/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <unistd.h> #include <errno.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/socket.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <time.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <vcl/vcl_test.h> #include <sys/epoll.h> #include <vppinfra/mem.h> typedef struct { uint8_t is_alloc; int fd; uint8_t *buf; uint32_t buf_size; sock_test_cfg_t cfg; sock_test_stats_t stats; vppcom_endpt_t endpt; uint8_t ip[16]; } sock_server_conn_t; typedef struct { uint32_t port; uint32_t address_ip6; uint32_t transport_udp; } sock_server_cfg_t; #define SOCK_SERVER_MAX_TEST_CONN 10 #define SOCK_SERVER_MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS 10 typedef struct { int listen_fd; sock_server_cfg_t cfg; int epfd; struct epoll_event listen_ev; struct epoll_event wait_events[SOCK_SERVER_MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS]; size_t num_conn; size_t conn_pool_size; sock_server_conn_t *conn_pool; int nfds; fd_set rd_fdset; fd_set wr_fdset; struct timeval timeout; } sock_server_main_t; sock_server_main_t sock_server_main; static inline void conn_pool_expand (size_t expand_size) { sock_server_main_t *ssm = &sock_server_main; sock_server_conn_t *conn_pool; size_t new_size = ssm->conn_pool_size + expand_size; int i; conn_pool = realloc (ssm->conn_pool, new_size * sizeof (*ssm->conn_pool)); if (conn_pool) { for (i = ssm->conn_pool_size; i < new_size; i++) { sock_server_conn_t *conn = &conn_pool[i]; memset (conn, 0, sizeof (*conn)); sock_test_cfg_init (&conn->cfg); sock_test_buf_alloc (&conn->cfg, 1 /* is_rxbuf */ , &conn->buf, &conn->buf_size); conn->cfg.txbuf_size = conn->cfg.rxbuf_size; } ssm->conn_pool = conn_pool; ssm->conn_pool_size = new_size; } else { int errno_val = errno; perror ("ERROR in conn_pool_expand()"); fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: Memory allocation " "failed (errno = %d)!\n", errno_val); } } static inline sock_server_conn_t * conn_pool_alloc (void) { sock_server_main_t *ssm = &sock_server_main; int i; for (i = 0; i < ssm->conn_pool_size; i++) { if (!ssm->conn_pool[i].is_alloc) { ssm->conn_pool[i].endpt.ip = ssm->conn_pool[i].ip; ssm->conn_pool[i].is_alloc = 1; return (&ssm->conn_pool[i]); } } return 0; } static inline void conn_pool_free (sock_server_conn_t * conn) { conn->fd = 0; conn->is_alloc = 0; } static inline void sync_config_and_reply (sock_server_conn_t * conn, sock_test_cfg_t * rx_cfg) { conn->cfg = *rx_cfg; sock_test_buf_alloc (&conn->cfg, 1 /* is_rxbuf */ , &conn->buf, &conn->buf_size); conn->cfg.txbuf_size = conn->cfg.rxbuf_size; if (conn->cfg.verbose) { printf ("\nSERVER (fd %d): Replying to cfg message!\n", conn->fd); sock_test_cfg_dump (&conn->cfg, 0 /* is_client */ ); } (void) vcl_test_write (conn->fd, (uint8_t *) & conn->cfg, sizeof (conn->cfg), NULL, conn->cfg.verbose); } static void stream_test_server_start_stop (sock_server_conn_t * conn, sock_test_cfg_t * rx_cfg) { sock_server_main_t *ssm = &sock_server_main; int client_fd = conn->fd; sock_test_t test = rx_cfg->test; if (rx_cfg->ctrl_handle == conn->fd) { int i; clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &conn->stats.stop); for (i = 0; i < ssm->conn_pool_size; i++) { sock_server_conn_t *tc = &ssm->conn_pool[i]; if (tc->cfg.ctrl_handle == conn->fd) { sock_test_stats_accumulate (&conn->stats, &tc->stats); if (conn->cfg.verbose) { static char buf[64]; sprintf (buf, "SERVER (fd %d) RESULTS", tc->fd); sock_test_stats_dump (buf, &tc->stats, 1 /* show_rx */ , test == SOCK_TEST_TYPE_BI /* show tx */ , conn->cfg.verbose); } } } sock_test_stats_dump ("SERVER RESULTS", &conn->stats, 1 /* show_rx */ , (test == SOCK_TEST_TYPE_BI) /* show_tx */ , conn->cfg.verbose); sock_test_cfg_dump (&conn->cfg, 0 /* is_client */ ); if (conn->cfg.verbose) { printf (" sock server main\n" SOCK_TEST_SEPARATOR_STRING " buf: %p\n" " buf size: %u (0x%08x)\n" SOCK_TEST_SEPARATOR_STRING, conn->buf, conn->buf_size, conn->buf_size); } sync_config_and_reply (conn, rx_cfg); printf ("\nSERVER (fd %d): %s-directional Stream Test Complete!\n" SOCK_TEST_BANNER_STRING "\n", conn->fd, test == SOCK_TEST_TYPE_BI ? "Bi" : "Uni"); } else { printf ("\n" SOCK_TEST_BANNER_STRING "SERVER (fd %d): %s-directional Stream Test!\n" " Sending client the test cfg to start streaming data...\n", client_fd, test == SOCK_TEST_TYPE_BI ? "Bi" : "Uni"); rx_cfg->ctrl_handle = (rx_cfg->ctrl_handle == ~0) ? conn->fd : rx_cfg->ctrl_handle; sync_config_and_reply (conn, rx_cfg); /* read the 1st chunk, record start time */ memset (&conn->stats, 0, sizeof (conn->stats)); clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &conn->stats.start); } } static inline void stream_test_server (sock_server_conn_t * conn, int rx_bytes) { int client_fd = conn->fd; sock_test_t test = conn->cfg.test; if (test == SOCK_TEST_TYPE_BI) (void) vcl_test_write (client_fd, conn->buf, rx_bytes, &conn->stats, conn->cfg.verbose); if (conn->stats.rx_bytes >= conn->cfg.total_bytes) { clock_gettime (CLOCK_REALTIME, &conn->stats.stop); } } static inline void new_client (void) { sock_server_main_t *ssm = &sock_server_main; int client_fd; sock_server_conn_t *conn; if (ssm->conn_pool_size < (ssm->num_conn + SOCK_SERVER_MAX_TEST_CONN + 1)) conn_pool_expand (SOCK_SERVER_MAX_TEST_CONN + 1); conn = conn_pool_alloc (); if (!conn) { fprintf (stderr, "\nSERVER: ERROR: No free connections!\n"); return; } client_fd = vppcom_session_accept (ssm->listen_fd, &conn->endpt, 0); if (client_fd < 0) { int errno_val; errno_val = errno = -client_fd; perror ("ERROR in new_client()"); fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: accept failed " "(errno = %d)!\n", errno_val); return; } printf ("SERVER: Got a connection -- fd = %d (0x%08x)!\n", client_fd, client_fd); conn->fd = client_fd; { struct epoll_event ev; int rv; ev.events = EPOLLIN; ev.data.u64 = conn - ssm->conn_pool; rv = vppcom_epoll_ctl (ssm->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, client_fd, &ev); if (rv < 0) { int errno_val; errno_val = errno = -rv; perror ("ERROR in new_client()"); fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: epoll_ctl failed (errno = %d)!\n", errno_val); } else ssm->nfds++; } } void print_usage_and_exit (void) { fprintf (stderr, "sock_test_server [OPTIONS] <port>\n" " OPTIONS\n" " -h Print this message and exit.\n" " -6 Use IPv6\n" " -u Use UDP transport layer\n"); exit (1); } int main (int argc, char **argv) { sock_server_main_t *ssm = &sock_server_main; int client_fd, rv, main_rv = 0; int tx_bytes, rx_bytes, nbytes; sock_server_conn_t *conn; sock_test_cfg_t *rx_cfg; uint32_t xtra = 0; uint64_t xtra_bytes = 0; struct sockaddr_storage servaddr; int errno_val; int c, v, i; uint16_t port = SOCK_TEST_SERVER_PORT; vppcom_endpt_t endpt; clib_mem_init_thread_safe (0, 64 << 20); opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "6D")) != -1) switch (c) { case '6': ssm->cfg.address_ip6 = 1; break; case 'D': ssm->cfg.transport_udp = 1; break; case '?': switch (optopt) { default: if (isprint (optopt)) fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: Unknown " "option `-%c'.\n", optopt); else fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: Unknown " "option character `\\x%x'.\n", optopt); } /* fall thru */ case 'h': default: print_usage_and_exit (); } if (argc < (optind + 1)) { fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: Insufficient number of arguments!\n"); print_usage_and_exit (); } if (sscanf (argv[optind], "%d", &v) == 1) port = (uint16_t) v; else { fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: Invalid port (%s)!\n", argv[optind]); print_usage_and_exit (); } conn_pool_expand (SOCK_SERVER_MAX_TEST_CONN + 1); rv = vppcom_app_create ("vcl_test_server"); if (rv) { errno_val = errno = -rv; perror ("ERROR in main()"); fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: vppcom_app_create() failed " "(errno = %d)!\n", errno_val); return -1; } else { ssm->listen_fd = vppcom_session_create (ssm->cfg.transport_udp ? VPPCOM_PROTO_UDP : VPPCOM_PROTO_TCP, 0 /* is_nonblocking */ ); } if (ssm->listen_fd < 0) { errno_val = errno = -ssm->listen_fd; perror ("ERROR in main()"); fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: vppcom_session_create() failed " "(errno = %d)!\n", errno_val); return -1; } memset (&servaddr, 0, sizeof (servaddr)); if (ssm->cfg.address_ip6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *server_addr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) &servaddr; server_addr->sin6_family = AF_INET6; server_addr->sin6_addr = in6addr_any; server_addr->sin6_port = htons (port); } else { struct sockaddr_in *server_addr = (struct sockaddr_in *) &servaddr; server_addr->sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr->sin_addr.s_addr = htonl (INADDR_ANY); server_addr->sin_port = htons (port); } if (ssm->cfg.address_ip6) { struct sockaddr_in6 *server_addr = (struct sockaddr_in6 *) &servaddr; endpt.is_ip4 = 0; endpt.ip = (uint8_t *) & server_addr->sin6_addr; endpt.port = (uint16_t) server_addr->sin6_port; } else { struct sockaddr_in *server_addr = (struct sockaddr_in *) &servaddr; endpt.is_ip4 = 1; endpt.ip = (uint8_t *) & server_addr->sin_addr; endpt.port = (uint16_t) server_addr->sin_port; } rv = vppcom_session_bind (ssm->listen_fd, &endpt); if (rv < 0) { errno_val = errno = -rv; perror ("ERROR in main()"); fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: bind failed (errno = %d)!\n", errno_val); return -1; } if (!ssm->cfg.transport_udp) { rv = vppcom_session_listen (ssm->listen_fd, 10); if (rv < 0) { errno_val = errno = -rv; perror ("ERROR in main()"); fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: listen failed " "(errno = %d)!\n", errno_val); return -1; } } ssm->epfd = vppcom_epoll_create (); if (ssm->epfd < 0) { errno_val = errno = -ssm->epfd; perror ("ERROR in main()"); fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: epoll_create failed (errno = %d)!\n", errno_val); return -1; } ssm->listen_ev.events = EPOLLIN; ssm->listen_ev.data.u32 = ~0; rv = vppcom_epoll_ctl (ssm->epfd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, ssm->listen_fd, &ssm->listen_ev); if (rv < 0) { errno_val = errno = -rv; perror ("ERROR in main()"); fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: epoll_ctl failed " "(errno = %d)!\n", errno_val); return -1; } printf ("\nSERVER: Waiting for a client to connect on port %d...\n", port); while (1) { int num_ev; num_ev = vppcom_epoll_wait (ssm->epfd, ssm->wait_events, SOCK_SERVER_MAX_EPOLL_EVENTS, 60000.0); if (num_ev < 0) { errno = -num_ev; perror ("epoll_wait()"); fprintf (stderr, "\nSERVER: ERROR: epoll_wait() " "failed -- aborting!\n"); main_rv = -1; goto done; } else if (num_ev == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "\nSERVER: epoll_wait() timeout!\n"); continue; } for (i = 0; i < num_ev; i++) { conn = &ssm->conn_pool[ssm->wait_events[i].data.u32]; if (ssm->wait_events[i].events & (EPOLLHUP | EPOLLRDHUP)) { vppcom_session_close (conn->fd); continue; } if (ssm->wait_events[i].data.u32 == ~0) { new_client (); continue; } client_fd = conn->fd; if (EPOLLIN & ssm->wait_events[i].events) { rx_bytes = vcl_test_read (client_fd, conn->buf, conn->buf_size, &conn->stats); if (rx_bytes > 0) { rx_cfg = (sock_test_cfg_t *) conn->buf; if (rx_cfg->magic == SOCK_TEST_CFG_CTRL_MAGIC) { if (rx_cfg->verbose) { printf ("SERVER (fd %d): Received a cfg message!\n", client_fd); sock_test_cfg_dump (rx_cfg, 0 /* is_client */ ); } if (rx_bytes != sizeof (*rx_cfg)) { printf ("SERVER (fd %d): Invalid cfg message " "size (%d)!\n Should be %lu bytes.\n", client_fd, rx_bytes, sizeof (*rx_cfg)); conn->cfg.rxbuf_size = 0; conn->cfg.num_writes = 0; if (conn->cfg.verbose) { printf ("SERVER (fd %d): Replying to " "cfg message!\n", client_fd); sock_test_cfg_dump (rx_cfg, 0 /* is_client */ ); } vcl_test_write (client_fd, (uint8_t *) & conn->cfg, sizeof (conn->cfg), NULL, conn->cfg.verbose); continue; } switch (rx_cfg->test) { case SOCK_TEST_TYPE_NONE: case SOCK_TEST_TYPE_ECHO: sync_config_and_reply (conn, rx_cfg); break; case SOCK_TEST_TYPE_BI: case SOCK_TEST_TYPE_UNI: stream_test_server_start_stop (conn, rx_cfg); break; case SOCK_TEST_TYPE_EXIT: printf ("SERVER: Have a great day, " "connection %d!\n", client_fd); vppcom_session_close (client_fd); conn_pool_free (conn); printf ("SERVER: Closed client fd %d\n", client_fd); ssm->nfds--; if (!ssm->nfds) { printf ("SERVER: All client connections " "closed.\n\nSERVER: " "May the force be with you!\n\n"); goto done; } break; default: fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: Unknown test type!\n"); sock_test_cfg_dump (rx_cfg, 0 /* is_client */ ); break; } continue; } else if ((conn->cfg.test == SOCK_TEST_TYPE_UNI) || (conn->cfg.test == SOCK_TEST_TYPE_BI)) { stream_test_server (conn, rx_bytes); continue; } else if (isascii (conn->buf[0])) { /* If it looks vaguely like a string, * make sure it's terminated. */ ((char *) conn->buf)[rx_bytes < conn->buf_size ? rx_bytes : conn->buf_size - 1] = 0; printf ("SERVER (fd %d): RX (%d bytes) - '%s'\n", conn->fd, rx_bytes, conn->buf); } } else // rx_bytes < 0 { if (errno == ECONNRESET) { printf ("\nSERVER: Connection reset by remote peer.\n" " Y'all have a great day now!\n\n"); break; } else continue; } if (isascii (conn->buf[0])) { /* If it looks vaguely like a string, * make sure it's terminated */ ((char *) conn->buf)[rx_bytes < conn->buf_size ? rx_bytes : conn->buf_size - 1] = 0; if (xtra) fprintf (stderr, "SERVER: ERROR: " "FIFO not drained in previous test!\n" " extra chunks %u (0x%x)\n" " extra bytes %lu (0x%lx)\n", xtra, xtra, xtra_bytes, xtra_bytes); xtra = 0; xtra_bytes = 0; if (conn->cfg.verbose) printf ("SERVER (fd %d): Echoing back\n", client_fd); nbytes = strlen ((const char *) conn->buf) + 1; tx_bytes = vcl_test_write (client_fd, conn->buf, nbytes, &conn->stats, conn->cfg.verbose); if (tx_bytes >= 0) printf ("SERVER (fd %d): TX (%d bytes) - '%s'\n", conn->fd, tx_bytes, conn->buf); } else // Extraneous read data from non-echo tests??? { xtra++; xtra_bytes += rx_bytes; } } } } done: vppcom_session_close (ssm->listen_fd); vppcom_app_destroy (); if (ssm->conn_pool) free (ssm->conn_pool); return main_rv; } /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */