/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * pci.c: Linux user space PCI bus management. * * Copyright (c) 2008 Eliot Dresselhaus * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the * "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including * without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, * distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to * permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to * the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND * NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE * LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION * OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ #include <vlib/vlib.h> #include <vlib/pci/pci.h> #include <vlib/unix/unix.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <dirent.h> #include <sys/ioctl.h> #include <net/if.h> #include <linux/ethtool.h> #include <linux/sockios.h> typedef struct { /* /sys/bus/pci/devices/... directory name for this device. */ u8 *dev_dir_name; /* Resource file descriptors. */ int *resource_fds; /* File descriptor for config space read/write. */ int config_fd; /* File descriptor for /dev/uio%d */ int uio_fd; /* Minor device for uio device. */ u32 uio_minor; /* Index given by unix_file_add. */ u32 unix_file_index; } linux_pci_device_t; /* Pool of PCI devices. */ typedef struct { vlib_main_t *vlib_main; linux_pci_device_t *linux_pci_devices; } linux_pci_main_t; extern linux_pci_main_t linux_pci_main; /* Call to allocate/initialize the pci subsystem. This is not an init function so that users can explicitly enable pci only when it's needed. */ clib_error_t *pci_bus_init (vlib_main_t * vm); clib_error_t *vlib_pci_bind_to_uio (vlib_pci_device_t * d, char *uio_driver_name); linux_pci_main_t linux_pci_main; clib_error_t * vlib_pci_bind_to_uio (vlib_pci_device_t * d, char *uio_driver_name) { clib_error_t *error = 0; u8 *s = 0; DIR *dir = 0; struct dirent *e; int fd; u8 *dev_dir_name = format (0, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%U", format_vlib_pci_addr, &d->bus_address); /* if uio sub-directory exists, we are fine, device is already bound to UIO driver */ s = format (s, "%v/uio%c", dev_dir_name, 0); if (access ((char *) s, F_OK) == 0) goto done; vec_reset_length (s); s = format (s, "%v/iommu_group%c", dev_dir_name, 0); if (access ((char *) s, F_OK) == 0) goto done; vec_reset_length (s); /* walk trough all linux interfaces and if interface belonging to this device is founf check if interface is admin up */ dir = opendir ("/sys/class/net"); s = format (s, "%U%c", format_vlib_pci_addr, &d->bus_address, 0); if (!dir) { error = clib_error_return (0, "Skipping PCI device %U: failed to " "read /sys/class/net", format_vlib_pci_addr, &d->bus_address); goto done; } fd = socket (PF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0); if (fd < 0) { error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "socket"); goto done; } while ((e = readdir (dir))) { struct ifreq ifr; struct ethtool_drvinfo drvinfo; if (e->d_name[0] == '.') /* skip . and .. */ continue; memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof ifr); memset (&drvinfo, 0, sizeof drvinfo); ifr.ifr_data = (char *) &drvinfo; strncpy (ifr.ifr_name, e->d_name, IFNAMSIZ - 1); drvinfo.cmd = ETHTOOL_GDRVINFO; if (ioctl (fd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr) < 0) { /* Some interfaces (eg "lo") don't support this ioctl */ if ((errno != ENOTSUP) && (errno != ENODEV)) clib_unix_warning ("ioctl fetch intf %s bus info error", e->d_name); continue; } if (strcmp ((char *) s, drvinfo.bus_info)) continue; memset (&ifr, 0, sizeof (ifr)); strncpy (ifr.ifr_name, e->d_name, IFNAMSIZ - 1); if (ioctl (fd, SIOCGIFFLAGS, &ifr) < 0) { error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "ioctl fetch intf %s flags", e->d_name); close (fd); goto done; } if (ifr.ifr_flags & IFF_UP) { error = clib_error_return (0, "Skipping PCI device %U as host " "interface %s is up", format_vlib_pci_addr, &d->bus_address, e->d_name); close (fd); goto done; } } close (fd); vec_reset_length (s); s = format (s, "%v/driver/unbind%c", dev_dir_name, 0); vlib_sysfs_write ((char *) s, "%U", format_vlib_pci_addr, &d->bus_address); vec_reset_length (s); s = format (s, "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/%s/new_id%c", uio_driver_name, 0); vlib_sysfs_write ((char *) s, "0x%04x 0x%04x", d->vendor_id, d->device_id); vec_reset_length (s); s = format (s, "/sys/bus/pci/drivers/%s/bind%c", uio_driver_name, 0); vlib_sysfs_write ((char *) s, "%U", format_vlib_pci_addr, &d->bus_address); done: closedir (dir); vec_free (s); vec_free (dev_dir_name); return error; } static clib_error_t * scan_uio_dir (void *arg, u8 * path_name, u8 * file_name) { linux_pci_device_t *l = arg; unformat_input_t input; unformat_init_string (&input, (char *) file_name, vec_len (file_name)); if (!unformat (&input, "uio%d", &l->uio_minor)) abort (); unformat_free (&input); return 0; } static clib_error_t * linux_pci_uio_read_ready (unix_file_t * uf) { vlib_pci_main_t *pm = &pci_main; vlib_pci_device_t *d; int __attribute__ ((unused)) rv; u32 icount; rv = read (uf->file_descriptor, &icount, 4); d = pool_elt_at_index (pm->pci_devs, uf->private_data); if (d->interrupt_handler) d->interrupt_handler (d); vlib_pci_intr_enable (d); return /* no error */ 0; } static clib_error_t * linux_pci_uio_error_ready (unix_file_t * uf) { u32 error_index = (u32) uf->private_data; return clib_error_return (0, "pci device %d: error", error_index); } static void add_device (vlib_pci_device_t * dev, linux_pci_device_t * pdev) { vlib_pci_main_t *pm = &pci_main; linux_pci_main_t *lpm = &linux_pci_main; linux_pci_device_t *l; pool_get (lpm->linux_pci_devices, l); l[0] = pdev[0]; l->dev_dir_name = vec_dup (l->dev_dir_name); dev->os_handle = l - lpm->linux_pci_devices; { u8 *uio_dir = format (0, "%s/uio", l->dev_dir_name); foreach_directory_file ((char *) uio_dir, scan_uio_dir, l, /* scan_dirs */ 1); vec_free (uio_dir); } { char *uio_name = (char *) format (0, "/dev/uio%d%c", l->uio_minor, 0); l->uio_fd = open (uio_name, O_RDWR); if (l->uio_fd < 0) clib_unix_error ("open `%s'", uio_name); vec_free (uio_name); } { unix_file_t template = { 0 }; unix_main_t *um = &unix_main; template.read_function = linux_pci_uio_read_ready; template.file_descriptor = l->uio_fd; template.error_function = linux_pci_uio_error_ready; template.private_data = dev - pm->pci_devs; l->unix_file_index = unix_file_add (um, &template); } } static void linux_pci_device_free (linux_pci_device_t * l) { int i; for (i = 0; i < vec_len (l->resource_fds); i++) if (l->resource_fds[i] > 0) close (l->resource_fds[i]); if (l->config_fd > 0) close (l->config_fd); if (l->uio_fd > 0) close (l->uio_fd); vec_free (l->resource_fds); vec_free (l->dev_dir_name); } /* Configuration space read/write. */ clib_error_t * vlib_pci_read_write_config (vlib_pci_device_t * dev, vlib_read_or_write_t read_or_write, uword address, void *data, u32 n_bytes) { linux_pci_main_t *lpm = &linux_pci_main; linux_pci_device_t *p; int n; p = pool_elt_at_index (lpm->linux_pci_devices, dev->os_handle); if (read_or_write == VLIB_READ) n = pread (p->config_fd, data, n_bytes, address); else n = pwrite (p->config_fd, data, n_bytes, address); if (n != n_bytes) return clib_error_return_unix (0, "%s", read_or_write == VLIB_READ ? "read" : "write"); return 0; } static clib_error_t * os_map_pci_resource_internal (uword os_handle, u32 resource, u8 * addr, void **result) { linux_pci_main_t *pm = &linux_pci_main; linux_pci_device_t *p; struct stat stat_buf; u8 *file_name; int fd; clib_error_t *error; int flags = MAP_SHARED; error = 0; p = pool_elt_at_index (pm->linux_pci_devices, os_handle); file_name = format (0, "%v/resource%d%c", p->dev_dir_name, resource, 0); fd = open ((char *) file_name, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "open `%s'", file_name); goto done; } if (fstat (fd, &stat_buf) < 0) { error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "fstat `%s'", file_name); goto done; } vec_validate (p->resource_fds, resource); p->resource_fds[resource] = fd; if (addr != 0) flags |= MAP_FIXED; *result = mmap (addr, /* size */ stat_buf.st_size, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, flags, /* file */ fd, /* offset */ 0); if (*result == (void *) -1) { error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "mmap `%s'", file_name); goto done; } done: if (error) { if (fd >= 0) close (fd); } vec_free (file_name); return error; } clib_error_t * vlib_pci_map_resource (vlib_pci_device_t * dev, u32 resource, void **result) { return (os_map_pci_resource_internal (dev->os_handle, resource, 0 /* addr */ , result)); } clib_error_t * vlib_pci_map_resource_fixed (vlib_pci_device_t * dev, u32 resource, u8 * addr, void **result) { return (os_map_pci_resource_internal (dev->os_handle, resource, addr, result)); } void vlib_pci_free_device (vlib_pci_device_t * dev) { linux_pci_main_t *pm = &linux_pci_main; linux_pci_device_t *l; l = pool_elt_at_index (pm->linux_pci_devices, dev->os_handle); linux_pci_device_free (l); pool_put (pm->linux_pci_devices, l); } pci_device_registration_t * __attribute__ ((unused)) pci_device_next_registered (pci_device_registration_t * r) { uword i; /* Null vendor id marks end of initialized list. */ for (i = 0; r->supported_devices[i].vendor_id != 0; i++) ; return clib_elf_section_data_next (r, i * sizeof (r->supported_devices[0])); } static clib_error_t * init_device_from_registered (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_pci_device_t * dev, linux_pci_device_t * pdev) { vlib_pci_main_t *pm = &pci_main; pci_device_registration_t *r; pci_device_id_t *i; clib_error_t *error; r = pm->pci_device_registrations; while (r) { for (i = r->supported_devices; i->vendor_id != 0; i++) if (i->vendor_id == dev->vendor_id && i->device_id == dev->device_id) { error = vlib_pci_bind_to_uio (dev, "uio_pci_generic"); if (error) { clib_error_report (error); continue; } add_device (dev, pdev); dev->interrupt_handler = r->interrupt_handler; return r->init_function (vm, dev); } r = r->next_registration; } /* No driver, close the PCI config-space FD */ close (pdev->config_fd); return 0; } static clib_error_t * init_device (vlib_main_t * vm, vlib_pci_device_t * dev, linux_pci_device_t * pdev) { return init_device_from_registered (vm, dev, pdev); } static clib_error_t * scan_device (void *arg, u8 * dev_dir_name, u8 * ignored) { vlib_main_t *vm = arg; vlib_pci_main_t *pm = &pci_main; int fd; u8 *f; clib_error_t *error = 0; vlib_pci_device_t *dev; linux_pci_device_t pdev = { 0 }; u32 tmp; f = format (0, "%v/config%c", dev_dir_name, 0); fd = open ((char *) f, O_RDWR); /* Try read-only access if write fails. */ if (fd < 0) fd = open ((char *) f, O_RDONLY); if (fd < 0) { error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "open `%s'", f); goto done; } pool_get (pm->pci_devs, dev); /* You can only read more that 64 bytes of config space as root; so we try to read the full space but fall back to just the first 64 bytes. */ if (read (fd, &dev->config_data, sizeof (dev->config_data)) != sizeof (dev->config_data) && read (fd, &dev->config0, sizeof (dev->config0)) != sizeof (dev->config0)) { pool_put (pm->pci_devs, dev); error = clib_error_return_unix (0, "read `%s'", f); close (fd); goto done; } { static pci_config_header_t all_ones; if (all_ones.vendor_id == 0) memset (&all_ones, ~0, sizeof (all_ones)); if (!memcmp (&dev->config0.header, &all_ones, sizeof (all_ones))) { pool_put (pm->pci_devs, dev); error = clib_error_return (0, "invalid PCI config for `%s'", f); close (fd); goto done; } } if (dev->config0.header.header_type == 0) pci_config_type0_little_to_host (&dev->config0); else pci_config_type1_little_to_host (&dev->config1); /* Parse bus, dev, function from directory name. */ { unformat_input_t input; unformat_init_string (&input, (char *) dev_dir_name, vec_len (dev_dir_name)); if (!unformat (&input, "/sys/bus/pci/devices/%U", unformat_vlib_pci_addr, &dev->bus_address)) abort (); unformat_free (&input); } pdev.config_fd = fd; pdev.dev_dir_name = dev_dir_name; hash_set (pm->pci_dev_index_by_pci_addr, dev->bus_address.as_u32, dev - pm->pci_devs); error = init_device (vm, dev, &pdev); vec_reset_length (f); f = format (f, "%v/vpd%c", dev_dir_name, 0); fd = open ((char *) f, O_RDONLY); if (fd >= 0) { while (1) { u8 tag[3]; u8 *data = 0; int len; if (read (fd, &tag, 3) != 3) break; if (tag[0] != 0x82 && tag[0] != 0x90 && tag[0] != 0x91) break; len = (tag[2] << 8) | tag[1]; vec_validate (data, len); if (read (fd, data, len) != len) { vec_free (data); break; } if (tag[0] == 0x82) dev->product_name = data; else if (tag[0] == 0x90) dev->vpd_r = data; else if (tag[0] == 0x91) dev->vpd_w = data; data = 0; } close (fd); } vec_reset_length (f); f = format (f, "%v/driver%c", dev_dir_name, 0); dev->driver_name = vlib_sysfs_link_to_name ((char *) f); dev->numa_node = -1; vec_reset_length (f); f = format (f, "%v/numa_node%c", dev_dir_name, 0); vlib_sysfs_read ((char *) f, "%u", &dev->numa_node); vec_reset_length (f); f = format (f, "%v/class%c", dev_dir_name, 0); vlib_sysfs_read ((char *) f, "0x%x", &tmp); dev->device_class = tmp >> 8; vec_reset_length (f); f = format (f, "%v/vendor%c", dev_dir_name, 0); vlib_sysfs_read ((char *) f, "0x%x", &tmp); dev->vendor_id = tmp; vec_reset_length (f); f = format (f, "%v/device%c", dev_dir_name, 0); vlib_sysfs_read ((char *) f, "0x%x", &tmp); dev->device_id = tmp; done: vec_free (f); return error; } clib_error_t * linux_pci_init (vlib_main_t * vm) { vlib_pci_main_t *pm = &pci_main; clib_error_t *error; pm->vlib_main = vm; if ((error = vlib_call_init_function (vm, unix_input_init))) return error; ASSERT (sizeof (vlib_pci_addr_t) == sizeof (u32)); pm->pci_dev_index_by_pci_addr = hash_create (0, sizeof (uword)); error = foreach_directory_file ("/sys/bus/pci/devices", scan_device, vm, /* scan_dirs */ 0); /* Complain and continue. might not be root, etc. */ if (error) clib_error_report (error); return error; } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (linux_pci_init); /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */