/* * Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <vcl/vppcom.h> #include <vcl/vcl_debug.h> #include <vcl/vcl_private.h> #include <svm/fifo_segment.h> __thread uword __vcl_worker_index = ~0; static int vcl_wait_for_segment (u64 segment_handle) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); u32 wait_for_seconds = 10, segment_index; f64 timeout; if (segment_handle == VCL_INVALID_SEGMENT_HANDLE) return 0; timeout = clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time) + wait_for_seconds; while (clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time) < timeout) { segment_index = vcl_segment_table_lookup (segment_handle); if (segment_index != VCL_INVALID_SEGMENT_INDEX) return 0; usleep (10); } return 1; } static inline int vcl_mq_dequeue_batch (vcl_worker_t * wrk, svm_msg_q_t * mq, u32 n_max_msg) { svm_msg_q_msg_t *msg; u32 n_msgs; int i; n_msgs = clib_min (svm_msg_q_size (mq), n_max_msg); for (i = 0; i < n_msgs; i++) { vec_add2 (wrk->mq_msg_vector, msg, 1); svm_msg_q_sub_w_lock (mq, msg); } return n_msgs; } const char * vppcom_session_state_str (vcl_session_state_t state) { char *st; switch (state) { case STATE_START: st = "STATE_START"; break; case STATE_CONNECT: st = "STATE_CONNECT"; break; case STATE_LISTEN: st = "STATE_LISTEN"; break; case STATE_ACCEPT: st = "STATE_ACCEPT"; break; case STATE_VPP_CLOSING: st = "STATE_VPP_CLOSING"; break; case STATE_DISCONNECT: st = "STATE_DISCONNECT"; break; case STATE_FAILED: st = "STATE_FAILED"; break; case STATE_UPDATED: st = "STATE_UPDATED"; break; case STATE_LISTEN_NO_MQ: st = "STATE_LISTEN_NO_MQ"; break; default: st = "UNKNOWN_STATE"; break; } return st; } u8 * format_ip4_address (u8 * s, va_list * args) { u8 *a = va_arg (*args, u8 *); return format (s, "%d.%d.%d.%d", a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3]); } u8 * format_ip6_address (u8 * s, va_list * args) { ip6_address_t *a = va_arg (*args, ip6_address_t *); u32 i, i_max_n_zero, max_n_zeros, i_first_zero, n_zeros, last_double_colon; i_max_n_zero = ARRAY_LEN (a->as_u16); max_n_zeros = 0; i_first_zero = i_max_n_zero; n_zeros = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN (a->as_u16); i++) { u32 is_zero = a->as_u16[i] == 0; if (is_zero && i_first_zero >= ARRAY_LEN (a->as_u16)) { i_first_zero = i; n_zeros = 0; } n_zeros += is_zero; if ((!is_zero && n_zeros > max_n_zeros) || (i + 1 >= ARRAY_LEN (a->as_u16) && n_zeros > max_n_zeros)) { i_max_n_zero = i_first_zero; max_n_zeros = n_zeros; i_first_zero = ARRAY_LEN (a->as_u16); n_zeros = 0; } } last_double_colon = 0; for (i = 0; i < ARRAY_LEN (a->as_u16); i++) { if (i == i_max_n_zero && max_n_zeros > 1) { s = format (s, "::"); i += max_n_zeros - 1; last_double_colon = 1; } else { s = format (s, "%s%x", (last_double_colon || i == 0) ? "" : ":", clib_net_to_host_u16 (a->as_u16[i])); last_double_colon = 0; } } return s; } /* Format an IP46 address. */ u8 * format_ip46_address (u8 * s, va_list * args) { ip46_address_t *ip46 = va_arg (*args, ip46_address_t *); ip46_type_t type = va_arg (*args, ip46_type_t); int is_ip4 = 1; switch (type) { case IP46_TYPE_ANY: is_ip4 = ip46_address_is_ip4 (ip46); break; case IP46_TYPE_IP4: is_ip4 = 1; break; case IP46_TYPE_IP6: is_ip4 = 0; break; } return is_ip4 ? format (s, "%U", format_ip4_address, &ip46->ip4) : format (s, "%U", format_ip6_address, &ip46->ip6); } /* * VPPCOM Utility Functions */ static void vcl_send_session_accepted_reply (svm_msg_q_t * mq, u32 context, session_handle_t handle, int retval) { app_session_evt_t _app_evt, *app_evt = &_app_evt; session_accepted_reply_msg_t *rmp; app_alloc_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (mq, app_evt, SESSION_CTRL_EVT_ACCEPTED_REPLY); rmp = (session_accepted_reply_msg_t *) app_evt->evt->data; rmp->handle = handle; rmp->context = context; rmp->retval = retval; app_send_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (mq, app_evt); } static void vcl_send_session_disconnected_reply (svm_msg_q_t * mq, u32 context, session_handle_t handle, int retval) { app_session_evt_t _app_evt, *app_evt = &_app_evt; session_disconnected_reply_msg_t *rmp; app_alloc_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (mq, app_evt, SESSION_CTRL_EVT_DISCONNECTED_REPLY); rmp = (session_disconnected_reply_msg_t *) app_evt->evt->data; rmp->handle = handle; rmp->context = context; rmp->retval = retval; app_send_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (mq, app_evt); } static void vcl_send_session_reset_reply (svm_msg_q_t * mq, u32 context, session_handle_t handle, int retval) { app_session_evt_t _app_evt, *app_evt = &_app_evt; session_reset_reply_msg_t *rmp; app_alloc_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (mq, app_evt, SESSION_CTRL_EVT_RESET_REPLY); rmp = (session_reset_reply_msg_t *) app_evt->evt->data; rmp->handle = handle; rmp->context = context; rmp->retval = retval; app_send_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (mq, app_evt); } void vcl_send_session_worker_update (vcl_worker_t * wrk, vcl_session_t * s, u32 wrk_index) { app_session_evt_t _app_evt, *app_evt = &_app_evt; session_worker_update_msg_t *mp; svm_msg_q_t *mq; mq = vcl_session_vpp_evt_q (wrk, s); app_alloc_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (mq, app_evt, SESSION_CTRL_EVT_WORKER_UPDATE); mp = (session_worker_update_msg_t *) app_evt->evt->data; mp->client_index = wrk->my_client_index; mp->handle = s->vpp_handle; mp->req_wrk_index = wrk->vpp_wrk_index; mp->wrk_index = wrk_index; app_send_ctrl_evt_to_vpp (mq, app_evt); } static u32 vcl_session_accepted_handler (vcl_worker_t * wrk, session_accepted_msg_t * mp, u32 ls_index) { vcl_session_t *session, *listen_session; svm_fifo_t *rx_fifo, *tx_fifo; u32 vpp_wrk_index; svm_msg_q_t *evt_q; session = vcl_session_alloc (wrk); listen_session = vcl_session_get (wrk, ls_index); if (listen_session->vpp_handle != mp->listener_handle) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: listener handle %lu does not match session %u", mp->listener_handle, ls_index); goto error; } if (vcl_wait_for_segment (mp->segment_handle)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: segment for session %u couldn't be mounted!", session->session_index); goto error; } rx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (mp->server_rx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); tx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (mp->server_tx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); session->vpp_evt_q = uword_to_pointer (mp->vpp_event_queue_address, svm_msg_q_t *); rx_fifo->client_session_index = session->session_index; tx_fifo->client_session_index = session->session_index; rx_fifo->client_thread_index = vcl_get_worker_index (); tx_fifo->client_thread_index = vcl_get_worker_index (); vpp_wrk_index = tx_fifo->master_thread_index; vec_validate (wrk->vpp_event_queues, vpp_wrk_index); wrk->vpp_event_queues[vpp_wrk_index] = session->vpp_evt_q; session->vpp_handle = mp->handle; session->vpp_thread_index = rx_fifo->master_thread_index; session->rx_fifo = rx_fifo; session->tx_fifo = tx_fifo; session->session_state = STATE_ACCEPT; session->transport.rmt_port = mp->rmt.port; session->transport.is_ip4 = mp->rmt.is_ip4; clib_memcpy_fast (&session->transport.rmt_ip, &mp->rmt.ip, sizeof (ip46_address_t)); vcl_session_table_add_vpp_handle (wrk, mp->handle, session->session_index); session->transport.lcl_port = listen_session->transport.lcl_port; session->transport.lcl_ip = listen_session->transport.lcl_ip; session->session_type = listen_session->session_type; session->is_dgram = vcl_proto_is_dgram (session->session_type); session->listener_index = listen_session->session_index; listen_session->n_accepted_sessions++; VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx]: client accept request from %s address %U" " port %d queue %p!", session->session_index, mp->handle, mp->rmt.is_ip4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6", format_ip46_address, &mp->rmt.ip, mp->rmt.is_ip4 ? IP46_TYPE_IP4 : IP46_TYPE_IP6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (mp->rmt.port), session->vpp_evt_q); vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_ACCEPT, session, listen_session, session_index); vcl_send_session_accepted_reply (session->vpp_evt_q, mp->context, session->vpp_handle, 0); return session->session_index; error: evt_q = uword_to_pointer (mp->vpp_event_queue_address, svm_msg_q_t *); vcl_send_session_accepted_reply (evt_q, mp->context, mp->handle, VNET_API_ERROR_INVALID_ARGUMENT); vcl_session_free (wrk, session); return VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX; } static u32 vcl_session_connected_handler (vcl_worker_t * wrk, session_connected_msg_t * mp) { u32 session_index, vpp_wrk_index; svm_fifo_t *rx_fifo, *tx_fifo; vcl_session_t *session = 0; session_index = mp->context; session = vcl_session_get (wrk, session_index); if (!session) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: vpp handle 0x%llx has no session index (%u)!", mp->handle, session_index); return VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX; } if (mp->retval) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: session index %u: connect failed! %U", session_index, format_api_error, ntohl (mp->retval)); session->session_state = STATE_FAILED; session->vpp_handle = mp->handle; return session_index; } rx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (mp->server_rx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); tx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (mp->server_tx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); if (vcl_wait_for_segment (mp->segment_handle)) { VDBG (0, "segment for session %u couldn't be mounted!", session->session_index); session->session_state = STATE_FAILED; return VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX; } rx_fifo->client_session_index = session_index; tx_fifo->client_session_index = session_index; rx_fifo->client_thread_index = vcl_get_worker_index (); tx_fifo->client_thread_index = vcl_get_worker_index (); session->vpp_evt_q = uword_to_pointer (mp->vpp_event_queue_address, svm_msg_q_t *); vpp_wrk_index = tx_fifo->master_thread_index; vec_validate (wrk->vpp_event_queues, vpp_wrk_index); wrk->vpp_event_queues[vpp_wrk_index] = session->vpp_evt_q; if (mp->ct_rx_fifo) { session->ct_rx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (mp->ct_rx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); session->ct_tx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (mp->ct_tx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); if (vcl_wait_for_segment (mp->ct_segment_handle)) { VDBG (0, "ct segment for session %u couldn't be mounted!", session->session_index); session->session_state = STATE_FAILED; return VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX; } } session->rx_fifo = rx_fifo; session->tx_fifo = tx_fifo; session->vpp_handle = mp->handle; session->vpp_thread_index = rx_fifo->master_thread_index; session->transport.is_ip4 = mp->lcl.is_ip4; clib_memcpy_fast (&session->transport.lcl_ip, &mp->lcl.ip, sizeof (session->transport.lcl_ip)); session->transport.lcl_port = mp->lcl.port; session->session_state = STATE_CONNECT; /* Add it to lookup table */ vcl_session_table_add_vpp_handle (wrk, mp->handle, session_index); VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx] connected! rx_fifo %p, refcnt %d, tx_fifo %p," " refcnt %d", session_index, mp->handle, session->rx_fifo, session->rx_fifo->refcnt, session->tx_fifo, session->tx_fifo->refcnt); return session_index; } static int vcl_flag_accepted_session (vcl_session_t * session, u64 handle, u32 flags) { vcl_session_msg_t *accepted_msg; int i; for (i = 0; i < vec_len (session->accept_evts_fifo); i++) { accepted_msg = &session->accept_evts_fifo[i]; if (accepted_msg->accepted_msg.handle == handle) { accepted_msg->flags |= flags; return 1; } } return 0; } static u32 vcl_session_reset_handler (vcl_worker_t * wrk, session_reset_msg_t * reset_msg) { vcl_session_t *session; u32 sid; sid = vcl_session_index_from_vpp_handle (wrk, reset_msg->handle); session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid); if (!session) { VDBG (0, "request to reset unknown handle 0x%llx", reset_msg->handle); return VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX; } /* Caught a reset before actually accepting the session */ if (session->session_state == STATE_LISTEN) { if (!vcl_flag_accepted_session (session, reset_msg->handle, VCL_ACCEPTED_F_RESET)) VDBG (0, "session was not accepted!"); return VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX; } session->session_state = STATE_DISCONNECT; VDBG (0, "reset session %u [0x%llx]", sid, reset_msg->handle); return sid; } static u32 vcl_session_bound_handler (vcl_worker_t * wrk, session_bound_msg_t * mp) { vcl_session_t *session; u32 sid = mp->context; session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid); if (mp->retval) { VERR ("session %u [0x%llx]: bind failed: %U", sid, mp->handle, format_api_error, mp->retval); if (session) { session->session_state = STATE_FAILED; session->vpp_handle = mp->handle; return sid; } else { VDBG (0, "ERROR: session %u [0x%llx]: Invalid session index!", sid, mp->handle); return VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX; } } session->vpp_handle = mp->handle; session->transport.is_ip4 = mp->lcl_is_ip4; clib_memcpy_fast (&session->transport.lcl_ip, mp->lcl_ip, sizeof (ip46_address_t)); session->transport.lcl_port = mp->lcl_port; vcl_session_table_add_listener (wrk, mp->handle, sid); session->session_state = STATE_LISTEN; session->vpp_evt_q = uword_to_pointer (mp->vpp_evt_q, svm_msg_q_t *); vec_validate (wrk->vpp_event_queues, 0); wrk->vpp_event_queues[0] = session->vpp_evt_q; if (session->is_dgram) { svm_fifo_t *rx_fifo, *tx_fifo; session->vpp_evt_q = uword_to_pointer (mp->vpp_evt_q, svm_msg_q_t *); rx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (mp->rx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); rx_fifo->client_session_index = sid; tx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (mp->tx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); tx_fifo->client_session_index = sid; session->rx_fifo = rx_fifo; session->tx_fifo = tx_fifo; } VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx]: listen succeeded!", sid, mp->handle); return sid; } static void vcl_session_unlisten_reply_handler (vcl_worker_t * wrk, void *data) { session_unlisten_reply_msg_t *mp = (session_unlisten_reply_msg_t *) data; vcl_session_t *s; s = vcl_session_get_w_vpp_handle (wrk, mp->handle); if (!s || s->session_state != STATE_DISCONNECT) { VDBG (0, "Unlisten reply with wrong handle %llx", mp->handle); return; } if (mp->retval) VDBG (0, "ERROR: session %u [0xllx]: unlisten failed: %U", s->session_index, mp->handle, format_api_error, ntohl (mp->retval)); if (mp->context != wrk->wrk_index) VDBG (0, "wrong context"); vcl_session_table_del_vpp_handle (wrk, mp->handle); vcl_session_free (wrk, s); } static vcl_session_t * vcl_session_accepted (vcl_worker_t * wrk, session_accepted_msg_t * msg) { vcl_session_msg_t *vcl_msg; vcl_session_t *session; session = vcl_session_get_w_vpp_handle (wrk, msg->handle); if (PREDICT_FALSE (session != 0)) VWRN ("session overlap handle %lu state %u!", msg->handle, session->session_state); session = vcl_session_table_lookup_listener (wrk, msg->listener_handle); if (!session) { VERR ("couldn't find listen session: listener handle %llx", msg->listener_handle); return 0; } clib_fifo_add2 (session->accept_evts_fifo, vcl_msg); vcl_msg->accepted_msg = *msg; /* Session handle points to listener until fully accepted by app */ vcl_session_table_add_vpp_handle (wrk, msg->handle, session->session_index); return session; } static vcl_session_t * vcl_session_disconnected_handler (vcl_worker_t * wrk, session_disconnected_msg_t * msg) { vcl_session_t *session; session = vcl_session_get_w_vpp_handle (wrk, msg->handle); if (!session) { VDBG (0, "request to disconnect unknown handle 0x%llx", msg->handle); return 0; } /* Caught a disconnect before actually accepting the session */ if (session->session_state == STATE_LISTEN) { if (!vcl_flag_accepted_session (session, msg->handle, VCL_ACCEPTED_F_CLOSED)) VDBG (0, "session was not accepted!"); return 0; } session->session_state = STATE_VPP_CLOSING; return session; } static void vcl_session_req_worker_update_handler (vcl_worker_t * wrk, void *data) { session_req_worker_update_msg_t *msg; vcl_session_t *s; msg = (session_req_worker_update_msg_t *) data; s = vcl_session_get_w_vpp_handle (wrk, msg->session_handle); if (!s) return; vec_add1 (wrk->pending_session_wrk_updates, s->session_index); } static void vcl_session_worker_update_reply_handler (vcl_worker_t * wrk, void *data) { session_worker_update_reply_msg_t *msg; vcl_session_t *s; msg = (session_worker_update_reply_msg_t *) data; s = vcl_session_get_w_vpp_handle (wrk, msg->handle); if (!s) { VDBG (0, "unknown handle 0x%llx", msg->handle); return; } if (vcl_wait_for_segment (msg->segment_handle)) { clib_warning ("segment for session %u couldn't be mounted!", s->session_index); return; } if (s->rx_fifo) { s->rx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (msg->rx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); s->tx_fifo = uword_to_pointer (msg->tx_fifo, svm_fifo_t *); s->rx_fifo->client_session_index = s->session_index; s->tx_fifo->client_session_index = s->session_index; s->rx_fifo->client_thread_index = wrk->wrk_index; s->tx_fifo->client_thread_index = wrk->wrk_index; } s->session_state = STATE_UPDATED; VDBG (0, "session %u[0x%llx] moved to worker %u", s->session_index, s->vpp_handle, wrk->wrk_index); } static int vcl_handle_mq_event (vcl_worker_t * wrk, session_event_t * e) { session_disconnected_msg_t *disconnected_msg; vcl_session_t *session; switch (e->event_type) { case SESSION_IO_EVT_RX: case SESSION_IO_EVT_TX: session = vcl_session_get (wrk, e->session_index); if (!session || !(session->session_state & STATE_OPEN)) break; vec_add1 (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector, *e); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_ACCEPTED: vcl_session_accepted (wrk, (session_accepted_msg_t *) e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_CONNECTED: vcl_session_connected_handler (wrk, (session_connected_msg_t *) e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_DISCONNECTED: disconnected_msg = (session_disconnected_msg_t *) e->data; session = vcl_session_disconnected_handler (wrk, disconnected_msg); if (!session) break; VDBG (0, "disconnected session %u [0x%llx]", session->session_index, session->vpp_handle); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_RESET: vcl_session_reset_handler (wrk, (session_reset_msg_t *) e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_BOUND: vcl_session_bound_handler (wrk, (session_bound_msg_t *) e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_UNLISTEN_REPLY: vcl_session_unlisten_reply_handler (wrk, e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_REQ_WORKER_UPDATE: vcl_session_req_worker_update_handler (wrk, e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_WORKER_UPDATE_REPLY: vcl_session_worker_update_reply_handler (wrk, e->data); break; default: clib_warning ("unhandled %u", e->event_type); } return VPPCOM_OK; } static int vppcom_wait_for_session_state_change (u32 session_index, vcl_session_state_t state, f64 wait_for_time) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); f64 timeout = clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time) + wait_for_time; vcl_session_t *volatile session; svm_msg_q_msg_t msg; session_event_t *e; do { session = vcl_session_get (wrk, session_index); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!session)) { return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (session->session_state & state) { return VPPCOM_OK; } if (session->session_state & STATE_FAILED) { return VPPCOM_ECONNREFUSED; } if (svm_msg_q_sub (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg, SVM_Q_NOWAIT, 0)) { usleep (100); continue; } e = svm_msg_q_msg_data (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg); vcl_handle_mq_event (wrk, e); svm_msg_q_free_msg (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg); } while (clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time) < timeout); VDBG (0, "timeout waiting for state 0x%x (%s)", state, vppcom_session_state_str (state)); vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_SESSION_TIMEOUT, session, session_state); return VPPCOM_ETIMEDOUT; } static void vcl_handle_pending_wrk_updates (vcl_worker_t * wrk) { vcl_session_state_t state; vcl_session_t *s; u32 *sip; if (PREDICT_TRUE (vec_len (wrk->pending_session_wrk_updates) == 0)) return; vec_foreach (sip, wrk->pending_session_wrk_updates) { s = vcl_session_get (wrk, *sip); vcl_send_session_worker_update (wrk, s, wrk->wrk_index); state = s->session_state; vppcom_wait_for_session_state_change (s->session_index, STATE_UPDATED, 5); s->session_state = state; } vec_reset_length (wrk->pending_session_wrk_updates); } void vcl_flush_mq_events (void) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); svm_msg_q_msg_t *msg; session_event_t *e; svm_msg_q_t *mq; int i; mq = wrk->app_event_queue; svm_msg_q_lock (mq); vcl_mq_dequeue_batch (wrk, mq, ~0); svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); for (i = 0; i < vec_len (wrk->mq_msg_vector); i++) { msg = vec_elt_at_index (wrk->mq_msg_vector, i); e = svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, msg); vcl_handle_mq_event (wrk, e); svm_msg_q_free_msg (mq, msg); } vec_reset_length (wrk->mq_msg_vector); vcl_handle_pending_wrk_updates (wrk); } static int vppcom_app_session_enable (void) { int rv; if (vcm->app_state != STATE_APP_ENABLED) { vppcom_send_session_enable_disable (1 /* is_enabled == TRUE */ ); rv = vcl_wait_for_app_state_change (STATE_APP_ENABLED); if (PREDICT_FALSE (rv)) { VDBG (0, "application session enable timed out! returning %d (%s)", rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); return rv; } } return VPPCOM_OK; } static int vppcom_app_attach (void) { int rv; vppcom_app_send_attach (); rv = vcl_wait_for_app_state_change (STATE_APP_ATTACHED); if (PREDICT_FALSE (rv)) { VDBG (0, "application attach timed out! returning %d (%s)", rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); return rv; } return VPPCOM_OK; } static int vppcom_session_unbind (u32 session_handle) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); session_accepted_msg_t *accepted_msg; vcl_session_t *session = 0; vcl_session_msg_t *evt; u64 vpp_handle; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; /* Flush pending accept events, if any */ while (clib_fifo_elts (session->accept_evts_fifo)) { clib_fifo_sub2 (session->accept_evts_fifo, evt); accepted_msg = &evt->accepted_msg; vcl_session_table_del_vpp_handle (wrk, accepted_msg->handle); vcl_send_session_accepted_reply (session->vpp_evt_q, accepted_msg->context, session->vpp_handle, -1); } clib_fifo_free (session->accept_evts_fifo); vpp_handle = session->vpp_handle; session->vpp_handle = ~0; session->session_state = STATE_DISCONNECT; VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx]: sending unbind!", session->session_index, vpp_handle); vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_UNBIND, session); vppcom_send_unbind_sock (wrk, vpp_handle); return VPPCOM_OK; } static int vppcom_session_disconnect (u32 session_handle) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); svm_msg_q_t *vpp_evt_q; vcl_session_t *session, *listen_session; vcl_session_state_t state; u64 vpp_handle; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; vpp_handle = session->vpp_handle; state = session->session_state; VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx] state 0x%x (%s)", session->session_index, vpp_handle, state, vppcom_session_state_str (state)); if (PREDICT_FALSE (state & STATE_LISTEN)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: Cannot disconnect a listen socket!"); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (state & STATE_VPP_CLOSING) { vpp_evt_q = vcl_session_vpp_evt_q (wrk, session); vcl_send_session_disconnected_reply (vpp_evt_q, wrk->my_client_index, vpp_handle, 0); VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx]: sending disconnect REPLY...", session->session_index, vpp_handle); } else { VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx]: sending disconnect...", session->session_index, vpp_handle); vppcom_send_disconnect_session (vpp_handle); } if (session->listener_index != VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX) { listen_session = vcl_session_get (wrk, session->listener_index); listen_session->n_accepted_sessions--; } return VPPCOM_OK; } /** * Handle app exit * * Notify vpp of the disconnect and mark the worker as free. If we're the * last worker, do a full cleanup otherwise, since we're probably a forked * child, avoid syscalls as much as possible. We might've lost privileges. */ void vppcom_app_exit (void) { if (!pool_elts (vcm->workers)) return; vcl_worker_cleanup (vcl_worker_get_current (), 1 /* notify vpp */ ); vcl_set_worker_index (~0); vcl_elog_stop (vcm); if (vec_len (vcm->workers) == 1) vl_client_disconnect_from_vlib (); else vl_client_send_disconnect (1 /* vpp should cleanup */ ); } /* * VPPCOM Public API functions */ int vppcom_app_create (char *app_name) { vppcom_cfg_t *vcl_cfg = &vcm->cfg; int rv; if (vcm->is_init) { VDBG (1, "already initialized"); return VPPCOM_EEXIST; } vcm->is_init = 1; vppcom_cfg (&vcm->cfg); vcl_cfg = &vcm->cfg; vcm->main_cpu = pthread_self (); vcm->main_pid = getpid (); vcm->app_name = format (0, "%s", app_name); vppcom_init_error_string_table (); fifo_segment_main_init (&vcm->segment_main, vcl_cfg->segment_baseva, 20 /* timeout in secs */ ); pool_alloc (vcm->workers, vcl_cfg->max_workers); clib_spinlock_init (&vcm->workers_lock); clib_rwlock_init (&vcm->segment_table_lock); atexit (vppcom_app_exit); /* Allocate default worker */ vcl_worker_alloc_and_init (); /* API hookup and connect to VPP */ vppcom_api_hookup (); vcl_elog_init (vcm); vcm->app_state = STATE_APP_START; rv = vppcom_connect_to_vpp (app_name); if (rv) { VERR ("couldn't connect to VPP!"); return rv; } VDBG (0, "sending session enable"); rv = vppcom_app_session_enable (); if (rv) { VERR ("vppcom_app_session_enable() failed!"); return rv; } VDBG (0, "sending app attach"); rv = vppcom_app_attach (); if (rv) { VERR ("vppcom_app_attach() failed!"); return rv; } VDBG (0, "app_name '%s', my_client_index %d (0x%x)", app_name, vcm->workers[0].my_client_index, vcm->workers[0].my_client_index); return VPPCOM_OK; } void vppcom_app_destroy (void) { int rv; f64 orig_app_timeout; if (!pool_elts (vcm->workers)) return; vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_DETACH, vcm); if (pool_elts (vcm->workers) == 1) { vppcom_app_send_detach (); orig_app_timeout = vcm->cfg.app_timeout; vcm->cfg.app_timeout = 2.0; rv = vcl_wait_for_app_state_change (STATE_APP_ENABLED); vcm->cfg.app_timeout = orig_app_timeout; if (PREDICT_FALSE (rv)) VDBG (0, "application detach timed out! returning %d (%s)", rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); vec_free (vcm->app_name); vcl_worker_cleanup (vcl_worker_get_current (), 0 /* notify vpp */ ); } else { vcl_worker_cleanup (vcl_worker_get_current (), 1 /* notify vpp */ ); } vcl_set_worker_index (~0); vcl_elog_stop (vcm); vl_client_disconnect_from_vlib (); } int vppcom_session_create (u8 proto, u8 is_nonblocking) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session; session = vcl_session_alloc (wrk); session->session_type = proto; session->session_state = STATE_START; session->vpp_handle = ~0; session->is_dgram = vcl_proto_is_dgram (proto); if (is_nonblocking) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK); vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_CREATE, session, session_type, session->session_state, is_nonblocking, session_index); VDBG (0, "created session %u", session->session_index); return vcl_session_handle (session); } int vcl_session_cleanup (vcl_worker_t * wrk, vcl_session_t * session, vcl_session_handle_t sh, u8 do_disconnect) { vcl_session_state_t state; u32 next_sh, vep_sh; int rv = VPPCOM_OK; u64 vpp_handle; u8 is_vep; is_vep = session->is_vep; next_sh = session->vep.next_sh; vep_sh = session->vep.vep_sh; state = session->session_state; vpp_handle = session->vpp_handle; VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx] closing", session->session_index, vpp_handle); if (is_vep) { while (next_sh != ~0) { rv = vppcom_epoll_ctl (sh, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, next_sh, 0); if (PREDICT_FALSE (rv < 0)) VDBG (0, "vpp handle 0x%llx, sh %u: EPOLL_CTL_DEL vep_idx %u" " failed! rv %d (%s)", vpp_handle, next_sh, vep_sh, rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); next_sh = session->vep.next_sh; } } else { if (session->is_vep_session) { rv = vppcom_epoll_ctl (vep_sh, EPOLL_CTL_DEL, sh, 0); if (rv < 0) VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx]: EPOLL_CTL_DEL vep_idx %u " "failed! rv %d (%s)", session->session_index, vpp_handle, vep_sh, rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); } if (!do_disconnect) { VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx] disconnect skipped", session->session_index, vpp_handle); goto cleanup; } if (state & STATE_LISTEN) { rv = vppcom_session_unbind (sh); if (PREDICT_FALSE (rv < 0)) VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx]: listener unbind failed! " "rv %d (%s)", session->session_index, vpp_handle, rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); return rv; } else if ((state & STATE_OPEN) || (vcl_session_is_connectable_listener (wrk, session))) { rv = vppcom_session_disconnect (sh); if (PREDICT_FALSE (rv < 0)) VDBG (0, "ERROR: session %u [0x%llx]: disconnect failed!" " rv %d (%s)", session->session_index, vpp_handle, rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); } else if (state == STATE_DISCONNECT) { svm_msg_q_t *mq = vcl_session_vpp_evt_q (wrk, session); vcl_send_session_reset_reply (mq, wrk->my_client_index, session->vpp_handle, 0); } } VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx] removed", session->session_index, vpp_handle); cleanup: vcl_session_table_del_vpp_handle (wrk, vpp_handle); vcl_session_free (wrk, session); vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_CLOSE, session, rv); return rv; } int vppcom_session_close (uint32_t session_handle) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; return vcl_session_cleanup (wrk, session, session_handle, 1 /* do_disconnect */ ); } int vppcom_session_bind (uint32_t session_handle, vppcom_endpt_t * ep) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session = 0; if (!ep || !ep->ip) return VPPCOM_EINVAL; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (session->is_vep) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: cannot bind to epoll session %u!", session->session_index); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } session->transport.is_ip4 = ep->is_ip4; if (ep->is_ip4) clib_memcpy_fast (&session->transport.lcl_ip.ip4, ep->ip, sizeof (ip4_address_t)); else clib_memcpy_fast (&session->transport.lcl_ip.ip6, ep->ip, sizeof (ip6_address_t)); session->transport.lcl_port = ep->port; VDBG (0, "session %u handle %u: binding to local %s address %U port %u, " "proto %s", session->session_index, session_handle, session->transport.is_ip4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6", format_ip46_address, &session->transport.lcl_ip, session->transport.is_ip4 ? IP46_TYPE_IP4 : IP46_TYPE_IP6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (session->transport.lcl_port), vppcom_proto_str (session->session_type)); vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_BIND, session); if (session->session_type == VPPCOM_PROTO_UDP) vppcom_session_listen (session_handle, 10); return VPPCOM_OK; } int vppcom_session_listen (uint32_t listen_sh, uint32_t q_len) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *listen_session = 0; u64 listen_vpp_handle; int rv; listen_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, listen_sh); if (!listen_session || listen_session->is_vep) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (q_len == 0 || q_len == ~0) q_len = vcm->cfg.listen_queue_size; listen_vpp_handle = listen_session->vpp_handle; if (listen_session->session_state & STATE_LISTEN) { VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx]: already in listen state!", listen_sh, listen_vpp_handle); return VPPCOM_OK; } VDBG (0, "session %u: sending vpp listen request...", listen_sh); /* * Send listen request to vpp and wait for reply */ vppcom_send_bind_sock (listen_session); rv = vppcom_wait_for_session_state_change (listen_session->session_index, STATE_LISTEN, vcm->cfg.session_timeout); if (PREDICT_FALSE (rv)) { listen_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, listen_sh); VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx]: listen failed! returning %d (%s)", listen_sh, listen_session->vpp_handle, rv, vppcom_retval_str (rv)); return rv; } return VPPCOM_OK; } int vppcom_session_tls_add_cert (uint32_t session_handle, char *cert, uint32_t cert_len) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session = 0; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (cert_len == 0 || cert_len == ~0) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; /* * Send listen request to vpp and wait for reply */ vppcom_send_application_tls_cert_add (session, cert, cert_len); return VPPCOM_OK; } int vppcom_session_tls_add_key (uint32_t session_handle, char *key, uint32_t key_len) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session = 0; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (key_len == 0 || key_len == ~0) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; /* * Send listen request to vpp and wait for reply */ vppcom_send_application_tls_key_add (session, key, key_len); return VPPCOM_OK; } static int validate_args_session_accept_ (vcl_worker_t * wrk, vcl_session_t * ls) { if (ls->is_vep) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: cannot accept on epoll session %u!", ls->session_index); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if ((ls->session_state != STATE_LISTEN) && (!vcl_session_is_connectable_listener (wrk, ls))) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: session [0x%llx]: not in listen state! state 0x%x" " (%s)", ls->vpp_handle, ls->session_state, vppcom_session_state_str (ls->session_state)); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } return VPPCOM_OK; } int vppcom_unformat_proto (uint8_t * proto, char *proto_str) { if (!strcmp (proto_str, "TCP")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_TCP; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "tcp")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_TCP; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "UDP")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_UDP; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "udp")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_UDP; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "UDPC")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_UDPC; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "udpc")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_UDPC; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "SCTP")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_SCTP; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "sctp")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_SCTP; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "TLS")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_TLS; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "tls")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_TLS; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "QUIC")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_QUIC; else if (!strcmp (proto_str, "quic")) *proto = VPPCOM_PROTO_QUIC; else return 1; return 0; } int vppcom_session_accept (uint32_t listen_session_handle, vppcom_endpt_t * ep, uint32_t flags) { u32 client_session_index = ~0, listen_session_index, accept_flags = 0; vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); session_accepted_msg_t accepted_msg; vcl_session_t *listen_session = 0; vcl_session_t *client_session = 0; vcl_session_msg_t *evt; svm_msg_q_msg_t msg; session_event_t *e; u8 is_nonblocking; int rv; listen_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, listen_session_handle); if (!listen_session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; listen_session_index = listen_session->session_index; if ((rv = validate_args_session_accept_ (wrk, listen_session))) return rv; if (clib_fifo_elts (listen_session->accept_evts_fifo)) { clib_fifo_sub2 (listen_session->accept_evts_fifo, evt); accept_flags = evt->flags; accepted_msg = evt->accepted_msg; goto handle; } is_nonblocking = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (listen_session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK); if (svm_msg_q_is_empty (wrk->app_event_queue) && is_nonblocking) return VPPCOM_EAGAIN; while (1) { if (svm_msg_q_sub (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg, SVM_Q_WAIT, 0)) return VPPCOM_EAGAIN; e = svm_msg_q_msg_data (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg); if (e->event_type != SESSION_CTRL_EVT_ACCEPTED) { VDBG (0, "discarded event: %u", e->event_type); svm_msg_q_free_msg (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg); continue; } clib_memcpy_fast (&accepted_msg, e->data, sizeof (accepted_msg)); svm_msg_q_free_msg (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg); break; } handle: client_session_index = vcl_session_accepted_handler (wrk, &accepted_msg, listen_session_index); if (client_session_index == VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX) return VPPCOM_ECONNABORTED; listen_session = vcl_session_get (wrk, listen_session_index); client_session = vcl_session_get (wrk, client_session_index); if (flags & O_NONBLOCK) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (client_session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK); VDBG (1, "listener %u [0x%llx]: Got a connect request! session %u [0x%llx]," " flags %d, is_nonblocking %u", listen_session->session_index, listen_session->vpp_handle, client_session_index, client_session->vpp_handle, flags, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (client_session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK)); if (ep) { ep->is_ip4 = client_session->transport.is_ip4; ep->port = client_session->transport.rmt_port; if (client_session->transport.is_ip4) clib_memcpy_fast (ep->ip, &client_session->transport.rmt_ip.ip4, sizeof (ip4_address_t)); else clib_memcpy_fast (ep->ip, &client_session->transport.rmt_ip.ip6, sizeof (ip6_address_t)); } VDBG (0, "listener %u [0x%llx] accepted %u [0x%llx] peer: %U:%u " "local: %U:%u", listen_session_handle, listen_session->vpp_handle, client_session_index, client_session->vpp_handle, format_ip46_address, &client_session->transport.rmt_ip, client_session->transport.is_ip4 ? IP46_TYPE_IP4 : IP46_TYPE_IP6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (client_session->transport.rmt_port), format_ip46_address, &client_session->transport.lcl_ip, client_session->transport.is_ip4 ? IP46_TYPE_IP4 : IP46_TYPE_IP6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (client_session->transport.lcl_port)); vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_ACCEPT, client_session, listen_session, client_session_index); /* * Session might have been closed already */ if (accept_flags) { if (accept_flags & VCL_ACCEPTED_F_CLOSED) client_session->session_state = STATE_VPP_CLOSING; else if (accept_flags & VCL_ACCEPTED_F_RESET) client_session->session_state = STATE_DISCONNECT; } return vcl_session_handle (client_session); } int vppcom_session_connect (uint32_t session_handle, vppcom_endpt_t * server_ep) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session = 0; u32 session_index; int rv; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; session_index = session->session_index; if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: cannot connect epoll session %u!", session->session_index); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->session_state & CLIENT_STATE_OPEN)) { VDBG (0, "session handle %u [0x%llx]: session already " "connected to %s %U port %d proto %s, state 0x%x (%s)", session_handle, session->vpp_handle, session->transport.is_ip4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6", format_ip46_address, &session->transport.rmt_ip, session->transport.is_ip4 ? IP46_TYPE_IP4 : IP46_TYPE_IP6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (session->transport.rmt_port), vppcom_proto_str (session->session_type), session->session_state, vppcom_session_state_str (session->session_state)); return VPPCOM_OK; } session->transport.is_ip4 = server_ep->is_ip4; if (session->transport.is_ip4) clib_memcpy_fast (&session->transport.rmt_ip.ip4, server_ep->ip, sizeof (ip4_address_t)); else clib_memcpy_fast (&session->transport.rmt_ip.ip6, server_ep->ip, sizeof (ip6_address_t)); session->transport.rmt_port = server_ep->port; session->parent_handle = VCL_INVALID_SESSION_HANDLE; VDBG (0, "session handle %u: connecting to server %s %U " "port %d proto %s", session_handle, session->transport.is_ip4 ? "IPv4" : "IPv6", format_ip46_address, &session->transport.rmt_ip, session->transport.is_ip4 ? IP46_TYPE_IP4 : IP46_TYPE_IP6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (session->transport.rmt_port), vppcom_proto_str (session->session_type)); /* * Send connect request and wait for reply from vpp */ vppcom_send_connect_sock (session); rv = vppcom_wait_for_session_state_change (session_index, STATE_CONNECT, vcm->cfg.session_timeout); session = vcl_session_get (wrk, session_index); VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx]: connect %s!", session->session_index, session->vpp_handle, rv ? "failed" : "succeeded"); return rv; } int vppcom_session_stream_connect (uint32_t session_handle, uint32_t parent_session_handle) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session, *parent_session; u32 session_index, parent_session_index; int rv; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; parent_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, parent_session_handle); if (!parent_session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; session_index = session->session_index; parent_session_index = parent_session->session_index; if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: cannot connect epoll session %u!", session->session_index); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->session_state & CLIENT_STATE_OPEN)) { VDBG (0, "session handle %u [0x%llx]: session already " "connected to session %u [0x%llx] proto %s, state 0x%x (%s)", session_handle, session->vpp_handle, parent_session_handle, parent_session->vpp_handle, vppcom_proto_str (session->session_type), session->session_state, vppcom_session_state_str (session->session_state)); return VPPCOM_OK; } /* Connect to quic session specifics */ session->transport.is_ip4 = parent_session->transport.is_ip4; session->transport.rmt_ip.ip4.as_u32 = (uint32_t) 1; session->transport.rmt_port = 0; session->parent_handle = parent_session->vpp_handle; VDBG (0, "session handle %u: connecting to session %u [0x%llx]", session_handle, parent_session_handle, parent_session->vpp_handle); /* * Send connect request and wait for reply from vpp */ vppcom_send_connect_sock (session); rv = vppcom_wait_for_session_state_change (session_index, STATE_CONNECT, vcm->cfg.session_timeout); session->listener_index = parent_session_index; parent_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, parent_session_handle); if (parent_session) parent_session->n_accepted_sessions++; session = vcl_session_get (wrk, session_index); VDBG (0, "session %u [0x%llx]: connect %s!", session->session_index, session->vpp_handle, rv ? "failed" : "succeeded"); return rv; } static u8 vcl_is_rx_evt_for_session (session_event_t * e, u32 sid, u8 is_ct) { return (e->event_type == SESSION_IO_EVT_RX && e->session_index == sid); } static inline int vppcom_session_read_internal (uint32_t session_handle, void *buf, int n, u8 peek) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); int n_read = 0, is_nonblocking; vcl_session_t *s = 0; svm_fifo_t *rx_fifo; svm_msg_q_msg_t msg; session_event_t *e; svm_msg_q_t *mq; u8 is_ct; if (PREDICT_FALSE (!buf)) return VPPCOM_EINVAL; s = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!s || s->is_vep)) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (PREDICT_FALSE (!vcl_session_is_open (s))) { VDBG (0, "session %u[0x%llx] is not open! state 0x%x (%s)", s->session_index, s->vpp_handle, s->session_state, vppcom_session_state_str (s->session_state)); return vcl_session_closed_error (s); } is_nonblocking = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (s->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK); is_ct = vcl_session_is_ct (s); mq = wrk->app_event_queue; rx_fifo = is_ct ? s->ct_rx_fifo : s->rx_fifo; s->has_rx_evt = 0; if (svm_fifo_is_empty_cons (rx_fifo)) { if (is_nonblocking) { svm_fifo_unset_event (s->rx_fifo); return VPPCOM_EWOULDBLOCK; } while (svm_fifo_is_empty_cons (rx_fifo)) { if (vcl_session_is_closing (s)) return vcl_session_closing_error (s); svm_fifo_unset_event (s->rx_fifo); svm_msg_q_lock (mq); if (svm_msg_q_is_empty (mq)) svm_msg_q_wait (mq); svm_msg_q_sub_w_lock (mq, &msg); e = svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, &msg); svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); if (!vcl_is_rx_evt_for_session (e, s->session_index, is_ct)) vcl_handle_mq_event (wrk, e); svm_msg_q_free_msg (mq, &msg); } } if (s->is_dgram) n_read = app_recv_dgram_raw (rx_fifo, buf, n, &s->transport, 0, peek); else n_read = app_recv_stream_raw (rx_fifo, buf, n, 0, peek); if (svm_fifo_is_empty_cons (rx_fifo)) svm_fifo_unset_event (s->rx_fifo); /* Cut-through sessions might request tx notifications on rx fifos */ if (PREDICT_FALSE (rx_fifo->want_deq_ntf)) { app_send_io_evt_to_vpp (s->vpp_evt_q, s->rx_fifo->master_session_index, SESSION_IO_EVT_RX, SVM_Q_WAIT); svm_fifo_reset_has_deq_ntf (s->rx_fifo); } VDBG (2, "session %u[0x%llx]: read %d bytes from (%p)", s->session_index, s->vpp_handle, n_read, rx_fifo); return n_read; } int vppcom_session_read (uint32_t session_handle, void *buf, size_t n) { return (vppcom_session_read_internal (session_handle, buf, n, 0)); } static int vppcom_session_peek (uint32_t session_handle, void *buf, int n) { return (vppcom_session_read_internal (session_handle, buf, n, 1)); } int vppcom_session_read_segments (uint32_t session_handle, vppcom_data_segments_t ds) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); int n_read = 0, is_nonblocking; vcl_session_t *s = 0; svm_fifo_t *rx_fifo; svm_msg_q_msg_t msg; session_event_t *e; svm_msg_q_t *mq; u8 is_ct; s = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!s || s->is_vep)) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (PREDICT_FALSE (!vcl_session_is_open (s))) return vcl_session_closed_error (s); is_nonblocking = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (s->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK); is_ct = vcl_session_is_ct (s); mq = is_ct ? s->our_evt_q : wrk->app_event_queue; rx_fifo = s->rx_fifo; s->has_rx_evt = 0; if (is_ct) svm_fifo_unset_event (s->rx_fifo); if (svm_fifo_is_empty_cons (rx_fifo)) { if (is_nonblocking) { svm_fifo_unset_event (rx_fifo); return VPPCOM_EWOULDBLOCK; } while (svm_fifo_is_empty_cons (rx_fifo)) { if (vcl_session_is_closing (s)) return vcl_session_closing_error (s); svm_fifo_unset_event (rx_fifo); svm_msg_q_lock (mq); if (svm_msg_q_is_empty (mq)) svm_msg_q_wait (mq); svm_msg_q_sub_w_lock (mq, &msg); e = svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, &msg); svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); if (!vcl_is_rx_evt_for_session (e, s->session_index, is_ct)) vcl_handle_mq_event (wrk, e); svm_msg_q_free_msg (mq, &msg); } } n_read = svm_fifo_segments (rx_fifo, (svm_fifo_seg_t *) ds); svm_fifo_unset_event (rx_fifo); return n_read; } void vppcom_session_free_segments (uint32_t session_handle, vppcom_data_segments_t ds) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *s; s = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!s || s->is_vep)) return; svm_fifo_segments_free (s->rx_fifo, (svm_fifo_seg_t *) ds); } int vppcom_data_segment_copy (void *buf, vppcom_data_segments_t ds, u32 max_bytes) { u32 first_copy = clib_min (ds[0].len, max_bytes); clib_memcpy_fast (buf, ds[0].data, first_copy); if (first_copy < max_bytes) { clib_memcpy_fast (buf + first_copy, ds[1].data, clib_min (ds[1].len, max_bytes - first_copy)); } return 0; } static u8 vcl_is_tx_evt_for_session (session_event_t * e, u32 sid, u8 is_ct) { return (e->event_type == SESSION_IO_EVT_TX && e->session_index == sid); } static inline int vppcom_session_write_inline (uint32_t session_handle, void *buf, size_t n, u8 is_flush) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); int n_write, is_nonblocking; vcl_session_t *s = 0; session_evt_type_t et; svm_msg_q_msg_t msg; svm_fifo_t *tx_fifo; session_event_t *e; svm_msg_q_t *mq; u8 is_ct; if (PREDICT_FALSE (!buf)) return VPPCOM_EINVAL; s = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!s)) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (PREDICT_FALSE (s->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: session %u [0x%llx]: cannot write to an epoll" " session!", s->session_index, s->vpp_handle); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (!vcl_session_is_open (s))) { VDBG (1, "session %u [0x%llx]: is not open! state 0x%x (%s)", s->session_index, s->vpp_handle, s->session_state, vppcom_session_state_str (s->session_state)); return vcl_session_closed_error (s);; } is_ct = vcl_session_is_ct (s); tx_fifo = is_ct ? s->ct_tx_fifo : s->tx_fifo; is_nonblocking = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (s->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK); mq = wrk->app_event_queue; if (svm_fifo_is_full_prod (tx_fifo)) { if (is_nonblocking) { return VPPCOM_EWOULDBLOCK; } while (svm_fifo_is_full_prod (tx_fifo)) { svm_fifo_add_want_deq_ntf (tx_fifo, SVM_FIFO_WANT_DEQ_NOTIF); if (vcl_session_is_closing (s)) return vcl_session_closing_error (s); svm_msg_q_lock (mq); if (svm_msg_q_is_empty (mq)) svm_msg_q_wait (mq); svm_msg_q_sub_w_lock (mq, &msg); e = svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, &msg); svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); if (!vcl_is_tx_evt_for_session (e, s->session_index, is_ct)) vcl_handle_mq_event (wrk, e); svm_msg_q_free_msg (mq, &msg); } } et = SESSION_IO_EVT_TX; if (is_flush && !is_ct) et = SESSION_IO_EVT_TX_FLUSH; if (s->is_dgram) n_write = app_send_dgram_raw (tx_fifo, &s->transport, s->vpp_evt_q, buf, n, et, 0 /* do_evt */ , SVM_Q_WAIT); else n_write = app_send_stream_raw (tx_fifo, s->vpp_evt_q, buf, n, et, 0 /* do_evt */ , SVM_Q_WAIT); if (svm_fifo_set_event (s->tx_fifo)) app_send_io_evt_to_vpp (s->vpp_evt_q, s->tx_fifo->master_session_index, et, SVM_Q_WAIT); ASSERT (n_write > 0); VDBG (2, "session %u [0x%llx]: wrote %d bytes", s->session_index, s->vpp_handle, n_write); return n_write; } int vppcom_session_write (uint32_t session_handle, void *buf, size_t n) { return vppcom_session_write_inline (session_handle, buf, n, 0 /* is_flush */ ); } int vppcom_session_write_msg (uint32_t session_handle, void *buf, size_t n) { return vppcom_session_write_inline (session_handle, buf, n, 1 /* is_flush */ ); } #define vcl_fifo_rx_evt_valid_or_break(_s) \ if (PREDICT_FALSE (svm_fifo_is_empty (_s->rx_fifo))) \ { \ if (!vcl_session_is_ct (_s)) \ { \ svm_fifo_unset_event (_s->rx_fifo); \ if (svm_fifo_is_empty (_s->rx_fifo)) \ break; \ } \ else if (svm_fifo_is_empty (_s->ct_rx_fifo)) \ { \ svm_fifo_unset_event (_s->ct_rx_fifo); \ if (svm_fifo_is_empty (_s->ct_rx_fifo)) \ break; \ } \ } \ static void vcl_select_handle_mq_event (vcl_worker_t * wrk, session_event_t * e, unsigned long n_bits, unsigned long *read_map, unsigned long *write_map, unsigned long *except_map, u32 * bits_set) { session_disconnected_msg_t *disconnected_msg; session_connected_msg_t *connected_msg; vcl_session_t *session; u32 sid; switch (e->event_type) { case SESSION_IO_EVT_RX: sid = e->session_index; session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid); if (!session) break; vcl_fifo_rx_evt_valid_or_break (session); if (sid < n_bits && read_map) { clib_bitmap_set_no_check ((uword *) read_map, sid, 1); *bits_set += 1; } break; case SESSION_IO_EVT_TX: sid = e->session_index; session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid); if (!session) break; if (sid < n_bits && write_map) { clib_bitmap_set_no_check ((uword *) write_map, sid, 1); *bits_set += 1; } break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_ACCEPTED: session = vcl_session_accepted (wrk, (session_accepted_msg_t *) e->data); if (!session) break; sid = session->session_index; if (sid < n_bits && read_map) { clib_bitmap_set_no_check ((uword *) read_map, sid, 1); *bits_set += 1; } break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_CONNECTED: connected_msg = (session_connected_msg_t *) e->data; vcl_session_connected_handler (wrk, connected_msg); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_DISCONNECTED: disconnected_msg = (session_disconnected_msg_t *) e->data; session = vcl_session_disconnected_handler (wrk, disconnected_msg); if (!session) break; sid = session->session_index; if (sid < n_bits && except_map) { clib_bitmap_set_no_check ((uword *) except_map, sid, 1); *bits_set += 1; } break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_RESET: sid = vcl_session_reset_handler (wrk, (session_reset_msg_t *) e->data); if (sid < n_bits && except_map) { clib_bitmap_set_no_check ((uword *) except_map, sid, 1); *bits_set += 1; } break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_UNLISTEN_REPLY: vcl_session_unlisten_reply_handler (wrk, e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_WORKER_UPDATE_REPLY: vcl_session_worker_update_reply_handler (wrk, e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_REQ_WORKER_UPDATE: vcl_session_req_worker_update_handler (wrk, e->data); break; default: clib_warning ("unhandled: %u", e->event_type); break; } } static int vcl_select_handle_mq (vcl_worker_t * wrk, svm_msg_q_t * mq, unsigned long n_bits, unsigned long *read_map, unsigned long *write_map, unsigned long *except_map, double time_to_wait, u32 * bits_set) { svm_msg_q_msg_t *msg; session_event_t *e; u32 i; svm_msg_q_lock (mq); if (svm_msg_q_is_empty (mq)) { if (*bits_set) { svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); return 0; } if (!time_to_wait) { svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); return 0; } else if (time_to_wait < 0) { svm_msg_q_wait (mq); } else { if (svm_msg_q_timedwait (mq, time_to_wait)) { svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); return 0; } } } vcl_mq_dequeue_batch (wrk, mq, ~0); svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); for (i = 0; i < vec_len (wrk->mq_msg_vector); i++) { msg = vec_elt_at_index (wrk->mq_msg_vector, i); e = svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, msg); vcl_select_handle_mq_event (wrk, e, n_bits, read_map, write_map, except_map, bits_set); svm_msg_q_free_msg (mq, msg); } vec_reset_length (wrk->mq_msg_vector); vcl_handle_pending_wrk_updates (wrk); return *bits_set; } static int vppcom_select_condvar (vcl_worker_t * wrk, int n_bits, vcl_si_set * read_map, vcl_si_set * write_map, vcl_si_set * except_map, double time_to_wait, u32 * bits_set) { double wait = 0, start = 0; if (!*bits_set) { wait = time_to_wait; start = clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time); } do { vcl_select_handle_mq (wrk, wrk->app_event_queue, n_bits, read_map, write_map, except_map, wait, bits_set); if (*bits_set) return *bits_set; if (wait == -1) continue; wait = wait - (clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time) - start); } while (wait > 0); return 0; } static int vppcom_select_eventfd (vcl_worker_t * wrk, int n_bits, vcl_si_set * read_map, vcl_si_set * write_map, vcl_si_set * except_map, double time_to_wait, u32 * bits_set) { vcl_mq_evt_conn_t *mqc; int __clib_unused n_read; int n_mq_evts, i; u64 buf; vec_validate (wrk->mq_events, pool_elts (wrk->mq_evt_conns)); n_mq_evts = epoll_wait (wrk->mqs_epfd, wrk->mq_events, vec_len (wrk->mq_events), time_to_wait); for (i = 0; i < n_mq_evts; i++) { mqc = vcl_mq_evt_conn_get (wrk, wrk->mq_events[i].data.u32); n_read = read (mqc->mq_fd, &buf, sizeof (buf)); vcl_select_handle_mq (wrk, mqc->mq, n_bits, read_map, write_map, except_map, 0, bits_set); } return (n_mq_evts > 0 ? (int) *bits_set : 0); } int vppcom_select (int n_bits, vcl_si_set * read_map, vcl_si_set * write_map, vcl_si_set * except_map, double time_to_wait) { u32 sid, minbits = clib_max (n_bits, BITS (uword)), bits_set = 0; vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session = 0; int rv, i; if (n_bits && read_map) { clib_bitmap_validate (wrk->rd_bitmap, minbits); clib_memcpy_fast (wrk->rd_bitmap, read_map, vec_len (wrk->rd_bitmap) * sizeof (vcl_si_set)); memset (read_map, 0, vec_len (wrk->rd_bitmap) * sizeof (vcl_si_set)); } if (n_bits && write_map) { clib_bitmap_validate (wrk->wr_bitmap, minbits); clib_memcpy_fast (wrk->wr_bitmap, write_map, vec_len (wrk->wr_bitmap) * sizeof (vcl_si_set)); memset (write_map, 0, vec_len (wrk->wr_bitmap) * sizeof (vcl_si_set)); } if (n_bits && except_map) { clib_bitmap_validate (wrk->ex_bitmap, minbits); clib_memcpy_fast (wrk->ex_bitmap, except_map, vec_len (wrk->ex_bitmap) * sizeof (vcl_si_set)); memset (except_map, 0, vec_len (wrk->ex_bitmap) * sizeof (vcl_si_set)); } if (!n_bits) return 0; if (!write_map) goto check_rd; /* *INDENT-OFF* */ clib_bitmap_foreach (sid, wrk->wr_bitmap, ({ if (!(session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid))) { if (except_map && sid < minbits) clib_bitmap_set_no_check (except_map, sid, 1); continue; } rv = svm_fifo_is_full_prod (session->tx_fifo); if (!rv) { clib_bitmap_set_no_check ((uword*)write_map, sid, 1); bits_set++; } else svm_fifo_add_want_deq_ntf (session->tx_fifo, SVM_FIFO_WANT_DEQ_NOTIF); })); check_rd: if (!read_map) goto check_mq; clib_bitmap_foreach (sid, wrk->rd_bitmap, ({ if (!(session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid))) { if (except_map && sid < minbits) clib_bitmap_set_no_check (except_map, sid, 1); continue; } rv = vcl_session_read_ready (session); if (rv) { clib_bitmap_set_no_check ((uword*)read_map, sid, 1); bits_set++; } })); /* *INDENT-ON* */ check_mq: for (i = 0; i < vec_len (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector); i++) { vcl_select_handle_mq_event (wrk, &wrk->unhandled_evts_vector[i], n_bits, read_map, write_map, except_map, &bits_set); } vec_reset_length (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector); if (vcm->cfg.use_mq_eventfd) vppcom_select_eventfd (wrk, n_bits, read_map, write_map, except_map, time_to_wait, &bits_set); else vppcom_select_condvar (wrk, n_bits, read_map, write_map, except_map, time_to_wait, &bits_set); return (bits_set); } static inline void vep_verify_epoll_chain (vcl_worker_t * wrk, u32 vep_idx) { vcl_session_t *session; vppcom_epoll_t *vep; u32 sid = vep_idx; if (VPPCOM_DEBUG <= 2) return; session = vcl_session_get (wrk, vep_idx); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!session)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: Invalid vep_idx (%u)!", vep_idx); goto done; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (!session->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: vep_idx (%u) is not a vep!", vep_idx); goto done; } vep = &session->vep; VDBG (0, "vep_idx (%u): Dumping epoll chain\n" "{\n" " is_vep = %u\n" " is_vep_session = %u\n" " next_sid = 0x%x (%u)\n" "}\n", vep_idx, session->is_vep, session->is_vep_session, vep->next_sh, vep->next_sh); for (sid = vep->next_sh; sid != ~0; sid = vep->next_sh) { session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!session)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: Invalid sid (%u)!", sid); goto done; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: sid (%u) is a vep!", vep_idx); } else if (PREDICT_FALSE (!session->is_vep_session)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: session (%u) is not a vep session!", sid); goto done; } vep = &session->vep; if (PREDICT_FALSE (vep->vep_sh != vep_idx)) VDBG (0, "ERROR: session (%u) vep_idx (%u) != vep_idx (%u)!", sid, session->vep.vep_sh, vep_idx); if (session->is_vep_session) { VDBG (0, "vep_idx[%u]: sid 0x%x (%u)\n" "{\n" " next_sid = 0x%x (%u)\n" " prev_sid = 0x%x (%u)\n" " vep_idx = 0x%x (%u)\n" " ev.events = 0x%x\n" " ev.data.u64 = 0x%llx\n" " et_mask = 0x%x\n" "}\n", vep_idx, sid, sid, vep->next_sh, vep->next_sh, vep->prev_sh, vep->prev_sh, vep->vep_sh, vep->vep_sh, vep->ev.events, vep->ev.data.u64, vep->et_mask); } } done: VDBG (0, "vep_idx (%u): Dump complete!\n", vep_idx); } int vppcom_epoll_create (void) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *vep_session; vep_session = vcl_session_alloc (wrk); vep_session->is_vep = 1; vep_session->vep.vep_sh = ~0; vep_session->vep.next_sh = ~0; vep_session->vep.prev_sh = ~0; vep_session->vpp_handle = ~0; vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_EPOLL_CREATE, vep_session, vep_session->session_index); VDBG (0, "Created vep_idx %u", vep_session->session_index); return vcl_session_handle (vep_session); } int vppcom_epoll_ctl (uint32_t vep_handle, int op, uint32_t session_handle, struct epoll_event *event) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *vep_session; vcl_session_t *session; int rv = VPPCOM_OK; if (vep_handle == session_handle) { VDBG (0, "vep_sh == session handle (%u)!", vep_handle); return VPPCOM_EINVAL; } vep_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, vep_handle); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!vep_session)) { VDBG (0, "Invalid vep_sh (%u)!", vep_handle); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (!vep_session->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "vep_sh (%u) is not a vep!", vep_handle); return VPPCOM_EINVAL; } ASSERT (vep_session->vep.vep_sh == ~0); ASSERT (vep_session->vep.prev_sh == ~0); session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!session)) { VDBG (0, "Invalid session_handle (%u)!", session_handle); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "session_handle (%u) is a vep!", vep_handle); return VPPCOM_EINVAL; } switch (op) { case EPOLL_CTL_ADD: if (PREDICT_FALSE (!event)) { VDBG (0, "EPOLL_CTL_ADD: NULL pointer to epoll_event structure!"); return VPPCOM_EINVAL; } if (vep_session->vep.next_sh != ~0) { vcl_session_t *next_session; next_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, vep_session->vep.next_sh); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!next_session)) { VDBG (0, "EPOLL_CTL_ADD: Invalid vep.next_sh (%u) on " "vep_idx (%u)!", vep_session->vep.next_sh, vep_handle); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } ASSERT (next_session->vep.prev_sh == vep_handle); next_session->vep.prev_sh = session_handle; } session->vep.next_sh = vep_session->vep.next_sh; session->vep.prev_sh = vep_handle; session->vep.vep_sh = vep_handle; session->vep.et_mask = VEP_DEFAULT_ET_MASK; session->vep.ev = *event; session->is_vep = 0; session->is_vep_session = 1; vep_session->vep.next_sh = session_handle; if (session->tx_fifo) svm_fifo_add_want_deq_ntf (session->tx_fifo, SVM_FIFO_WANT_DEQ_NOTIF_IF_FULL); VDBG (1, "EPOLL_CTL_ADD: vep_sh %u, sh %u, events 0x%x, data 0x%llx!", vep_handle, session_handle, event->events, event->data.u64); vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_EPOLL_CTLADD, session, event->events, event->data.u64); break; case EPOLL_CTL_MOD: if (PREDICT_FALSE (!event)) { VDBG (0, "EPOLL_CTL_MOD: NULL pointer to epoll_event structure!"); rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; goto done; } else if (PREDICT_FALSE (!session->is_vep_session)) { VDBG (0, "sh %u EPOLL_CTL_MOD: not a vep session!", session_handle); rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; goto done; } else if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->vep.vep_sh != vep_handle)) { VDBG (0, "EPOLL_CTL_MOD: sh %u vep_sh (%u) != vep_sh (%u)!", session_handle, session->vep.vep_sh, vep_handle); rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; goto done; } session->vep.et_mask = VEP_DEFAULT_ET_MASK; session->vep.ev = *event; VDBG (1, "EPOLL_CTL_MOD: vep_sh %u, sh %u, events 0x%x, data 0x%llx!", vep_handle, session_handle, event->events, event->data.u64); break; case EPOLL_CTL_DEL: if (PREDICT_FALSE (!session->is_vep_session)) { VDBG (0, "EPOLL_CTL_DEL: %u not a vep session!", session_handle); rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; goto done; } else if (PREDICT_FALSE (session->vep.vep_sh != vep_handle)) { VDBG (0, "EPOLL_CTL_DEL: sh %u vep_sh (%u) != vep_sh (%u)!", session_handle, session->vep.vep_sh, vep_handle); rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; goto done; } if (session->vep.prev_sh == vep_handle) vep_session->vep.next_sh = session->vep.next_sh; else { vcl_session_t *prev_session; prev_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session->vep.prev_sh); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!prev_session)) { VDBG (0, "EPOLL_CTL_DEL: Invalid prev_sh (%u) on sh (%u)!", session->vep.prev_sh, session_handle); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } ASSERT (prev_session->vep.next_sh == session_handle); prev_session->vep.next_sh = session->vep.next_sh; } if (session->vep.next_sh != ~0) { vcl_session_t *next_session; next_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session->vep.next_sh); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!next_session)) { VDBG (0, "EPOLL_CTL_DEL: Invalid next_sh (%u) on sh (%u)!", session->vep.next_sh, session_handle); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } ASSERT (next_session->vep.prev_sh == session_handle); next_session->vep.prev_sh = session->vep.prev_sh; } memset (&session->vep, 0, sizeof (session->vep)); session->vep.next_sh = ~0; session->vep.prev_sh = ~0; session->vep.vep_sh = ~0; session->is_vep_session = 0; if (session->tx_fifo) svm_fifo_del_want_deq_ntf (session->tx_fifo, SVM_FIFO_NO_DEQ_NOTIF); VDBG (1, "EPOLL_CTL_DEL: vep_idx %u, sh %u!", vep_handle, session_handle); vcl_evt (VCL_EVT_EPOLL_CTLDEL, session, vep_sh); break; default: VDBG (0, "Invalid operation (%d)!", op); rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; } vep_verify_epoll_chain (wrk, vep_handle); done: return rv; } static inline void vcl_epoll_wait_handle_mq_event (vcl_worker_t * wrk, session_event_t * e, struct epoll_event *events, u32 * num_ev) { session_disconnected_msg_t *disconnected_msg; session_connected_msg_t *connected_msg; u32 sid = ~0, session_events; u64 session_evt_data = ~0; vcl_session_t *session; u8 add_event = 0; switch (e->event_type) { case SESSION_IO_EVT_RX: sid = e->session_index; if (!(session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid))) break; vcl_fifo_rx_evt_valid_or_break (session); session_events = session->vep.ev.events; if (!(EPOLLIN & session->vep.ev.events) || session->has_rx_evt) break; add_event = 1; events[*num_ev].events |= EPOLLIN; session_evt_data = session->vep.ev.data.u64; session->has_rx_evt = 1; break; case SESSION_IO_EVT_TX: sid = e->session_index; if (!(session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid))) break; session_events = session->vep.ev.events; if (!(EPOLLOUT & session_events)) break; add_event = 1; events[*num_ev].events |= EPOLLOUT; session_evt_data = session->vep.ev.data.u64; svm_fifo_reset_has_deq_ntf (session->tx_fifo); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_ACCEPTED: session = vcl_session_accepted (wrk, (session_accepted_msg_t *) e->data); if (!session) break; session_events = session->vep.ev.events; if (!(EPOLLIN & session_events)) break; add_event = 1; events[*num_ev].events |= EPOLLIN; session_evt_data = session->vep.ev.data.u64; break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_CONNECTED: connected_msg = (session_connected_msg_t *) e->data; vcl_session_connected_handler (wrk, connected_msg); /* Generate EPOLLOUT because there's no connected event */ sid = vcl_session_index_from_vpp_handle (wrk, connected_msg->handle); if (!(session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid))) break; session_events = session->vep.ev.events; if (!(EPOLLOUT & session_events)) break; add_event = 1; events[*num_ev].events |= EPOLLOUT; session_evt_data = session->vep.ev.data.u64; break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_DISCONNECTED: disconnected_msg = (session_disconnected_msg_t *) e->data; session = vcl_session_disconnected_handler (wrk, disconnected_msg); if (!session) break; session_events = session->vep.ev.events; if (!((EPOLLHUP | EPOLLRDHUP) & session_events)) break; add_event = 1; events[*num_ev].events |= EPOLLHUP | EPOLLRDHUP; session_evt_data = session->vep.ev.data.u64; break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_RESET: sid = vcl_session_reset_handler (wrk, (session_reset_msg_t *) e->data); if (!(session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid))) break; session_events = session->vep.ev.events; if (!((EPOLLHUP | EPOLLRDHUP) & session_events)) break; add_event = 1; events[*num_ev].events |= EPOLLHUP | EPOLLRDHUP; session_evt_data = session->vep.ev.data.u64; break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_UNLISTEN_REPLY: vcl_session_unlisten_reply_handler (wrk, e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_REQ_WORKER_UPDATE: vcl_session_req_worker_update_handler (wrk, e->data); break; case SESSION_CTRL_EVT_WORKER_UPDATE_REPLY: vcl_session_worker_update_reply_handler (wrk, e->data); break; default: VDBG (0, "unhandled: %u", e->event_type); break; } if (add_event) { events[*num_ev].data.u64 = session_evt_data; if (EPOLLONESHOT & session_events) { session = vcl_session_get (wrk, sid); session->vep.ev.events = 0; } *num_ev += 1; } } static int vcl_epoll_wait_handle_mq (vcl_worker_t * wrk, svm_msg_q_t * mq, struct epoll_event *events, u32 maxevents, double wait_for_time, u32 * num_ev) { svm_msg_q_msg_t *msg; session_event_t *e; int i; if (vec_len (wrk->mq_msg_vector) && svm_msg_q_is_empty (mq)) goto handle_dequeued; svm_msg_q_lock (mq); if (svm_msg_q_is_empty (mq)) { if (!wait_for_time) { svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); return 0; } else if (wait_for_time < 0) { svm_msg_q_wait (mq); } else { if (svm_msg_q_timedwait (mq, wait_for_time / 1e3)) { svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); return 0; } } } ASSERT (maxevents > *num_ev); vcl_mq_dequeue_batch (wrk, mq, maxevents - *num_ev); svm_msg_q_unlock (mq); handle_dequeued: for (i = 0; i < vec_len (wrk->mq_msg_vector); i++) { msg = vec_elt_at_index (wrk->mq_msg_vector, i); e = svm_msg_q_msg_data (mq, msg); vcl_epoll_wait_handle_mq_event (wrk, e, events, num_ev); svm_msg_q_free_msg (mq, msg); } vec_reset_length (wrk->mq_msg_vector); vcl_handle_pending_wrk_updates (wrk); return *num_ev; } static int vppcom_epoll_wait_condvar (vcl_worker_t * wrk, struct epoll_event *events, int maxevents, u32 n_evts, double wait_for_time) { double wait = 0, start = 0, now; if (!n_evts) { wait = wait_for_time; start = clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time); } do { vcl_epoll_wait_handle_mq (wrk, wrk->app_event_queue, events, maxevents, wait, &n_evts); if (n_evts) return n_evts; if (wait == -1) continue; now = clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time); wait -= now - start; start = now; } while (wait > 0); return 0; } static int vppcom_epoll_wait_eventfd (vcl_worker_t * wrk, struct epoll_event *events, int maxevents, u32 n_evts, double wait_for_time) { vcl_mq_evt_conn_t *mqc; int __clib_unused n_read; int n_mq_evts, i; u64 buf; vec_validate (wrk->mq_events, pool_elts (wrk->mq_evt_conns)); again: n_mq_evts = epoll_wait (wrk->mqs_epfd, wrk->mq_events, vec_len (wrk->mq_events), wait_for_time); for (i = 0; i < n_mq_evts; i++) { mqc = vcl_mq_evt_conn_get (wrk, wrk->mq_events[i].data.u32); n_read = read (mqc->mq_fd, &buf, sizeof (buf)); vcl_epoll_wait_handle_mq (wrk, mqc->mq, events, maxevents, 0, &n_evts); } if (!n_evts && n_mq_evts > 0) goto again; return (int) n_evts; } int vppcom_epoll_wait (uint32_t vep_handle, struct epoll_event *events, int maxevents, double wait_for_time) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *vep_session; u32 n_evts = 0; int i; if (PREDICT_FALSE (maxevents <= 0)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: Invalid maxevents (%d)!", maxevents); return VPPCOM_EINVAL; } vep_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, vep_handle); if (!vep_session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (PREDICT_FALSE (!vep_session->is_vep)) { VDBG (0, "ERROR: vep_idx (%u) is not a vep!", vep_handle); return VPPCOM_EINVAL; } memset (events, 0, sizeof (*events) * maxevents); if (vec_len (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector)) { for (i = 0; i < vec_len (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector); i++) { vcl_epoll_wait_handle_mq_event (wrk, &wrk->unhandled_evts_vector[i], events, &n_evts); if (n_evts == maxevents) { vec_delete (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector, i + 1, 0); return n_evts; } } vec_reset_length (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector); } if (vcm->cfg.use_mq_eventfd) return vppcom_epoll_wait_eventfd (wrk, events, maxevents, n_evts, wait_for_time); return vppcom_epoll_wait_condvar (wrk, events, maxevents, n_evts, wait_for_time); } int vppcom_session_attr (uint32_t session_handle, uint32_t op, void *buffer, uint32_t * buflen) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session; int rv = VPPCOM_OK; u32 *flags = buffer, tmp_flags = 0; vppcom_endpt_t *ep = buffer; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; switch (op) { case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_NREAD: rv = vcl_session_read_ready (session); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_NREAD: sh %u, nread = %d", session_handle, rv); break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_NWRITE: rv = vcl_session_write_ready (session); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_NWRITE: sh %u, nwrite = %d", session_handle, rv); break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_FLAGS: if (PREDICT_TRUE (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (*flags)))) { *flags = O_RDWR | (VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK)); *buflen = sizeof (*flags); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_FLAGS: sh %u, flags = 0x%08x, " "is_nonblocking = %u", session_handle, *flags, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK)); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_FLAGS: if (PREDICT_TRUE (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (*flags)))) { if (*flags & O_NONBLOCK) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK); else VCL_SESS_ATTR_CLR (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_FLAGS: sh %u, flags = 0x%08x," " is_nonblocking = %u", session_handle, *flags, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_NONBLOCK)); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_PEER_ADDR: if (PREDICT_TRUE (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (*ep)) && ep->ip)) { ep->is_ip4 = session->transport.is_ip4; ep->port = session->transport.rmt_port; if (session->transport.is_ip4) clib_memcpy_fast (ep->ip, &session->transport.rmt_ip.ip4, sizeof (ip4_address_t)); else clib_memcpy_fast (ep->ip, &session->transport.rmt_ip.ip6, sizeof (ip6_address_t)); *buflen = sizeof (*ep); VDBG (1, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_PEER_ADDR: sh %u, is_ip4 = %u, " "addr = %U, port %u", session_handle, ep->is_ip4, format_ip46_address, &session->transport.rmt_ip, ep->is_ip4 ? IP46_TYPE_IP4 : IP46_TYPE_IP6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (ep->port)); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_LCL_ADDR: if (PREDICT_TRUE (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (*ep)) && ep->ip)) { ep->is_ip4 = session->transport.is_ip4; ep->port = session->transport.lcl_port; if (session->transport.is_ip4) clib_memcpy_fast (ep->ip, &session->transport.lcl_ip.ip4, sizeof (ip4_address_t)); else clib_memcpy_fast (ep->ip, &session->transport.lcl_ip.ip6, sizeof (ip6_address_t)); *buflen = sizeof (*ep); VDBG (1, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_LCL_ADDR: sh %u, is_ip4 = %u, addr = %U" " port %d", session_handle, ep->is_ip4, format_ip46_address, &session->transport.lcl_ip, ep->is_ip4 ? IP46_TYPE_IP4 : IP46_TYPE_IP6, clib_net_to_host_u16 (ep->port)); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_LIBC_EPFD: rv = session->libc_epfd; VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_LIBC_EPFD: libc_epfd %d", rv); break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_LIBC_EPFD: if (PREDICT_TRUE (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (session->libc_epfd)))) { session->libc_epfd = *(int *) buffer; *buflen = sizeof (session->libc_epfd); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_LIBC_EPFD: libc_epfd %d, buflen %d", session->libc_epfd, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_PROTOCOL: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { *(int *) buffer = session->session_type; *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_PROTOCOL: %d (%s), buflen %d", *(int *) buffer, *(int *) buffer ? "UDP" : "TCP", *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_LISTEN: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { *(int *) buffer = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_LISTEN); *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_LISTEN: %d, buflen %d", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_ERROR: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { *(int *) buffer = 0; *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_ERROR: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TX_FIFO_LEN: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (u32))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(size_t *) buffer = (session->sndbuf_size ? session->sndbuf_size : session->tx_fifo ? session->tx_fifo->nitems : vcm->cfg.tx_fifo_size); *buflen = sizeof (u32); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TX_FIFO_LEN: %u (0x%x), buflen %d," " #VPP-TBD#", *(size_t *) buffer, *(size_t *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TX_FIFO_LEN: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (u32))) { /* VPP-TBD */ session->sndbuf_size = *(u32 *) buffer; VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TX_FIFO_LEN: %u (0x%x), buflen %d," " #VPP-TBD#", session->sndbuf_size, session->sndbuf_size, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_RX_FIFO_LEN: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (u32))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(size_t *) buffer = (session->rcvbuf_size ? session->rcvbuf_size : session->rx_fifo ? session->rx_fifo->nitems : vcm->cfg.rx_fifo_size); *buflen = sizeof (u32); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_RX_FIFO_LEN: %u (0x%x), buflen %d, " "#VPP-TBD#", *(size_t *) buffer, *(size_t *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_RX_FIFO_LEN: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (u32))) { /* VPP-TBD */ session->rcvbuf_size = *(u32 *) buffer; VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_RX_FIFO_LEN: %u (0x%x), buflen %d," " #VPP-TBD#", session->sndbuf_size, session->sndbuf_size, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_REUSEADDR: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(int *) buffer = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_REUSEADDR); *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_REUSEADDR: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_REUSEADDR: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (int)) && !VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_LISTEN)) { /* VPP-TBD */ if (*(int *) buffer) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_REUSEADDR); else VCL_SESS_ATTR_CLR (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_REUSEADDR); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_REUSEADDR: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_REUSEADDR), *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_REUSEPORT: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(int *) buffer = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_REUSEPORT); *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_REUSEPORT: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_REUSEPORT: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (int)) && !VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_LISTEN)) { /* VPP-TBD */ if (*(int *) buffer) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_REUSEPORT); else VCL_SESS_ATTR_CLR (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_REUSEPORT); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_REUSEPORT: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_REUSEPORT), *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_BROADCAST: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(int *) buffer = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_BROADCAST); *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_BROADCAST: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_BROADCAST: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ if (*(int *) buffer) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_BROADCAST); else VCL_SESS_ATTR_CLR (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_BROADCAST); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_BROADCAST: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_BROADCAST), *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_V6ONLY: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(int *) buffer = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_V6ONLY); *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_V6ONLY: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_V6ONLY: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ if (*(int *) buffer) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_V6ONLY); else VCL_SESS_ATTR_CLR (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_V6ONLY); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_V6ONLY: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_V6ONLY), *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_KEEPALIVE: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(int *) buffer = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_KEEPALIVE); *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_KEEPALIVE: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_KEEPALIVE: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ if (*(int *) buffer) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_KEEPALIVE); else VCL_SESS_ATTR_CLR (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_KEEPALIVE); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_KEEPALIVE: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_KEEPALIVE), *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TCP_NODELAY: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(int *) buffer = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_NODELAY); *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TCP_NODELAY: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TCP_NODELAY: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ if (*(int *) buffer) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_NODELAY); else VCL_SESS_ATTR_CLR (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_NODELAY); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TCP_NODELAY: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_NODELAY), *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TCP_KEEPIDLE: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(int *) buffer = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_KEEPIDLE); *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TCP_KEEPIDLE: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TCP_KEEPIDLE: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ if (*(int *) buffer) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_KEEPIDLE); else VCL_SESS_ATTR_CLR (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_KEEPIDLE); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TCP_KEEPIDLE: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_KEEPIDLE), *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TCP_KEEPINTVL: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(int *) buffer = VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_KEEPINTVL); *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TCP_KEEPINTVL: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TCP_KEEPINTVL: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (int))) { /* VPP-TBD */ if (*(int *) buffer) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_KEEPINTVL); else VCL_SESS_ATTR_CLR (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_KEEPINTVL); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TCP_KEEPINTVL: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_TCP_KEEPINTVL), *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TCP_USER_MSS: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen >= sizeof (u32))) { /* VPP-TBD */ *(u32 *) buffer = session->user_mss; *buflen = sizeof (int); VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_TCP_USER_MSS: %d, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", *(int *) buffer, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TCP_USER_MSS: if (buffer && buflen && (*buflen == sizeof (u32))) { /* VPP-TBD */ session->user_mss = *(u32 *) buffer; VDBG (2, "VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_TCP_USER_MSS: %u, buflen %d, #VPP-TBD#", session->user_mss, *buflen); } else rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_SET_SHUT: if (*flags == SHUT_RD || *flags == SHUT_RDWR) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_SHUT_RD); if (*flags == SHUT_WR || *flags == SHUT_RDWR) VCL_SESS_ATTR_SET (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_SHUT_WR); break; case VPPCOM_ATTR_GET_SHUT: if (VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_SHUT_RD)) tmp_flags = 1; if (VCL_SESS_ATTR_TEST (session->attr, VCL_SESS_ATTR_SHUT_WR)) tmp_flags |= 2; if (tmp_flags == 1) *(int *) buffer = SHUT_RD; else if (tmp_flags == 2) *(int *) buffer = SHUT_WR; else if (tmp_flags == 3) *(int *) buffer = SHUT_RDWR; *buflen = sizeof (int); break; default: rv = VPPCOM_EINVAL; break; } return rv; } int vppcom_session_recvfrom (uint32_t session_handle, void *buffer, uint32_t buflen, int flags, vppcom_endpt_t * ep) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); int rv = VPPCOM_OK; vcl_session_t *session = 0; if (ep) { session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (PREDICT_FALSE (!session)) { VDBG (0, "sh 0x%llx is closed!", session_handle); return VPPCOM_EBADFD; } ep->is_ip4 = session->transport.is_ip4; ep->port = session->transport.rmt_port; } if (flags == 0) rv = vppcom_session_read (session_handle, buffer, buflen); else if (flags & MSG_PEEK) rv = vppcom_session_peek (session_handle, buffer, buflen); else { VDBG (0, "Unsupport flags for recvfrom %d", flags); return VPPCOM_EAFNOSUPPORT; } if (ep) { if (session->transport.is_ip4) clib_memcpy_fast (ep->ip, &session->transport.rmt_ip.ip4, sizeof (ip4_address_t)); else clib_memcpy_fast (ep->ip, &session->transport.rmt_ip.ip6, sizeof (ip6_address_t)); } return rv; } int vppcom_session_sendto (uint32_t session_handle, void *buffer, uint32_t buflen, int flags, vppcom_endpt_t * ep) { if (!buffer) return VPPCOM_EINVAL; if (ep) { // TBD return VPPCOM_EINVAL; } if (flags) { // TBD check the flags and do the right thing VDBG (2, "handling flags 0x%u (%d) not implemented yet.", flags, flags); } return (vppcom_session_write_inline (session_handle, buffer, buflen, 1)); } int vppcom_poll (vcl_poll_t * vp, uint32_t n_sids, double wait_for_time) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); f64 timeout = clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time) + wait_for_time; u32 i, keep_trying = 1; svm_msg_q_msg_t msg; session_event_t *e; int rv, num_ev = 0; VDBG (3, "vp %p, nsids %u, wait_for_time %f", vp, n_sids, wait_for_time); if (!vp) return VPPCOM_EFAULT; do { vcl_session_t *session; /* Dequeue all events and drop all unhandled io events */ while (svm_msg_q_sub (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg, SVM_Q_NOWAIT, 0) == 0) { e = svm_msg_q_msg_data (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg); vcl_handle_mq_event (wrk, e); svm_msg_q_free_msg (wrk->app_event_queue, &msg); } vec_reset_length (wrk->unhandled_evts_vector); for (i = 0; i < n_sids; i++) { session = vcl_session_get (wrk, vp[i].sh); if (!session) { vp[i].revents = POLLHUP; num_ev++; continue; } vp[i].revents = 0; if (POLLIN & vp[i].events) { rv = vcl_session_read_ready (session); if (rv > 0) { vp[i].revents |= POLLIN; num_ev++; } else if (rv < 0) { switch (rv) { case VPPCOM_ECONNRESET: vp[i].revents = POLLHUP; break; default: vp[i].revents = POLLERR; break; } num_ev++; } } if (POLLOUT & vp[i].events) { rv = vcl_session_write_ready (session); if (rv > 0) { vp[i].revents |= POLLOUT; num_ev++; } else if (rv < 0) { switch (rv) { case VPPCOM_ECONNRESET: vp[i].revents = POLLHUP; break; default: vp[i].revents = POLLERR; break; } num_ev++; } } if (0) // Note "done:" label used by VCL_SESSION_LOCK_AND_GET() { vp[i].revents = POLLNVAL; num_ev++; } } if (wait_for_time != -1) keep_trying = (clib_time_now (&wrk->clib_time) <= timeout) ? 1 : 0; } while ((num_ev == 0) && keep_trying); return num_ev; } int vppcom_mq_epoll_fd (void) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); return wrk->mqs_epfd; } int vppcom_session_index (vcl_session_handle_t session_handle) { return session_handle & 0xFFFFFF; } int vppcom_session_worker (vcl_session_handle_t session_handle) { return session_handle >> 24; } int vppcom_worker_register (void) { if (!vcl_worker_alloc_and_init ()) return VPPCOM_EEXIST; if (vcl_worker_set_bapi ()) return VPPCOM_EEXIST; if (vcl_worker_register_with_vpp ()) return VPPCOM_EEXIST; return VPPCOM_OK; } void vppcom_worker_unregister (void) { vcl_worker_cleanup (vcl_worker_get_current (), 1 /* notify vpp */ ); vcl_set_worker_index (~0); } int vppcom_worker_index (void) { return vcl_get_worker_index (); } int vppcom_worker_mqs_epfd (void) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); if (!vcm->cfg.use_mq_eventfd) return -1; return wrk->mqs_epfd; } int vppcom_session_is_connectable_listener (uint32_t session_handle) { vcl_session_t *session; vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; return vcl_session_is_connectable_listener (wrk, session); } int vppcom_session_listener (uint32_t session_handle) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *listen_session, *session; session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; if (session->listener_index == VCL_INVALID_SESSION_INDEX) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; listen_session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session->listener_index); if (!listen_session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; return vcl_session_handle (listen_session); } int vppcom_session_n_accepted (uint32_t session_handle) { vcl_worker_t *wrk = vcl_worker_get_current (); vcl_session_t *session = vcl_session_get_w_handle (wrk, session_handle); if (!session) return VPPCOM_EBADFD; return session->n_accepted_sessions; } /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */