/* * Copyright (c) 2016 Cisco and/or its affiliates. * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at: * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ #include <vnet/adj/adj.h> #include <vnet/dpo/load_balance.h> #include <vnet/dpo/mpls_label_dpo.h> #include <vnet/dpo/drop_dpo.h> #include <vnet/dpo/replicate_dpo.h> #include <vnet/fib/fib_entry_src.h> #include <vnet/fib/fib_table.h> #include <vnet/fib/fib_path_ext.h> #include <vnet/fib/fib_urpf_list.h> #include <vnet/fib/fib_entry_delegate.h> /* * per-source type vft */ static fib_entry_src_vft_t fib_entry_src_bh_vft[FIB_SOURCE_BH_MAX]; /** * Get the VFT for a given source. This is a combination of the source * enum and the interposer flags */ const fib_entry_src_vft_t* fib_entry_src_get_vft (const fib_entry_src_t *esrc) { fib_source_behaviour_t bh; bh = fib_source_get_behaviour(esrc->fes_src); if (esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_INTERPOSE) { return (&fib_entry_src_bh_vft[FIB_SOURCE_BH_INTERPOSE]); } return (&fib_entry_src_bh_vft[bh]); } static void fib_entry_src_copy_default (const fib_entry_src_t *orig_src, const fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_entry_src_t *copy_src) { clib_memcpy(©_src->u, &orig_src->u, sizeof(copy_src->u)); } void fib_entry_src_behaviour_register (fib_source_behaviour_t bh, const fib_entry_src_vft_t *vft) { fib_entry_src_bh_vft[bh] = *vft; if (NULL == fib_entry_src_bh_vft[bh].fesv_copy) { fib_entry_src_bh_vft[bh].fesv_copy = fib_entry_src_copy_default; } } static int fib_entry_src_cmp_for_sort (void * v1, void * v2) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc1 = v1, *esrc2 = v2; return (fib_source_get_prio(esrc1->fes_src) - fib_source_get_prio(esrc2->fes_src)); } static void fib_entry_src_action_init (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source, fib_entry_flag_t flags) { fib_entry_src_t esrc = { .fes_pl = FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID, .fes_flags = FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_NONE, .fes_src = source, .fes_entry_flags = flags, }; FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, &esrc, fesv_init, (&esrc)); vec_add1(fib_entry->fe_srcs, esrc); vec_sort_with_function(fib_entry->fe_srcs, fib_entry_src_cmp_for_sort); } static fib_entry_src_t * fib_entry_src_find_i (const fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source, u32 *index) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; int ii; ii = 0; vec_foreach(esrc, fib_entry->fe_srcs) { if (esrc->fes_src == source) { if (NULL != index) { *index = ii; } return (esrc); } else { ii++; } } return (NULL); } fib_entry_src_t * fib_entry_src_find (const fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { return (fib_entry_src_find_i(fib_entry, source, NULL)); } int fib_entry_is_sourced (fib_node_index_t fib_entry_index, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry = fib_entry_get(fib_entry_index); return (NULL != fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source)); } int fib_entry_is_marked (fib_node_index_t fib_entry_index, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; fib_entry = fib_entry_get(fib_entry_index); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL == esrc) { return (0); } else { return (!!(esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_STALE)); } } void fib_entry_mark (fib_node_index_t fib_entry_index, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; fib_entry = fib_entry_get(fib_entry_index); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL != esrc) { esrc->fes_flags |= FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_STALE; } } static fib_entry_src_t * fib_entry_src_find_or_create (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source, fib_entry_flag_t flags) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL == esrc) { fib_entry_src_action_init(fib_entry, source, flags); } return (fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source)); } static void fib_entry_src_action_deinit (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; u32 index = ~0; esrc = fib_entry_src_find_i(fib_entry, source, &index); ASSERT(NULL != esrc); FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_deinit, (esrc)); fib_path_ext_list_flush(&esrc->fes_path_exts); vec_del1(fib_entry->fe_srcs, index); vec_sort_with_function(fib_entry->fe_srcs, fib_entry_src_cmp_for_sort); } fib_entry_src_cover_res_t fib_entry_src_action_cover_change (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_entry_src_t *esrc) { FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE_AND_RETURN(esrc, fesv_cover_change, (esrc, fib_entry)); fib_entry_src_cover_res_t res = { .install = !0, .bw_reason = FIB_NODE_BW_REASON_FLAG_NONE, }; return (res); } fib_entry_src_cover_res_t fib_entry_src_action_cover_update (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_entry_src_t *esrc) { FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE_AND_RETURN(esrc, fesv_cover_update, (esrc, fib_entry)); fib_entry_src_cover_res_t res = { .install = !0, .bw_reason = FIB_NODE_BW_REASON_FLAG_NONE, }; return (res); } typedef struct fib_entry_src_collect_forwarding_ctx_t_ { load_balance_path_t *next_hops; const fib_entry_t *fib_entry; const fib_entry_src_t *esrc; fib_forward_chain_type_t fct; int n_recursive_constrained; u16 preference; } fib_entry_src_collect_forwarding_ctx_t; /** * @brief Determine whether this FIB entry should use a load-balance MAP * to support PIC edge fast convergence */ load_balance_flags_t fib_entry_calc_lb_flags (fib_entry_src_collect_forwarding_ctx_t *ctx) { /** * We'll use a LB map if the path-list has multiple recursive paths. * recursive paths implies BGP, and hence scale. */ if (ctx->n_recursive_constrained > 1 && fib_path_list_is_popular(ctx->esrc->fes_pl)) { return (LOAD_BALANCE_FLAG_USES_MAP); } return (LOAD_BALANCE_FLAG_NONE); } static int fib_entry_src_valid_out_label (mpls_label_t label) { return ((MPLS_LABEL_IS_REAL(label) || MPLS_LABEL_POP == label || MPLS_IETF_IPV4_EXPLICIT_NULL_LABEL == label || MPLS_IETF_IPV6_EXPLICIT_NULL_LABEL == label || MPLS_IETF_IMPLICIT_NULL_LABEL == label)); } /** * @brief Turn the chain type requested by the client into the one they * really wanted */ fib_forward_chain_type_t fib_entry_chain_type_fixup (const fib_entry_t *entry, fib_forward_chain_type_t fct) { /* * The EOS chain is a tricky since one cannot know the adjacency * to link to without knowing what the packets payload protocol * will be once the label is popped. */ fib_forward_chain_type_t dfct; if (FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_MPLS_EOS != fct) { return (fct); } dfct = fib_entry_get_default_chain_type(entry); if (FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_MPLS_EOS == dfct) { /* * If the entry being asked is a eos-MPLS label entry, * then use the payload-protocol field, that we stashed there * for just this purpose */ return (fib_forw_chain_type_from_dpo_proto( entry->fe_prefix.fp_payload_proto)); } /* * else give them what this entry would be by default. i.e. if it's a v6 * entry, then the label its local labelled should be carrying v6 traffic. * If it's a non-EOS label entry, then there are more labels and we want * a non-eos chain. */ return (dfct); } static dpo_proto_t fib_prefix_get_payload_proto (const fib_prefix_t *pfx) { switch (pfx->fp_proto) { case FIB_PROTOCOL_IP4: return (DPO_PROTO_IP4); case FIB_PROTOCOL_IP6: return (DPO_PROTO_IP6); case FIB_PROTOCOL_MPLS: return (pfx->fp_payload_proto); } ASSERT(0); return (DPO_PROTO_IP4); } static void fib_entry_src_get_path_forwarding (fib_node_index_t path_index, fib_entry_src_collect_forwarding_ctx_t *ctx) { load_balance_path_t *nh; /* * no extension => no out-going label for this path. that's OK * in the case of an IP or EOS chain, but not for non-EOS */ switch (ctx->fct) { case FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_UNICAST_IP4: case FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_UNICAST_IP6: case FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_MCAST_IP4: case FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_MCAST_IP6: case FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_BIER: /* * EOS traffic with no label to stack, we need the IP Adj */ vec_add2(ctx->next_hops, nh, 1); nh->path_index = path_index; nh->path_weight = fib_path_get_weight(path_index); fib_path_contribute_forwarding(path_index, ctx->fct, &nh->path_dpo); break; case FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_MPLS_NON_EOS: if (fib_path_is_exclusive(path_index) || fib_path_is_deag(path_index)) { vec_add2(ctx->next_hops, nh, 1); nh->path_index = path_index; nh->path_weight = fib_path_get_weight(path_index); fib_path_contribute_forwarding(path_index, FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_MPLS_NON_EOS, &nh->path_dpo); } break; case FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_MPLS_EOS: { /* * no label. we need a chain based on the payload. fixup. */ vec_add2(ctx->next_hops, nh, 1); nh->path_index = path_index; nh->path_weight = fib_path_get_weight(path_index); fib_path_contribute_forwarding(path_index, fib_entry_chain_type_fixup(ctx->fib_entry, ctx->fct), &nh->path_dpo); fib_path_stack_mpls_disp(path_index, fib_prefix_get_payload_proto(&ctx->fib_entry->fe_prefix), FIB_MPLS_LSP_MODE_PIPE, &nh->path_dpo); break; } case FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_ETHERNET: case FIB_FORW_CHAIN_TYPE_NSH: ASSERT(0); break; } } static fib_path_list_walk_rc_t fib_entry_src_collect_forwarding (fib_node_index_t pl_index, fib_node_index_t path_index, void *arg) { fib_entry_src_collect_forwarding_ctx_t *ctx; fib_path_ext_t *path_ext; u32 n_nhs; ctx = arg; n_nhs = vec_len(ctx->next_hops); /* * if the path is not resolved, don't include it. */ if (!fib_path_is_resolved(path_index)) { return (FIB_PATH_LIST_WALK_CONTINUE); } if (fib_path_is_recursive_constrained(path_index)) { ctx->n_recursive_constrained += 1; } if (0xffff == ctx->preference) { /* * not set a preference yet, so the first path we encounter * sets the preference we are collecting. */ ctx->preference = fib_path_get_preference(path_index); } else if (ctx->preference != fib_path_get_preference(path_index)) { /* * this path does not belong to the same preference as the * previous paths encountered. we are done now. */ return (FIB_PATH_LIST_WALK_STOP); } /* * get the matching path-extension for the path being visited. */ path_ext = fib_path_ext_list_find_by_path_index(&ctx->esrc->fes_path_exts, path_index); if (NULL != path_ext) { switch (path_ext->fpe_type) { case FIB_PATH_EXT_MPLS: if (fib_entry_src_valid_out_label(path_ext->fpe_label_stack[0].fml_value)) { /* * found a matching extension. stack it to obtain the forwarding * info for this path. */ ctx->next_hops = fib_path_ext_stack(path_ext, ctx->fct, fib_entry_chain_type_fixup(ctx->fib_entry, ctx->fct), ctx->next_hops); } else { fib_entry_src_get_path_forwarding(path_index, ctx); } break; case FIB_PATH_EXT_ADJ: if (FIB_PATH_EXT_ADJ_FLAG_REFINES_COVER & path_ext->fpe_adj_flags) { fib_entry_src_get_path_forwarding(path_index, ctx); } /* * else * the path does not refine the cover, meaning that * the adjacency does/does not match the sub-net on the link. * So this path does not contribute forwarding. */ break; } } else { fib_entry_src_get_path_forwarding(path_index, ctx); } /* * a this point 'ctx' has the DPO the path contributed, plus * any labels from path extensions. * check if there are any interpose sources that want to contribute */ if (n_nhs < vec_len(ctx->next_hops)) { /* * the path contributed a new choice. */ const fib_entry_src_vft_t *vft; vft = fib_entry_src_get_vft(ctx->esrc); if (NULL != vft->fesv_contribute_interpose) { const dpo_id_t *interposer; interposer = vft->fesv_contribute_interpose(ctx->esrc, ctx->fib_entry); if (NULL != interposer) { dpo_id_t clone = DPO_INVALID; dpo_mk_interpose(interposer, &ctx->next_hops[n_nhs].path_dpo, &clone); dpo_copy(&ctx->next_hops[n_nhs].path_dpo, &clone); dpo_reset(&clone); } } } return (FIB_PATH_LIST_WALK_CONTINUE); } void fib_entry_src_mk_lb (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, const fib_entry_src_t *esrc, fib_forward_chain_type_t fct, dpo_id_t *dpo_lb) { dpo_proto_t lb_proto; /* * If the entry has path extensions then we construct a load-balance * by stacking the extensions on the forwarding chains of the paths. * Otherwise we use the load-balance of the path-list */ fib_entry_src_collect_forwarding_ctx_t ctx = { .esrc = esrc, .fib_entry = fib_entry, .next_hops = NULL, .n_recursive_constrained = 0, .fct = fct, .preference = 0xffff, }; /* * As an optimisation we allocate the vector of next-hops to be sized * equal to the maximum number of paths we will need, which is also the * most likely number we will need, since in most cases the paths are 'up'. */ vec_validate(ctx.next_hops, fib_path_list_get_n_paths(esrc->fes_pl)); vec_reset_length(ctx.next_hops); lb_proto = fib_forw_chain_type_to_dpo_proto(fct); fib_path_list_walk(esrc->fes_pl, fib_entry_src_collect_forwarding, &ctx); if (esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE) { /* * the client provided the DPO that the entry should link to. * all entries must link to a LB, so if it is an LB already * then we can use it. */ if ((1 == vec_len(ctx.next_hops)) && (DPO_LOAD_BALANCE == ctx.next_hops[0].path_dpo.dpoi_type)) { dpo_copy(dpo_lb, &ctx.next_hops[0].path_dpo); dpo_reset(&ctx.next_hops[0].path_dpo); return; } } if (!dpo_id_is_valid(dpo_lb)) { /* * first time create */ if (esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_MULTICAST) { dpo_set(dpo_lb, DPO_REPLICATE, lb_proto, MPLS_IS_REPLICATE | replicate_create(0, lb_proto)); } else { fib_protocol_t flow_hash_proto; flow_hash_config_t fhc; /* * if the protocol for the LB we are building does not match that * of the fib_entry (i.e. we are build the [n]EOS LB for an IPv[46] * then the fib_index is not an index that relates to the table * type we need. So get the default flow-hash config instead. */ flow_hash_proto = dpo_proto_to_fib(lb_proto); if (fib_entry->fe_prefix.fp_proto != flow_hash_proto) { fhc = fib_table_get_default_flow_hash_config(flow_hash_proto); } else { fhc = fib_table_get_flow_hash_config(fib_entry->fe_fib_index, flow_hash_proto); } dpo_set(dpo_lb, DPO_LOAD_BALANCE, lb_proto, load_balance_create(0, lb_proto, fhc)); } } if (esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_MULTICAST) { /* * MPLS multicast */ replicate_multipath_update(dpo_lb, ctx.next_hops); } else { load_balance_multipath_update(dpo_lb, ctx.next_hops, fib_entry_calc_lb_flags(&ctx)); vec_free(ctx.next_hops); /* * if this entry is sourced by the uRPF-exempt source then we * append the always present local0 interface (index 0) to the * uRPF list so it is not empty. that way packets pass the loose check. */ index_t ui = fib_path_list_get_urpf(esrc->fes_pl); if ((fib_entry_is_sourced(fib_entry_get_index(fib_entry), FIB_SOURCE_URPF_EXEMPT) || (esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_LOOSE_URPF_EXEMPT))&& (0 == fib_urpf_check_size(ui))) { /* * The uRPF list we get from the path-list is shared by all * other users of the list, but the uRPF exemption applies * only to this prefix. So we need our own list. */ ui = fib_urpf_list_alloc_and_lock(); fib_urpf_list_append(ui, 0); fib_urpf_list_bake(ui); load_balance_set_urpf(dpo_lb->dpoi_index, ui); fib_urpf_list_unlock(ui); } else { load_balance_set_urpf(dpo_lb->dpoi_index, ui); } load_balance_set_fib_entry_flags(dpo_lb->dpoi_index, fib_entry_get_flags_i(fib_entry)); } } void fib_entry_src_action_install (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { /* * Install the forwarding chain for the given source into the forwarding * tables */ fib_forward_chain_type_t fct; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; int insert; fct = fib_entry_get_default_chain_type(fib_entry); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); /* * Every entry has its own load-balance object. All changes to the entry's * forwarding result in an inplace modify of the load-balance. This means * the load-balance object only needs to be added to the forwarding * DB once, when it is created. */ insert = !dpo_id_is_valid(&fib_entry->fe_lb); fib_entry_src_mk_lb(fib_entry, esrc, fct, &fib_entry->fe_lb); ASSERT(dpo_id_is_valid(&fib_entry->fe_lb)); FIB_ENTRY_DBG(fib_entry, "install: %d", fib_entry->fe_lb); /* * insert the adj into the data-plane forwarding trie */ if (insert) { fib_table_fwding_dpo_update(fib_entry->fe_fib_index, &fib_entry->fe_prefix, &fib_entry->fe_lb); } /* * if any of the other chain types are already created they will need * updating too */ fib_entry_delegate_type_t fdt; fib_entry_delegate_t *fed; FOR_EACH_DELEGATE_CHAIN(fib_entry, fdt, fed, { fib_entry_src_mk_lb(fib_entry, esrc, fib_entry_delegate_type_to_chain_type(fdt), &fed->fd_dpo); }); } void fib_entry_src_action_uninstall (fib_entry_t *fib_entry) { /* * uninstall the forwarding chain from the forwarding tables */ FIB_ENTRY_DBG(fib_entry, "uninstall"); if (dpo_id_is_valid(&fib_entry->fe_lb)) { fib_table_fwding_dpo_remove( fib_entry->fe_fib_index, &fib_entry->fe_prefix, &fib_entry->fe_lb); dpo_reset(&fib_entry->fe_lb); } } static void fib_entry_recursive_loop_detect_i (fib_node_index_t path_list_index) { fib_node_index_t *entries = NULL; fib_path_list_recursive_loop_detect(path_list_index, &entries); vec_free(entries); } /* * fib_entry_src_action_copy * * copy a source data from another entry to this one */ static fib_entry_t * fib_entry_src_action_copy (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, const fib_entry_src_t *orig_src) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find_or_create(fib_entry, orig_src->fes_src, orig_src->fes_entry_flags); FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_copy, (orig_src, fib_entry, esrc)); fib_path_list_unlock(esrc->fes_pl); /* * copy over all the data ... */ esrc->fes_flags = orig_src->fes_flags; esrc->fes_pl = orig_src->fes_pl; /* * ... then update */ esrc->fes_ref_count = 1; esrc->fes_flags |= FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_INHERITED; esrc->fes_flags &= ~(FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE | FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_CONTRIBUTING); esrc->fes_entry_flags &= ~FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_COVERED_INHERIT; /* * the source owns a lock on the entry */ fib_path_list_lock(esrc->fes_pl); fib_entry_lock(fib_entry_get_index(fib_entry)); return (fib_entry); } /* * fib_entry_src_action_update * * copy a source data from another entry to this one */ static fib_entry_src_t * fib_entry_src_action_update_from_cover (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, const fib_entry_src_t *orig_src) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find_or_create(fib_entry, orig_src->fes_src, orig_src->fes_entry_flags); /* * the source owns a lock on the entry */ fib_path_list_unlock(esrc->fes_pl); esrc->fes_pl = orig_src->fes_pl; fib_path_list_lock(esrc->fes_pl); return (esrc); } static fib_table_walk_rc_t fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_add_i (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, const fib_entry_src_t *cover_src) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, cover_src->fes_src); if (cover_src == esrc) { return (FIB_TABLE_WALK_CONTINUE); } if (NULL != esrc) { /* * the covered entry already has this source. */ if (esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_COVERED_INHERIT) { /* * the covered source is itself a COVERED_INHERIT, i.e. * it also pushes this source down the sub-tree. * We consider this more specific covered to be the owner * of the sub-tree from this point down. */ return (FIB_TABLE_WALK_SUB_TREE_STOP); } if (esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_INHERITED) { /* * The covered's source data has been inherited, presumably * from this cover, i.e. this is a modify. */ esrc = fib_entry_src_action_update_from_cover(fib_entry, cover_src); fib_entry_source_change(fib_entry, esrc->fes_src, esrc->fes_src); } else { /* * The covered's source was not inherited and it is also * not inheriting. Nevertheless, it still owns the sub-tree from * this point down. */ return (FIB_TABLE_WALK_SUB_TREE_STOP); } } else { /* * The covered does not have this source - add it. */ fib_source_t best_source; best_source = fib_entry_get_best_source( fib_entry_get_index(fib_entry)); fib_entry_src_action_copy(fib_entry, cover_src); fib_entry_source_change(fib_entry, best_source, cover_src->fes_src); } return (FIB_TABLE_WALK_CONTINUE); } static fib_table_walk_rc_t fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_walk_add (fib_node_index_t fei, void *ctx) { return (fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_add_i(fib_entry_get(fei), ctx)); } static fib_table_walk_rc_t fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_walk_remove (fib_node_index_t fei, void *ctx) { fib_entry_src_t *cover_src, *esrc; fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry = fib_entry_get(fei); cover_src = ctx; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, cover_src->fes_src); if (cover_src == esrc) { return (FIB_TABLE_WALK_CONTINUE); } if (NULL != esrc) { /* * the covered entry already has this source. */ if (esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_COVERED_INHERIT) { /* * the covered source is itself a COVERED_INHERIT, i.e. * it also pushes this source down the sub-tree. * We consider this more specific covered to be the owner * of the sub-tree from this point down. */ return (FIB_TABLE_WALK_SUB_TREE_STOP); } if (esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_INHERITED) { /* * The covered's source data has been inherited, presumably * from this cover */ fib_entry_src_flag_t remaining; remaining = fib_entry_special_remove(fei, cover_src->fes_src); ASSERT(FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ADDED == remaining); } else { /* * The covered's source was not inherited and it is also * not inheriting. Nevertheless, it still owns the sub-tree from * this point down. */ return (FIB_TABLE_WALK_SUB_TREE_STOP); } } else { /* * The covered does not have this source - that's an error, * since it should have inherited, but there is nothing we can do * about it now. */ } return (FIB_TABLE_WALK_CONTINUE); } void fib_entry_src_inherit (const fib_entry_t *cover, fib_entry_t *covered) { CLIB_UNUSED(fib_source_t source); const fib_entry_src_t *src; FOR_EACH_SRC_ADDED(cover, src, source, ({ if ((src->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_COVERED_INHERIT) || (src->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_INHERITED)) { fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_add_i(covered, src); } })) } static void fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_add (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); ASSERT(esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE); if ((esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_COVERED_INHERIT) || (esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_INHERITED)) { fib_table_sub_tree_walk(fib_entry->fe_fib_index, fib_entry->fe_prefix.fp_proto, &fib_entry->fe_prefix, fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_walk_add, esrc); } } static void fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_remove (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_entry_src_t *esrc) { ASSERT(!(esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE)); if (esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_COVERED_INHERIT) { fib_table_sub_tree_walk(fib_entry->fe_fib_index, fib_entry->fe_prefix.fp_proto, &fib_entry->fe_prefix, fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_walk_remove, esrc); } } void fib_entry_src_action_activate (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { int houston_we_are_go_for_install; const fib_entry_src_vft_t *vft; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); ASSERT(!(esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE)); ASSERT(esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ADDED); esrc->fes_flags |= (FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE | FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_CONTRIBUTING); vft = fib_entry_src_get_vft(esrc); if (NULL != vft->fesv_activate) { houston_we_are_go_for_install = vft->fesv_activate(esrc, fib_entry); } else { /* * the source is not providing an activate function, we'll assume * therefore it has no objection to installing the entry */ houston_we_are_go_for_install = !0; } /* * link to the path-list provided by the source, and go check * if that forms any loops in the graph. */ fib_entry->fe_parent = esrc->fes_pl; fib_entry->fe_sibling = fib_path_list_child_add(fib_entry->fe_parent, FIB_NODE_TYPE_ENTRY, fib_entry_get_index(fib_entry)); fib_entry_recursive_loop_detect_i(fib_entry->fe_parent); FIB_ENTRY_DBG(fib_entry, "activate: %d", fib_entry->fe_parent); /* * If this source should push its state to covered prefixs, do that now. */ fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_add(fib_entry, source); if (0 != houston_we_are_go_for_install) { fib_entry_src_action_install(fib_entry, source); } else { fib_entry_src_action_uninstall(fib_entry); } } void fib_entry_src_action_deactivate (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { fib_node_index_t path_list_index; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); ASSERT(esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE); FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_deactivate, (esrc, fib_entry)); esrc->fes_flags &= ~(FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE | FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_CONTRIBUTING); FIB_ENTRY_DBG(fib_entry, "deactivate: %d", fib_entry->fe_parent); /* * If this source should pull its state from covered prefixs, do that now. * If this source also has the INHERITED flag set then it has a cover * that wants to push down forwarding. We only want the covereds to see * one update. */ fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_remove(fib_entry, esrc); /* * un-link from an old path-list. Check for any loops this will clear */ path_list_index = fib_entry->fe_parent; fib_entry->fe_parent = FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID; fib_entry_recursive_loop_detect_i(path_list_index); /* * this will unlock the path-list, so it may be invalid thereafter. */ fib_path_list_child_remove(path_list_index, fib_entry->fe_sibling); fib_entry->fe_sibling = FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID; } static void fib_entry_src_action_fwd_update (const fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; vec_foreach(esrc, fib_entry->fe_srcs) { FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_fwd_update, (esrc, fib_entry, source)); } } void fib_entry_src_action_reactivate (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { fib_node_index_t path_list_index; const fib_entry_src_vft_t *vft; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; int remain_installed; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); ASSERT(esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE); FIB_ENTRY_DBG(fib_entry, "reactivate: %d to %d", fib_entry->fe_parent, esrc->fes_pl); /* * call the source to reactive and get the go/no-go to remain installed */ vft = fib_entry_src_get_vft(esrc); if (NULL != vft->fesv_reactivate) { remain_installed = vft->fesv_reactivate(esrc, fib_entry); } else { remain_installed = 1; } if (fib_entry->fe_parent != esrc->fes_pl) { /* * un-link from an old path-list. Check for any loops this will clear */ path_list_index = fib_entry->fe_parent; fib_entry->fe_parent = FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID; /* * temporary lock so it doesn't get deleted when this entry is no * longer a child. */ fib_path_list_lock(path_list_index); /* * this entry is no longer a child. after unlinking check if any loops * were broken */ fib_path_list_child_remove(path_list_index, fib_entry->fe_sibling); fib_entry_recursive_loop_detect_i(path_list_index); /* * link to the path-list provided by the source, and go check * if that forms any loops in the graph. */ fib_entry->fe_parent = esrc->fes_pl; fib_entry->fe_sibling = fib_path_list_child_add(fib_entry->fe_parent, FIB_NODE_TYPE_ENTRY, fib_entry_get_index(fib_entry)); fib_entry_recursive_loop_detect_i(fib_entry->fe_parent); fib_path_list_unlock(path_list_index); /* * If this source should push its state to covered prefixs, do that now. */ fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_add(fib_entry, source); } if (!remain_installed) { fib_entry_src_action_uninstall(fib_entry); } else { fib_entry_src_action_install(fib_entry, source); } fib_entry_src_action_fwd_update(fib_entry, source); } fib_entry_t * fib_entry_src_action_installed (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_installed, (esrc, fib_entry)); fib_entry_src_action_fwd_update(fib_entry, source); return (fib_entry); } /* * fib_entry_src_action_add * * Adding a source can result in a new fib_entry being created, which * can inturn mean the pool is realloc'd and thus the entry passed as * an argument it also realloc'd * @return the original entry */ fib_entry_t * fib_entry_src_action_add (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source, fib_entry_flag_t flags, const dpo_id_t *dpo) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find_or_create(fib_entry, source, flags); ASSERT(esrc->fes_ref_count < 255); esrc->fes_ref_count++; if (flags != esrc->fes_entry_flags) { FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_flags_change, (esrc, fib_entry, flags)); } esrc->fes_entry_flags = flags; if (1 != esrc->fes_ref_count) { /* * we only want to add the source on the 0->1 transition */ return (fib_entry); } FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_add, (esrc, fib_entry, flags, fib_entry_get_dpo_proto(fib_entry), dpo)); esrc->fes_flags |= FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ADDED; fib_path_list_lock(esrc->fes_pl); /* * the source owns a lock on the entry */ fib_entry_lock(fib_entry_get_index(fib_entry)); return (fib_entry); } /* * fib_entry_src_action_update * * Adding a source can result in a new fib_entry being created, which * can inturn mean the pool is realloc'd and thus the entry passed as * an argument it also realloc'd * @return the original entry */ fib_entry_t * fib_entry_src_action_update (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source, fib_entry_flag_t flags, const dpo_id_t *dpo) { fib_node_index_t old_path_list_index; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find_or_create(fib_entry, source, flags); if (NULL == esrc) { return (fib_entry_src_action_add(fib_entry, source, flags, dpo)); } old_path_list_index = esrc->fes_pl; esrc->fes_entry_flags = flags; FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_add, (esrc, fib_entry, flags, fib_entry_get_dpo_proto(fib_entry), dpo)); esrc->fes_flags |= FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ADDED; fib_path_list_lock(esrc->fes_pl); fib_path_list_unlock(old_path_list_index); return (fib_entry); } fib_entry_src_flag_t fib_entry_src_action_remove_or_update_inherit (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL == esrc) return (FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE); if ((esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_COVERED_INHERIT) && (esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_INHERITED)) { fib_entry_src_t *cover_src; fib_node_index_t coveri; fib_entry_t *cover; /* * this source was pushing inherited state, but so is its * cover. Now that this source is going away, we need to * pull the covers forwarding and use it to update the covereds. * Go grab the path-list from the cover, rather than start a walk from * the cover, so we don't recursively update this entry. */ coveri = fib_table_get_less_specific(fib_entry->fe_fib_index, &fib_entry->fe_prefix); /* * only the default route has itself as its own cover, but the * default route cannot have inherited from something else. */ ASSERT(coveri != fib_entry_get_index(fib_entry)); cover = fib_entry_get(coveri); cover_src = fib_entry_src_find(cover, source); ASSERT(NULL != cover_src); esrc = fib_entry_src_action_update_from_cover(fib_entry, cover_src); esrc->fes_entry_flags &= ~FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_COVERED_INHERIT; /* * Now push the new state from the cover down to the covereds */ fib_entry_src_covered_inherit_add(fib_entry, source); return (esrc->fes_flags); } else { return (fib_entry_src_action_remove(fib_entry, source)); } } fib_entry_src_flag_t fib_entry_src_action_remove (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source) { fib_node_index_t old_path_list; fib_entry_src_flag_t sflags; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL == esrc) return (FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE); esrc->fes_ref_count--; sflags = esrc->fes_flags; if (0 != esrc->fes_ref_count) { /* * only remove the source on the 1->0 transisition */ return (sflags); } if (esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ACTIVE) { fib_entry_src_action_deactivate(fib_entry, source); } else if (esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_CONTRIBUTING) { FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_deactivate, (esrc, fib_entry)); esrc->fes_flags &= ~FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_CONTRIBUTING; } old_path_list = esrc->fes_pl; FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_remove, (esrc)); fib_path_list_unlock(old_path_list); fib_entry_unlock(fib_entry_get_index(fib_entry)); sflags &= ~FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ADDED; fib_entry_src_action_deinit(fib_entry, source); return (sflags); } /* * fib_route_attached_cross_table * * Return true the the route is attached via an interface that * is not in the same table as the route */ static inline int fib_route_attached_cross_table (const fib_entry_t *fib_entry, const fib_route_path_t *rpath) { /* * - All zeros next-hop * - a valid interface * - entry's fib index not equeal to interface's index */ if (ip46_address_is_zero(&rpath->frp_addr) && (~0 != rpath->frp_sw_if_index) && !(rpath->frp_flags & FIB_ROUTE_PATH_DVR) && (fib_entry->fe_fib_index != fib_table_get_index_for_sw_if_index(fib_entry_get_proto(fib_entry), rpath->frp_sw_if_index))) { return (!0); } return (0); } /* * Return true if the path is attached */ static inline int fib_path_is_attached (const fib_route_path_t *rpath) { /* * DVR paths are not attached, since we are not playing the * L3 game with these */ if (rpath->frp_flags & FIB_ROUTE_PATH_DVR) { return (0); } /* * - All zeros next-hop * - a valid interface */ if (ip46_address_is_zero(&rpath->frp_addr) && (~0 != rpath->frp_sw_if_index)) { return (!0); } else if (rpath->frp_flags & FIB_ROUTE_PATH_ATTACHED || rpath->frp_flags & FIB_ROUTE_PATH_GLEAN) { return (!0); } return (0); } fib_path_list_flags_t fib_entry_src_flags_2_path_list_flags (fib_entry_flag_t eflags) { fib_path_list_flags_t plf = FIB_PATH_LIST_FLAG_NONE; if (eflags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_DROP) { plf |= FIB_PATH_LIST_FLAG_DROP; } if (eflags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE) { plf |= FIB_PATH_LIST_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE; } if (eflags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_LOCAL) { plf |= FIB_PATH_LIST_FLAG_LOCAL; } return (plf); } static void fib_entry_flags_update (const fib_entry_t *fib_entry, const fib_route_path_t *rpaths, fib_path_list_flags_t *pl_flags, fib_entry_src_t *esrc) { const fib_route_path_t *rpath; vec_foreach(rpath, rpaths) { if ((esrc->fes_src == FIB_SOURCE_API) || (esrc->fes_src == FIB_SOURCE_CLI)) { if (fib_path_is_attached(rpath)) { esrc->fes_entry_flags |= FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_ATTACHED; } else { esrc->fes_entry_flags &= ~FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_ATTACHED; } if (rpath->frp_flags & FIB_ROUTE_PATH_DEAG) { esrc->fes_entry_flags |= FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_LOOSE_URPF_EXEMPT; } } if (fib_route_attached_cross_table(fib_entry, rpath) && !(esrc->fes_entry_flags & FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NO_ATTACHED_EXPORT)) { esrc->fes_entry_flags |= FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_IMPORT; } else { esrc->fes_entry_flags &= ~FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_IMPORT; } } } /* * fib_entry_src_action_add * * Adding a source can result in a new fib_entry being created, which * can inturn mean the pool is realloc'd and thus the entry passed as * an argument it also realloc'd * @return the entry */ fib_entry_t* fib_entry_src_action_path_add (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source, fib_entry_flag_t flags, const fib_route_path_t *rpaths) { fib_node_index_t old_path_list; fib_path_list_flags_t pl_flags; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL == esrc) { const dpo_id_t *dpo; if (flags == FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE) { dpo = &rpaths->dpo; } else { dpo = drop_dpo_get(fib_entry_get_dpo_proto(fib_entry)); } fib_entry = fib_entry_src_action_add(fib_entry, source, flags, dpo); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); } /* * we are no doubt modifying a path-list. If the path-list * is shared, and hence not modifiable, then the index returned * will be for a different path-list. This FIB entry to needs * to maintain its lock appropriately. */ old_path_list = esrc->fes_pl; ASSERT(FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_EXISTS(esrc, fesv_path_add)); pl_flags = fib_entry_src_flags_2_path_list_flags(fib_entry_get_flags_i(fib_entry)); fib_entry_flags_update(fib_entry, rpaths, &pl_flags, esrc); FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_path_add, (esrc, fib_entry, pl_flags, rpaths)); fib_path_list_lock(esrc->fes_pl); fib_path_list_unlock(old_path_list); return (fib_entry); } /* * fib_entry_src_action_swap * * The source is providing new paths to replace the old ones. * Adding a source can result in a new fib_entry being created, which * can inturn mean the pool is realloc'd and thus the entry passed as * an argument it also realloc'd * @return the entry */ fib_entry_t* fib_entry_src_action_path_swap (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source, fib_entry_flag_t flags, const fib_route_path_t *rpaths) { fib_node_index_t old_path_list; fib_path_list_flags_t pl_flags; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL == esrc) { const dpo_id_t *dpo; if (flags == FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_EXCLUSIVE) { dpo = &rpaths->dpo; } else { dpo = drop_dpo_get(fib_entry_get_dpo_proto(fib_entry)); } fib_entry = fib_entry_src_action_add(fib_entry, source, flags, dpo); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); } else { if (flags != esrc->fes_entry_flags) { FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_flags_change, (esrc, fib_entry, flags)); } esrc->fes_entry_flags = flags; } /* * swapping paths may create a new path-list (or may use an existing shared) * but we are certainly getting a different one. This FIB entry to needs * to maintain its lock appropriately. */ old_path_list = esrc->fes_pl; ASSERT(FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_EXISTS(esrc, fesv_path_swap)); pl_flags = fib_entry_src_flags_2_path_list_flags(flags); fib_entry_flags_update(fib_entry, rpaths, &pl_flags, esrc); FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_path_swap, (esrc, fib_entry, pl_flags, rpaths)); fib_path_list_lock(esrc->fes_pl); fib_path_list_unlock(old_path_list); return (fib_entry); } fib_entry_src_flag_t fib_entry_src_action_path_remove (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source, const fib_route_path_t *rpaths) { fib_path_list_flags_t pl_flags; fib_node_index_t old_path_list; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); ASSERT(NULL != esrc); ASSERT(esrc->fes_flags & FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ADDED); /* * we no doubt modifying a path-list. If the path-list * is shared, and hence not modifiable, then the index returned * will be for a different path-list. This FIB entry to needs * to maintain its lock appropriately. */ old_path_list = esrc->fes_pl; ASSERT(FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_EXISTS(esrc, fesv_path_remove)); pl_flags = fib_entry_src_flags_2_path_list_flags(fib_entry_get_flags_i(fib_entry)); fib_entry_flags_update(fib_entry, rpaths, &pl_flags, esrc); FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_path_remove, (esrc, pl_flags, rpaths)); /* * lock the new path-list, unlock the old if it had one */ fib_path_list_unlock(old_path_list); if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID != esrc->fes_pl) { fib_path_list_lock(esrc->fes_pl); return (FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_ADDED); } else { /* * no more paths left from this source */ fib_entry_src_action_remove_or_update_inherit(fib_entry, source); return (FIB_ENTRY_SRC_FLAG_NONE); } } u8* fib_entry_src_format (fib_entry_t *fib_entry, fib_source_t source, u8* s) { fib_entry_src_t *esrc; esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE_AND_RETURN(esrc, fesv_format, (esrc, s)); return (s); } adj_index_t fib_entry_get_adj_for_source (fib_node_index_t fib_entry_index, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID == fib_entry_index) return (ADJ_INDEX_INVALID); fib_entry = fib_entry_get(fib_entry_index); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL != esrc) { if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID != esrc->fes_pl) { return (fib_path_list_get_adj( esrc->fes_pl, fib_entry_get_default_chain_type(fib_entry))); } } return (ADJ_INDEX_INVALID); } const int fib_entry_get_dpo_for_source (fib_node_index_t fib_entry_index, fib_source_t source, dpo_id_t *dpo) { fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID == fib_entry_index) return (0); fib_entry = fib_entry_get(fib_entry_index); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL != esrc) { if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID != esrc->fes_pl) { fib_path_list_contribute_forwarding( esrc->fes_pl, fib_entry_get_default_chain_type(fib_entry), FIB_PATH_LIST_FWD_FLAG_NONE, dpo); return (dpo_id_is_valid(dpo)); } } return (0); } u32 fib_entry_get_resolving_interface_for_source (fib_node_index_t entry_index, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; fib_entry = fib_entry_get(entry_index); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL != esrc) { if (FIB_NODE_INDEX_INVALID != esrc->fes_pl) { return (fib_path_list_get_resolving_interface(esrc->fes_pl)); } } return (~0); } fib_entry_flag_t fib_entry_get_flags_for_source (fib_node_index_t entry_index, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; fib_entry = fib_entry_get(entry_index); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL != esrc) { return (esrc->fes_entry_flags); } return (FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE); } fib_source_t fib_entry_get_source_i (const fib_entry_t *fib_entry) { /* the vector of sources is deliberately arranged in priority order */ if (0 == vec_len(fib_entry->fe_srcs)) return (FIB_SOURCE_INVALID); return (vec_elt(fib_entry->fe_srcs, 0).fes_src); } fib_entry_flag_t fib_entry_get_flags_i (const fib_entry_t *fib_entry) { /* the vector of sources is deliberately arranged in priority order */ if (0 == vec_len(fib_entry->fe_srcs)) return (FIB_ENTRY_FLAG_NONE); return (vec_elt(fib_entry->fe_srcs, 0).fes_entry_flags); } void fib_entry_set_source_data (fib_node_index_t fib_entry_index, fib_source_t source, const void *data) { fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; fib_entry = fib_entry_get(fib_entry_index); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL != esrc) { FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE(fib_entry, esrc, fesv_set_data, (esrc, fib_entry, data)); } } const void* fib_entry_get_source_data (fib_node_index_t fib_entry_index, fib_source_t source) { fib_entry_t *fib_entry; fib_entry_src_t *esrc; fib_entry = fib_entry_get(fib_entry_index); esrc = fib_entry_src_find(fib_entry, source); if (NULL != esrc) { FIB_ENTRY_SRC_VFT_INVOKE_AND_RETURN(esrc, fesv_get_data, (esrc, fib_entry)); } return (NULL); } void fib_entry_src_module_init (void) { fib_entry_src_rr_register(); fib_entry_src_interface_register(); fib_entry_src_interpose_register(); fib_entry_src_drop_register(); fib_entry_src_simple_register(); fib_entry_src_api_register(); fib_entry_src_adj_register(); fib_entry_src_mpls_register(); fib_entry_src_lisp_register(); }