/* * Copyright (c) 2018-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vcl/vcl_private.h> static pthread_key_t vcl_worker_stop_key; vcl_mq_evt_conn_t * vcl_mq_evt_conn_alloc (vcl_worker_t * wrk) { vcl_mq_evt_conn_t *mqc; pool_get (wrk->mq_evt_conns, mqc); memset (mqc, 0, sizeof (*mqc)); return mqc; } u32 vcl_mq_evt_conn_index (vcl_worker_t * wrk, vcl_mq_evt_conn_t * mqc) { return (mqc - wrk->mq_evt_conns); } vcl_mq_evt_conn_t * vcl_mq_evt_conn_get (vcl_worker_t * wrk, u32 mq_conn_idx) { return pool_elt_at_index (wrk->mq_evt_conns, mq_conn_idx); } int vcl_mq_epoll_add_evfd (vcl_worker_t * wrk, svm_msg_q_t * mq) { struct epoll_event e = { 0 }; vcl_mq_evt_conn_t *mqc; u32 mqc_index; int mq_fd; mq_fd = svm_msg_q_get_consumer_eventfd (mq); if (wrk->mqs_epfd < 0 || mq_fd == -1) return -1; mqc = vcl_mq_evt_conn_alloc (wrk); mqc_index = vcl_mq_evt_conn_index (wrk, mqc); mqc->mq_fd = mq_fd; mqc->mq = mq; e.events = EPOLLIN; e.data.u32 = mqc_index; if (epoll_ctl (wrk->mqs_epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, mq_fd, &e) < 0) { VDBG (0, "failed to add mq eventfd to mq epoll fd"); return -1; } return mqc_index; } int vcl_mq_epoll_del_evfd (vcl_worker_t * wrk, u32 mqc_index) { vcl_mq_evt_conn_t *mqc; if (wrk->mqs_epfd || mqc_index == ~0) return -1; mqc = vcl_mq_evt_conn_get (wrk, mqc_index); if (epoll_ctl (wrk->mqs_epfd, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, mqc->mq_fd, 0) < 0) { VDBG (0, "failed to del mq eventfd to mq epoll fd"); return -1; } return 0; } static vcl_worker_t * vcl_worker_alloc (void) { vcl_worker_t *wrk; pool_get (vcm->workers, wrk); memset (wrk, 0, sizeof (*wrk)); wrk->wrk_index = wrk - vcm->workers; wrk->forked_child = ~0; return wrk; } static void vcl_worker_free (vcl_worker_t * wrk) { pool_put (vcm->workers, wrk); } int vcl_api_app_worker_add (void) { if (vcm->cfg.vpp_app_socket_api) return vcl_sapi_app_worker_add (); return vcl_bapi_app_worker_add (); } void vcl_api_app_worker_del (vcl_worker_t * wrk) { if (vcm->cfg.vpp_app_socket_api) return vcl_sapi_app_worker_del (wrk); vcl_bapi_app_worker_del (wrk); } void vcl_worker_cleanup (vcl_worker_t * wrk, u8 notify_vpp) { clib_spinlock_lock (&vcm->workers_lock); if (notify_vpp) vcl_api_app_worker_del (wrk); if (wrk->mqs_epfd > 0) close (wrk->mqs_epfd); hash_free (wrk->session_index_by_vpp_handles); vec_free (wrk->mq_events); vec_free (wrk->mq_msg_vector); vcl_worker_free (wrk); clib_spinlock_unlock (&vcm->workers_lock); } static void vcl_worker_cleanup_cb (void *arg) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); u32 wrk_index = wrk->wrk_index; vcl_worker_cleanup (wrk, 1 /* notify vpp */ ); vcl_set_worker_index (~0); VDBG (0, "cleaned up worker %u", wrk_index); } vcl_worker_t * vcl_worker_alloc_and_init () { vcl_worker_t *wrk; /* This was initialized already */ if (vcl_get_worker_index () != ~0) return 0; /* Use separate heap map entry for worker */ clib_mem_set_thread_index (); if (pool_elts (vcm->workers) == vcm->cfg.max_workers) { VDBG (0, "max-workers %u limit reached", vcm->cfg.max_workers); return 0; } clib_spinlock_lock (&vcm->workers_lock); wrk = vcl_worker_alloc (); vcl_set_worker_index (wrk->wrk_index); wrk->thread_id = pthread_self (); wrk->current_pid = getpid (); wrk->mqs_epfd = -1; if (vcm->cfg.use_mq_eventfd) { wrk->vcl_needs_real_epoll = 1; wrk->mqs_epfd = epoll_create (1); wrk->vcl_needs_real_epoll = 0; if (wrk->mqs_epfd < 0) { clib_unix_warning ("epoll_create() returned"); goto done; } } wrk->session_index_by_vpp_handles = hash_create (0, sizeof (uword)); clib_time_init (&wrk->clib_time); vec_validate (wrk->mq_events, 64); vec_validate (wrk->mq_msg_vector, 128); vec_reset_length (wrk->mq_msg_vector); vec_validate (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector, 128); vec_reset_length (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector); clib_spinlock_unlock (&vcm->workers_lock); done: return wrk; } int vcl_worker_register_with_vpp (void) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); clib_spinlock_lock (&vcm->workers_lock); if (vcl_api_app_worker_add ()) { VDBG (0, "failed to add worker to vpp"); clib_spinlock_unlock (&vcm->workers_lock); return -1; } if (pthread_key_create (&vcl_worker_stop_key, vcl_worker_cleanup_cb)) VDBG (0, "failed to add pthread cleanup function"); if (pthread_setspecific (vcl_worker_stop_key, &wrk->thread_id)) VDBG (0, "failed to setup key value"); clib_spinlock_unlock (&vcm->workers_lock); VDBG (0, "added worker %u", wrk->wrk_index); return 0; } svm_msg_q_t * vcl_worker_ctrl_mq (vcl_worker_t * wrk) { return wrk->ctrl_mq; } int vcl_session_read_ready (vcl_session_t * session) { u32 max_deq; /* Assumes caller has acquired spinlock: vcm->sessions_lockp */ if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: session %u: cannot read from an epoll session!", session->session_index); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (!(session->session_state & (STATE_OPEN | STATE_LISTEN)))) { vcl_session_state_t state = session->session_state; int rv; rv = ((state & STATE_DISCONNECT) ? VPPCOM_ECONNRESET : VPPCOM_ENOTCONN); VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx]: not open! state 0x%x (%s), ret %d (%s)", session->session_index, session->vpp_handle, state, vppcom_session_state_str (state), rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); return rv; } if (session->session_state & STATE_LISTEN) return clib_fifo_elts (session->accept_evts_fifo); if (vcl_session_is_ct (session)) return svm_fifo_max_dequeue_cons (session->ct_rx_fifo); max_deq = svm_fifo_max_dequeue_cons (session->rx_fifo); if (session->is_dgram) { session_dgram_pre_hdr_t ph; if (max_deq <= SESSION_CONN_HDR_LEN) return 0; if (svm_fifo_peek (session->rx_fifo, 0, sizeof (ph), (u8 *) & ph) < 0) return 0; if (ph.data_length + SESSION_CONN_HDR_LEN > max_deq) return 0; return ph.data_length; } return max_deq; } int vcl_session_write_ready (vcl_session_t * session) { /* Assumes caller has acquired spinlock: vcm->sessions_lockp */ if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx]: cannot write to an epoll session!", session->session_index, session->vpp_handle); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->session_state & STATE_LISTEN)) { if (session->tx_fifo) return svm_fifo_max_enqueue_prod (session->tx_fifo); else return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (!(session->session_state & STATE_OPEN))) { vcl_session_state_t state = session->session_state; int rv; rv = ((state & STATE_DISCONNECT) ? VPPCOM_ECONNRESET : VPPCOM_ENOTCONN); VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx]: not open! state 0x%x (%s), ret %d (%s)", session->session_index, session->vpp_handle, state, vppcom_session_state_str (state), rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); return rv; } if (vcl_session_is_ct (session)) return svm_fifo_max_enqueue_prod (session->ct_tx_fifo); if (session->is_dgram) { u32 max_enq = svm_fifo_max_enqueue_prod (session->tx_fifo); if (max_enq <= sizeof (session_dgram_hdr_t)) return 0; return max_enq - sizeof (session_dgram_hdr_t); } return svm_fifo_max_enqueue_prod (session->tx_fifo); } int vcl_segment_attach (u64 segment_handle, char *name, ssvm_segment_type_t type, int fd) { fifo_segment_create_args_t _a, *a = &_a; int rv; memset (a, 0, sizeof (*a)); a->segment_name = name; a->segment_type = type; if (type == SSVM_SEGMENT_MEMFD) a->memfd_fd = fd; clib_rwlock_writer_lock (&vcm->segment_table_lock); if ((rv = fifo_segment_attach (&vcm->segment_main, a))) { clib_warning ("svm_fifo_segment_attach ('%s') failed", name); return rv; } hash_set (vcm->segment_table, segment_handle, a->new_segment_indices[0]); clib_rwlock_writer_unlock (&vcm->segment_table_lock); vec_reset_length (a->new_segment_indices); return 0; } u32 vcl_segment_table_lookup (u64 segment_handle) { uword *seg_indexp; clib_rwlock_reader_lock (&vcm->segment_table_lock); seg_indexp = hash_get (vcm->segment_table, segment_handle); clib_rwlock_reader_unlock (&vcm->segment_table_lock); if (!seg_indexp) return VCL_INVALID_SEGMENT_INDEX; return ((u32) * seg_indexp); } void vcl_segment_detach (u64 segment_handle) { fifo_segment_main_t *sm = &vcm->segment_main; fifo_segment_t *segment; u32 segment_index; segment_index = vcl_segment_table_lookup (segment_handle); if (segment_index == (u32) ~ 0) return; clib_rwlock_writer_lock (&vcm->segment_table_lock); segment = fifo_segment_get_segment (sm, segment_index); fifo_segment_delete (sm, segment); hash_unset (vcm->segment_table, segment_handle); clib_rwlock_writer_unlock (&vcm->segment_table_lock); VDBG (0, "detached segment %u handle %u", segment_index, segment_handle); } /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */