/* * Copyright (c) 2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vcl/vcl_locked.h> #include <vcl/vcl_private.h> typedef struct vcl_locked_session_ { clib_spinlock_t lock; u32 session_index; u32 worker_index; u32 vls_index; u32 *workers_subscribed; clib_bitmap_t *listeners; } vcl_locked_session_t; typedef struct vls_local_ { int vls_wrk_index; volatile int vls_mt_n_threads; pthread_mutex_t vls_mt_mq_mlock; pthread_mutex_t vls_mt_spool_mlock; volatile u8 select_mp_check; volatile u8 epoll_mp_check; } vls_process_local_t; static vls_process_local_t vls_local; static vls_process_local_t *vlsl = &vls_local; typedef struct vls_main_ { vcl_locked_session_t *vls_pool; clib_rwlock_t vls_table_lock; uword *session_index_to_vlsh_table; } vls_main_t; vls_main_t *vlsm; static inline void vls_table_rlock (void) { clib_rwlock_reader_lock (&vlsm->vls_table_lock); } static inline void vls_table_runlock (void) { clib_rwlock_reader_unlock (&vlsm->vls_table_lock); } static inline void vls_table_wlock (void) { clib_rwlock_writer_lock (&vlsm->vls_table_lock); } static inline void vls_table_wunlock (void) { clib_rwlock_writer_unlock (&vlsm->vls_table_lock); } typedef enum { VLS_MT_OP_READ, VLS_MT_OP_WRITE, VLS_MT_OP_SPOOL, VLS_MT_OP_XPOLL, } vls_mt_ops_t; typedef enum { VLS_MT_LOCK_MQ = 1 << 0, VLS_MT_LOCK_SPOOL = 1 << 1 } vls_mt_lock_type_t; static void vls_mt_add (void) { vlsl->vls_mt_n_threads += 1; vcl_set_worker_index (vlsl->vls_wrk_index); } static inline void vls_mt_mq_lock (void) { pthread_mutex_lock (&vlsl->vls_mt_mq_mlock); } static inline void vls_mt_mq_unlock (void) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&vlsl->vls_mt_mq_mlock); } static inline void vls_mt_spool_lock (void) { pthread_mutex_lock (&vlsl->vls_mt_spool_mlock); } static inline void vls_mt_create_unlock (void) { pthread_mutex_unlock (&vlsl->vls_mt_spool_mlock); } static void vls_mt_locks_init (void) { pthread_mutex_init (&vlsl->vls_mt_mq_mlock, NULL); pthread_mutex_init (&vlsl->vls_mt_spool_mlock, NULL); } static inline vcl_session_handle_t vls_to_sh (vcl_locked_session_t * vls) { return vcl_session_handle_from_index (vls->session_index); } static inline vcl_session_handle_t vls_to_sh_tu (vcl_locked_session_t * vls) { vcl_session_handle_t sh; sh = vls_to_sh (vls); vls_table_runlock (); return sh; } static vls_handle_t vls_alloc (vcl_session_handle_t sh) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; vls_table_wlock (); pool_get (vlsm->vls_pool, vls); vls->session_index = vppcom_session_index (sh); vls->worker_index = vppcom_session_worker (sh); vls->vls_index = vls - vlsm->vls_pool; hash_set (vlsm->session_index_to_vlsh_table, vls->session_index, vls->vls_index); clib_spinlock_init (&vls->lock); vls_table_wunlock (); return vls->vls_index; } static vcl_locked_session_t * vls_get (vls_handle_t vlsh) { if (pool_is_free_index (vlsm->vls_pool, vlsh)) return 0; return pool_elt_at_index (vlsm->vls_pool, vlsh); } static void vls_free (vcl_locked_session_t * vls) { ASSERT (vls != 0); hash_unset (vlsm->session_index_to_vlsh_table, vls->session_index); clib_spinlock_free (&vls->lock); pool_put (vlsm->vls_pool, vls); } static vcl_locked_session_t * vls_get_and_lock (vls_handle_t vlsh) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; if (pool_is_free_index (vlsm->vls_pool, vlsh)) return 0; vls = pool_elt_at_index (vlsm->vls_pool, vlsh); clib_spinlock_lock (&vls->lock); return vls; } static vcl_locked_session_t * vls_get_w_dlock (vls_handle_t vlsh) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; vls_table_rlock (); vls = vls_get_and_lock (vlsh); if (!vls) vls_table_runlock (); return vls; } static inline void vls_lock (vcl_locked_session_t * vls) { clib_spinlock_lock (&vls->lock); } static inline void vls_unlock (vcl_locked_session_t * vls) { clib_spinlock_unlock (&vls->lock); } static inline void vls_get_and_unlock (vls_handle_t vlsh) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; vls_table_rlock (); vls = vls_get (vlsh); vls_unlock (vls); vls_table_runlock (); } static inline void vls_dunlock (vcl_locked_session_t * vls) { vls_unlock (vls); vls_table_runlock (); } vcl_session_handle_t vlsh_to_sh (vls_handle_t vlsh) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh); if (!vls) return INVALID_SESSION_ID; rv = vls_to_sh (vls); vls_dunlock (vls); return rv; } vcl_session_handle_t vlsh_to_session_index (vls_handle_t vlsh) { vcl_session_handle_t sh; sh = vlsh_to_sh (vlsh); return vppcom_session_index (sh); } vls_handle_t vls_si_to_vlsh (u32 session_index) { uword *vlshp; vlshp = hash_get (vlsm->session_index_to_vlsh_table, session_index); return vlshp ? *vlshp : VLS_INVALID_HANDLE; } vls_handle_t vls_session_index_to_vlsh (uint32_t session_index) { vls_handle_t vlsh; vls_table_rlock (); vlsh = vls_si_to_vlsh (session_index); vls_table_runlock (); return vlsh; } u8 vls_is_shared (vcl_locked_session_t * vls) { return vec_len (vls->workers_subscribed); } u8 vls_is_shared_by_wrk (vcl_locked_session_t * vls, u32 wrk_index) { int i; for (i = 0; i < vec_len (vls->workers_subscribed); i++) if (vls->workers_subscribed[i] == wrk_index) return 1; return 0; } static void vls_listener_wrk_set (vcl_locked_session_t * vls, u32 wrk_index, u8 is_active) { clib_bitmap_set (vls->listeners, wrk_index, is_active); } static u8 vls_listener_wrk_is_active (vcl_locked_session_t * vls, u32 wrk_index) { return (clib_bitmap_get (vls->listeners, wrk_index) == 1); } static void vls_listener_wrk_start_listen (vcl_locked_session_t * vls, u32 wrk_index) { vppcom_session_listen (vls_to_sh (vls), ~0); vls_listener_wrk_set (vls, wrk_index, 1 /* is_active */ ); } static void vls_listener_wrk_stop_listen (vcl_locked_session_t * vls, u32 wrk_index) { vcl_worker_t *wrk; vcl_session_t *s; wrk = vcl_worker_get (wrk_index); s = vcl_session_get (wrk, vls->session_index); if (s->session_state != STATE_LISTEN) return; vppcom_send_unbind_sock (wrk, s->vpp_handle); s->session_state = STATE_LISTEN_NO_MQ; vls_listener_wrk_set (vls, wrk_index, 0 /* is_active */ ); } int vls_unshare_session (vcl_locked_session_t * vls, vcl_worker_t * wrk) { int i, do_disconnect; vcl_session_t *s; s = vcl_session_get (wrk, vls->session_index); if (s->session_state == STATE_LISTEN) vls_listener_wrk_set (vls, wrk->wrk_index, 0 /* is_active */ ); for (i = 0; i < vec_len (vls->workers_subscribed); i++) { if (vls->workers_subscribed[i] != wrk->wrk_index) continue; if (s->rx_fifo) { svm_fifo_del_subscriber (s->rx_fifo, wrk->vpp_wrk_index); svm_fifo_del_subscriber (s->tx_fifo, wrk->vpp_wrk_index); } vec_del1 (vls->workers_subscribed, i); do_disconnect = s->session_state == STATE_LISTEN; vcl_session_cleanup (wrk, s, vcl_session_handle (s), do_disconnect); return 0; } /* Return, if this is not the owning worker */ if (vls->worker_index != wrk->wrk_index) return 0; /* Check if we can change owner or close */ if (vec_len (vls->workers_subscribed)) { vls->worker_index = vls->workers_subscribed[0]; vec_del1 (vls->workers_subscribed, 0); vcl_send_session_worker_update (wrk, s, vls->worker_index); if (vec_len (vls->workers_subscribed)) clib_warning ("more workers need to be updated"); } else { vcl_session_cleanup (wrk, s, vcl_session_handle (s), 1 /* do_disconnect */ ); } return 0; } void vls_share_vcl_session (vcl_worker_t * wrk, vcl_session_t * s) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; vls = vls_get (vls_si_to_vlsh (s->session_index)); if (!vls) return; vls_lock (vls); vec_add1 (vls->workers_subscribed, wrk->wrk_index); if (s->rx_fifo) { svm_fifo_add_subscriber (s->rx_fifo, wrk->vpp_wrk_index); svm_fifo_add_subscriber (s->tx_fifo, wrk->vpp_wrk_index); } else if (s->session_state == STATE_LISTEN) { s->session_state = STATE_LISTEN_NO_MQ; } vls_unlock (vls); } void vls_worker_copy_on_fork (vcl_worker_t * parent_wrk) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *s; wrk->vpp_event_queues = vec_dup (parent_wrk->vpp_event_queues); wrk->sessions = pool_dup (parent_wrk->sessions); wrk->session_index_by_vpp_handles = hash_dup (parent_wrk->session_index_by_vpp_handles); vls_table_wlock (); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ pool_foreach (s, wrk->sessions, ({ vls_share_vcl_session (wrk, s); })); /* *INDENT-ON* */ vls_table_wunlock (); } static void vls_mt_acq_locks (vcl_locked_session_t * vls, vls_mt_ops_t op, int *locks_acq) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *s = 0; int is_nonblk = 0; if (vls) { s = vcl_session_get (wrk, vls->session_index); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!s)) return; is_nonblk = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (s->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK); } switch (op) { case VLS_MT_OP_READ: if (!is_nonblk) is_nonblk = vcl_session_read_ready (s) != 0; if (!is_nonblk) { vls_mt_mq_lock (); *locks_acq |= VLS_MT_LOCK_MQ; } break; case VLS_MT_OP_WRITE: ASSERT (s); if (!is_nonblk) is_nonblk = vcl_session_write_ready (s) != 0; if (!is_nonblk) { vls_mt_mq_lock (); *locks_acq |= VLS_MT_LOCK_MQ; } break; case VLS_MT_OP_XPOLL: vls_mt_mq_lock (); *locks_acq |= VLS_MT_LOCK_MQ; break; case VLS_MT_OP_SPOOL: vls_mt_spool_lock (); *locks_acq |= VLS_MT_LOCK_SPOOL; break; default: break; } } static void vls_mt_rel_locks (int locks_acq) { if (locks_acq & VLS_MT_LOCK_MQ) vls_mt_mq_unlock (); if (locks_acq & VLS_MT_LOCK_SPOOL) vls_mt_create_unlock (); } #define vls_mt_guard(_vls, _op) \ int _locks_acq = 0; \ if (PREDICT_FALSE (vcl_get_worker_index () == ~0)) \ vls_mt_add (); \ if (PREDICT_FALSE (vlsl->vls_mt_n_threads > 1)) \ vls_mt_acq_locks (_vls, _op, &_locks_acq); \ #define vls_mt_unguard() \ if (PREDICT_FALSE (_locks_acq)) \ vls_mt_rel_locks (_locks_acq) int vls_write (vls_handle_t vlsh, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; vls_mt_guard (vls, VLS_MT_OP_WRITE); rv = vppcom_session_write (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), buf, nbytes); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_get_and_unlock (vlsh); return rv; } int vls_write_msg (vls_handle_t vlsh, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; vls_mt_guard (vls, VLS_MT_OP_WRITE); rv = vppcom_session_write_msg (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), buf, nbytes); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_get_and_unlock (vlsh); return rv; } int vls_sendto (vls_handle_t vlsh, void *buf, int buflen, int flags, vppcom_endpt_t * ep) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; vls_mt_guard (vls, VLS_MT_OP_WRITE); rv = vppcom_session_sendto (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), buf, buflen, flags, ep); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_get_and_unlock (vlsh); return rv; } ssize_t vls_read (vls_handle_t vlsh, void *buf, size_t nbytes) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; vls_mt_guard (vls, VLS_MT_OP_READ); rv = vppcom_session_read (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), buf, nbytes); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_get_and_unlock (vlsh); return rv; } ssize_t vls_recvfrom (vls_handle_t vlsh, void *buffer, uint32_t buflen, int flags, vppcom_endpt_t * ep) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; vls_mt_guard (vls, VLS_MT_OP_READ); rv = vppcom_session_recvfrom (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), buffer, buflen, flags, ep); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_get_and_unlock (vlsh); return rv; } int vls_attr (vls_handle_t vlsh, uint32_t op, void *buffer, uint32_t * buflen) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (PREDICT_FALSE (vcl_get_worker_index () == ~0)) vls_mt_add (); if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; rv = vppcom_session_attr (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), op, buffer, buflen); vls_get_and_unlock (vlsh); return rv; } int vls_bind (vls_handle_t vlsh, vppcom_endpt_t * ep) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; rv = vppcom_session_bind (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), ep); vls_get_and_unlock (vlsh); return rv; } int vls_listen (vls_handle_t vlsh, int q_len) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; vls_mt_guard (vls, VLS_MT_OP_XPOLL); rv = vppcom_session_listen (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), q_len); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_get_and_unlock (vlsh); return rv; } int vls_connect (vls_handle_t vlsh, vppcom_endpt_t * server_ep) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; vls_mt_guard (vls, VLS_MT_OP_XPOLL); rv = vppcom_session_connect (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), server_ep); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_get_and_unlock (vlsh); return rv; } static inline void vls_mp_checks (vcl_locked_session_t * vls, int is_add) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *s; s = vcl_session_get (wrk, vls->session_index); switch (s->session_state) { case STATE_LISTEN: if (is_add) { if (vls->worker_index == wrk->wrk_index) vls_listener_wrk_set (vls, wrk->wrk_index, 1 /* is_active */ ); break; } vls_listener_wrk_stop_listen (vls, vls->worker_index); break; case STATE_LISTEN_NO_MQ: if (!is_add) break; /* Register worker as listener */ vls_listener_wrk_start_listen (vls, wrk->wrk_index); /* If owner worker did not attempt to accept/xpoll on the session, * force a listen stop for it, since it may not be interested in * accepting new sessions. * This is pretty much a hack done to give app workers the illusion * that it is fine to listen and not accept new sessions for a * given listener. Without it, we would accumulate unhandled * accepts on the passive worker message queue. */ if (!vls_listener_wrk_is_active (vls, vls->worker_index)) vls_listener_wrk_stop_listen (vls, vls->worker_index); break; default: break; } } vls_handle_t vls_accept (vls_handle_t listener_vlsh, vppcom_endpt_t * ep, int flags) { vls_handle_t accepted_vlsh; vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int sh; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (listener_vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (vcl_n_workers () > 1) vls_mp_checks (vls, 1 /* is_add */ ); vls_mt_guard (vls, VLS_MT_OP_SPOOL); sh = vppcom_session_accept (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), ep, flags); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_get_and_unlock (listener_vlsh); if (sh < 0) return sh; accepted_vlsh = vls_alloc (sh); if (PREDICT_FALSE (accepted_vlsh == VLS_INVALID_HANDLE)) vppcom_session_close (sh); return accepted_vlsh; } vls_handle_t vls_create (uint8_t proto, uint8_t is_nonblocking) { vcl_session_handle_t sh; vls_handle_t vlsh; vls_mt_guard (0, VLS_MT_OP_SPOOL); sh = vppcom_session_create (proto, is_nonblocking); vls_mt_unguard (); if (sh == INVALID_SESSION_ID) return VLS_INVALID_HANDLE; vlsh = vls_alloc (sh); if (PREDICT_FALSE (vlsh == VLS_INVALID_HANDLE)) vppcom_session_close (sh); return vlsh; } int vls_close (vls_handle_t vlsh) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; vls_table_wlock (); vls = vls_get_and_lock (vlsh); if (!vls) { vls_table_wunlock (); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } vls_mt_guard (0, VLS_MT_OP_SPOOL); if (vls_is_shared (vls)) { /* At least two workers share the session so vls won't be freed */ vls_unshare_session (vls, vcl_worker_get_current ()); vls_unlock (vls); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_table_wunlock (); return VPPCOM_OK; } rv = vppcom_session_close (vls_to_sh (vls)); vls_free (vls); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_table_wunlock (); return rv; } vls_handle_t vls_epoll_create (void) { vcl_session_handle_t sh; vls_handle_t vlsh; if (PREDICT_FALSE (vcl_get_worker_index () == ~0)) vls_mt_add (); sh = vppcom_epoll_create (); if (sh == INVALID_SESSION_ID) return VLS_INVALID_HANDLE; vlsh = vls_alloc (sh); if (vlsh == VLS_INVALID_HANDLE) vppcom_session_close (sh); return vlsh; } static void vls_epoll_ctl_mp_checks (vcl_locked_session_t * vls, int op) { if (vcl_n_workers () <= 1) { vlsl->epoll_mp_check = 1; return; } if (op == EPOLL_CTL_MOD) return; vlsl->epoll_mp_check = 1; vls_mp_checks (vls, op == EPOLL_CTL_ADD); } int vls_epoll_ctl (vls_handle_t ep_vlsh, int op, vls_handle_t vlsh, struct epoll_event *event) { vcl_locked_session_t *ep_vls, *vls; vcl_session_handle_t ep_sh, sh; int rv; vls_table_rlock (); ep_vls = vls_get_and_lock (ep_vlsh); vls = vls_get_and_lock (vlsh); ep_sh = vls_to_sh (ep_vls); sh = vls_to_sh (vls); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!vlsl->epoll_mp_check)) vls_epoll_ctl_mp_checks (vls, op); vls_table_runlock (); rv = vppcom_epoll_ctl (ep_sh, op, sh, event); vls_table_rlock (); ep_vls = vls_get (ep_vlsh); vls = vls_get (vlsh); vls_unlock (vls); vls_unlock (ep_vls); vls_table_runlock (); return rv; } int vls_epoll_wait (vls_handle_t ep_vlsh, struct epoll_event *events, int maxevents, double wait_for_time) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; int rv; if (!(vls = vls_get_w_dlock (ep_vlsh))) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; vls_mt_guard (0, VLS_MT_OP_XPOLL); rv = vppcom_epoll_wait (vls_to_sh_tu (vls), events, maxevents, wait_for_time); vls_mt_unguard (); vls_get_and_unlock (ep_vlsh); return rv; } static void vls_select_mp_checks (vcl_si_set * read_map) { vcl_locked_session_t *vls; vcl_worker_t *wrk; vcl_session_t *s; u32 si; if (vcl_n_workers () <= 1) { vlsl->select_mp_check = 1; return; } if (!read_map) return; vlsl->select_mp_check = 1; wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ clib_bitmap_foreach (si, read_map, ({ s = vcl_session_get (wrk, si); if (s->session_state == STATE_LISTEN) { vls = vls_get (vls_session_index_to_vlsh (si)); vls_mp_checks (vls, 1 /* is_add */); } })); /* *INDENT-ON* */ } int vls_select (int n_bits, vcl_si_set * read_map, vcl_si_set * write_map, vcl_si_set * except_map, double wait_for_time) { int rv; vls_mt_guard (0, VLS_MT_OP_XPOLL); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!vlsl->select_mp_check)) vls_select_mp_checks (read_map); rv = vppcom_select (n_bits, read_map, write_map, except_map, wait_for_time); vls_mt_unguard (); return rv; } static void vls_unshare_vcl_worker_sessions (vcl_worker_t * wrk) { u32 current_wrk, is_current; vcl_locked_session_t *vls; vcl_session_t *s; if (pool_elts (vcm->workers) <= 1) return; current_wrk = vcl_get_worker_index (); is_current = current_wrk == wrk->wrk_index; vls_table_wlock (); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ pool_foreach (s, wrk->sessions, ({ vls = vls_get (vls_si_to_vlsh (s->session_index)); if (vls && (is_current || vls_is_shared_by_wrk (vls, current_wrk))) vls_unshare_session (vls, wrk); })); /* *INDENT-ON* */ vls_table_wunlock (); } static void vls_cleanup_vcl_worker (vcl_worker_t * wrk) { /* Unshare sessions and also cleanup worker since child may have * called _exit () and therefore vcl may not catch the event */ vls_unshare_vcl_worker_sessions (wrk); vcl_worker_cleanup (wrk, 1 /* notify vpp */ ); } static void vls_cleanup_forked_child (vcl_worker_t * wrk, vcl_worker_t * child_wrk) { vcl_worker_t *sub_child; int tries = 0; if (child_wrk->forked_child != ~0) { sub_child = vcl_worker_get_if_valid (child_wrk->forked_child); if (sub_child) { /* Wait a bit, maybe the process is going away */ while (kill (sub_child->current_pid, 0) >= 0 && tries++ < 50) usleep (1e3); if (kill (sub_child->current_pid, 0) < 0) vls_cleanup_forked_child (child_wrk, sub_child); } } vls_cleanup_vcl_worker (child_wrk); VDBG (0, "Cleaned up forked child wrk %u", child_wrk->wrk_index); wrk->forked_child = ~0; } static struct sigaction old_sa; static void vls_intercept_sigchld_handler (int signum, siginfo_t * si, void *uc) { vcl_worker_t *wrk, *child_wrk; if (vcl_get_worker_index () == ~0) return; if (sigaction (SIGCHLD, &old_sa, 0)) { VERR ("couldn't restore sigchld"); exit (-1); } wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); if (wrk->forked_child == ~0) return; child_wrk = vcl_worker_get_if_valid (wrk->forked_child); if (!child_wrk) goto done; if (si && si->si_pid != child_wrk->current_pid) { VDBG (0, "unexpected child pid %u", si->si_pid); goto done; } vls_cleanup_forked_child (wrk, child_wrk); done: if (old_sa.sa_flags & SA_SIGINFO) { void (*fn) (int, siginfo_t *, void *) = old_sa.sa_sigaction; fn (signum, si, uc); } else { void (*fn) (int) = old_sa.sa_handler; if (fn) fn (signum); } } static void vls_incercept_sigchld () { struct sigaction sa; clib_memset (&sa, 0, sizeof (sa)); sa.sa_sigaction = vls_intercept_sigchld_handler; sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; if (sigaction (SIGCHLD, &sa, &old_sa)) { VERR ("couldn't intercept sigchld"); exit (-1); } } static void vls_app_pre_fork (void) { vls_incercept_sigchld (); vcl_flush_mq_events (); } static void vls_app_fork_child_handler (void) { vcl_worker_t *parent_wrk; int rv, parent_wrk_index; u8 *child_name; parent_wrk_index = vcl_get_worker_index (); VDBG (0, "initializing forked child %u with parent wrk %u", getpid (), parent_wrk_index); /* * Allocate worker */ vcl_set_worker_index (~0); if (!vcl_worker_alloc_and_init ()) VERR ("couldn't allocate new worker"); /* * Attach to binary api */ child_name = format (0, "%v-child-%u%c", vcm->app_name, getpid (), 0); vcl_cleanup_bapi (); vppcom_api_hookup (); vcm->app_state = STATE_APP_START; rv = vppcom_connect_to_vpp ((char *) child_name); vec_free (child_name); if (rv) { VERR ("couldn't connect to VPP!"); return; } /* * Register worker with vpp and share sessions */ vcl_worker_register_with_vpp (); parent_wrk = vcl_worker_get (parent_wrk_index); vls_worker_copy_on_fork (parent_wrk); parent_wrk->forked_child = vcl_get_worker_index (); /* Reset number of threads and set wrk index */ vlsl->vls_mt_n_threads = 0; vlsl->vls_wrk_index = vcl_get_worker_index (); vlsl->select_mp_check = 0; vlsl->epoll_mp_check = 0; vls_mt_locks_init (); VDBG (0, "forked child main worker initialized"); vcm->forking = 0; } static void vls_app_fork_parent_handler (void) { vcm->forking = 1; while (vcm->forking) ; } void vls_app_exit (void) { /* Unshare the sessions. VCL will clean up the worker */ vls_unshare_vcl_worker_sessions (vcl_worker_get_current ()); } int vls_app_create (char *app_name) { int rv; if ((rv = vppcom_app_create (app_name))) return rv; vlsm = clib_mem_alloc (sizeof (vls_main_t)); clib_memset (vlsm, 0, sizeof (*vlsm)); clib_rwlock_init (&vlsm->vls_table_lock); pthread_atfork (vls_app_pre_fork, vls_app_fork_parent_handler, vls_app_fork_child_handler); atexit (vls_app_exit); vlsl->vls_wrk_index = vcl_get_worker_index (); vls_mt_locks_init (); return VPPCOM_OK; } /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */