/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vnet/bfd/bfd_main.h> #include <vnet/adj/adj_delegate.h> #include <vnet/adj/adj_nbr.h> #include <vnet/fib/fib_walk.h> /** * Distillation of the BFD session states into a go/no-go for using * the associated tracked adjacency */ typedef enum adj_bfd_state_t_ { ADJ_BFD_STATE_DOWN, ADJ_BFD_STATE_UP, } adj_bfd_state_t; #define ADJ_BFD_STATES { \ [ADJ_BFD_STATE_DOWN] = "down", \ [ADJ_BFD_STATE_UP] = "up", \ } static const char *adj_bfd_state_names[] = ADJ_BFD_STATES; /** * BFD delegate daa */ typedef struct adj_bfd_delegate_t_ { /** * BFD session state */ adj_bfd_state_t abd_state; /** * BFD session index */ u32 abd_index; } adj_bfd_delegate_t; /** * Pool of delegates */ static adj_bfd_delegate_t *abd_pool; static inline adj_bfd_delegate_t* adj_bfd_from_base (adj_delegate_t *ad) { if (NULL != ad) { return (pool_elt_at_index(abd_pool, ad->ad_index)); } return (NULL); } static inline const adj_bfd_delegate_t* adj_bfd_from_const_base (const adj_delegate_t *ad) { if (NULL != ad) { return (pool_elt_at_index(abd_pool, ad->ad_index)); } return (NULL); } static adj_bfd_state_t adj_bfd_bfd_state_to_fib (bfd_state_e bstate) { switch (bstate) { case BFD_STATE_up: return (ADJ_BFD_STATE_UP); case BFD_STATE_down: case BFD_STATE_admin_down: case BFD_STATE_init: return (ADJ_BFD_STATE_DOWN); } return (ADJ_BFD_STATE_DOWN); } static void adj_bfd_update_walk (adj_index_t ai) { /* * initiate a backwalk of dependent children * to notify of the state change of this adj. */ fib_node_back_walk_ctx_t ctx = { .fnbw_reason = FIB_NODE_BW_REASON_FLAG_ADJ_UPDATE, }; fib_walk_sync(FIB_NODE_TYPE_ADJ, ai, &ctx); } /** * @brief Callback function registered with BFD module to receive notifications * of the CRUD of BFD sessions * would be static but for the fact it's called from the unit-tests */ void adj_bfd_notify (bfd_listen_event_e event, const bfd_session_t *session) { adj_bfd_delegate_t *abd; adj_delegate_t *aed; adj_index_t ai; if (BFD_HOP_TYPE_SINGLE != session->hop_type) { /* * multi-hop BFD sessions attach directly to the FIB entry * single-hop adj to the associate adjacency. */ return; } switch (session->transport) { case BFD_TRANSPORT_UDP4: case BFD_TRANSPORT_UDP6: /* * pick up the same adjacency that the BFD session is using * to send. The BFD session is holding a lock on this adj. */ ai = session->udp.adj_index; break; default: /* * Don't know what adj this session uses */ return; } if (INDEX_INVALID == ai) { /* No associated Adjacency with the session */ return; } switch (event) { case BFD_LISTEN_EVENT_CREATE: /* * The creation of a new session */ if ((ADJ_INDEX_INVALID != ai) && (aed = adj_delegate_get(adj_get(ai), ADJ_DELEGATE_BFD))) { /* * already got state for this adj */ } else { /* * allocate and init a new delegate struct */ pool_get(abd_pool, abd); /* * it would be best here if we could ignore this create and just * wait for the first update, but this is not possible because * BFD sessions are created in the down state, and can remain this * way without transitioning to another state if the peer is * unresponsive. So we have to assume down and wait for up. */ abd->abd_state = ADJ_BFD_STATE_DOWN; abd->abd_index = session->bs_idx; adj_delegate_add(adj_get(ai), ADJ_DELEGATE_BFD, abd - abd_pool); adj_bfd_update_walk(ai); } break; case BFD_LISTEN_EVENT_UPDATE: /* * state change up/down and */ abd = adj_bfd_from_base(adj_delegate_get(adj_get(ai), ADJ_DELEGATE_BFD)); if (NULL != abd) { abd->abd_state = adj_bfd_bfd_state_to_fib(session->local_state); adj_bfd_update_walk(ai); } /* * else * not an adj with BFD state */ break; case BFD_LISTEN_EVENT_DELETE: /* * session has been removed. */ abd = adj_bfd_from_base(adj_delegate_get(adj_get(ai), ADJ_DELEGATE_BFD)); if (NULL != abd) { /* * has an associated BFD tracking delegate * remove the BFD tracking delegate, update children */ adj_delegate_remove(ai, ADJ_DELEGATE_BFD); pool_put(abd_pool, abd); adj_bfd_update_walk(ai); } /* * else * no BFD associated state */ break; } } int adj_bfd_is_up (adj_index_t ai) { const adj_bfd_delegate_t *abd; abd = adj_bfd_from_base(adj_delegate_get(adj_get(ai), ADJ_DELEGATE_BFD)); if (NULL == abd) { /* * no BFD tracking - resolved */ return (!0); } else { /* * defer to the state of the BFD tracking */ return (ADJ_BFD_STATE_UP == abd->abd_state); } } /** * Print a delegate that represents BFD tracking */ static u8 * adj_delegate_fmt_bfd (const adj_delegate_t *aed, u8 *s) { const adj_bfd_delegate_t *abd = adj_bfd_from_const_base(aed); s = format(s, "BFD:[state:%s index:%d]", adj_bfd_state_names[abd->abd_state], abd->abd_index); return (s); } const static adj_delegate_vft_t adj_delegate_vft = { .adv_format = adj_delegate_fmt_bfd, }; static clib_error_t * adj_bfd_main_init (vlib_main_t * vm) { bfd_register_listener(adj_bfd_notify); adj_delegate_register_type (ADJ_DELEGATE_BFD, &adj_delegate_vft); return (0); } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (adj_bfd_main_init)= { .runs_after = VLIB_INITS("bfd_main_init"), };