_net ? {get_endian_string(fieldtype)}(a->{o.lengthfield}) : " f"a->{o.lengthfield};\n" ) lfield = "count" else: lfield = o.length if o.fieldtype in ENDIAN_STRINGS: output += forloop.format( length=lfield, format=get_endian_string(o.fieldtype), name=o.fieldname, ) else: output += forloop_format.format( length=lfield, type=o.fieldtype, name=o.fieldname ) return output NO_ENDIAN_CONVERSION = {"client_index": None} def endianfun_obj(o, block): """Generate endian conversion function for type""" output = "" if o.type == "Array": return endianfun_array(o, block) if o.type != "Field": output += ' s = format(s, "\\n{} {} {} (print not implemented");\n'.format( o.type, o.fieldtype, o.fieldname ) return output if o.fieldname in NO_ENDIAN_CONVERSION: output += " /* a->{n} = a->{n} (no-op) */\n".format(n=o.fieldname) return output if o.fieldtype in ENDIAN_STRINGS: output += " a->{name} = {format}(a->{name});\n".format( name=o.fieldname, format=get_endian_string(o.fieldtype) ) elif o.fieldtype.startswith("vl_api_"): output += " {type}_endian(&a->{name}, to_net);\n".format( type=o.fieldtype, name=o.fieldname ) else: output += " /* a->{n} = a->{n} (no-op) */\n".format(n=o.fieldname) return output def endianfun(objs, modulename): """Main entry point for endian function generation""" output = """\ /****** Endian swap functions *****/\n\ #ifdef vl_endianfun #ifndef included_{module}_endianfun #define included_{module}_endianfun #undef clib_net_to_host_uword #undef clib_host_to_net_uword #ifdef LP64 #define clib_net_to_host_uword clib_net_to_host_u64 #define clib_host_to_net_uword clib_host_to_net_u64 #else #define clib_net_to_host_uword clib_net_to_host_u32 #define clib_host_to_net_uword clib_host_to_net_u32 #endif """ output = output.format(module=modulename) signature = """\ static inline void vl_api_{name}_t_endian (vl_api_{name}_t *a, bool to_net) {{ int i __attribute__((unused)); """ for t in objs: if t.__class__.__name__ == "Enum" or t.__class__.__name__ == "EnumFlag": output += signature.format(name=t.name) if t.enumtype in ENDIAN_STRINGS: output += " *a = {}(*a);\n".format(get_endian_string(t.enumtype)) else: output += " /* a->{name} = a->{name} (no-op) */\n".format( name=t.name ) output += "}\n\n" continue if t.manual_endian: output += "/***** manual: vl_api_%s_t_endian *****/\n\n" % t.name continue if t.__class__.__name__ == "Using": output += signature.format(name=t.name) if "length" in t.alias and t.alias["length"] and t.alias["type"] == "u8": output += " /* a->{name} = a->{name} (no-op) */\n".format( name=t.name ) elif t.alias["type"] in FORMAT_STRINGS: output += " *a = {}(*a);\n".format( get_endian_string(t.alias["type"]) ) else: output += " /* Not Implemented yet {} */".format(t.name) output += "}\n\n" continue output += signature.format(name=t.name) for o in t.block: output += endianfun_obj(o, t.block) output += "}\n\n" output += "\n#endif" output += "\n#endif /* vl_endianfun */\n\n" return output def calc_size_fun(objs, modulename): """Main entry point for calculate size function generation""" output = """\ /****** Calculate size functions *****/\n\ #ifdef vl_calcsizefun #ifndef included_{module}_calcsizefun #define included_{module}_calcsizefun """ output = output.format(module=modulename) signature = """\ /* calculate message size of message in network byte order */ static inline uword vl_api_{name}_t_calc_size (vl_api_{name}_t *a) {{ """ for o in objs: tname = o.__class__.__name__ output += signature.format(name=o.name) output += f" return sizeof(*a)" if tname == "Using": if "length" in o.alias: try: tmp = int(o.alias["length"]) if tmp == 0: raise (f"Unexpected length '0' for alias {o}") except: # output += f" + vl_api_{o.alias.name}_t_calc_size({o.name})" print("culprit:") print(o) print(dir(o.alias)) print(o.alias) raise elif tname == "Enum" or tname == "EnumFlag": pass else: for b in o.block: if b.type == "Option": continue elif b.type == "Field": if b.fieldtype.startswith("vl_api_"): output += f" - sizeof(a->{b.fieldname})" output += f" + {b.fieldtype}_calc_size(&a->{b.fieldname})" elif b.type == "Array": if b.lengthfield: m = list( filter(lambda x: x.fieldname == b.lengthfield, o.block) ) if len(m) != 1: raise Exception( f"Expected 1 match for field '{b.lengthfield}', got '{m}'" ) lf = m[0] if lf.fieldtype in ENDIAN_STRINGS: output += f" + {get_endian_string(lf.fieldtype)}(a->{b.lengthfield}) * sizeof(a->{b.fieldname}[0])" elif lf.fieldtype == "u8": output += ( f" + a->{b.lengthfield} * sizeof(a->{b.fieldname}[0])" ) else: raise Exception( f"Don't know how to endian swap {lf.fieldtype}" ) else: # Fixed length strings decay to nul terminated u8 if b.fieldtype == "string": if b.modern_vla: output += f" + vl_api_string_len(&a->{b.fieldname})" output += ";\n" output += "}\n\n" output += "\n#endif" output += "\n#endif /* vl_calcsizefun */\n\n" return output def version_tuple(s, module): """Generate semantic version string""" output = """\ /****** Version tuple *****/ #ifdef vl_api_version_tuple """ if "version" in s["Option"]: v = s["Option"]["version"] (major, minor, patch) = v.split(".") output += "vl_api_version_tuple(%s, %s, %s, %s)\n" % ( module, major, minor, patch, ) output += "\n#endif /* vl_api_version_tuple */\n\n" return output def generate_include_enum(s, module, stream): """Generate <name>.api_enum.h""" write = stream.write if "Define" in s: write("typedef enum {\n") for t in s["Define"]: write(" VL_API_{},\n".format(t.name.upper())) write(" VL_MSG_{}_LAST\n".format(module.upper())) write("}} vl_api_{}_enum_t;\n".format(module)) def generate_include_counters(s, stream): """Include file for the counter data model types.""" write = stream.write for counters in s: csetname = counters.name write("typedef enum {\n") for c in counters.block: write(" {}_ERROR_{},\n".format(csetname.upper(), c["name"].upper())) write(" {}_N_ERROR\n".format(csetname.upper())) write("}} vl_counter_{}_enum_t;\n".format(csetname)) write("extern vlib_error_desc_t {}_error_counters[];\n".format(csetname)) def generate_include_types(s, module, stream): """Generate separate API _types file.""" write = stream.write write("#ifndef included_{module}_api_types_h\n".format(module=module)) write("#define included_{module}_api_types_h\n".format(module=module)) if "version" in s["Option"]: v = s["Option"]["version"] (major, minor, patch) = v.split(".") write( "#define VL_API_{m}_API_VERSION_MAJOR {v}\n".format( m=module.upper(), v=major ) ) write( "#define VL_API_{m}_API_VERSION_MINOR {v}\n".format( m=module.upper(), v=minor ) ) write( "#define VL_API_{m}_API_VERSION_PATCH {v}\n".format( m=module.upper(), v=patch ) ) if "Import" in s: write("/* Imported API files */\n") for i in s["Import"]: filename = i.filename.replace("plugins/", "") write("#include <{}_types.h>\n".format(filename)) for o in itertools.chain(s["types"], s["Define"]): tname = o.__class__.__name__ if tname == "Using": if "length" in o.alias: write( "typedef %s vl_api_%s_t[%s];\n" % (o.alias["type"], o.name, o.alias["length"]) ) else: write("typedef %s vl_api_%s_t;\n" % (o.alias["type"], o.name)) elif tname == "Enum" or tname == "EnumFlag": if o.enumtype == "u32": write("typedef enum {\n") else: write("typedef enum __attribute__((packed)) {\n") for b in o.block: write(" %s = %s,\n" % (b[0], b[1])) write("} vl_api_%s_t;\n" % o.name) if o.enumtype != "u32": size1 = "sizeof(vl_api_%s_t)" % o.name size2 = "sizeof(%s)" % o.enumtype err_str = "size of API enum %s is wrong" % o.name write('STATIC_ASSERT(%s == %s, "%s");\n' % (size1, size2, err_str)) else: if tname == "Union": write("typedef union __attribute__ ((packed)) _vl_api_%s {\n" % o.name) else: write( ("typedef struct __attribute__ ((packed)) _vl_api_%s {\n") % o.name ) for b in o.block: if b.type == "Option": continue if b.type == "Field": write(" %s %s;\n" % (api2c(b.fieldtype), b.fieldname)) elif b.type == "Array": if b.lengthfield: write(" %s %s[0];\n" % (api2c(b.fieldtype), b.fieldname)) else: # Fixed length strings decay to nul terminated u8 if b.fieldtype == "string": if b.modern_vla: write( " {} {};\n".format( api2c(b.fieldtype), b.fieldname ) ) else: write(" u8 {}[{}];\n".format(b.fieldname, b.length)) else: write( " %s %s[%s];\n" % (api2c(b.fieldtype), b.fieldname, b.length) ) else: raise ValueError( "Error in processing type {} for {}".format(b, o.name) ) write("} vl_api_%s_t;\n" % o.name) write( f"#define VL_API_{o.name.upper()}_IS_CONSTANT_SIZE ({0 if o.vla else 1})\n\n" ) for t in s["Define"]: write( '#define VL_API_{ID}_CRC "{n}_{crc:08x}"\n'.format( n=t.name, ID=t.name.upper(), crc=t.crc ) ) write("\n#endif\n") def generate_c_boilerplate(services, defines, counters, file_crc, module, stream): """VPP side plugin.""" write = stream.write define_hash = {d.name: d for d in defines} hdr = """\ #define vl_endianfun /* define message structures */ #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_endianfun #define vl_calcsizefun #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_calsizefun /* instantiate all the print functions we know about */ #define vl_printfun #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_printfun #include "{module}.api_json.h" """ write(hdr.format(module=module)) if len(defines) > 0: write("static u16\n") write("setup_message_id_table (void) {\n") write(" api_main_t *am = my_api_main;\n") write(" vl_msg_api_msg_config_t c;\n") write( ' u16 msg_id_base = vl_msg_api_get_msg_ids ("{}_{crc:08x}", ' "VL_MSG_{m}_LAST);\n".format(module, crc=file_crc, m=module.upper()) ) write(f" vec_add1(am->json_api_repr, (u8 *)json_api_repr_{module});\n") for d in defines: write( ' vl_msg_api_add_msg_name_crc (am, "{n}_{crc:08x}",\n' " VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base);\n".format( n=d.name, ID=d.name.upper(), crc=d.crc ) ) for s in services: d = define_hash[s.caller] write( " c = (vl_msg_api_msg_config_t) " " {{.id = VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base,\n" ' .name = "{n}",\n' " .handler = vl_api_{n}_t_handler,\n" " .endian = vl_api_{n}_t_endian,\n" " .format_fn = vl_api_{n}_t_format,\n" " .traced = 1,\n" " .replay = 1,\n" " .tojson = vl_api_{n}_t_tojson,\n" " .fromjson = vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson,\n" " .calc_size = vl_api_{n}_t_calc_size,\n" " .is_autoendian = {auto}}};\n".format( n=s.caller, ID=s.caller.upper(), auto=d.autoendian ) ) write(" vl_msg_api_config (&c);\n") try: d = define_hash[s.reply] write( " c = (vl_msg_api_msg_config_t) " "{{.id = VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base,\n" ' .name = "{n}",\n' " .handler = 0,\n" " .endian = vl_api_{n}_t_endian,\n" " .format_fn = vl_api_{n}_t_format,\n" " .traced = 1,\n" " .replay = 1,\n" " .tojson = vl_api_{n}_t_tojson,\n" " .fromjson = vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson,\n" " .calc_size = vl_api_{n}_t_calc_size,\n" " .is_autoendian = {auto}}};\n".format( n=s.reply, ID=s.reply.upper(), auto=d.autoendian ) ) write(" vl_msg_api_config (&c);\n") except KeyError: pass try: if s.stream: d = define_hash[s.stream_message] write( " c = (vl_msg_api_msg_config_t) " "{{.id = VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base,\n" ' .name = "{n}",\n' " .handler = 0,\n" " .endian = vl_api_{n}_t_endian,\n" " .format_fn = vl_api_{n}_t_format,\n" " .traced = 1,\n" " .replay = 1,\n" " .tojson = vl_api_{n}_t_tojson,\n" " .fromjson = vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson,\n" " .calc_size = vl_api_{n}_t_calc_size,\n" " .is_autoendian = {auto}}};\n".format( n=s.stream_message, ID=s.stream_message.upper(), auto=d.autoendian, ) ) write(" vl_msg_api_config (&c);\n") except KeyError: pass if len(defines) > 0: write(" return msg_id_base;\n") write("}\n") severity = { "error": "VL_COUNTER_SEVERITY_ERROR", "info": "VL_COUNTER_SEVERITY_INFO", "warn": "VL_COUNTER_SEVERITY_WARN", } for cnt in counters: csetname = cnt.name write("vlib_error_desc_t {}_error_counters[] = {{\n".format(csetname)) for c in cnt.block: write(" {\n") write(' .name = "{}",\n'.format(c["name"])) write(' .desc = "{}",\n'.format(c["description"])) write(" .severity = {},\n".format(severity[c["severity"]])) write(" },\n") write("};\n") def generate_c_test_boilerplate(services, defines, file_crc, module, plugin, stream): """Generate code for legacy style VAT. To be deleted.""" write = stream.write define_hash = {d.name: d for d in defines} hdr = """\ #define vl_endianfun /* define message structures */ #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_endianfun #define vl_calcsizefun #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_calsizefun /* instantiate all the print functions we know about */ #define vl_printfun #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_printfun """ write(hdr.format(module=module)) for s in services: try: d = define_hash[s.reply] except KeyError: continue if d.manual_print: write( "/*\n" " * Manual definition requested for: \n" " * vl_api_{n}_t_handler()\n" " */\n".format(n=s.reply) ) continue if not define_hash[s.caller].autoreply: write( "/* Generation not supported (vl_api_{n}_t_handler()) */\n".format( n=s.reply ) ) continue write("#ifndef VL_API_{n}_T_HANDLER\n".format(n=s.reply.upper())) write("static void\n") write("vl_api_{n}_t_handler (vl_api_{n}_t * mp) {{\n".format(n=s.reply)) write(" vat_main_t * vam = {}_test_main.vat_main;\n".format(module)) write(" i32 retval = ntohl(mp->retval);\n") write(" if (vam->async_mode) {\n") write(" vam->async_errors += (retval < 0);\n") write(" } else {\n") write(" vam->retval = retval;\n") write(" vam->result_ready = 1;\n") write(" }\n") write("}\n") write("#endif\n") for e in s.events: if define_hash[e].manual_print: continue write("static void\n") write("vl_api_{n}_t_handler (vl_api_{n}_t * mp) {{\n".format(n=e)) write(' vlib_cli_output(0, "{n} event called:");\n'.format(n=e)) write( ' vlib_cli_output(0, "%U", vl_api_{n}_t_format, mp);\n'.format(n=e) ) write("}\n") write("static void\n") write("setup_message_id_table (vat_main_t * vam, u16 msg_id_base) {\n") for s in services: write( " vl_msg_api_config (&(vl_msg_api_msg_config_t){{\n" " .id = VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base,\n" ' .name = "{n}",\n' " .handler = vl_api_{n}_t_handler,\n" " .endian = vl_api_{n}_t_endian,\n" " .format_fn = vl_api_{n}_t_format,\n" " .size = sizeof(vl_api_{n}_t),\n" " .traced = 1,\n" " .tojson = vl_api_{n}_t_tojson,\n" " .fromjson = vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson,\n" " .calc_size = vl_api_{n}_t_calc_size,\n" " }});".format(n=s.reply, ID=s.reply.upper()) ) write( ' hash_set_mem (vam->function_by_name, "{n}", api_{n});\n'.format( n=s.caller ) ) try: write( ' hash_set_mem (vam->help_by_name, "{n}", "{help}");\n'.format( n=s.caller, help=define_hash[s.caller].options["vat_help"] ) ) except KeyError: pass # Events for e in s.events: write( " vl_msg_api_config (&(vl_msg_api_msg_config_t){{\n" " .id = VL_API_{ID} + msg_id_base,\n" ' .name = "{n}",\n' " .handler = vl_api_{n}_t_handler,\n" " .endian = vl_api_{n}_t_endian,\n" " .format_fn = vl_api_{n}_t_format,\n" " .size = sizeof(vl_api_{n}_t),\n" " .traced = 1,\n" " .tojson = vl_api_{n}_t_tojson,\n" " .fromjson = vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson,\n" " .calc_size = vl_api_{n}_t_calc_size,\n" " }});".format(n=e, ID=e.upper()) ) write("}\n") write("clib_error_t * vat_plugin_register (vat_main_t *vam)\n") write("{\n") write(" {n}_test_main_t * mainp = &{n}_test_main;\n".format(n=module)) write(" mainp->vat_main = vam;\n") write( " mainp->msg_id_base = vl_client_get_first_plugin_msg_id " ' ("{n}_{crc:08x}");\n'.format(n=module, crc=file_crc) ) write(" if (mainp->msg_id_base == (u16) ~0)\n") write( ' return clib_error_return (0, "{} plugin not loaded...");\n'.format( module ) ) write(" setup_message_id_table (vam, mainp->msg_id_base);\n") write("#ifdef VL_API_LOCAL_SETUP_MESSAGE_ID_TABLE\n") write(" VL_API_LOCAL_SETUP_MESSAGE_ID_TABLE(vam);\n") write("#endif\n") write(" return 0;\n") write("}\n") def apifunc(func): """Check if a method is generated already.""" def _f(module, d, processed, *args): if d.name in processed: return None processed[d.name] = True return func(module, d, *args) return _f def c_test_api_service(s, dump, stream): """Generate JSON code for a service.""" write = stream.write req_reply_template = """\ static cJSON * api_{n} (cJSON *o) {{ vl_api_{n}_t *mp; int len; if (!o) return 0; mp = vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson(o, &len); if (!mp) {{ fprintf(stderr, "Failed converting JSON to API\\n"); return 0; }} mp->_vl_msg_id = vac_get_msg_index(VL_API_{N}_CRC); vl_api_{n}_t_endian(mp, 1); vac_write((char *)mp, len); cJSON_free(mp); /* Read reply */ char *p; int l; vac_read(&p, &l, 5); // XXX: Fix timeout if (p == 0 || l == 0) return 0; // XXX Will fail in case of event received. Do loop if (ntohs(*((u16 *)p)) != vac_get_msg_index(VL_API_{R}_CRC)) {{ fprintf(stderr, "Mismatched reply\\n"); return 0; }} vl_api_{r}_t *rmp = (vl_api_{r}_t *)p; vl_api_{r}_t_endian(rmp, 0); return vl_api_{r}_t_tojson(rmp); }} """ dump_details_template = """\ static cJSON * api_{n} (cJSON *o) {{ u16 msg_id = vac_get_msg_index(VL_API_{N}_CRC); int len; if (!o) return 0; vl_api_{n}_t *mp = vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson(o, &len); if (!mp) {{ fprintf(stderr, "Failed converting JSON to API\\n"); return 0; }} mp->_vl_msg_id = msg_id; vl_api_{n}_t_endian(mp, 1); vac_write((char *)mp, len); cJSON_free(mp); vat2_control_ping(123); // FIX CONTEXT cJSON *reply = cJSON_CreateArray(); u16 ping_reply_msg_id = vac_get_msg_index(VL_API_CONTROL_PING_REPLY_CRC); u16 details_msg_id = vac_get_msg_index(VL_API_{R}_CRC); while (1) {{ /* Read reply */ char *p; int l; vac_read(&p, &l, 5); // XXX: Fix timeout if (p == 0 || l == 0) {{ cJSON_free(reply); return 0; }} /* Message can be one of [_details, control_ping_reply * or unrelated event] */ u16 reply_msg_id = ntohs(*((u16 *)p)); if (reply_msg_id == ping_reply_msg_id) {{ break; }} if (reply_msg_id == details_msg_id) {{ if (l < sizeof(vl_api_{r}_t)) {{ cJSON_free(reply); return 0; }} vl_api_{r}_t *rmp = (vl_api_{r}_t *)p; vl_api_{r}_t_endian(rmp, 0); cJSON_AddItemToArray(reply, vl_api_{r}_t_tojson(rmp)); }} }} return reply; }} """ gets_details_reply_template = """\ static cJSON * api_{n} (cJSON *o) {{ u16 msg_id = vac_get_msg_index(VL_API_{N}_CRC); int len = 0; if (!o) return 0; vl_api_{n}_t *mp = vl_api_{n}_t_fromjson(o, &len); if (!mp) {{ fprintf(stderr, "Failed converting JSON to API\\n"); return 0; }} mp->_vl_msg_id = msg_id; vl_api_{n}_t_endian(mp, 1); vac_write((char *)mp, len); cJSON_free(mp); cJSON *reply = cJSON_CreateArray(); u16 reply_msg_id = vac_get_msg_index(VL_API_{R}_CRC); u16 details_msg_id = vac_get_msg_index(VL_API_{D}_CRC); while (1) {{ /* Read reply */ char *p; int l; vac_read(&p, &l, 5); // XXX: Fix timeout /* Message can be one of [_details, control_ping_reply * or unrelated event] */ u16 msg_id = ntohs(*((u16 *)p)); if (msg_id == reply_msg_id) {{ vl_api_{r}_t *rmp = (vl_api_{r}_t *)p; vl_api_{r}_t_endian(rmp, 0); cJSON_AddItemToArray(reply, vl_api_{r}_t_tojson(rmp)); break; }} if (msg_id == details_msg_id) {{ vl_api_{d}_t *rmp = (vl_api_{d}_t *)p; vl_api_{d}_t_endian(rmp, 0); cJSON_AddItemToArray(reply, vl_api_{d}_t_tojson(rmp)); }} }} return reply; }} """ if dump: if s.stream_message: write( gets_details_reply_template.format( n=s.caller, r=s.reply, N=s.caller.upper(), R=s.reply.upper(), d=s.stream_message, D=s.stream_message.upper(), ) ) else: write( dump_details_template.format( n=s.caller, r=s.reply, N=s.caller.upper(), R=s.reply.upper() ) ) else: write( req_reply_template.format( n=s.caller, r=s.reply, N=s.caller.upper(), R=s.reply.upper() ) ) def generate_c_test2_boilerplate(services, defines, module, stream): """Generate code for VAT2 plugin.""" write = stream.write define_hash = {d.name: d for d in defines} # replies = {} hdr = """\ #include <vlibapi/api.h> #include <vlibmemory/api.h> #include <vppinfra/error.h> #include <vnet/ip/ip_format_fns.h> #include <vnet/ethernet/ethernet_format_fns.h> #define vl_typedefs /* define message structures */ #include <vlibmemory/vl_memory_api_h.h> #include <vlibmemory/vlib.api_types.h> #include <vlibmemory/vlib.api.h> #undef vl_typedefs #include "{module}.api_enum.h" #include "{module}.api_types.h" #define vl_endianfun /* define message structures */ #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_endianfun #define vl_calcsizefun #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_calsizefun #define vl_printfun #include "{module}.api.h" #undef vl_printfun #include "{module}.api_tojson.h" #include "{module}.api_fromjson.h" #include <vpp-api/client/vppapiclient.h> #include <vat2/vat2_helpers.h> """ write(hdr.format(module=module)) for s in services: if s.reply not in define_hash: continue c_test_api_service(s, s.stream, stream) write( "void vat2_register_function(char *, cJSON * (*)(cJSON *), cJSON * (*)(void *), u32);\n" ) # write('__attribute__((constructor))') write("clib_error_t *\n") write("vat2_register_plugin (void) {\n") for s in services: if s.reply not in define_hash: continue crc = define_hash[s.caller].crc write( ' vat2_register_function("{n}", api_{n}, (cJSON * (*)(void *))vl_api_{n}_t_tojson, 0x{crc:08x});\n'.format( n=s.caller, crc=crc ) ) write(" return 0;\n") write("}\n") # # Plugin entry point # def run(output_dir, apifilename, s): """Main plugin entry point.""" stream = StringIO() if not output_dir: sys.stderr.write("Missing --outputdir argument") return None basename = os.path.basename(apifilename) filename, _ = os.path.splitext(basename) modulename = filename.replace(".", "_") filename_enum = os.path.join(output_dir + "/" + basename + "_enum.h") filename_types = os.path.join(output_dir + "/" + basename + "_types.h") filename_c = os.path.join(output_dir + "/" + basename + ".c") filename_c_test = os.path.join(output_dir + "/" + basename + "_test.c") filename_c_test2 = os.path.join(output_dir + "/" + basename + "_test2.c") filename_c_tojson = os.path.join(output_dir + "/" + basename + "_tojson.h") filename_c_fromjson = os.path.join(output_dir + "/" + basename + "_fromjson.h") # Generate separate types file st = StringIO() generate_include_types(s, modulename, st) with open(filename_types, "w") as fd: st.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(st, fd) st.close() # Generate separate enum file st = StringIO() st.write("#ifndef included_{}_api_enum_h\n".format(modulename)) st.write("#define included_{}_api_enum_h\n".format(modulename)) generate_include_enum(s, modulename, st) generate_include_counters(s["Counters"], st) st.write("#endif\n") with open(filename_enum, "w") as fd: st.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(st, fd) st.close() # Generate separate C file st = StringIO() generate_c_boilerplate( s["Service"], s["Define"], s["Counters"], s["file_crc"], modulename, st ) with open(filename_c, "w") as fd: st.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(st, fd) st.close() # Generate separate C test file st = StringIO() plugin = bool("plugin" in apifilename) generate_c_test_boilerplate( s["Service"], s["Define"], s["file_crc"], modulename, plugin, st ) with open(filename_c_test, "w") as fd: st.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(st, fd) st.close() # Fully autogenerated VATv2 C test file st = StringIO() generate_c_test2_boilerplate(s["Service"], s["Define"], modulename, st) with open(filename_c_test2, "w") as fd: st.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(st, fd) st.close() # # Generate separate JSON file st = StringIO() generate_tojson(s, modulename, st) with open(filename_c_tojson, "w") as fd: st.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(st, fd) st.close() st = StringIO() generate_fromjson(s, modulename, st) with open(filename_c_fromjson, "w") as fd: st.seek(0) shutil.copyfileobj(st, fd) st.close() output = TOP_BOILERPLATE.format(datestring=DATESTRING, input_filename=basename) output += generate_imports(s["Import"]) output += msg_ids(s) output += msg_names(s) output += msg_name_crc_list(s, filename) output += typedefs(modulename) printfun_types(s["types"], stream, modulename) printfun(s["Define"], stream, modulename) output += stream.getvalue() stream.close() output += endianfun(s["types"] + s["Define"], modulename) output += calc_size_fun(s["types"] + s["Define"], modulename) output += version_tuple(s, basename) output += BOTTOM_BOILERPLATE.format(input_filename=basename, file_crc=s["file_crc"]) return output