/* * Copyright (c) 2018 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <stdbool.h> #include <vlib/vlib.h> #include <vnet/crypto/crypto.h> vnet_crypto_main_t crypto_main; static_always_inline u32 vnet_crypto_process_ops_call_handler (vlib_main_t * vm, vnet_crypto_main_t * cm, vnet_crypto_op_id_t opt, vnet_crypto_op_t * ops[], u32 n_ops) { if (n_ops == 0) return 0; if (cm->ops_handlers[opt] == 0) { while (n_ops--) { ops[0]->status = VNET_CRYPTO_OP_STATUS_FAIL_NO_HANDLER; ops++; } return 0; } return (cm->ops_handlers[opt]) (vm, ops, n_ops); } u32 vnet_crypto_process_ops (vlib_main_t * vm, vnet_crypto_op_t ops[], u32 n_ops) { vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; const int op_q_size = VLIB_FRAME_SIZE; vnet_crypto_op_t *op_queue[op_q_size]; vnet_crypto_op_id_t opt, current_op_type = ~0; u32 n_op_queue = 0; u32 rv = 0, i; ASSERT (n_ops >= 1); for (i = 0; i < n_ops; i++) { opt = ops[i].op; if (current_op_type != opt || n_op_queue >= op_q_size) { rv += vnet_crypto_process_ops_call_handler (vm, cm, current_op_type, op_queue, n_op_queue); n_op_queue = 0; current_op_type = opt; } op_queue[n_op_queue++] = &ops[i]; } rv += vnet_crypto_process_ops_call_handler (vm, cm, current_op_type, op_queue, n_op_queue); return rv; } u32 vnet_crypto_register_engine (vlib_main_t * vm, char *name, int prio, char *desc) { vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; vnet_crypto_engine_t *p; vec_add2 (cm->engines, p, 1); p->name = name; p->desc = desc; p->priority = prio; hash_set_mem (cm->engine_index_by_name, p->name, p - cm->engines); return p - cm->engines; } int vnet_crypto_set_handler (char *alg_name, char *engine) { uword *p; vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; vnet_crypto_alg_data_t *ad; vnet_crypto_engine_t *ce; int i; p = hash_get_mem (cm->alg_index_by_name, alg_name); if (!p) return -1; ad = vec_elt_at_index (cm->algs, p[0]); p = hash_get_mem (cm->engine_index_by_name, engine); if (!p) return -1; ce = vec_elt_at_index (cm->engines, p[0]); for (i = 0; i < VNET_CRYPTO_OP_N_TYPES; i++) { vnet_crypto_op_data_t *od; vnet_crypto_op_id_t id = ad->op_by_type[i]; if (id == 0) continue; od = cm->opt_data + id; if (ce->ops_handlers[id]) { od->active_engine_index = p[0]; cm->ops_handlers[id] = ce->ops_handlers[id]; } } return 0; } int vnet_crypto_is_set_handler (vnet_crypto_alg_t alg) { vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; return (alg < vec_len (cm->ops_handlers) && NULL != cm->ops_handlers[alg]); } void vnet_crypto_register_ops_handler (vlib_main_t * vm, u32 engine_index, vnet_crypto_op_id_t opt, vnet_crypto_ops_handler_t * fn) { vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; vnet_crypto_engine_t *ae, *e = vec_elt_at_index (cm->engines, engine_index); vnet_crypto_op_data_t *otd = cm->opt_data + opt; vec_validate_aligned (cm->ops_handlers, VNET_CRYPTO_N_OP_IDS - 1, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); e->ops_handlers[opt] = fn; if (otd->active_engine_index == ~0) { otd->active_engine_index = engine_index; cm->ops_handlers[opt] = fn; return; } ae = vec_elt_at_index (cm->engines, otd->active_engine_index); if (ae->priority < e->priority) { otd->active_engine_index = engine_index; cm->ops_handlers[opt] = fn; } return; } void vnet_crypto_register_key_handler (vlib_main_t * vm, u32 engine_index, vnet_crypto_key_handler_t * key_handler) { vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; vnet_crypto_engine_t *e = vec_elt_at_index (cm->engines, engine_index); e->key_op_handler = key_handler; return; } static int vnet_crypto_key_len_check (vnet_crypto_alg_t alg, u16 length) { switch (alg) { case VNET_CRYPTO_N_ALGS: return 0; case VNET_CRYPTO_ALG_NONE: return 1; #define _(n, s, l) \ case VNET_CRYPTO_ALG_##n: \ if ((l) == length) \ return 1; \ break; foreach_crypto_cipher_alg foreach_crypto_aead_alg #undef _ /* HMAC allows any key length */ #define _(n, s) \ case VNET_CRYPTO_ALG_HMAC_##n: \ return 1; foreach_crypto_hmac_alg #undef _ } return 0; } u32 vnet_crypto_key_add (vlib_main_t * vm, vnet_crypto_alg_t alg, u8 * data, u16 length) { u32 index; vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; vnet_crypto_engine_t *engine; vnet_crypto_key_t *key; if (!vnet_crypto_key_len_check (alg, length)) return ~0; pool_get_zero (cm->keys, key); index = key - cm->keys; key->alg = alg; vec_validate_aligned (key->data, length - 1, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); clib_memcpy (key->data, data, length); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ vec_foreach (engine, cm->engines) if (engine->key_op_handler) engine->key_op_handler (vm, VNET_CRYPTO_KEY_OP_ADD, index); /* *INDENT-ON* */ return index; } void vnet_crypto_key_del (vlib_main_t * vm, vnet_crypto_key_index_t index) { vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; vnet_crypto_engine_t *engine; vnet_crypto_key_t *key = pool_elt_at_index (cm->keys, index); /* *INDENT-OFF* */ vec_foreach (engine, cm->engines) if (engine->key_op_handler) engine->key_op_handler (vm, VNET_CRYPTO_KEY_OP_DEL, index); /* *INDENT-ON* */ clib_memset (key->data, 0, vec_len (key->data)); vec_free (key->data); pool_put (cm->keys, key); } static void vnet_crypto_init_cipher_data (vnet_crypto_alg_t alg, vnet_crypto_op_id_t eid, vnet_crypto_op_id_t did, char *name, u8 is_aead) { vnet_crypto_op_type_t eopt, dopt; vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; cm->algs[alg].name = name; cm->opt_data[eid].alg = cm->opt_data[did].alg = alg; cm->opt_data[eid].active_engine_index = ~0; cm->opt_data[did].active_engine_index = ~0; if (is_aead) { eopt = VNET_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_AEAD_ENCRYPT; dopt = VNET_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_AEAD_DECRYPT; } else { eopt = VNET_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_ENCRYPT; dopt = VNET_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_DECRYPT; } cm->opt_data[eid].type = eopt; cm->opt_data[did].type = dopt; cm->algs[alg].op_by_type[eopt] = eid; cm->algs[alg].op_by_type[dopt] = did; hash_set_mem (cm->alg_index_by_name, name, alg); } static void vnet_crypto_init_hmac_data (vnet_crypto_alg_t alg, vnet_crypto_op_id_t id, char *name) { vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; cm->algs[alg].name = name; cm->algs[alg].op_by_type[VNET_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_HMAC] = id; cm->opt_data[id].alg = alg; cm->opt_data[id].active_engine_index = ~0; cm->opt_data[id].type = VNET_CRYPTO_OP_TYPE_HMAC; hash_set_mem (cm->alg_index_by_name, name, alg); } clib_error_t * vnet_crypto_init (vlib_main_t * vm) { vnet_crypto_main_t *cm = &crypto_main; vlib_thread_main_t *tm = vlib_get_thread_main (); cm->engine_index_by_name = hash_create_string ( /* size */ 0, sizeof (uword)); cm->alg_index_by_name = hash_create_string (0, sizeof (uword)); vec_validate_aligned (cm->threads, tm->n_vlib_mains, CLIB_CACHE_LINE_BYTES); vec_validate (cm->algs, VNET_CRYPTO_N_ALGS); #define _(n, s, l) \ vnet_crypto_init_cipher_data (VNET_CRYPTO_ALG_##n, \ VNET_CRYPTO_OP_##n##_ENC, \ VNET_CRYPTO_OP_##n##_DEC, s, 0); foreach_crypto_cipher_alg; #undef _ #define _(n, s, l) \ vnet_crypto_init_cipher_data (VNET_CRYPTO_ALG_##n, \ VNET_CRYPTO_OP_##n##_ENC, \ VNET_CRYPTO_OP_##n##_DEC, s, 1); foreach_crypto_aead_alg; #undef _ #define _(n, s) \ vnet_crypto_init_hmac_data (VNET_CRYPTO_ALG_HMAC_##n, \ VNET_CRYPTO_OP_##n##_HMAC, "hmac-" s); foreach_crypto_hmac_alg; #undef _ return 0; } VLIB_INIT_FUNCTION (vnet_crypto_init); /* * fd.io coding-style-patch-verification: ON * * Local Variables: * eval: (c-set-style "gnu") * End: */